House Bill 9219

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HR 9219

        By Representatives Melvin and Peaden

  1                         House Resolution

  2         A resolution in recognition of the Gulf Area

  3         Garden Club of Fort Walton Beach on the

  4         occasion of its 50th Anniversary.


  6         WHEREAS, one of the first organizations to be

  7  established in Fort Walton Beach was the Gulf Area Garden

  8  Club, and

  9         WHEREAS, the Gulf Area Garden Club was formed in 1949

10  and celebrated its 50th year of service on February 14, 1999,

11  and

12         WHEREAS, the only other women's social organization in

13  existence at that time was the Fort Walton Woman's Club,

14  formed approximately one year earlier, and

15         WHEREAS, the population of Fort Walton Beach in 1949

16  was approximately 100, and the two organizations were

17  instrumental in providing many of the social and cultural

18  amenities in the area, and

19         WHEREAS, the Gulf Area Garden Club is affiliated with

20  the Florida Federation of Garden Clubs, and

21         WHEREAS, from the beginning, the Gulf Area Garden Club

22  took the lead locally, not only in preserving and enhancing

23  the beauty of the area, but in many aspects of life which

24  called for community leadership, and

25         WHEREAS, while its primary purpose has always been the

26  study and development of gardens, gardening, wildlife, and

27  birds, the club has always taken the lead in programs for

28  improvement of water quality, preservation of beaches and

29  dunes, and enhancement of city-owned property through the use

30  of flowers and trees, and



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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HR 9219


  1         WHEREAS, for many years the Gulf Area Garden Club's

  2  Annual Flower Show has been one of the highpoints of the year

  3  in Fort Walton Beach, and

  4         WHEREAS, plant sales and the distribution of literature

  5  concerning horticulture by the garden club have helped many

  6  newcomers establish beautiful gardens in the very different

  7  climate and soil found in the area, and

  8         WHEREAS, the Gulf Area Garden Club has taken its

  9  programs into area schools, with special attention to "Junior

10  Gardeners," instilling a love of flowers, birds, and

11  landscapes which will remain with these children for the rest

12  of their lives, and

13         WHEREAS, members of the Gulf Area Garden Club have

14  taught the children of the Fort Walton Beach area the science

15  of plant growth, the secrets of attracting and feeding

16  butterflies and birds, and the need for maintaining the

17  natural and landscaped beauty of the area, and

18         WHEREAS, the Brooks-Beal Center, built jointly by the

19  Garden Club and the Woman's Club on land donated by the Brooks

20  family to the Gulf Area Garden Club, is shared with the

21  community as a meeting place for a number of organizations and

22  churches, and

23         WHEREAS, the Gulf Area Garden Club has called upon the

24  cities, schools, universities, and other public groups in the

25  Fort Walton Beach area to plant golden lantana in as many

26  areas as possible, in recognition of the 50th anniversary of

27  the club, and

28         WHEREAS, it is fitting and appropriate that the House

29  of Representatives recognize the Gulf Area Garden Club on

30  this, its 50th Anniversary, NOW, THEREFORE,



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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HR 9219


  1  Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of

  2  Florida:


  4         That the House of Representatives of the State of

  5  Florida hereby honors the Gulf Area Garden Club of Fort Walton

  6  Beach for its 50 years of service to the citizens of the Fort

  7  Walton Beach community and surrounding areas.

  8         BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution

  9  be presented to the president of the Gulf Area Garden Club as

10  a tangible token of the sentiments expressed herein.





















