House Bill 9217

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HR 9217

        By Representatives Heyman, Cosgrove, Rayson, Rojas,
    Spratt, Goodlette, Barreiro, Prieguez, C. Green, Gottlieb,
    Wilson, Bush, Kyle, Gay, Logan, Villalobos, Valdes and Cantens

  1                         House Resolution

  2         A resolution in recognition of Stiltsville in

  3         Biscayne Bay.


  5         WHEREAS, Stiltsville is a collection of seven lodges

  6  built on pilings located in Biscayne Bay, south of Miami, and

  7  is the remains of a larger community of dwellings dating back

  8  to the 1930's, and

  9         WHEREAS, a beloved relic of Miami's roguish past, the

10  seven remaining Stiltsville lodges are the descendants of what

11  was once an evolving community that began when "Crawfish"

12  Eddie Walker built a one-story home and bait shack out of a

13  barge that had been grounded in the bay in the early 1930's,

14  and

15         WHEREAS, over the years, other homes and dwellings were

16  built on pilings in the clear flats of the bay where waters

17  are rarely deeper than 10 feet at high tide, and

18         WHEREAS, at its height, about 25 such dwellings,

19  including both homes and nightspots, populated the bay's outer

20  reaches, and

21         WHEREAS, over the years, Stiltsville earned a

22  reputation for a variety of notorious activities and has stood

23  as a symbol of early Miami's exotic allure, and

24         WHEREAS, since the late 1960's, Stiltsville has been

25  more well known as a collection of privately owned dwellings

26  used as weekend and vacation homes where boating, fishing, and

27  relaxation are the primary activities, and

28         WHEREAS, in the mid-1970's, the State of Florida issued

29  25-year bay-bottom leases to owners of the remaining lodges,

30  and



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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HR 9217


  1         WHEREAS, in 1980, the area of Biscayne Bay on which

  2  Stiltsville is located was annexed into Biscayne National

  3  Park, and since that time the National Park Service has

  4  controlled the site, and

  5         WHEREAS, over the years, environmentalists and others

  6  have questioned the propriety of leasing public park land to

  7  private parties, claiming that the presence of privately owned

  8  houses is generally considered contrary to the purposes of

  9  designated national parks, and

10         WHEREAS, at the same time there are many who feel that

11  the private, sun-worn lodges are the perfect emblem of the

12  exotic nature of early Miami and of great historical

13  significance, and

14         WHEREAS, the leases on all remaining Stiltsville lodges

15  expire on July 1, 1999, and

16         WHEREAS, Stiltsville leaseholders had hoped that the

17  community could earn status as a historic place on the

18  National Register of Historic Places, thus saving it from

19  extinction, and

20         WHEREAS, despite considerable public support, including

21  the support of Congressional members from the Miami area, the

22  National Register of Historic Places has subsequently ruled

23  that the landmark is unworthy of a listing, and

24         WHEREAS, it is the intention of the National Park

25  Service to demolish this Miami landmark, and

26         WHEREAS, one of the many noteworthy tributes to the

27  charms of Stiltsville that echoes the sentiments of many who

28  see the community as a landmark of aesthetic and historic

29  significance for Miami came from former Florida Governor LeRoy

30  Collins, who once wrote to a friend whose house at Stiltsville

31  he frequented that "when the time comes when I say so long to


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HR 9217


  1  this life, I hope the great beyond seems a lot like your cabin

  2  in the sea," NOW, THEREFORE,


  4  Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of

  5  Florida:


  7         That the House of Representatives of the State of

  8  Florida hereby supports the historic significance of

  9  Stiltsville as a Miami landmark.






















