House Bill 0961

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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                 HB 961

        By Representative Lacasa

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to health care services;

  3         amending s. 408.7056, F.S.; requiring certain

  4         physician members on Statewide Provider and

  5         Subscriber Assistance Program panels; amending

  6         ss. 408.706 and 627.419, F.S., and creating s.

  7         641.3151, F.S.; providing for patient choice in

  8         the selection of a physician under any plan

  9         offered through a health maintenance

10         organization, managed care provider

11         organization, prepaid health plan, or

12         accountable health partnership, or under any

13         health insurance policy, plan, or contract,

14         offered in the state; prohibiting certain

15         denial of payment for physician services;

16         specifying terms of reimbursement for services;

17         providing liability of subscribers for certain

18         charges; providing penalties; deleting

19         provisions relating to community health

20         purchasing alliance district health care

21         provider participation; amending s. 641.315,

22         F.S.; conforming provisions relating to

23         liability of subscribers under a health

24         maintenance organization provider contract;

25         amending s. 641.495, F.S., relating to

26         requirements for issuance and maintenance of a

27         health maintenance organization certificate of

28         authority; requiring certain documentation of

29         adverse determinations; providing an effective

30         date.



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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                 HB 961


  1  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


  3         Section 1.  Subsection (11) of section 408.7056,

  4  Florida Statutes, 1998 Supplement, is amended to read:

  5         408.7056  Statewide Provider and Subscriber Assistance

  6  Program.--

  7         (11)  The panel shall consist of members employed by

  8  the agency and members employed by the department, chosen by

  9  their respective agencies. At least one-third of the members

10  of the panel shall be physicians licensed under chapter 458 or

11  chapter 459. If the grievance involves an adverse

12  determination as defined in s. 641.47, at least one of the

13  physicians on the panel shall be in the same specialty as that

14  forming the subject of the grievance or have training and

15  experience in the procedure in question. The agency may

16  contract with a medical director and a primary care physician

17  who shall provide additional technical expertise to the panel.

18  The medical director shall be selected from a health

19  maintenance organization with a current certificate of

20  authority to operate in Florida.

21         Section 2.  Subsection (11) of section 408.706, Florida

22  Statutes, is amended to read:

23         408.706  Community health purchasing alliances;

24  accountable health partnerships.--

25         (11)  Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the

26  contrary, any subscriber to a health plan offered by or

27  through a health maintenance organization, managed care

28  provider organization, prepaid health plan, or accountable

29  health partnership is entitled, at all times, to free, full,

30  and absolute choice in the selection of a physician licensed

31  under chapter 458 or chapter 459. It is expressly forbidden


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                 HB 961


  1  for any health plan to contain any provision which would

  2  require or coerce a subscriber to the plan to use any

  3  physician other than the physician selected by the subscriber.

  4  The ability to recruit and retain alliance district health

  5  care providers in its provider network. For provider networks

  6  initially formed in an alliance district after July 1, 1993,

  7  an accountable health partnership shall make offers as to

  8  provider participation in its provider network to relevant

  9  alliance district health care providers for at least 60

10  percent of the available provider positions. A provider who is

11  made an offer may participate in an accountable health

12  partnership as long as the provider abides by the terms and

13  conditions of the provider network contract, provides services

14  at a rate or price equal to the rate or price negotiated by

15  the accountable health partnership, and meets all of the

16  accountable health partnership's qualifications for

17  participation in its provider networks including, but not

18  limited to, network adequacy criteria. For purposes of this

19  subsection, "alliance district health care provider" means a

20  health care provider who is licensed under chapter 458,

21  chapter 459, chapter 460, chapter 461, chapter 464, or chapter

22  465 who has practiced in Florida for more than 1 year within

23  the alliance district served by the accountable health

24  partnership.

25         (a)  A health maintenance organization, managed care

26  provider organization, prepaid health plan, or accountable

27  health partnership may not deny payment to a physician

28  licensed under chapter 458 or chapter 459 who has rendered

29  covered services to a subscriber, based solely on the fact

30  that the physician has not entered into a provider contract

31  with the organization, plan, or partnership, as long as:


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  1         1.  That physician meets the health maintenance

  2  organization, managed care provider organization, prepaid

  3  health plan, or accountable health partnership's eligibility

  4  criteria; and

  5         2.  Under accepted medical standards, the covered

  6  services provided by the physician were medically necessary

  7  such that the organization, plan, or partnership would be

  8  required to pay for the services had they been performed by a

  9  contracted provider.

10         (b)  Reimbursement by a health maintenance

11  organization, managed care provider organization, prepaid

12  health plan, or accountable health partnership for services by

13  a physician who does not have a contract with the

14  organization, plan, or partnership shall be the lesser of:

15         1.  Eighty percent of the physician's charges;

16         2.  Eighty percent of the highest rate paid by the

17  organization, plan, or partnership to contracted physicians

18  for the procedure performed; or

19         3.  The charge mutually agreed to by the organization,

20  plan, or partnership and the physician within 30 days after

21  the submittal of the claim.


23  The subscriber shall be liable for all physician charges not

24  covered by the health maintenance organization, managed care

25  provider organization, prepaid health plan, or accountable

26  health partnership pursuant to this paragraph.

27         (c)  A health maintenance organization, managed care

28  provider organization, prepaid health plan, or accountable

29  health partnership that violates the provisions of this

30  section is subject to a civil fine in the amount of:

31         1.  Up to $25,000 for each violation; or


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  1         2.  If the Director of Health Care Administration

  2  determines that the entity has engaged in a pattern of

  3  violations of this subsection, up to $100,000 for each

  4  violation.

  5         Section 3.  Subsection (9) is added to section 627.419,

  6  Florida Statutes, 1998 Supplement, to read:

  7         627.419  Construction of policies.--

  8         (9)(a)  Notwithstanding any other provision of law to

  9  the contrary, any person covered under any health insurance

10  policy, health care services plan, or other contract which

11  provides for payment for medical expense benefits or

12  procedures is entitled, at all times, to free, full, and

13  absolute choice in the selection of a physician licensed under

14  chapter 458 or chapter 459. It is expressly forbidden for any

15  health plan to contain any provision which would require or

16  coerce a person covered by the plan to use any provider other

17  than the provider selected by the subscriber. A health plan

18  may not deny payment to a physician licensed under chapter 458

19  or chapter 459 who has rendered covered services to an

20  insured, based solely on the fact that the physician has not

21  entered into a provider contract with the plan, as long as:

22         1.  That physician meets the plan's eligibility

23  criteria; and

24         2.  Under accepted medical standards, the covered

25  services provided by the physician were medically necessary

26  such that the organization would be required to pay for the

27  services had they been performed by a contracted physician.

28         (b)  Reimbursement for services pursuant to this

29  subsection by a physician who does not have a contract with

30  the health plan shall be the lesser of:

31         1.  Eighty percent of the physician's charges;


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  1         2.  Eighty percent of the highest rate paid by the

  2  organization to contracted physicians for the procedure

  3  performed; or

  4         3.  The charge mutually agreed to by the organization

  5  and the physician within 30 days after the submittal of the

  6  claim.


  8  The subscriber shall be liable for all physician charges not

  9  covered by the health plan pursuant to this paragraph.

10         (c)  The provider of any health insurance policy,

11  health care services plan, or other contract that violates the

12  provisions of this subsection is subject to a civil fine in

13  the amount of:

14         1.  Up to $25,000 for each violation; or

15         2.  If the Director of Health Care Administration

16  determines that the entity has engaged in a pattern of

17  violations of this subsection, up to $100,000 for each

18  violation.

19         Section 4.  Subsections (2) and (3) of section 641.315,

20  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

21         641.315  Provider contracts.--

22         (2)  No subscriber of an HMO shall be liable to any

23  provider of health care services who is a contracted provider

24  of that HMO for any services covered by the HMO.

25         (3)  No provider of services who is a contracted

26  provider of an HMO, or any representative of such provider,

27  shall collect or attempt to collect from an HMO subscriber any

28  money for services covered by an HMO and no contracted

29  provider or representative of such provider may maintain any

30  action at law against a subscriber of an HMO to collect money

31  owed to such provider by an HMO.


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                 HB 961


  1         Section 5.  Section 641.3151, Florida Statutes, is

  2  created to read:

  3         641.3151  Subscriber freedom of choice.--

  4         (1)  Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the

  5  contrary, any subscriber to a health plan offered by or

  6  through a health maintenance organization or managed care

  7  provider organization is entitled, at all times, to free,

  8  full, and absolute choice in the selection of a physician

  9  licensed under chapter 458 or chapter 459. It is expressly

10  forbidden for any health plan to contain any provision which

11  would require or coerce a subscriber to the plan to use any

12  physician other than the physician selected by the subscriber.

13  A health maintenance organization or managed care provider

14  organization may not deny payment to a physician licensed

15  under chapter 458 or chapter 459 who has rendered covered

16  services to a subscriber, based solely on the fact that the

17  physician has not entered into a provider contract with the

18  organization, as long as:

19         (a)  That physician meets the organization's

20  eligibility criteria; and

21         (b)  Under accepted medical standards, the covered

22  services provided by the physician were medically necessary

23  such that the organization would be required to pay for the

24  services had they been performed by a contracted physician.

25         (2)  Reimbursement for services pursuant to this

26  section by a physician who does not have a contract with the

27  health maintenance organization or managed care provider

28  organization shall be the lesser of:

29         (a)  Eighty percent of the physician's charges;




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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                 HB 961


  1         (b)  Eighty percent of the highest rate paid by the

  2  organization to contracted physicians for the procedure

  3  performed; or

  4         (c)  The charge mutually agreed to by the organization

  5  and the physician within 30 days after the submittal of the

  6  claim.


  8  The subscriber shall be liable for all physician charges not

  9  covered by the health maintenance organization or managed care

10  provider organization pursuant to this subsection.

11         (3)  A health maintenance organization or managed care

12  provider organization that violates the provisions of this

13  section is subject to a civil fine in the amount of:

14         (a)  Up to $25,000 for each violation; or

15         (b)  If the Director of Health Care Administration

16  determines that the entity has engaged in a pattern of

17  violations of this section, up to $100,000 for each violation.

18         Section 6.  Subsection (11) of section 641.495, Florida

19  Statutes, 1998 Supplement, is amended to read:

20         641.495  Requirements for issuance and maintenance of

21  certificate.--

22         (11)  The organization shall designate a medical

23  director who is a physician licensed under chapter 458 or

24  chapter 459. For every adverse determination made by the

25  organization regarding any subscriber, the medical director is

26  required to document and sign the subscriber's medical records

27  setting forth the facts regarding the organization's adverse

28  determination and the rationale for such decision. The

29  rendering of an adverse determination by a medical director

30  shall constitute the practice of medicine as defined in s.

31  458.305.


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                 HB 961


  1         Section 7.  This act shall take effect October 1, 1999.


  3            *****************************************

  4                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Requires at least one-third of Statewide Provider and
  6    Subscriber Assistance Program panel members to be
      licensed physicians. Requires at least one physician
  7    member to have training and experience in the subject
      area of a grievance involving an adverse determination.
  8    Provides for patient choice in the selection of a
      physician under any plan offered through a health
  9    maintenance organization, management care provider
      organization, prepaid health plan, or accountable health
10    partnership, or under any health insurance policy, plan,
      or contract, offered in the state. Prohibits denial of
11    payment for physician services based solely on the fact
      that the physician has not entered into a provider
12    contract with the organization, plan, or partnership.
      Specifies terms for reimbursement for services. Provides
13    the subscriber's liability for noncovered physician
      charges. Provides for fines of up to $25,000 per
14    violation, or up to $100,000 per violation where a
      pattern of violations is involved as determined by the
15    Agency for Health Care Administration. Requires certain
      documentation of adverse determinations as a condition
16    for issuance and maintenance of a health maintenance
      organization's certificate of authority.














