Senate Bill 1002e1

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    CS for SB 1002                                 First Engrossed

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to public records and meetings;

  3         providing an exemption from public records and

  4         meetings requirements for portions of the

  5         blueprints of an educational facility;

  6         providing for future legislative review and

  7         repeal; providing for rulemaking authority;

  8         providing for persons who have a bona-fide need

  9         to know such information; providing a finding

10         of public necessity; providing a contingent

11         effective date.


13  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


15         Section 1.  (1)  The portion of each blueprint of an

16  educational facility as defined in section 235.011(6), Florida

17  Statutes, which is determined to be confidential and exempt by

18  rule and which is submitted to a law enforcement agency, the

19  Department of Education, or the State Board of Education, as

20  required by Committee Substitute for Committee Substitute for

21  Committee Substitute for Senate Bills 852, 2, and 46, 2000

22  Regular Session, is confidential and exempt from section

23  119.07(1), Florida Statutes, and Section 24(a), Article I of

24  the State Constitution. This exemption is subject to the Open

25  Government Sunset Review Act of 1995 in accordance with

26  section 119.15, Florida Statutes, and shall stand repealed on

27  October 2, 2005, unless reviewed and saved from repeal through

28  reenactment by the Legislature.

29         (2)  Portions of all meetings or proceedings of any

30  agency as defined in section 119.011(2), Florida Statutes,

31  relating directly to, or which would reveal confidential and


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    CS for SB 1002                                 First Engrossed

  1  exempt information set forth in rule relating solely to, the

  2  blueprints of an educational facility are confidential and

  3  exempt from section 286.011, Florida Statutes, and Section

  4  24(b), Article I of the State Constitution. An agency as

  5  defined in section 119.011(2), Florida Statutes, may hold

  6  public meetings to discuss nonconfidential information or

  7  issues relating to these blueprints.

  8         (3)  The Department of Education shall prescribe by

  9  rule the information relating to the blueprints of an

10  educational facility, as defined in section 235.011(6),

11  Florida Statutes, which is confidential and exempt from the

12  provisions of section 119.07(1), Florida Statutes, and Section

13  24(a), Article I of the State Constitution. To be

14  confidential, the information must be necessary to the

15  security and integrity of the educational facility. A law

16  enforcement officer, an emergency medical services provider,

17  an authorized agent or employee of the educational facility, a

18  parent or guardian, and a person who is involved in the

19  planning, design, site improvement, construction, contracting,

20  remodeling, renovation, maintenance, and repair of plants and

21  facilities, including ancillary and auxiliary facilities, has

22  a bona-fide need to know such information. The department

23  shall also prescribe by rule which persons have a bona-fide

24  need to know this information in order to carry out their

25  duties.

26         (4)  Confidential and exempt information may be

27  released to and used by other governmental entities as needed

28  in connection with the performance of their duties. Any such

29  information that is confidential and exempt as provided for in

30  this section retains its status as confidential and exempt.



CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    CS for SB 1002                                 First Engrossed

  1         Section 2.  The Legislature finds that the exemption

  2  from the public records law provided in section 1 of this act

  3  is a public necessity and that the protection of students and

  4  others in schools and community colleges is a critical state

  5  concern.  Furthermore, the Legislature finds that failure to

  6  protect the confidentiality of a blueprint of an educational

  7  facility submitted to or collected by law enforcement

  8  personnel, the Department of Education, or the State Board of

  9  Education under Committee Substitute for Committee Substitute

10  for Committee Substitute for Senate Bills 852, 2, and 46, 2000

11  Regular Session, would impede the safety and security of

12  schools, community colleges, students, and others. The

13  Legislature further finds that incidents may occur in which

14  blueprints of educational facilities are requested under

15  circumstances that could threaten the safety or welfare of

16  students, employees, and others whether or not actual harm

17  results. Because release of certain portions of facility

18  blueprints under these circumstances would not benefit the

19  public or aid it in monitoring the effective and efficient

20  operation of government but could result in harm to students,

21  employees, and others, the Legislature finds that it is

22  necessary that portions of blueprints be confidential and

23  exempt.

24         Section 3.  This act shall take effect on the effective

25  date of Committee Substitute for Committee Substitute for

26  Committee Substitute for Senate Bills 852, 2, and 46, 2000

27  Regular Session, or similar legislation relating to

28  educational facilities, and shall not take effect if that

29  legislation does not become law.


