House Bill 1197er

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.


    2000 Legislature                      HB 1197, First Engrossed


  2         An act relating to Lee County and the City of

  3         Fort Myers; amending section 4, chapter 98-488,

  4         Laws of Florida; providing for an annexation

  5         referendum in certain enclaves only; allowing

  6         city the option to hold a referendum in the

  7         City of Fort Myers; providing for separate vote

  8         on an interlocal agreement by electors in the

  9         city and electors in certain enclave areas

10         proposed to be annexed; providing an effective

11         date.


13  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


15         Section 1.  Section 4 of chapter 98-488, Laws of

16  Florida, is amended to read:

17         Section 4.  (1)  Subsequent to the adoption of the

18  interlocal agreement between the city and the county, and

19  prior to the implementation of the proposed annexation by the

20  city of the described "Dunbar" and "Belle Vue" enclaves, a

21  referendum shall be held by the city in the City of Fort Myers

22  and within the proposed, described enclave areas to be

23  annexed, or at the election of the city, in the city of Fort

24  Myers and within the proposed, described enclave areas to be

25  annexed, for the ratification and approval of the interlocal

26  agreement by the registered electorates therein pursuant to

27  the provisions of s. 171.0413, Florida Statutes, as amended.

28         (2)  The interlocal agreement shall be presented

29  separately to the registered voters residing within the city

30  and the registered voters residing within the proposed annexed

31  areas as further described in section 2 of this act. The city


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.


    2000 Legislature                      HB 1197, First Engrossed

  1  may also elect to submit the interlocal agreement to a

  2  separate vote of the registered voters residing within the

  3  city at the same time the referendum is held in the proposed

  4  enclave areas. The procedures for conducting the referendum

  5  shall be pursuant to the requirements as set out at s.

  6  171.0413(2), Florida Statutes. Upon a majority vote, of the

  7  registered electors of the City of Fort Myers and a majority

  8  of the votes cast by the combined registered electors residing

  9  in both the "Dunbar" and "Belle Vue" areas, or if the city

10  elects to submit the interlocal agreement to a separate vote

11  of the registered voters residing within the city, upon a

12  majority vote of the electors of the City of Fort Myers and a

13  majority vote by the combined electors residing in both

14  "Dunbar" and "Belle Vue" areas, the interlocal agreement shall

15  be deemed to be ratified and approved, and shall become

16  effective as provided for in the interlocal agreement, but

17  otherwise for not more than 1 year following the referendum.

18  The referendum for ratification and approval of the interlocal

19  agreement for annexation may be conducted by the city at any

20  regular election following the adoption of the interlocal

21  agreement by the city and the county.

22         Section 2.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

23  law.








