Senate Bill 1060c1

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    Florida Senate - 2000                           CS for SB 1060

    By the Committee on Banking and Insurance; and Senators King,
    Holzendorf and Horne


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to health insurance; amending

  3         s. 627.410, F.S.; modifying rate filing

  4         requirements for approval of health insurance

  5         policy forms by the Department of Insurance;

  6         amending s. 627.411, F.S.; providing guidelines

  7         for determining when benefits are considered

  8         reasonable in relation to the premium charged

  9         for purposes of disapproval of health insurance

10         policy forms by the department; providing an

11         effective date.


13  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


15         Section 1.  Subsections (1), (3), (6), (7), and

16  paragraph (a) of subsection (8) of section 627.410, Florida

17  Statutes, are amended to read:

18         627.410  Filing, approval of forms.--

19         (1)  No basic insurance policy or annuity contract

20  form, or application form where written application is

21  required and is to be made a part of the policy or contract,

22  or group certificates issued under a master contract delivered

23  in this state, or printed rider or endorsement form or form of

24  renewal certificate, shall be delivered or issued for delivery

25  in this state, unless the form has been filed with the

26  department at its offices in Tallahassee by or in behalf of

27  the insurer which proposes to use such form and has been

28  approved by the department. This provision does not apply to

29  surety bonds or to policies, riders, endorsements, or forms of

30  unique character which are designed for and used with relation

31  to insurance upon a particular subject (other than as to


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  1  individual or small group health insurance), or which relate

  2  to the manner of distribution of benefits or to the

  3  reservation of rights and benefits under life or health

  4  insurance policies and are used at the request of the

  5  individual policyholder, contract holder, or

  6  certificateholder.  As to group insurance policies effectuated

  7  and delivered outside this state but covering persons resident

  8  in this state, the group certificates to be delivered or

  9  issued for delivery in this state shall be filed with the

10  department for information purposes only.

11         (3)  The department may, as specified in s. 627.411(1)

12  for cause, withdraw a previous approval. No insurer shall

13  issue or use any form disapproved by the department, or as to

14  which the department has withdrawn approval, after the

15  effective date of the order of the department.

16         (6)(a)  An insurer shall not deliver or issue for

17  delivery or renew in this state any health insurance policy

18  form until it has filed with the department a copy of every

19  applicable rating manual, rating schedule, change in rating

20  manual, and change in rating schedule; if rating manuals and

21  rating schedules are not applicable, the insurer must file

22  with the department applicable premium rates and any change in

23  applicable premium rates. This paragraph does not apply to

24  rating manuals, rating schedules, changes in rating manuals or

25  schedules, or, if rating manuals or schedules are not

26  applicable, to premium rates or changes in such rates relating

27  to policies, riders, endorsements, or forms of unique

28  character which are designed for and used with relation to

29  insurance upon a particular subject or to benefits under group

30  health insurance policies insuring 51 or more persons and used



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  1  at the request of the individual policyholder, contract

  2  holder, or certificateholder.

  3         (b)  The department may establish by rule, for each

  4  type of health insurance form, procedures to be used in

  5  ascertaining that a form meets the standards in this section

  6  and s. 627.411(2) for new rate filings and rate revisions in

  7  accordance with generally accepted standards of actuarial

  8  practice the reasonableness of benefits in relation to premium

  9  rates and may, by rule, exempt from any requirement of

10  paragraph (a) any health insurance policy form or type thereof

11  (as specified in such rule) to which form or type such

12  requirements may not be practically applied or to which form

13  or type the application of such requirements is not desirable

14  or necessary for the protection of the public. With respect to

15  any health insurance policy form or type thereof which is

16  exempted by rule from any requirement of paragraph (a),

17  premium rates filed pursuant to ss. 627.640 and 627.662 shall

18  be for informational purposes.

19         (c)  Every filing made pursuant to this subsection

20  shall be made within the same time period provided in, and

21  shall be deemed to be approved under the same conditions as

22  those provided in, subsection (2).

23         (d)  Every filing made pursuant to this subsection,

24  except disability income policies and accidental death

25  policies, shall be prohibited from applying the following

26  rating practices:

27         1.  Select and ultimate premium schedules.

28         2.  Premium class definitions which classify insured

29  based on year of issue or duration since issue.




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  1         3.  Attained age premium structures on policy forms

  2  under which more than 50 percent of the policies are issued to

  3  persons age 65 or over.

  4         (e)  Except as provided in subparagraph 1., an insurer

  5  shall continue to make available for purchase any individual

  6  policy form issued on or after October 1, 1993.  A policy form

  7  shall not be considered to be available for purchase unless

  8  the insurer has actively offered it for sale in the previous

  9  12 months.

10         1.  An insurer may discontinue the availability of an

11  individual a policy form if the insurer provides to the

12  department in writing its decision at least 30 days prior to

13  discontinuing the availability of the form of the policy or

14  certificate.  After receipt of the notice by the department,

15  the insurer shall no longer offer for sale the policy form or

16  certificate form in this state.

17         2.  An insurer that discontinues the availability of a

18  policy form pursuant to subparagraph 1. shall not file for

19  approval a new policy form providing similar benefits as the

20  discontinued form for a period of 5 years after the insurer

21  provides notice to the department of the discontinuance. The

22  period of discontinuance may be reduced if the department

23  determines that a shorter period is appropriate.

24         2.3.  The experience of an individual accident and

25  health insurance all policy form that is no longer being

26  marketed in this state, except for policies rated pursuant to

27  a loss ratio guarantee under subsection (8), shall be combined

28  with the experience of at least one other individual accident

29  and health insurance policy form providing similar benefits,

30  as determined by the insurer, which is still being marketed in

31  the state by the same insurer, unless the insurer has no other


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  1  policy form forms providing similar benefits shall be combined

  2  for all rating purposes. For purposes of this section, a form

  3  is considered active if the form has been marketed in this

  4  state in the past 6 months.

  5         (7)(a)  Each insurer subject to the requirements of

  6  subsection (6) shall make an annual filing with the department

  7  no later than 12 months after its previous filing,

  8  establishing compliance with the standards in s. 627.411(2)

  9  for each insurance policy form, excluding noncancelable policy

10  forms. For guaranteed renewable medical indemnity, loss of

11  income, and disability income policy forms, the filing shall

12  be biennial and made no later than 24 months after its

13  previous filing demonstrating the reasonableness of benefits

14  in relation to premium rates.  The department, after receiving

15  a request to be exempted from the provisions of this section,

16  may, for good cause due to insignificant numbers of policies

17  in force or insignificant premium volume, exempt a company, by

18  line of coverage, from filing rates or rate certification as

19  required by this section.

20         (b)  The filing required by this subsection shall be

21  satisfied by one of the following methods:

22         1.  A rate filing prepared by an actuary which contains

23  documentation establishing demonstrating the reasonableness of

24  benefits in relation to premiums charged in accordance with

25  the applicable rating laws and rules promulgated by the

26  department. For premium rate changes, benefits shall be deemed

27  reasonable in relation to premium charged if both of the

28  following loss ratios meet or exceed the standards established

29  in s. 627.411(2).




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  1         a.  The anticipated loss ratio over the entire future

  2  period for which the revised rates are computed to provide

  3  coverage; and

  4         b.  The lifetime anticipated loss ratio derived by

  5  dividing the amount determined under sub-sub-subparagraph (I)

  6  by the amount determined under sub-sub-subparagraph (II):

  7         (I)  The sum of the accumulated benefits from the

  8  original effective date of the form to the effective date of

  9  the revision, and the present value of future benefits.

10         (II)  The sum of the accumulated premiums from the

11  original effective date of the form to the effective date of

12  the revision, and the present value of future premiums, which

13  present values shall be taken over the entire period for which

14  the revised rates are computed to provide coverage and which

15  accumulated benefits and premiums shall include an explicit

16  estimate of actual benefits and premiums from the last date an

17  accounting has been made to the effective date of the

18  revision.


20  Interest shall be used in the calculation of these accumulated

21  benefits and premiums and present values in the calculation of

22  the loss ratio. For purposes of sub-sub-subparagraph (I), the

23  present value of benefits may, at the insurer's option,

24  include recognition of the policy reserve as a benefit

25  (addition), or the present value of premiums may, at the

26  insurer's option, include recognition of the policy reserve as

27  a deduction. Anticipated loss ratios lower than those

28  indicated in sub-sub-subparagraphs (I) and (II) shall require

29  justification based on special circumstances that may be

30  applicable, including, but not limited to: accident only,

31  short-term nonrenewable, specified peril, and other special


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  1  risks; marketing methods; giving due consideration to

  2  acquisition and administration costs and premium mode;

  3  extraordinary expenses; high risk of claims fluctuation

  4  because of low loss frequency or the catastrophic or

  5  experimental nature of the coverage; product features, such as

  6  long elimination periods, high deductibles, and high maximum

  7  limits; and the industrial or debit method of distribution.

  8         2.  If no rate change is proposed, a filing which

  9  consists of a certification by an actuary that benefits are

10  reasonable in relation to premiums currently charged in

11  accordance with the loss ratio standards established in this

12  section and s. 627.411(2) applicable laws and rules

13  promulgated by the department.

14         3.  For premium rate changes for group policy forms,

15  benefits shall be deemed reasonable in relation to premium

16  charged if the anticipated loss ratio over the entire future

17  period for which the revised rates are computed to provide

18  coverage meets or exceeds the standards established in s.

19  627.411(2).

20         4.  An insurer may combine the experience of similar

21  policy forms in the required filing.

22         (c)  As used in this section, the term "actuary" means

23  an individual who is a member of the Society of Actuaries or

24  the American Academy of Actuaries.  If an insurer does not

25  employ or otherwise retain the services of an actuary, the

26  insurer's certification shall be prepared by insurer personnel

27  or consultants with a minimum of 5 years' experience in

28  insurance ratemaking and. The chief executive officer of the

29  insurer shall review and sign the certification indicating his

30  or her agreement with its conclusions.



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  1         (d)  If at the time a filing is required under this

  2  section an insurer is in the process of completing a rate

  3  review, the insurer may apply to the department for an

  4  extension of up to an additional 30 days in which to make the

  5  filing.  The request for extension must be received by the

  6  department in its offices in Tallahassee no later than the

  7  date the filing is due.

  8         (e)  If an insurer fails to meet the filing

  9  requirements of this subsection and does not submit the filing

10  within 60 days following the date the filing is due, the

11  department may, in addition to any other penalty authorized by

12  law, order the insurer to discontinue the issuance of policies

13  for which the required filing was not made, until such time as

14  the department determines that the required filing is properly

15  submitted.

16         (8)(a)  For the purposes of subsections (6) and (7) and

17  s. 627.411, benefits of an individual accident and health

18  insurance policy form, including Medicare supplement policies

19  as defined in s. 627.672, when authorized by rules adopted by

20  the department, and excluding long-term care insurance

21  policies as defined in s. 627.9404, and other policy forms

22  under which more than 50 percent of the policies are issued to

23  individuals age 65 and over, are deemed to comply with the

24  provisions cited in this section to be reasonable in relation

25  to premium rates if the rates are filed pursuant to a loss

26  ratio guarantee and both the initial rates and the durational

27  and lifetime loss ratios have been approved by the department,

28  and such benefits shall continue to be deemed reasonable for

29  renewal rates while the insurer complies with such guarantee,

30  provided the currently expected lifetime loss ratio is not

31  more than 5 percent less than the filed lifetime loss ratio as


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  1  certified to by an actuary.  The department shall have the

  2  right to bring an administrative action should it deem that

  3  the lifetime loss ratio will not be met.  For Medicare

  4  supplement filings, the department may withdraw a previously

  5  approved filing which was made pursuant to a loss ratio

  6  guarantee if it determines that the filing is not in

  7  compliance with ss. 627.671-627.675 or the currently expected

  8  lifetime loss ratio is less than the filed lifetime loss ratio

  9  as certified by an actuary in the initial guaranteed loss

10  ratio filing.  If this section conflicts with ss.

11  627.671-627.675, ss. 627.671-627.675 shall control.

12         Section 2.  Section 627.411, Florida Statutes, is

13  amended to read:

14         627.411  Grounds for Disapproval of forms.--

15         (1)  The department shall disapprove any insurance

16  policy form that must be filed under s. 627.410, or withdraw

17  any previous approval thereof, only if the form:

18         (a)  Is in any respect in violation of, or does not

19  comply with, this code.

20         (b)  Contains or incorporates by reference, where such

21  incorporation is otherwise permissible, any inconsistent,

22  ambiguous, or misleading clauses, or exceptions and conditions

23  which deceptively affect the risk purported to be assumed in

24  the general coverage of the contract.

25         (c)  Has any title, heading, or other indication of its

26  provisions which is misleading.

27         (d)  Is printed or otherwise reproduced in such manner

28  as to render any material provision of the form substantially

29  illegible.




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    Florida Senate - 2000                           CS for SB 1060

  1         (e)1.  Is for health insurance, and provides benefits

  2  that which are unreasonable in relation to the premium charged

  3  as specified in s. 627.411(2); or,

  4         2.  Contains provisions that constitute unfair

  5  discrimination pursuant to s. 626.9541(1)(g) which are unfair

  6  or inequitable as contrary to the public policy of this state

  7  or which encourages misrepresentation or which apply rating

  8  practices which result in premium escalations that are not

  9  viable for the policyholder market or result in unfair

10  discrimination in sales practices.

11         (f)  Excludes coverage for human immunodeficiency virus

12  infection or acquired immune deficiency syndrome or contains

13  limitations in the benefits payable, or in the terms or

14  conditions of such contract, for human immunodeficiency virus

15  infection or acquired immune deficiency syndrome which are

16  different than those which apply to any other sickness or

17  medical condition.

18         (2)  In determining whether the Benefits are deemed

19  reasonable in relation to the premium charged if premium rates

20  are neither excessive nor inadequate as specified in this

21  subsection., the department, in accordance with reasonable

22  actuarial techniques, shall consider:

23         (a)  Past loss experience and prospective loss

24  experience within and without this state.

25         (b)  Allocation of expenses.

26         (c)  Risk and contingency margins, along with

27  justification of such margins.

28         (d)  Acquisition costs.

29         (a)  Premium rates are not excessive if the insurer

30  demonstrates, in accordance with generally accepted standards

31  of actuarial practice, satisfaction of the following minimum


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    Florida Senate - 2000                           CS for SB 1060

  1  anticipated loss ratios, and the original loss ratio for the

  2  form established by the company, except that the original loss

  3  ratio may be reduced upon filing and approval that a reduction

  4  to the loss ratio is necessary to cover actual increased

  5  expenses of the company:

  6         1.  Loss ratio table, individual policies for the line

  7  of business indicated.

  8         a.  Medical expenses.


10  Renewal clause                                    Loss ratio


12  Noncancelable                                     55 percent

13  Nonrenewable                                      60 percent

14  Guaranteed renewable                              65 percent

15  All others                                        70 percent


17         b.  Medical indemnity, loss of income.


19  Renewal clause                                    Loss ratio


21  Noncancelable                                     50 percent

22  Nonrenewable                                      55 percent

23  Guaranteed renewable                              60 percent

24  All others                                        65 percent


26         2.  Loss ratio table, group policies.

27         a.  Group medical expense.



30  Group size                                        Loss ratio



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    Florida Senate - 2000                           CS for SB 1060

  1  Fewer than 51 certificates                        65 percent

  2  51 through 500 certificates                       70 percent

  3  All others                                        75 percent


  5         b.  Group medical indemnity or any group policy with an

  6  average annual premium per certificate of less than $1,000.


  8  Group size                                        Loss ratio


10  Fewer than 51 certificates                        57.5 percent

11  51 through 500 certificates                       62.5 percent

12  All others                                        67.5 percent


14         3.  Group conversion insurance, other than

15  long-term-care insurance and Medicare supplement insurance,

16  issued on either a group or an individual basis, shall have a

17  loss ratio of not less than 120 percent, subject to the limits

18  described in s. 627.6675.

19         4.  The lifetime loss ratios in subparagraphs 1. and 2.

20  may be adjusted in accordance with the following formula:


22                        R' = (A - 25I) R/A


24  Where:

25         R = the loss ratio from subparagraphs 1. and 2.

26         A = the average annualized premium per individual

27  policy or per group certificate.

28         I = (CPI-U, year N-1)/103.9.

29         R' = the adjusted loss ratio.




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    Florida Senate - 2000                           CS for SB 1060

  1  R' cannot be more than 10 percentage points less than R nor

  2  less than 50 percent, except that R' cannot be less than 45

  3  percent as to accident-only noncancellable policies. The CPI-U

  4  is the consumer price index for all urban consumers, for all

  5  items, and for all regions of the United States combined, as

  6  determined by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of

  7  Labor Statistics, as of September of each year.  Year N-1 is

  8  the calendar year immediately preceding the calendar year N in

  9  which the rate filing is submitted in this state.

10         5.  Blanket insurance is exempt from the loss ratios

11  described in subparagraphs 1.-3. The minimum loss ratio for

12  blanket insurance is 65 percent.

13         6.  Medicare supplement and long-term-care insurance

14  are exempt from the loss ratios described in subparagraphs

15  1.-3. The minimum loss ratios for Medicare supplement

16  insurance must be established in accordance with s. 627.6745.

17  Benefits under long-term-care insurance policies shall be

18  deemed reasonable in relation to premiums provided that the

19  expected loss ratio is at least 60 percent, calculated in a

20  manner that provides for adequate reserving of the

21  long-term-care insurance risk. In evaluating the expected loss

22  ratio, due consideration shall be given to: statistical

23  credibility of incurred claims experience and earned premiums;

24  the period for which rates are computed to provide coverage;

25  experienced and projected trends; the concentration of

26  experience within early policy duration; expected claim

27  fluctuations; experience refunds, adjustments, or dividends;

28  renewability features; all appropriate expense factors;

29  interest; the experimental nature of the coverage; policy

30  reserves; the mix of business by risk classification; and

31  product features such as long elimination periods, high


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  1  deductibles, and high maximum limits.  Additionally, except to

  2  the extent of any conflict with this code, the department

  3  shall adopt rules to implement this subsection, and such rules

  4  shall include the factors specified in section 17A of the

  5  Long-Term Care Model Regulations, as approved by the National

  6  Association of Insurance Commissioners in July 1998.

  7         7.  The anticipated future loss ratio shall be

  8  calculated as the present value of anticipated future benefits

  9  divided by the present value of future premiums, calculated

10  over the entire period for which the revised rates are

11  computed to provide coverage.

12         8.  The lifetime loss ratio shall be calculated as the

13  sum of:

14         a.  The accumulated benefits from the original

15  effective date of the form to the effective date of the

16  revision.

17         b.  The present value of anticipated future benefits

18  divided by the sum of the accumulated premiums from the

19  original effective date of the form to the effective date of

20  the revision.

21         c.  The present value of anticipated future premiums,

22  with future values calculated over the entire period for which

23  the revised rates are computed to provide coverage.

24         9.  Interest shall be used in the calculation of

25  accumulated and present values of benefits and premiums.

26         10.  The minimum loss ratio for individual contracts

27  and group certificate forms issued, delivered, or issued for

28  delivery in this state prior to June 1, 1994, which were

29  approved by the department prior to February 1, 1994, shall be

30  the loss ratio and loss ratio adjustment formula that was in

31  effect at the time the form was approved.


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  1         11.  Anticipated loss ratios lower than those required

  2  in subparagraph (a)1. or subparagraph (a)2. shall require

  3  justification based upon special circumstances that may be

  4  applicable, including, but not limited to:

  5         a.  Accident-only, short-term nonrenewable, specified

  6  peril, and other special risks.

  7         b.  Marketing methods; giving due consideration to

  8  acquisition and administration costs and premium mode;

  9  extraordinary expenses; high risks of claims fluctuation

10  because of low loss frequency or the catastrophic or

11  experimental nature of the coverage; product features, such as

12  long elimination periods, high deductibles, and high maximum

13  limits; and the industrial or debit method of distribution.

14         (b)  Premium rates are not inadequate if the insurer

15  demonstrates, in accordance with generally accepted standards

16  of actuarial practice, that the sum of premium income and

17  investment income, minus the sum of benefit payments,

18  expenses, taxes, and contingency margins, is greater than

19  zero.

20         Section 3.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2000.













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                       COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR
  2                         Senate Bill 1060


  4  Reinserts current law which states that Medicare supplement
    policies are not subject to the loss ratio guaranty provisions
  5  unless the department approves it by rule. (The bill applies
    the loss ratio guaranty provisions to Medicare supplement
  6  policies.)

  7  Reinserts current law for the loss ratio guarantee provisions
    which state that if an insurer has less than 500 policyholders
  8  in the state, the insurer must use its nationwide loss ratio.
    Deletes the provisions of the bill which provided, instead,
  9  that if the insurer has less than 2,000 policyholder years
    nationwide, the experience must be accumulated until the end
10  of the calendar year in which 2,000 policyholder years are
    Requires that if an insurer is making a rate increase that
12  reduces the original loss ratio established by the company,
    the insurer must demonstrate that such reduction is necessary
13  to cover actual increased expenses of the company.

14  The bill authorizes the department to establish procedures for
    establishing that a health insurance policy form meets the
15  requirements of s. 627.411(2). The committee substitute adds
    that the form must also meet the requirements of s. 627.410
16  which includes other rating requirements related to pooling,
    annual rate certifications, and loss ratio calculations.
    Deletes the bill's exemption of long-term care policies from
18  the prohibition against using attained age premium structures.

19  Specifies that guaranteed renewable medical indemnity policies
    are subject to a biannual, rather than annual, rate
20  certification (rather than applying this to guaranteed
    renewable, and medical indemnity policies.)
    Specifies that the department must adopt rules to implement
22  subsection 627.411(2),F.S.









