House Bill 9215

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HR 9215

        By Representative Bitner

  1                         House Resolution

  2         A resolution in recognition of Luis H.

  3         Serentill, M.D.


  5         WHEREAS, Luis H. Serentill has served the community of

  6  Port Charlotte as a physician for the past 25 years, and

  7         WHEREAS, Luis H. Serentill studied medicine in Spain

  8  and then sought refuge in the United States in 1959 after

  9  fleeing the Castro regime in Cuba, and

10         WHEREAS, since his retirement from private practice at

11  the beginning of this year, Luis H. Serentill has served as

12  the Assistant Professor of Surgery at the University of Miami

13  Medical School in a volunteer capacity, and

14         WHEREAS, since 1989, Luis H. Serentill has worked in

15  tireless dedication with the Miami Medical Team Foundation,

16  along with Ramon Santiago, M.D.; Paige Kreegel, M.D.; Orlando

17  Doria, M.D.; Darline Haley, Psychologist; Kitty Swindel, R.N.;

18  and Juan Acosta, C.S.T., in an effort to bring medical care to

19  Third World countries, and

20         WHEREAS, Dr. Serentill and the members of the Miami

21  Medical Team Foundation have been responsible for providing

22  medical care and humanitarian relief to the citizens of

23  Nicaragua and Honduras in the aftermath of Hurricane Mitch,

24  and

25         WHEREAS, Luis H. Serentill also serves as Secretary to

26  the Miami Medical Team Foundation and serves on the Edison

27  Community College Board of Trustees, and

28         WHEREAS, Dr. Serentill's expressed belief in the

29  greatness of his adopted homeland is centered on his

30  perception that "the American people are the most simple and

31  decent people," and


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HR 9215


  1         WHEREAS, Luis H. Serentill personifies the very

  2  qualities he attributes to the American people as he continues

  3  daily to be a role model through his active, tireless

  4  participation in the delivery of health care services to

  5  people who are less fortunate, and

  6         WHEREAS, it is fitting and appropriate that the House

  7  of Representatives recognize Luis H. Serentill for his

  8  compassionate, humanitarian service to others, NOW, THEREFORE,


10  Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of

11  Florida:


13         That the House of Representatives of the State of

14  Florida hereby recognizes Luis H. Serentill, M.D., for his

15  selfless, humanitarian efforts to improve the well-being of

16  others.

17         BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution

18  be presented to Luis H. Serentill, M.D., as a tangible token

19  of the sentiments expressed herein.












