Senate Bill 1096

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 2000                                   SB1096

    By the Committee on Commerce and Economic Opportunities


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to workforce development;

  3         amending s. 288.9951, F.S.; revising

  4         requirements for a memorandum of understanding

  5         governing the delivery of employment services

  6         at One-Stop Career Centers; providing for

  7         submission of employee performance reports by

  8         the One-Stop Career Center operator;

  9         prescribing elements of the memorandum of

10         understanding; authorizing leasing of state

11         employees to One-Stop Career Center operators

12         for the delivery of employment services;

13         prescribing the elements of employee leasing

14         agreements; providing for assistance from the

15         Department of Management Services with such

16         leasing agreements; providing for a review by

17         the Workforce Development Board of the delivery

18         of employment services; deleting obsolete

19         provisions; making conforming revisions;

20         providing for periodic review of individual

21         training account pricing schedules; providing

22         an effective date.


24  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


26         Section 1.  Subsections (4) and (7) and paragraph (c)

27  of subsection (8) of section 288.9951, Florida Statutes, are

28  amended to read:

29         288.9951  One-Stop Career Centers.--

30         (4)  Notwithstanding any other provision of law, each

31  effective July 1, 1999, regional workforce development board


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    Florida Senate - 2000                                   SB1096

  1  annually boards shall enter into a memorandum of understanding

  2  with the Department of Labor and Employment Security governing

  3  for the delivery of employment services authorized by the

  4  federal Wagner-Peyser Act. Each For fiscal year 1999-2000, the

  5  memorandum of understanding with the Department of Labor and

  6  Employment Security must be performance-based, dedicating 15

  7  percent of the funds to performance payments. Performance

  8  payments shall be based on performance measures developed by

  9  the Workforce Development Board.

10         (a)  Unless otherwise required by federal law, at least

11  90 percent of the Wagner-Peyser funding must go into direct

12  customer service costs.

13         (b)  Employment services must be provided through

14  One-Stop Career Centers, under the guidance of One-Stop Career

15  Center operators. Personnel matters shall remain under the

16  ultimate authority of the department; however, the One-Stop

17  Career Center operator shall submit to the department

18  information relating to the job performance of department

19  employees delivering employment services. The department shall

20  consider any such information submitted by the One-Stop Career

21  Center operator in conducting performance appraisals of the

22  employees.

23         (c)  In addition to any elements required under s. 121

24  of Pub. L. No. 105-220, each memorandum of understanding under

25  this subsection, at a minimum, must specify:

26         1.  The manner in which employment services shall be

27  integrated into and coordinated with other services and

28  activities performed under the management of the One-Stop

29  Career Center operator and by the other partners in the

30  One-Stop Career Center.



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    Florida Senate - 2000                                   SB1096

  1         2.  Policies and procedures governing the guidance to

  2  be provided by the One-Stop Career Center operator to

  3  department employees delivering employment services at the

  4  One-Stop Career Center.

  5         3.  Measures to assess the performance of the

  6  department and department employees in delivering employment

  7  services and sanctions for failure to meet such performance

  8  measures. Performance measures developed under this

  9  subparagraph must be consistent with the performance measures

10  developed by the Workforce Development Board under this

11  subsection.

12         (d)  As a part of the memorandum of understanding under

13  this subsection, a regional workforce development board may

14  elect to enter into an agreement with the department under

15  which department employees delivering employment services

16  shall be leased to the One-Stop Career Center operator.

17  Notwithstanding any provisions in chapter 110 to the contrary,

18  a department employee shall retain the position classification

19  as a state employee that he or she held on the day before the

20  lease agreement takes effect, as well as any state employee

21  personnel rights or benefits associated with that position

22  classification. This lease agreement, at a minimum, must

23  specify that:

24         1.  The department shall retain fiscal responsibility

25  and accountability for the administration of funds allocated

26  to the state under the Wagner-Peyser Act.

27         2.  The department shall retain ultimate authority over

28  personnel matters relating to an employee covered by the lease

29  agreement; however, the employee shall be under the day-to-day

30  supervision of the One-Stop Career Center operator. The

31  One-Stop Career Center operator shall submit to the department


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    Florida Senate - 2000                                   SB1096

  1  information relating to the job performance of department

  2  employees, as provided in paragraph (b).

  3         3.  An employee covered by the lease agreement who is

  4  providing employment services authorized under the

  5  Wagner-Peyser Act shall be paid using Wagner-Peyser Act funds.


  7  The Department of Management Services shall assist a regional

  8  workforce development board and the Department of Labor and

  9  Employment Security with the implementation of the lease

10  agreement provisions under this paragraph. The Department of

11  Management Services may establish terms and conditions for

12  inclusion in such lease agreements.

13         (e)  The Workforce Development Board, in consultation

14  with the Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government

15  Accountability, shall review the delivery of employment

16  services under the Wagner-Peyser Act and the integration of

17  those services with other activities performed at the One-Stop

18  Career Centers and shall provide recommendations to the

19  Legislature for improving the effectiveness of the delivery of

20  employment services in Florida. The Workforce Development

21  Board shall submit a report and recommendations to the

22  Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the

23  House of Representatives by January 1, 2001.

24         (7)  Intensive services and training provided pursuant

25  to Pub. L. No. 105-220, shall be provided to individuals

26  through Intensive Service Accounts and Individual Training

27  Accounts based upon an implementation plan developed by the

28  Workforce Development Board. The Workforce Development Board

29  shall develop, by July 1, 1999, an implementation plan,

30  including identification of initially eligible training

31  providers, transition guidelines, and criteria for use of


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    Florida Senate - 2000                                   SB1096

  1  these accounts. Individual Training Accounts must be

  2  compatible with Individual Development Accounts for education

  3  allowed in federal and state welfare reform statutes.

  4         (8)

  5         (c)  The Workforce Development Board periodically shall

  6  review Individual Training Account pricing schedules developed

  7  by regional workforce development boards and present findings

  8  and recommendations for process improvement to the President

  9  of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives

10  by January 1, 2000.

11         Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2000.


13            *****************************************

14                          SENATE SUMMARY

15    Revises requirements for a memorandum of understanding
      governing the delivery of employment services at One-Stop
16    Career Centers. Provides for submission of employee
      performance reports by the operator of a center.
17    Authorizes the leasing of state employees to a center
      operator for the delivery of employment services.
18    Prescribes the elements of employee leasing agreements.
      Provides for a review by the Workforce Development Board
19    of the delivery of employment services. Provides for
      periodic review of individual training account pricing
20    schedules.











