House Bill 1031

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 2000               HJR 1031

        By Representatives Crist, Ball, Futch, Feeney, Byrd and

  1                      House Joint Resolution

  2         A joint resolution proposing an amendment to

  3         Section 2 of Article V of the State

  4         Constitution relating to administration of the

  5         Supreme Court.


  7  Be It Resolved by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


  9  That the amendment to Section 2 of Article V of the State

10  Constitution set forth below is agreed to and shall be

11  submitted to the electors of Florida for approval or rejection

12  at the general election to be held in November 2000:

13         SECTION 2.  Administration; practice and procedure.--

14         (a)  The supreme court shall adopt rules for the

15  practice and procedure in all courts including the time for

16  seeking appellate review, the administrative supervision of

17  all courts, the transfer to the court having jurisdiction of

18  any proceeding when the jurisdiction of another court has been

19  improvidently invoked, and a requirement that no cause shall

20  be dismissed because an improper remedy has been sought.

21  Nothing in this section shall limit the authority of the

22  legislature to enact by general law limitations on actions or

23  requirements for expediting particular classes of cases.

24  Nothing in this constitution shall be construed to limit the

25  authority of the legislature to limit by general law the time

26  within which persons sentenced to death may challenge their

27  convictions and sentences in state courts. Rules adopted by

28  the supreme court shall be consistent with general law. The

29  supreme court shall adopt rules to allow the court and the

30  district courts of appeal to submit questions relating to

31  military law to the federal Court of Appeals for the Armed


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 2000               HJR 1031


  1  Forces for an advisory opinion.  Rules of court may be

  2  repealed or modified by general law enacted by two-thirds vote

  3  of the membership of each house of the legislature.

  4         (b)  The chief justice of the supreme court shall be

  5  chosen by a majority of the members of the court; shall be the

  6  chief administrative officer of the judicial system; and shall

  7  have the power to assign justices or judges, including

  8  consenting retired justices or judges, to temporary duty in

  9  any court for which the judge is qualified and to delegate to

10  a chief judge of a judicial circuit the power to assign judges

11  for duty in that circuit.

12         (c)  A chief judge for each district court of appeal

13  shall be chosen by a majority of the judges thereof or, if

14  there is no majority, by the chief justice.  The chief judge

15  shall be responsible for the administrative supervision of the

16  court.

17         (d)  A chief judge in each circuit shall be chosen from

18  among the circuit judges as provided by supreme court rule.

19  The chief judge shall be responsible for the administrative

20  supervision of the circuit courts and county courts in his

21  circuit.

22         BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in accordance with the

23  requirements of section 101.161, Florida Statutes, the title

24  and substance of the amendment proposed herein shall appear on

25  the ballot as follows:


27                          RULES OF COURT

28                      SUBJECT TO GENERAL LAW

29         Proposes that the Legislature may enact limitations on

30  actions or requirements for expediting particular classes of

31  cases and may limit the time within which persons sentenced to


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 2000               HJR 1031


  1  death may challenge their convictions and sentences. Proposes

  2  that rules adopted by the court shall be consistent with, and

  3  may be repealed or modified by, general law. Deletes

  4  requirement of two-thirds vote of the Legislature for repeal

  5  of court rules.


























