Senate Bill 0996er

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.


    1999 Legislature                         SB 996, 2nd Engrossed


  2         An act relating to motor vehicles; creating s.

  3         316.2122, F.S.; authorizing the use of

  4         low-speed vehicles on certain public roads;

  5         providing restrictions for such operation;

  6         amending s. 320.01, F.S.; providing a speed

  7         restriction for golf carts; defining the term

  8         "low-speed vehicle"; defining the term "utility

  9         vehicle"; amending s. 320.08001, F.S.;

10         prescribing a license tax for low-speed

11         vehicles; amending s. 316.2126, F.S.;

12         authorizing the use of golf carts and utility

13         vehicles by municipalities for municipal

14         purposes and subject to certain conditions;

15         amending s. 320.105, F.S.; exempting golf carts

16         and utility vehicles from requirements to

17         display license plates; amending s. 325.203,

18         F.S.; exempting golf carts and utility vehicles

19         from inspection requirements; providing an

20         effective date.


22  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


24         Section 1.  Section 316.2122, Florida Statutes, is

25  created to read:

26         316.2122  Operation of a low-speed vehicle on certain

27  roadways.--The operation of a low-speed vehicle, as defined in

28  s. 320.01(42), on any road as defined in s. 334.03(15) or s.

29  334.03(33), is authorized with the following restrictions:

30         (1)  A low-speed vehicle may be operated only on

31  streets where the posted speed limit is 35 miles per hour or


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    1999 Legislature                         SB 996, 2nd Engrossed

  1  less. This does not prohibit a low-speed vehicle from crossing

  2  a road or street at an intersection where the road or street

  3  has a posted speed limit of more than 35 miles per hour.

  4         (2)  A low-speed vehicle must be equipped with

  5  headlamps, stop lamps, turn signal lamps, taillamps, reflex

  6  reflectors, parking brakes, rearview mirrors, windshields,

  7  seat belts, and vehicle identification numbers.

  8         (3)  A low-speed vehicle must be registered and insured

  9  in accordance with s. 320.02.

10         (4)  Any person operating a low-speed vehicle must have

11  in his or her possession a valid driver's license.

12         (5)  A county or municipality may prohibit the

13  operation of low-speed vehicles on any road under its

14  jurisdiction if the governing body of the county or

15  municipality determines that such prohibition is necessary in

16  the interest of safety.

17         (6)  The Department of Transportation may prohibit the

18  operation of low-speed vehicles on any road under its

19  jurisdiction if it determines that such prohibition is

20  necessary in the interest of safety.

21         Section 2.  Subsection (22) of section 320.01, Florida

22  Statutes, is amended and subsections (42) and (43) are added

23  to that section to read:

24         320.01  Definitions, general.--As used in the Florida

25  Statutes, except as otherwise provided, the term:

26         (22)  "Golf cart" means a motor vehicle that is

27  designed and manufactured for operation on a golf course for

28  sporting or recreational purposes and that is not capable of

29  exceeding speeds of 20 miles per hour.

30         (42)  "Low-speed vehicle" means any four-wheeled

31  electric vehicle whose top speed is greater than 20 miles per


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.


    1999 Legislature                         SB 996, 2nd Engrossed

  1  hour but not greater than 25 miles per hour, including

  2  neighborhood electric vehicles. Low-speed vehicles must comply

  3  with the safety standards in 49 C.F.R. 571.500 and s.

  4  316.2122.

  5         (43)  "Utility vehicle" means a motor vehicle designed

  6  and manufactured for general maintenance, security, and

  7  landscaping purposes, but the term does not include any

  8  vehicle designed or used primarily for the transportation of

  9  persons or property on a street or highway, or a golf cart, or

10  an all-terrain vehicle as defined in s. 316.2074.

11         Section 3.  Section 320.08001, Florida Statutes, is

12  amended to read:

13         320.08001  Electric vehicles; license tax.--The license

14  tax for an electric vehicle or low-speed vehicle is the same

15  as that prescribed in s. 320.08, for a vehicle that is not

16  electrically powered.

17         Section 4.  Section 316.2126, Florida Statutes, is

18  amended to read:

19         316.2126  Use of golf carts and utility vehicles by

20  certain municipalities.--In addition to the powers granted by

21  ss. 316.212 and 316.2125, municipalities older than 400 years

22  old are hereby authorized to utilize golf carts and utility

23  vehicles, as defined in s. 320.01, upon any state, county, or

24  municipal roads located within the corporate limits of such

25  municipalities, subject to the following conditions:

26         (1)  Golf carts and utility vehicles must comply with

27  the operational and safety requirements operated beyond the

28  authority granted in ss. 316.212 and 316.2125 and shall may

29  only be operated by municipal employees for municipal

30  purposes, including, but not limited to, police patrol,

31  traffic enforcement, and inspection of public facilities.


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    1999 Legislature                         SB 996, 2nd Engrossed

  1         (2)  In addition to the safety equipment required in s.

  2  316.212(6), such golf carts and utility vehicles must be

  3  equipped with sufficient lighting and turn signal equipment.

  4         (3)  The Golf carts and utility vehicles may only be

  5  operated on state roads that have a posted speed limit of 30

  6  miles per hour or less.

  7         (4)  A municipal employee operating a golf cart or

  8  utility vehicle pursuant to this section must possess a valid

  9  driver's license as required by s. 322.03.

10         Section 5.  Section 320.105, Florida Statutes, is

11  amended to read:

12         320.105  Golf carts and utility vehicles;

13  exemption.--Golf carts and utility vehicles, as defined in s.

14  320.01, when operated in accordance with s. 316.212 or s.

15  316.2126, are exempt from provisions of this chapter which

16  require the registration of vehicles or the display of license

17  plates.

18         Section 6.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (4) of section

19  325.203, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

20         325.203  Motor vehicles subject to annual inspection;

21  exemptions.--

22         (4)  The following motor vehicles are not subject to

23  inspection:

24         (c)  Golf carts and utility vehicles, as defined in s.

25  320.01.

26         Section 7.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

27  law.




