House Bill 0093c1

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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999               CS/HB 93

        By the Committee on Real Property & Probate and
    Representative Starks

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to title insurance reserve;

  3         amending s. 625.111, F.S.; specifying the

  4         components of unearned premium reserve for

  5         certain financial statements; providing a

  6         formula for releasing unearned premium reserve

  7         over a period of years; providing an effective

  8         date.


10  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


12         Section 1.  Section 625.111, Florida Statutes, is

13  amended to read:

14         (Substantial rewording of section.  See

15         s. 625.111, F.S., for present text.)

16         625.111  Title insurance reserve.--In addition to an

17  adequate reserve as to outstanding losses relating to known

18  claims, as required under s. 625.041, a title insurer shall

19  establish, segregate, and maintain a guaranty fund or unearned

20  premium reserve as provided in this section.  The sums

21  required under this section to be reserved for unearned

22  premiums on title guarantees and policies at all times and for

23  all purposes shall be considered and constitute unearned

24  portions of the original premiums and shall be charged as a

25  reserve liability of such insurer in determining its financial

26  condition.  While such sums are so reserved, they shall be

27  withdrawn from the use of the insurer for its general

28  purposes, impressed with a trust in favor of the holders of

29  title guarantees and policies, and held available for

30  reinsurance of the title guarantees and policies in the event

31  of the insolvency of the insurer. Nothing contained in this


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999               CS/HB 93


  1  section shall preclude such insurer from investing such

  2  reserve in investments authorized by law for such an insurer

  3  and the income from such invested reserve shall be included in

  4  the general income of the insurer to be used by such insurer

  5  for any lawful purpose.

  6         (1)  For financial statements prepared with evaluation

  7  dates on or after July 1, 1999, such unearned premium reserve

  8  shall consist of not less than an amount equal to the sum of:

  9         (a)  A reserve with respect to unearned premiums for

10  policies written or title liability assumed in reinsurance

11  before July 1, 1999, equal to the reserve established on

12  December 31, 1999, for those unearned premiums with such

13  reserve being subsequently released as provided in subsection

14  (2).  For domestic title insurers subject to this section,

15  such amounts shall be calculated in accordance with provisions

16  of law of this state in effect at the time the associated

17  premiums were written or assumed and as amended prior to July

18  1, 1999.

19         (b)  A total amount equal to 30 cents for each $1,000

20  of net retained liability for policies written or title

21  liability assumed in reinsurance on or after July 1, 1999,

22  with such reserve being subsequently released as provided in

23  subsection (2). For the purpose of calculating this reserve,

24  the total of the net retained liability for all simultaneous

25  issue policies covering a single risk shall be equal to the

26  liability for the policy with the highest limit covering that

27  single risk, net of any liability ceded in reinsurance.

28         (c)  An actuarial provision if necessary, which shall

29  be subsequently released as provided in subsection (2).  Using

30  financial results evaluated as of December 31 of each year,

31  all domestic title insurers shall obtain a Statement of


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999               CS/HB 93


  1  Actuarial Opinion from a Fellow in good standing of the

  2  Casualty Actuarial Society regarding the insurer's loss and

  3  loss adjustment expense reserves, including reserves for known

  4  claims, adverse development on known claims, incurred but not

  5  reported claims, and unallocated loss adjustment expenses.

  6  The actuarial opinion shall conform to the annual statement

  7  instructions for title insurers adopted by the National

  8  Association of Insurance Commissioners and shall include the

  9  actuary's professional opinion of the insurer's reserves as of

10  the date of the annual statement.  If the amount of the

11  reserve stated in the opinion and displayed in Schedule P of

12  the annual statement for that evaluation date is greater than

13  the sum of the known claim reserve and unearned premium

14  reserve as calculated under this section, as of the same

15  evaluation date and including any previous actuarial

16  provisions added at earlier dates, the insurer shall add to

17  the insurer's unearned premium reserve an actuarial amount

18  equal to the reserve shown in the actuarial opinion, minus the

19  known claim reserve and the unearned premium reserve, all

20  evaluated as of the current evaluation date and calculated in

21  accordance with this section, but in no event calculated as of

22  any date prior to December 31, 1999.  An insurer which

23  receives a waiver from the Department of Insurance of the

24  requirement to obtain an actuarial analysis is exempt from

25  calculating an actuarial provision pursuant to this paragraph.

26         (2)(a)  With respect to the reserve established in

27  accordance with paragraph (1)(a), the domestic title insurer

28  shall release the reserve over a period of 20 subsequent years

29  as provided in this paragraph.  The insurer shall release 30

30  percent of the initial aggregate sum during 1999, with one

31  quarter of that amount being released on March 31, June 30,


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999               CS/HB 93


  1  September 30, and December 31, 1999, with the March 31 and

  2  June 30 releases to be retroactive and reflected on the

  3  September 30 financial statements.  Thereafter, the insurer

  4  shall release, on the same quarterly basis as specified for

  5  reserves released during 1999, a percentage of the initial

  6  aggregate sum as follows: 15 percent during calendar year

  7  2000, 10 percent during each of calendar years 2001 and 2002,

  8  5 percent during each of calendar years 2003 and 2004, 3

  9  percent during each of calendar years 2005 and 2006, 2 percent

10  during each of calendar years 2007-2013, and 1 percent during

11  each of calendar years 2014-2018.

12         (b)  With respect to reserves established in accordance

13  with paragraph (1)(b), the unearned premium for policies

14  written or title liability assumed during a particular

15  calendar year shall be earned, and released from reserve, over

16  a period of 20 subsequent years as provided in this paragraph.

17  The insurer shall release 30 percent of the initial sum during

18  the year next succeeding the year the premium was written or

19  assumed, with one quarter of that amount being released on

20  March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31 of such year.

21  Thereafter, the insurer shall release, on the same quarterly

22  basis as specified for reserves released during the year first

23  succeeding the year the premium was written or assumed, a

24  percentage of the initial sum as follows: 15 percent during

25  the next succeeding 2 years, 5 percent during each of the next

26  succeeding 3 years, 3 percent during each of the next

27  succeeding 2 years, 2 percent during each of the next

28  succeeding 7 years, and 1 percent during each of the next

29  succeeding 5 years.

30         (c)  With respect to reserves established in accordance

31  with paragraph (1)(c), the actuarial provision established in


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999               CS/HB 93


  1  any calendar year shall be released in the years subsequent to

  2  its establishment as provided in paragraph (b), with the

  3  timing and percentage of releases being in all respects

  4  identical to those of unearned premium reserves that are

  5  calculated as provided in paragraph (b) and established with

  6  regard to premiums written or liability assumed in reinsurance

  7  in the same year as the year in which the actuarial provision

  8  was originally established.

  9         (3)  At any evaluation date, the amount of the required

10  releases or existing unearned premium reserves under

11  subsection (2) shall be calculated and deducted from the total

12  unearned premium reserve before the actuarial provision is

13  established for the current calendar year in accordance with

14  the provisions of paragraph (1)(c).

15         (4)  As used in this section:

16         (a)  "Net retained liability" means the total liability

17  retained by a title insurer for a single risk, after taking

18  into account the deduction for ceded liability, if any.

19         (b)  "Single risk" means the insured amount of any

20  title insurance policy, except that where two or more title

21  insurance policies are issued simultaneously covering

22  different estates in the same real property, "single risk"

23  means the sum of the insured amounts of all such title

24  insurance policies. Any title insurance policy insuring a

25  mortgage interest a claim payment under which reduces the

26  insured amount of a fee or leasehold title insurance policy

27  shall be excluded in computing the amount of a single risk to

28  the extent that the insured amount of the mortgage title

29  insurance policy does not exceed the insured amount of the fee

30  or leasehold title insurance policy.

31         Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1, 1999.
