Senate Bill 0924
CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
Florida Senate - 1999 SB 924
By Senator McKay
1 A bill to be entitled
2 An act relating to agricultural pests and
3 diseases; creating the Task Force on
4 Agricultural Pests and Diseases; providing for
5 its membership and duties; directing the
6 Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
7 to establish a program for the reimbursement of
8 temporary relocation expenses incurred to avoid
9 Malathion spraying; providing an appropriation;
10 providing an effective date.
12 WHEREAS, the introduction of agricultural pests and
13 diseases poses a serious threat to the physical health,
14 safety, and economic well-being of the people of the state,
15 and
16 WHEREAS, imported agricultural products provide a means
17 by which pests and diseases enter this state, resulting in
18 costly detection, eradication, and control programs, and
19 WHEREAS, the Department of Agriculture and Consumer
20 Services is responsible for the early detection, eradication,
21 and control of agricultural pests and diseases in a reasonable
22 and well-justified manner, NOW, THEREFORE,
24 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
26 Section 1. There is created the Task Force on
27 Agricultural Pests and Diseases consisting of the following
28 members or their designees: the Commissioner of Agriculture;
29 the Secretary of the Department of Health; the Secretary of
30 the Department of Environmental Regulation; the Executive
31 Director of the Department of Citrus; the Executive Director
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Florida Senate - 1999 SB 924
1 of the Florida Farm Bureau; the Executive Director of the
2 Florida Fruit and Vegetable Association; the Executive
3 Director of Florida Citrus Mutual; the Executive Director of
4 the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences at the
5 University of Florida; the Executive Director of the Florida
6 Cattlemen's Association; an employee of the United States
7 Department of Agriculture appointed by the Commissioner of
8 Agriculture; a private physician appointed by the Secretary of
9 the Department of Health; and three residents-at-large
10 appointed by the Governor, one from north Florida, one from
11 central Florida, and one from south Florida.
12 Section 2. The task force shall:
13 (1) Identify current eradication and prevention
14 efforts with regard to pest and disease eradication within the
15 state.
16 (2) Identify any current areas of lack of coverage or
17 applicability, unaddressed problems, and lack of resources.
18 (3) Initiate a feasibility study for an on-going
19 sterile medfly release program for the state in general, as
20 well as a limited area within Dade County.
21 (4) Investigate the need for baseline medical data for
22 comparison purposes in determining adverse reactions to the
23 use of pesticides in eradication efforts.
24 (5) Identify areas of scientific research necessary
25 for effective eradication of plant and animal pests.
26 (6) Report findings and recommendations to the
27 Legislature by January 1, 2001.
28 Section 3. The Department of Agriculture and Consumer
29 Services shall establish a program to reimburse residents of
30 the state for medically necessary temporary relocation to
31 avoid Malathion spraying. Persons may be reimbursed for
CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
Florida Senate - 1999 SB 924
1 temporary and reasonable travel expenses to the closest
2 location outside the spray zone for the duration of each
3 individual spray application. Persons seeking reimbursement
4 must provide documented evidence of medical necessity for the
5 temporary relocation, receipts for travel and other expenses,
6 including reasonable lodging costs, not exceeding $80 per
7 night, and reasonable meal costs, not exceeding $21 per person
8 per day.
9 Section 4. The sum of $100,000 is appropriated from
10 the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Agriculture and
11 Consumer Services for the purpose of paying the costs of
12 relocation reimbursement expenses provided for in section 3 of
13 this act during the 1999-2000 fiscal year.
14 Section 5. This act shall take effect July 1, 1999.
16 *****************************************
18 Creates the Task Force on Agricultural Pests and Diseases
and provides for its membership and duties. Directs the
19 Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services to
establish a program to reimburse persons for medically
20 necessary temporary relocation expenses to avoid
Malathion spraying. Provides an appropriation for
21 reimbursement costs.