CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 1151

    Amendment No. 1 (for drafter's use only)

                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                                 .
 2                                 .
 3                                 .

 5                                           ORIGINAL STAMP BELOW






11  The Committee on Insurance offered the following:


13         Amendment (with title amendment) 

14  Remove from the bill:  Everything after the enacting clause


16  and insert in lieu thereof:

17         Section 1.  Section 442.0011, Florida Statutes, is

18  created to read:

19         442.0011  Application.--This chapter does not apply to

20  any firefighter employee, firefighter employer, or any place

21  of firefighter employment, as defined in s. 633.802, covered

22  by ss. 633.801-633.825.

23         Section 2.  Sections 633.801, 633.802, 633.803,

24  633.804, 633.805, 633.806, 633.807, 633.808, 633.809, 633.810,

25  633.811, 633.812, 633.813, 633.814, 633.815, 633.816, 633.817,

26  633.818, 633.819, 633.820, 633.821, 633.823, and 633.825,

27  Florida Statutes, are created to read:

28         633.801  Short title.--Sections 633.801-633.825 may be

29  cited as the "Florida Firefighters Occupational Safety and

30  Health Act."

31         633.802  Definitions.--Unless the context clearly


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 1151

    Amendment No. 1 (for drafter's use only)

 1  requires otherwise, the following definitions apply to ss.

 2  633.801-633.825:

 3         (1)  "Department" means the Department of Insurance.

 4         (2)  "Division" means the Division of State Fire

 5  Marshal of the Department of Insurance.

 6         (3)  "Firefighter employee" means any person engaged in

 7  any employment, public or private, as a firefighter under any

 8  appointment or contract of hire or apprenticeship, express or

 9  implied, oral or written, whether lawfully or unlawfully

10  employed, and includes all volunteer firefighters responding

11  to or assisting with fire or medical emergencies whether or

12  not the firefighter is on duty.

13         (4)  "Firefighter employer" means the state and all

14  political subdivisions of the state, all public and

15  quasi-public corporations in the state, and every person

16  carrying on any employment in the state, which employs

17  firefighters or which uses volunteer firefighters.

18         (5)  "Firefighter employment" or "employment" means any

19  service performed by a firefighter employee for the

20  firefighter employer, and includes the use of all volunteer

21  firefighters.

22         (6)  "Firefighter place of employment" or "place of

23  employment" means the physical location at which the

24  firefighter is employed.

25         633.803  Legislative intent.--It is the intent of the

26  Legislature to enhance firefighter occupational safety and

27  health in this state through the implementation and

28  maintenance of policies, procedures, practices, rules, and

29  standards that reduce the incidence of firefighter employee

30  accidents, firefighter occupational diseases, and firefighter

31  fatalities compensable under chapter 440 or otherwise.  The


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 1151

    Amendment No. 1 (for drafter's use only)

 1  Legislature further intends that the division develop a means

 2  by which it can identify individual firefighter employers with

 3  a high frequency or severity of work-related injuries; conduct

 4  safety inspections of those firefighter employers; and assist

 5  those firefighter employers in the development and

 6  implementation of firefighter employee safety and health

 7  programs.  In addition, it is the intent of the Legislature

 8  that the division administer the provisions of ss.

 9  633.801-633.825; provide assistance to firefighter employers,

10  firefighter employees, and insurers; and enforce the policies,

11  rules, and standards set forth in ss. 633.801-633.825.

12         633.804  Safety inspections; consultations; rules.--The

13  division shall adopt rules governing the manner, means, and

14  frequency of firefighter employer and firefighter employee

15  safety inspections and consultations by all insurers and

16  self-insurers.

17         633.805  Division to make study of firefighter

18  occupational diseases, etc.--The division shall make a

19  continuous study of firefighter occupational diseases and the

20  ways and means for their control and prevention and shall make

21  and enforce necessary regulations for such control.  For this

22  purpose, the division is authorized to cooperate with

23  firefighter employers, firefighter employees, and insurers,

24  and with the Department of Health.

25         633.806  Investigations by the division; refusal to

26  admit; penalty.--

27         (1)  The division shall make studies and investigations

28  with respect to safety provisions and the causes of

29  firefighter injuries in firefighter places of employment, and

30  shall make to the Legislature, firefighter employers, and

31  insurers such recommendations as it considers proper as to the


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 1151

    Amendment No. 1 (for drafter's use only)

 1  best means of preventing firefighter injuries.  In making such

 2  studies and investigations, the division may:

 3         (a)  Cooperate with any agency of the United States

 4  charged with the duty of enforcing any law securing safety

 5  against injury in any place of firefighter employment covered

 6  by ss. 633.801-633.825, or any agency or department of the

 7  state engaged in enforcing any law to assure safety for

 8  firefighter employees.

 9         (b)  Allow any such agency or department to have access

10  to the records of the division.

11         (2)  The division and its authorized representatives

12  may enter and inspect any place of firefighter employment at

13  any reasonable time for the purpose of investigating

14  compliance with ss. 633.801-633.825 and making inspections for

15  the proper enforcement of ss. 633.801-633.825.  Any

16  firefighter employer who refuses to admit any member of the

17  division or its authorized representative to any place of

18  firefighter employment or to allow investigation and

19  inspection pursuant to this paragraph commits a misdemeanor of

20  the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s.

21  775.083.

22         (3)  The division by rule may adopt procedures for

23  conducting investigations of firefighter employers under ss.

24  633.801-633.825.

25         633.807  Safety; firefighter employer

26  responsibilities.--Every firefighter employer shall furnish to

27  firefighters employment that is safe for the firefighter

28  employees therein, furnish and use safety devices and

29  safeguards, adopt and use methods and processes reasonably

30  adequate to render such an employment and place of employment

31  safe, and do every other thing reasonably necessary to protect


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 1151

    Amendment No. 1 (for drafter's use only)

 1  the lives, health, and safety of such firefighter employees.

 2  As used in this section, the terms "safe" and "safety" as

 3  applied to any employment or place of firefighter employment

 4  mean such freedom from danger as is reasonably necessary for

 5  the protection of the lives, health, and safety of firefighter

 6  employees, including conditions and methods of sanitation and

 7  hygiene.  Safety devices and safeguards required to be

 8  furnished by the firefighter employer by this section or by

 9  the division under authority of this section shall not include

10  personal apparel and protective devices that replace personal

11  apparel normally worn by firefighter employees during regular

12  working hours.

13         633.808  Division authority.--The division shall:

14         (1)  Investigate and prescribe by rule what safety

15  devices, safeguards, or other means of protection must be

16  adopted for the prevention of accidents in every firefighter

17  place of employment or at any fire scene; determine what

18  suitable devices, safeguards, or other means of protection for

19  the prevention of occupational diseases must be adopted or

20  followed in any or all such firefighter places of employment

21  or at any fire scene; adopt reasonable rules for the

22  prevention of accidents and the safety, protection, and

23  security of firefighters engaged in interior firefighting; and

24  adopt reasonable rules for the prevention of occupational

25  diseases.

26         (2)  Ascertain, fix, and order such reasonable

27  standards and rules for the construction, repair, and

28  maintenance of firefighter places of employment as shall

29  render them safe.  Such rules and standards must be adopted in

30  accordance with chapter 120.

31         (3)  Assist firefighter employers in the development


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 1151

    Amendment No. 1 (for drafter's use only)

 1  and implementation of firefighter employee safety training

 2  programs by contracting with professional safety

 3  organizations.

 4         (4)  Adopt rules prescribing recordkeeping

 5  responsibilities for firefighter employers, which may include

 6  rules for maintaining a log and summary of occupational

 7  injuries, diseases, and illnesses and for producing on request

 8  a notice of injury and firefighter employee accident

 9  investigation records, and rules prescribing a retention

10  schedule for such records.

11         633.809  Right of entry.--The division and its

12  authorized representatives may enter at any reasonable time

13  any firefighter place of employment for the purpose of

14  examining any tool, appliance, or machinery used in such

15  employment and may make inspections for the proper enforcement

16  of ss. 633.801-633.825.  A firefighter employer or owner may

17  not refuse to admit any member of the division or its

18  authorized representatives to any firefighter place of

19  employment.

20         633.810  Firefighter employers whose firefighter

21  employees have a high frequency of work-related injuries.--The

22  division shall develop a means by which it can identify

23  individual firefighter employers whose firefighter employees

24  have a high frequency or severity of work-related injuries.

25  The division shall carry out safety inspections of the

26  facilities and operations of these firefighter employers in

27  order to assist them in reducing the frequency and severity of

28  work-related injuries.  The division shall develop safety and

29  health programs for those firefighter employers.  Insurers

30  shall distribute these safety and health programs to the

31  firefighter employers so identified by the division.  Those


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 1151

    Amendment No. 1 (for drafter's use only)

 1  firefighter employers identified by the division as having a

 2  high frequency or severity of work-related injuries shall

 3  implement a division-developed safety and health program.  The

 4  division shall carry out safety inspections of those

 5  firefighter employers so identified to ensure compliance with

 6  the safety and health program and to assist such firefighter

 7  employers in reducing the number of work-related injuries.

 8  The division may not assess penalties as the result of such

 9  inspections, except as provided by s. 633.813.  Copies of any

10  report made as the result of such an inspection must be

11  provided to the firefighter employer and its insurer.

12  Firefighter employers may submit their own safety and health

13  programs to the division for approval in lieu of using the

14  division-developed safety and health program.  The division

15  must promptly review the program submitted and approve or

16  disapprove it.  Upon approval by the division, the program

17  must be implemented by the firefighter employer.  If the

18  program is not approved or if a program is not submitted, the

19  firefighter employer must implement the division-developed

20  program.  The division shall adopt rules setting forth the

21  criteria for safety and health programs.

22         633.811  Insurer consultations.--Each insurer writing

23  workers' compensation insurance in this state, each

24  firefighter employer qualifying as an individual self-insurer

25  under s. 440.38, each self-insurance fund under s. 624.461,

26  and each assessable mutual insurer under s. 628.6011 must

27  provide safety consultations to each of its policyholders who

28  requests such consultations.  Each such insurer or

29  self-insurer must inform its policyholders of the availability

30  of such consultations.  The division is responsible for

31  approving all safety and health programs.  The division shall


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 1151

    Amendment No. 1 (for drafter's use only)

 1  aid all insurers and self-insurers in establishing their

 2  safety and health programs by setting out criteria in an

 3  appropriate format.

 4         633.812  Workplace safety committees and safety

 5  coordinators.--

 6         (1)  In order to promote health and safety in places of

 7  firefighter employment in this state:

 8         (a)  Each firefighter employer of 20 or more

 9  firefighter employees shall establish and administer a

10  workplace safety committee in accordance with rules adopted

11  under this section.

12         (b)  Each firefighter employer of fewer than 20

13  firefighter employees which is identified by the division as

14  having high frequency or severity of work-related injuries

15  shall establish and administer a workplace safety committee or

16  designate a workplace safety coordinator who shall establish

17  and administer workplace safety activities in accordance with

18  rules adopted under this section.

19         (2)  The division shall adopt rules:

20         (a)  Prescribing the membership of the workplace safety

21  committees so as to ensure an equal number of firefighter

22  employee representatives, who are volunteers or are elected by

23  their peers, and of firefighter employer representatives, and

24  specifying the frequency of meetings.

25         (b)  Requiring firefighter employers to make adequate

26  records of each meeting and to file and to maintain the

27  records subject to inspection by the division.

28         (c)  Prescribing the duties and functions of the

29  workplace safety committee and workplace safety coordinator,

30  which include, but are not limited to:

31         1.  Establishing procedures for workplace safety


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 1151

    Amendment No. 1 (for drafter's use only)

 1  inspections by the committee.

 2         2.  Establishing procedures investigating all workplace

 3  accidents, safety-related incidents, illnesses, and deaths.

 4         3.  Evaluating accident-prevention and

 5  illness-prevention programs.

 6         4.  Prescribing guidelines for the training of safety

 7  committee members.

 8         (3)  The composition, selection, and function of safety

 9  committees shall be a mandatory topic of negotiations with any

10  certified collective bargaining agent for firefighter

11  employers that operate under a collective bargaining

12  agreement.  Firefighter employers that operate under a

13  collective bargaining agreement that contains provisions

14  regulating the formation and operation of workplace safety

15  committees that meet or exceed the minimum requirements

16  contained in this section, or firefighter employers who

17  otherwise have existing workplace safety committees that meet

18  or exceed the minimum requirements established by this section

19  are in compliance with this section.

20         (4)  Firefighter employees must be compensated their

21  regular hourly wage while engaged in workplace safety

22  committee or workplace safety coordinator training, meetings,

23  or other duties prescribed under this section.

24         633.813  Firefighter employer penalties.--If any

25  firefighter employer violates or fails or refuses to comply

26  with ss. 633.801-633.825, or with any rule adopted by the

27  division, in accordance with chapter 120, for the prevention

28  of injuries, accidents, or occupational diseases or with any

29  lawful order of the division in connection with ss.

30  633.801-633.825, or fails or refuses to furnish or adopt any

31  safety device, safeguard, or other means of protection


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 1151

    Amendment No. 1 (for drafter's use only)

 1  prescribed by the division under ss. 633.801-633.825 for the

 2  prevention of injuries, accidents, or occupational diseases,

 3  the division may assess against the firefighter employer a

 4  civil penalty of not less than $100 nor more than $5,000 for

 5  each day the violation, omission, failure, or refusal

 6  continues after the firefighter employer has been given notice

 7  thereof in writing.  The total penalty for each violation may

 8  not exceed $50,000.  The division shall adopt rules requiring

 9  penalties commensurate with the frequency or severity, or

10  both, of safety violations.  A hearing must be held in the

11  county where the violation, omission, failure, or refusal is

12  alleged to have occurred, unless otherwise agreed to by the

13  firefighter employer and authorized by the division.  All

14  penalties assessed and collected under this section shall be

15  deposited in the Insurance Commissioner's Regulatory Trust

16  Fund.

17         633.814  Division cooperation with Federal Government;

18  exemption from division requirements.--

19         (1)  The division shall cooperate with the Federal

20  Government so that duplicate inspections will be avoided while

21  providing safe places of firefighter employment for the

22  citizens of this state.

23         (2)  Except as provided in this section, a private

24  firefighter employer is not subject to the requirements of the

25  division if:

26         (a)  The private firefighter employer is subject to the

27  federal regulations in 29 C.F.R., ss. 1910 and 1926.

28         (b)  The private firefighter employer has adopted and

29  implemented a written safety program that conforms to the

30  requirements of 29 C.F.R., ss. 1910 and 1926.

31         (c)  A private firefighter employer with 20 or more


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 1151

    Amendment No. 1 (for drafter's use only)

 1  full-time firefighter employees shall include provisions for a

 2  safety committee in the safety program.  The safety committee

 3  must include firefighter employee representation and must meet

 4  at least once each calendar quarter.  The private firefighter

 5  employer must make adequate records of each meeting and

 6  maintain the records subject to inspections under subsection

 7  (3).  The safety committee shall, if appropriate, make

 8  recommendations regarding improvements to the safety program

 9  and corrections of hazards affecting workplace safety.

10         (d)  The private firefighter employer provides the

11  division with a written statement that certifies compliance

12  with this subsection.

13         (3)  The division may enter at any reasonable time any

14  place of firefighter employment for the purposes of verifying

15  the accuracy of the written certification.  If the division

16  determines that the firefighter employer has not complied with

17  the requirements of subsection (2), the firefighter employer

18  shall be subject to the rules of the division until the

19  firefighter employer complies with subsection (2) and

20  recertifies that fact to the division.

21         (4)  This section shall not restrict the division from

22  performing any duties pursuant to a written contract between

23  the division and the federal Occupational Safety and Health

24  Administration (OSHA).

25         633.815  Failure to implement a safety and health

26  program; cancellations.--If a firefighter employer that is

27  found by the division to have a high frequency or severity of

28  work-related injuries fails to implement a safety and health

29  program, the insurer or self-insurer's fund that is providing

30  coverage for the firefighter employer may cancel the contract

31  for insurance with the firefighter employer.  In the


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 1151

    Amendment No. 1 (for drafter's use only)

 1  alternative, the insurer or fund may terminate any discount or

 2  deviation granted to the firefighter employer for the

 3  remainder of the term of the policy.  If the contract is

 4  canceled or the discount or deviation is terminated, the

 5  insurer must make such reports as are required by law.

 6         633.816  Expenses of administration.--The amounts that

 7  are needed to administer ss. 633.801-633.825 shall be

 8  disbursed from the Insurance Commissioner's Regulatory Trust

 9  Fund.

10         633.817  Refusal to admit; penalty.--The division and

11  its authorized representatives may enter and inspect any place

12  of firefighter employment at any reasonable time for the

13  purpose of investigating compliance with ss. 633.801-633.825

14  and conducting inspections for the proper enforcement of ss.

15  633.801-633.825.  A firefighter employer who refuses to admit

16  any member of the division or its authorized representative to

17  any place of employment or to allow investigation and

18  inspection pursuant to this paragraph, commits a misdemeanor

19  of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or

20  s. 775.083.

21         633.818  Firefighter employee rights and

22  responsibilities.--

23         (1)  Each firefighter employee of a firefighter

24  employer covered under ss. 633.801-633.825 shall comply with

25  rules adopted by the division and with reasonable workplace

26  safety and health standards, rules, policies, procedures, and

27  work practices established by the firefighter employer and the

28  workplace safety committee.  A firefighter employee who

29  knowingly fails to comply with this subsection may be

30  disciplined or discharged by the firefighter employer.

31         (2)  A firefighter employer may not discharge, threaten


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 1151

    Amendment No. 1 (for drafter's use only)

 1  to discharge, cause to be discharged, intimidate, coerce,

 2  otherwise discipline, or in any manner discriminate against a

 3  firefighter employee for any of the following reasons:

 4         (a)  The firefighter employee has testified or is about

 5  to testify, on her or his own behalf, or on behalf of others,

 6  in any proceeding instituted under ss. 633.801-633.825.

 7         (b)  The firefighter employee has exercised any other

 8  right afforded under ss. 633.801-633.825.

 9         (c)  The firefighter employee is engaged in activities

10  relating to the workplace safety committee.

11         (3)  Neither pay, position, seniority, nor other

12  benefit may be lost for exercising any right under, or for

13  seeking compliance with, any requirement of ss.

14  633.801-633.825.

15         633.819  Compliance.--Failure of a firefighter employer

16  or an insurer to comply with ss. 633.801-633.825, or with any

17  rules adopted under ss. 633.801-633.825, constitutes grounds

18  for the division to seek remedies, including injunctive

19  relief, for compliance by making appropriate filings with the

20  Circuit Court of Leon County.

21         633.820  False statements to insurers.--A firefighter

22  employer who knowingly and willfully falsifies or conceals a

23  material fact; makes a false, fictitious, or fraudulent

24  statement or representation; or makes or uses any false

25  document knowing the document to contain any false,

26  fictitious, or fraudulent entry or statement to an insurer of

27  workers' compensation insurance under ss. 633.801-633.825

28  commits a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as

29  provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.

30         633.821  Insurer penalties.--If any insurer violates,

31  fails, or refuses to comply with ss. 633.801-633.825 or with


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 1151

    Amendment No. 1 (for drafter's use only)

 1  any rule adopted or order issued under ss. 633.801-633.825,

 2  the division, after notice and hearing in accordance with

 3  chapter 120, may assess against the insurer a civil penalty of

 4  not less than $100 nor more than $5,000 each day the

 5  violation, failure, or refusal continues after the insurer has

 6  been given written notice thereof.  The total penalty for each

 7  violation, failure, or refusal may not exceed $50,000.  The

 8  division shall adopt rules providing for penalties for

 9  noncompliance with ss. 633.801-633.825 by insurers.  All

10  penalties assessed and collected under this section shall be

11  deposited in the Insurance Commissioner's Regulatory Trust

12  Fund.

13         633.823  Matters within jurisdiction of the division;

14  false, fictitious, or fraudulent acts, statements, and

15  representations prohibited; penalty; statute of

16  limitations.--A person may not, in any matter within the

17  jurisdiction of the division, knowingly and willfully falsify

18  or conceal a material fact; make any false, fictitious, or

19  fraudulent statement or representation; or make or use any

20  false document, knowing the same to contain any false,

21  fictitious, or fraudulent statement or entry.  A person who

22  violates this section commits a misdemeanor of the second

23  degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.

24  The statute of limitations for prosecution of an act committed

25  in violation of this section is 5 years after the date the act

26  was committed or, if not discovered within 30 days after the

27  act was committed, 5 years after the date the act was

28  discovered.

29         633.825  Workplace safety.--

30         (1)  The division shall assist in making the workplace

31  a safer place to work and decreasing the frequency and


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 1151

    Amendment No. 1 (for drafter's use only)

 1  severity of on-the-job injuries.

 2         (2)  The division shall have the authority to adopt

 3  rules for the purpose of assuring safe working conditions for

 4  all firefighter employees by authorizing the enforcement of

 5  effective standards, assisting and encouraging firefighter

 6  employers to maintain safe working conditions, and by

 7  providing for education and training in the field of safety.

 8  For firefighter employers, the division may by rule adopt

 9  subparts C through T and subpart Z of 29 C.F.R. part 1910;

10  subparts C through Z of 29 C.F.R. part 1926; subparts A

11  through D, subpart I, and subpart M of 29 C.F.R. part 1928;

12  subparts A through G of 29 C.F.R. part 1917; subparts A

13  through L and subpart Z of 29 C.F.R. part 1915; subparts A

14  through J of 29 C.F.R. part 1918, latest revision, provided

15  that 29 C.F.R. s. 1910.156 applies to volunteer firefighters

16  and fire departments operated by the state or political

17  subdivisions; the National Fire Protection Association, Inc.,

18  Standard 1500, paragraph 5-7 (Personal Alert Safety System)

19  (1992 edition); and ANSI A 10.4-1990.

20         (3)  The provisions of chapter 440 which pertain to

21  workplace safety shall be applicable to the division.

22         (4)  The division shall have authority to adopt any

23  rule necessary to implement, interpret, and make specific any

24  matter pertaining to any subject or reference contained in

25  this section, including all of the provisions referred to in

26  subsection (2), as they relate to firefighter employees,

27  firefighter employers, and firefighter places of employment.

28         Section 3.  Effective June 30, 2000, and, if this act

29  becomes a law after June 30, 2000, operating retroactively to

30  June 30, 2000, section 14 of chapter 99-240, Laws of Florida,

31  is amended to read:


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 1151

    Amendment No. 1 (for drafter's use only)

 1         Section 14.  Sections Chapter 442, Florida Statutes,

 2  consisting of ss. 442.001, 442.002, 442.003, 442.004, 442.005,

 3  442.006, 442.007, 442.008, 442.009, 442.0105 442.1015,

 4  442.011, 442.012, 442.013, 442.014, 442.015, 442.016, 442.017,

 5  442.018, 442.019, 442.020, 442.021, 442.022, 442.023, 442.101,

 6  442.102, 442.103, 442.104, 442.105, 442.106, 442.107, 442.108,

 7  442.109, 442.111, 442.112, 442.113, 442.115, 442.116, 442.118,

 8  442.1185, 442.119, 442.121, 442.123, 442.125, 442.126,

 9  442.127, 442.20, and 442.21, Florida Statutes, are is repealed

10  July 1, 2000. The Department of Labor and Employment Security

11  shall submit to the Governor and the Legislature by January 1,

12  2000, a report on a proposed reauthorization of the Division

13  of Safety and the provisions of chapter 442, Florida Statutes,

14  based upon the following criteria:

15         (1)  External requirements mandating that the State of

16  Florida provide a state agency for employment safety issues;

17         (2)  Internal organizational requirements that

18  necessitate a state agency for safety issues and a review of

19  state agency practices for the provision of existing

20  safety-related activities.

21         (3)  A compilation of best practices among public and

22  private employers which achieve safety results without the

23  creation of a governmental regulatory apparatus.

24         (4)  The appropriateness of a management-by-exception

25  system in which the division functions as a contract

26  performance auditor for the development of internal risk and

27  safety management issues among employers.

28         Section 4.  Except as otherwise provided herein, this

29  act shall take effect July 1, 2000.




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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 1151

    Amendment No. 1 (for drafter's use only)

 1  ================ T I T L E   A M E N D M E N T ===============

 2  And the title is amended as follows:

 3  remove from the title of the bill:  the entire title


 5  and insert in lieu thereof:

 6                      A bill to be entitled

 7         An act relating to firefighter occupational

 8         health and safety; creating s. 442.0011, F.S.;

 9         excluding application of chapter 442, F.S., to

10         firefighter employees, employers, and places of

11         employment; creating ss. 633.801, 633.802,

12         633.803, 633.804, 633.805, 633.806, 633.807,

13         633.808, 633.809, 633.810, 633.811, 633.812,

14         633.813, 633.814, 633.815, 633.816, 633.817,

15         633.818, 633.819, 633.820, 633.821, 633.823,

16         and 633.825, F.S.; providing a short title;

17         providing definitions; providing in chapter

18         633, F.S., and applying to firefighter

19         employees, firefighter employers, and

20         firefighter places of employment, the workplace

21         safety and health provisions of chapter 442,

22         F.S.; providing duties and responsibilities of

23         the Division of State Fire Marshal of the

24         Department of Insurance; requiring the division

25         to adopt certain rules; providing penalties;

26         amending s. 14, chapter 99-240, Laws of

27         Florida; saving chapter 442, F.S., from repeal;

28         providing for retroactive effect; providing

29         effective dates.




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