Senate Bill 1212er

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    2000 Legislature                 CS for SB 1212, 2nd Engrossed


  2         An act relating to the judiciary; providing

  3         intent; providing a basis for funding the court

  4         system, the public defender's offices, the

  5         state attorneys' offices, and the court-related

  6         functions of the clerks of the court; providing

  7         a phase-in schedule; defining the essential

  8         elements of the court system; defining the

  9         essential elements of the state attorneys'

10         offices; defining the essential elements of the

11         public defenders' offices; defining the

12         essential elements of court-appointed counsel;

13         providing definitions for county funding

14         responsibilities; creating the Article V

15         Financial Accountability and Efficiency

16         Workgroup; providing for membership; providing

17         responsibilities; creating a process for

18         certain counties to cover extraordinary

19         criminal case-related costs; providing for the

20         establishment of pilot projects in three

21         counties to fund costs of conflict counsel;

22         requiring clerks to provide specified

23         information to the Legislature; creating the

24         Joint Legislative Committee on Article V;

25         providing for membership and duties; providing

26         appropriations; providing a limitation on

27         funding; amending ss. 216.001, 216.011, F.S.;

28         redefining the term "state agency"; amending s.

29         216.0172, F.S.; requiring the judicial branch

30         to submit a performance-based program budget;

31         amending s. 216.023, F.S.; excepting the


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    2000 Legislature                 CS for SB 1212, 2nd Engrossed

  1         judicial branch from submitting final

  2         legislative budget requests to the Governor;

  3         amending s. 216.0235, F.S.; excepting the

  4         judicial branch from submitting final

  5         legislative program budget requests; creating

  6         the Supreme Court Workload Study Commission;

  7         providing members; providing duties; providing

  8         staffing; requiring a report; amending s.

  9         216.0166, F.S.; providing requirements for

10         performance-based program budgeting for the

11         judicial branch; amending s. 35.05, F.S.;

12         authorizing branch district courts of appeal;

13         providing an effective date.


15  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


17         Section 1.  Intent.--

18         (1)  It is the intent of the Legislature that, for the

19  purpose of implementing Article V, Section 14 of the State

20  Constitution, the state courts system be defined to include

21  the essential elements of the Supreme Court, district courts

22  of appeal, circuit courts, county courts, and essential

23  supports thereto.  Similarly, the offices of public defenders

24  and state attorneys shall include those essential elements as

25  determined by general law. Further, the state attorneys'

26  offices are defined to include the essential elements of the

27  20 state attorneys' offices and the public defenders' offices

28  are defined to include the essential elements of the 20 public

29  defenders' offices.  Court appointed counsel are defined as

30  counsel appointed to ensure due process in criminal and civil



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    2000 Legislature                 CS for SB 1212, 2nd Engrossed

  1  proceedings in accordance with state and federal

  2  constitutional guarantees.

  3         (2)  All funding for the court-related functions of the

  4  offices of the clerks of the circuit and county courts shall

  5  be provided by adequate and appropriate filing fees for

  6  judicial proceedings and service charges and costs for

  7  performing court-related functions.

  8         (3)  Pursuant to general law, counties shall be

  9  required to fund the cost of communications services, existing

10  radio systems, existing multi-agency criminal justice

11  information systems, and the cost of construction or lease,

12  maintenance, utilities, and security of facilities for the

13  circuit courts and county courts, public defenders' offices,

14  state attorneys' offices, and the offices of the clerks of the

15  circuit and county courts, as defined by general law.  In

16  addition, the counties will continue to fund existing elements

17  of the state courts system, state attorneys' offices, public

18  defenders' offices, court appointed counsel, and the offices

19  of the clerks of the circuit and county courts performing

20  court-related functions, consistent with current law and

21  practice, until such time as the Legislature expressly assumes

22  the responsibility for funding those elements. Counties will

23  fund the cost of criminal cases filed by the office of

24  statewide prosecution. Additionally, the Legislature will

25  define by general law those local requirements of the state

26  courts system for which the counties must pay reasonable and

27  necessary salaries, costs, and expenses.

28         (4)  Although a program or function currently may be

29  funded by the state or prescribed or established in general

30  law, this does not designate the program or function as an

31  essential element of the state courts system, state attorneys'


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  1  offices, public defenders' offices, or the offices of the

  2  circuit and county court clerks performing court-related

  3  functions as described in Article V, Section 14, of the State

  4  Constitution.

  5         Section 2.  Basis for funding.--

  6         (1)  The Legislature's appropriation of funding in the

  7  General Appropriations Act for appropriate salaries, costs,

  8  and expenses pursuant to Article V, Section 14 of the State

  9  Constitution shall be based upon reliable and auditable data

10  substantiating the revenues and expenditures associated with

11  each essential element.

12         (2)  Court costs, fines, and other dispositional

13  assessments shall be imposed and enforced by the courts,

14  collected by the clerks of the circuit and county courts, and

15  may be directed to the state in accordance with authorizations

16  and procedures as determined by general law.

17         (3)  Waiver of fees and costs for indigents in criminal

18  or civil actions and requests for reductions in fees and costs

19  and for a court-appointed attorney shall be determined through

20  procedures established pursuant to general law.  Similarly,

21  requests for reductions in fees and costs and for a

22  court-appointed attorney shall occur after examination,

23  pursuant to general law.

24         Section 3.  Phase-in schedule.--

25         (1)  During fiscal years 2000-2001 and 2001-2002 the

26  Legislature shall:

27         (a)  Review the state courts system to determine those

28  elements appropriate to receive state funding and, based on

29  the availability of accurate data, determine the most

30  appropriate means for funding such elements and provide

31  direction regarding budgeting for the state courts system.


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    2000 Legislature                 CS for SB 1212, 2nd Engrossed

  1         (b)  Review selected salaries, costs, and expenses of

  2  the state courts system which may be funded from appropriate

  3  filing fees for judicial proceedings and service charges and

  4  costs.

  5         (2)  Prior to or during fiscal years 2001-2002 and

  6  2002-2003 the Legislature shall review the offices of the

  7  state attorneys and public defenders and the use of civil

  8  indigency counsel and conflict counsel to determine those

  9  elements appropriate to receive state funding and, based on

10  the availability of accurate data, determine the most

11  appropriate means for funding such elements and provide

12  direction regarding budgeting for the state attorneys'

13  offices, public defenders' offices, and court-appointed

14  counsel.

15         (3)  Prior to or during fiscal years 2002-2003 and

16  2003-2004 the Legislature shall review the offices of the

17  clerks of the circuit and county courts to define

18  court-related functions.  If there is accurate data on

19  court-related functions and costs, the Legislature may

20  determine the appropriate levels of filing fees, service

21  charges, and court costs to fund those functions.

22         (4)  During fiscal years 2000-2001 and 2001-2002, the

23  Legislature shall review current law with regard to

24  authorizations for court costs, fines, and other dispositional

25  assessments and redirect appropriate revenues to the state.

26         (5)  On or before July 1, 2004, the Legislature will

27  fully effectuate the requirements of Article XII, Section 25

28  of the State Constitution.  Prior to July 1, 2004, the

29  counties are financially obligated to continue to fund

30  existing elements of the state courts system, state attorneys'

31  offices, public defenders' offices, court appointed counsel,


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    2000 Legislature                 CS for SB 1212, 2nd Engrossed

  1  and the offices of the clerks of the circuit and county courts

  2  performing court-related functions, consistent with current

  3  law and practice, until such time as the Legislature expressly

  4  assumes the responsibility for funding such elements. Counties

  5  will fund the cost of criminal cases filed by the office of

  6  statewide prosecution. Additionally, the Legislature will

  7  define by general law those local requirements of the state

  8  courts system for which the counties must pay reasonable and

  9  necessary salaries, costs, and expenses.

10         (6)  Pursuant to Article XII, Section 25 and Article V,

11  Section 14 of the State Constitution, commencing in fiscal

12  year 2000-2001, the Legislature will appropriate funds:

13         (a)  To  create a contingency fund to assist small

14  counties with extraordinary case-related costs in criminal

15  cases.

16         (b)  For pilot projects in at least three counties to

17  cover reasonable and necessary conflict attorneys.

18         Section 4.  State courts system.--

19         (1)  For purposes of implementing Article V, Section 14

20  of the State Constitution, the essential elements of the state

21  courts system are as follows:

22         (a)  Judges appointed or elected pursuant to chapters

23  25, 26, 34 and 35, Florida Statutes, and essential staff,

24  expenses, and costs as determined by general law.

25         (b)  Juror compensation and expenses and reasonable

26  juror accommodations when necessary.

27         (c)  Reasonable court reporting services necessary to

28  meet constitutional requirements.

29         (d)  Auxiliary aids and services for qualified

30  individuals with a disability which are necessary to ensure

31  access to the courts. Such auxiliary aids and services


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    2000 Legislature                 CS for SB 1212, 2nd Engrossed

  1  include, but are not limited to, sign-language interpreters,

  2  translators, real-time transcription services for individuals

  3  who are hearing impaired, and assistive listening devices.

  4  This section does not include physical modifications to court

  5  facilities; noncourtroom communication services; or other

  6  accommodations, auxiliary aids, or services for which the

  7  counties are responsible pursuant to Section 14 of Article V

  8  of the State Constitution.

  9         (e)  Construction or lease of facilities, maintenance,

10  utilities and security for the district courts of appeal and

11  the Supreme Court.

12         (f)  Foreign language interpreters and translators

13  essential to comply with constitutional requirements.

14         (g)  Staff and expenses of the Judicial Qualifications

15  Commission.

16         Section 5.  State attorneys' offices and prosecution

17  expenses.--For purposes of implementing Article V, Section 14

18  of the State Constitution, the essential elements of the state

19  attorneys' offices are as follows:

20         (1)  The state attorney of each judicial circuit and

21  assistant state attorneys and essential staff as determined by

22  general law.

23         (2)  Reasonable court reporting services necessary to

24  meet constitutional requirements.

25         (3)  Witnesses summoned to appear for an investigation,

26  preliminary hearing, or trial in a criminal case when the

27  witnesses are summoned by a state attorney; mental health

28  professionals who are appointed pursuant to section 394.473,

29  Florida Statutes, and required in a court hearing involving an

30  indigent; and expert witnesses who are appointed pursuant to



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  1  section 916.115(2), Florida Statutes, and required in a court

  2  hearing involving an indigent.

  3         Section 6.  Public defenders and indigent defense

  4  costs.--For purposes of implementing Article V, Section 14 of

  5  the State Constitution, the essential elements of the public

  6  defenders' offices are as follows:

  7         (1)  The public defender of each judicial circuit and

  8  assistant public defenders and essential staff as determined

  9  by general law.

10         (2)  Reasonable court reporting services necessary to

11  meet constitutional requirements.

12         (3)  Witnesses summoned to appear for an investigation,

13  preliminary hearing, or trial in a criminal case when the

14  witnesses are summoned on behalf of an indigent defendant;

15  mental health professionals who are appointed pursuant to s.

16  394.473, Florida Statutes, and required in a court hearing

17  involving an indigent; and expert witnesses who are appointed

18  pursuant to section 916.115(2), Florida Statutes, and required

19  in a court hearing involving an indigent.

20         Section 7.  Court appointed counsel.--For purposes of

21  implementing Article V, Section 14 of the State Constitution,

22  the essential elements of court appointed counsel are as

23  follows:

24         (1)  Private attorneys assigned by the court to handle

25  cases where the defendant is indigent and cannot be

26  represented by the public defender.

27         (2)  Private attorneys appointed by the court to

28  represent indigents or other classes of litigants in civil

29  proceedings requiring court appointed counsel in accordance

30  with state and federal constitutional guarantees.



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    2000 Legislature                 CS for SB 1212, 2nd Engrossed

  1         (3)  Reasonable court reporting services necessary to

  2  meet constitutional requirements.

  3         (4)  Witnesses summoned to appear for an investigation,

  4  preliminary hearing, or trial in a criminal case when the

  5  witnesses are summoned on behalf of an indigent defendant;

  6  mental health professionals who are appointed pursuant to

  7  section 394.473, Florida Statutes, and required in a court

  8  hearing involving an indigent; and expert witnesses who are

  9  appointed pursuant to section 916.115(2), Florida Statutes,

10  and required in a court hearing involving an indigent.

11         (5)  Investigating and assessing the indigency of any

12  person who seeks a waiver of court costs and fees, or any

13  portion thereof, or applies for representation by a public

14  defender or private attorney.

15         Section 8.  County funding of court-related

16  functions.--

17         (1)  Counties are required by Article V, Section 14 of

18  the State Constitution to fund the cost of communications

19  services, existing radio systems, existing multi-agency

20  criminal justice information systems, and the cost of

21  construction or lease, maintenance, utilities, and security of

22  facilities for the circuit and county courts, public

23  defenders' offices, state attorneys' offices and the offices

24  of the clerks of the circuit and county courts performing

25  court-related functions. For purposes of implementing these

26  requirements, the term:

27         (a)  "Facility" means reasonable and necessary

28  buildings, structures, real estate, easements, and related

29  interests in real estate, including, but not limited to, those

30  for the purpose of housing personnel, equipment, or functions

31  of the circuit or county courts, public defenders' offices,


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    2000 Legislature                 CS for SB 1212, 2nd Engrossed

  1  state attorneys' offices, and court-related functions of the

  2  office of the clerks of the circuit and county courts and all

  3  storage. The term also includes access to parking for such

  4  facilities in connection with such court-related functions

  5  that may be available free or from a private provider or a

  6  local government for a fee.

  7         (b)  "Construction or Lease" includes, but is not

  8  limited to, all reasonable and necessary costs of the

  9  acquisition of facilities, equipment and furnishings for all

10  judicial officers, staff, jurors, volunteers, and the public

11  for the circuit and county courts, the public defenders'

12  offices, state attorneys' offices, and for performing the

13  court-related functions of the offices of the clerks of the

14  circuit and county courts.  This includes expenses related to

15  financing such facilities and the existing and future cost and

16  bonded indebtedness associated with placing the facilities in

17  use.

18         (c)  "Maintenance" includes, but is not limited to, all

19  reasonable and necessary costs of custodial and grounds

20  keeping services and renovation and reconstruction as needed

21  to accommodate functions for the circuit and county courts,

22  the public defenders' offices, and state attorneys' offices

23  and for performing the court-related functions of the offices

24  of the clerks of the circuit and county court and for

25  maintaining the facilities in a condition appropriate and safe

26  for the use intended.

27         (d)  "Utilities" means electricity services for light,

28  heat, or power; natural or manufactured gas services for

29  light, heat, or power; water and wastewater services and

30  systems, stormwater or runoff services and systems, sewer

31  services and systems, all costs or fees associated with these


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  1  services and systems, and any costs or fees associated with

  2  the mitigation of environmental impacts directly related to

  3  the facility.

  4         (e)  "Security" includes but is not limited to, all

  5  reasonable and necessary costs of services of law enforcement

  6  officers or licensed security guards and all electronic,

  7  cellular, or digital monitoring and screening devices

  8  necessary to ensure the safety and security of all persons

  9  visiting or working in a facility; to provide for security of

10  the facility, including protection of property owned by the

11  county or the state; and for security of prisoners brought to

12  any facility.  This includes bailiffs while providing

13  courtroom and other security for each judge and other

14  quasi-judicial officers.

15         (f)  "Communications systems or communications

16  services" are defined as any reasonable and necessary

17  transmission, emission, and reception of signs, signals,

18  writings, images, and sounds of intelligence of any nature by

19  wire, radio, optical, or other electromagnetic systems and

20  includes all facilities and equipment owned, leased, or used

21  by judges, clerks, public defenders, state attorneys, and all

22  staff of the state courts system, state attorneys' offices,

23  public defenders' offices, and clerks of the circuit and

24  county courts performing court-related functions.  Such system

25  or services shall include, but not be limited to:

26         1.  Telephone services and equipment, including

27  facsimile, wireless communications, video teleconferencing,

28  pagers, computer lines, and telephone switching equipment and

29  the maintenance, supplies, hardware, software, and line

30  charges, including local and long distance toll charges, and

31  support staff or services necessary for operation.


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    2000 Legislature                 CS for SB 1212, 2nd Engrossed

  1         2.  Computer systems and equipment, including computer

  2  hardware and software, modems, printers, wiring, network

  3  connections, maintenance, support staff or services, training,

  4  supplies, and line charges necessary for an integrated

  5  computer system to support the operations and management of

  6  the state courts system, the offices of the public defenders,

  7  the offices of the state attorneys, and the offices of the

  8  clerks of the circuit and county courts and the capability to

  9  connect those entities and reporting data to the state as

10  required for the transmission of revenue, performance

11  accountability, case management, data collection, budgeting,

12  and auditing purposes.

13         3.  Postage, printed documents, radio, courier

14  messenger and subpoena services, support services, all

15  maintenance, supplies and line charges.

16         (g)  "Existing radio systems" includes, but is not

17  limited to, law enforcement radio systems that are used by the

18  circuit and county courts, the offices of the public

19  defenders, the offices of the state attorneys, and for

20  court-related functions of the offices of the clerks of the

21  circuit and county courts.  This includes radio systems that

22  were operational or under contract at the time Revision 7 to

23  Article V of the State Constitution was adopted and any

24  enhancements made thereafter, the maintenance of those

25  systems, and the personnel and supplies necessary for

26  operation.

27         (h)  "Existing multi-agency criminal justice

28  information systems" includes, but is not limited to, those

29  components of the multi-agency criminal justice information

30  system as defined in section 943.045, Florida Statutes,

31  supporting the offices of the circuit or county courts, the


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    2000 Legislature                 CS for SB 1212, 2nd Engrossed

  1  public defenders' offices, the state attorneys' offices, or

  2  those portions of the offices of the clerks of the circuit and

  3  county courts performing court-related functions that are used

  4  to carry out the court-related activities of those entities.

  5  This includes upgrades and maintenance of the current

  6  equipment, maintenance and upgrades of supporting technology

  7  infrastructure and associated staff, and services and expenses

  8  to assure continued information sharing and reporting of

  9  information to the state.  The counties shall also provide

10  additional information technology services, hardware, and

11  software as needed for new judges and staff of the state

12  courts system, state attorneys' offices, public defenders'

13  offices, and the offices of the clerks of the circuit and

14  county court performing court-related functions.

15         (2)  Counties shall pay reasonable and necessary

16  salaries, costs, and expenses of the state courts system to

17  meet local requirements as determined by general law.

18         Section 9.  Article V Financial Accountability and

19  Efficiency Workgroup.--

20         (1)  The Article V Financial Accountability and

21  Efficiency Workgroup is created to serve through January 15,

22  2001. The workgroup shall consist of 11 voting members and 4

23  ex officio members as follows:

24         (a)  The Comptroller or his or her designee.

25         (b)  The Auditor General or his or her designee.

26         (c)  The Secretary of the Department of Management

27  Services or his or her designee.

28         (d) A representative from the state courts system

29  designated by the Chief Justice.

30         (e)  The Executive Director of the Fiscal

31  Responsibility Council from the House of Representatives or


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  1  other person designated by the Speaker of the House of

  2  Representatives.

  3         (f)  The Staff Director of the Senate Budget Committee

  4  or other person designated by the President of the Senate.

  5         (g)  The Staff Director of the Legislative Committee on

  6  Intergovernmental Relations or his or her designee.

  7         (h)  The director of the Governor's Office of Policy

  8  and Budget or his or her designee.

  9         (i)  The director of the Office of Program Policy

10  Analysis and Government Accountability or his or her designee.

11         (j)  A representative of the Florida Association of

12  Counties as an ex-officio member.

13         (k)  A representative of the Florida Association of

14  Court Clerks and Comptroller as an ex-officio member.

15         (l)  A representative of the Florida Public Defender's

16  Association as an ex-officio member.

17         (m)  A representative of the Florida Prosecuting

18  Attorneys Association as an ex-officio member.


20  The chair and vice chair of the Joint Legislative Committee on

21  Article V shall respectively act as chair and vice chair of

22  the workgroup.  The Joint Legislative Committee on Article V

23  shall provide staff support for the workgroup.

24         (2)  The workgroup shall develop recommendations

25  concerning financial accountability systems and standards for

26  use during and after the transition from local to state

27  funding as required by the 1998 revisions to Article V,

28  Section 14 of the State Constitution.

29         (3)  The workgroup shall consider the use of the

30  current Uniform Chart of Accounts, Florida Accounting

31  Information System, or any other existing state accounting


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    2000 Legislature                 CS for SB 1212, 2nd Engrossed

  1  systems and advise the Legislature on whether any of the

  2  systems are appropriate for the long-term accounting

  3  requirements for expenditures and revenues. The workgroup

  4  shall advise the Legislature on any modifications or

  5  enhancements that may be necessary to existing systems and

  6  recommend a plan to implement the necessary modifications or

  7  enhancements.

  8         (4)  If the workgroup determines that no existing state

  9  system is appropriate for long-term use, it shall provide the

10  Legislature with a full explanation of the reasons and develop

11  at least two options for Legislative consideration.

12         (5)  The workgroup shall examine incentives pursuant to

13  current law for compliance with state reporting requirements

14  and make recommendations to further encourage local

15  compliance.

16         (6)  The workgroup shall consider and make

17  recommendations regarding alternative structures for budgeting

18  and fiscal management for the state courts system, public

19  defenders' offices, state attorneys' offices, constitutionally

20  required court-appointed attorneys and the clerks of the

21  circuit and county courts.  In developing the alternatives,

22  the workgroup shall consider using existing management

23  entities such as the Justice Administrative Commission, the

24  Office of the State Courts Administrator, or any other

25  appropriate entity.

26         (7)  The workgroup will obtain data on all fees, costs,

27  service charges, fines, forfeitures, or other court-related

28  charges, evaluate the data, make selected audits of such data

29  as necessary, and report to the Joint Legislative Committee on

30  Article V regarding the accuracy of such data.  The data shall

31  be compiled by each county. The information obtained must


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  1  address the authority for collection, the authorized amount,

  2  the total amount collected, identification of where the funds

  3  are collected and distributed, the amount distributed to each

  4  identified entity, and the required and actual use of the

  5  funds by the receiving entity.

  6         (8)  In addition to the review and assessment of

  7  financial accountability systems and standards, the workgroup

  8  may also assess the efficiency and effectiveness of the state

  9  court system, public defenders' offices, state attorneys'

10  offices, clerks of the circuit and county courts, and

11  constitutionally required court-appointed attorneys' operating

12  policies and procedures related to financial management and

13  reporting.  The assessment may include a review of current

14  organizational duties and responsibilities for supporting

15  entities.  The workgroup may include in its final report

16  recommendations for improving operating policies and

17  procedures relating to the financial management activities of

18  the state court system, public defenders' offices, clerks of

19  the circuit and county courts, state attorneys' offices, and

20  constitutionally required court-appointed attorneys.

21         (9)  Subject to the availability of specific

22  appropriations and the approval of the President of the Senate

23  and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the workgroup

24  may contract for consultants or technical assistance in

25  carrying out its responsibilities.

26         (10)  The workgroup shall be terminated upon the

27  issuance of a report and final recommendations to the Joint

28  Legislative Committee on Article V, the President of the

29  Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Chief

30  Justice of the Supreme Court, and the Governor not later than

31  January 15, 2001.


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    2000 Legislature                 CS for SB 1212, 2nd Engrossed

  1         Section 10.  Contingency fund.--

  2         (1)  Any county with a population of less than 85,000,

  3  according to the most recent decennial census, may apply to

  4  the Office of the State Courts Administrator for additional

  5  funding to cover extraordinary criminal case related costs.

  6         (2)  The Office of the State Courts Administrator, in

  7  consultation with the chairs of the appropriations committees

  8  of the Legislature, shall develop a process whereby counties

  9  may request funds pursuant to this section.  Such process

10  shall be consistent with legislative intent regarding this

11  act.  The Office of the State Courts Administrator shall

12  review any request for funds by a county under this section

13  and, if the Office of the State Courts Administrator

14  determines that a request is valid, it may provide assistance

15  upon finding a qualifying county's budget is inadequate to

16  cover extraordinary criminal case related costs and that the

17  deficiency will result in an impairment of the operations of

18  the county.

19         (3)  The State Courts Administrator shall submit a

20  report on a quarterly basis, including a complete accounting

21  of the contingency fund.

22         Section 11.  Pilot projects; conflict

23  attorneys.--Pursuant to Article XII, Section 25 and Article V,

24  Section 14 of the State Constitution, and section 27.52,

25  Florida Statutes, and notwithstanding section 925.037, Florida

26  Statutes, the Legislature creates pilot projects to reimburse

27  three counties for reasonable and necessary conflict counsel

28  fees, expenses, and costs. The counties designated for the

29  pilot projects must institute cost containment and

30  accountability processes and to provide a detailed quarterly

31  report to the Governor, the President of the Senate, the


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    2000 Legislature                 CS for SB 1212, 2nd Engrossed

  1  Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the Joint

  2  Legislative Committee on Article V.  The report shall include,

  3  but is not limited to:

  4         (1)  The total number of conflict cases.

  5         (2)  The steps that were taken to avoid the conflict,

  6  if any.

  7         (3)  The number of each type of case identified with

  8  specificity.

  9         (4)  The length of each case.

10         (5)  The total amount paid to each attorney.

11         (6)  The total year-to-date payments to conflict

12  attorneys.

13         (7)  The method of payment, for example, hourly rate,

14  flat fee, contract, or other.


16  All information must be broken down based on whether the case

17  was given to outside counsel due to an ethical conflict or due

18  to an overextended caseload.

19         Section 12.  Clerks of the court reporting

20  requirements.--

21         (1)  The Clerks of Court shall, not later than

22  September 30, 2000, provide the following information to the

23  Joint Legislative Committee on Article V and the Article V

24  Financial Accountability and Efficiency Workgroup:

25         (a)  A detailed description of the services currently

26  provided to the state courts system, state attorneys' offices,

27  and public defenders' offices.

28         (b)  Detailed information on the cost of each of the

29  services provided.

30         (c)  Detailed information on the current source of

31  funding for each service.


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    2000 Legislature                 CS for SB 1212, 2nd Engrossed

  1         (d)  A complete listing of all fees, costs, service

  2  charges, fines, forfeitures, or other court-related charges

  3  collected by the office of the clerk of the circuit and county

  4  court and the statute, local ordinance, court rule, or

  5  judicial order that authorizes the collection.  This list

  6  shall also address the event that authorizes the collection

  7  and the designated use of the amounts collected.

  8         (e)  A total amount collected by the clerk in each

  9  circuit for each fee, cost, service charge, fine, forfeiture,

10  or other charge for fiscal year 1998-1999.

11         (f)  The distribution of each fee, cost, service

12  charge, fine, forfeiture, or other court-related charge

13  collected by the clerk.  This shall include where the money is

14  distributed, the amount of each charge distributed, and the

15  total amounts distributed for fiscal year 1998-1999.

16         (2)  To the extent applicable, information provided

17  under paragraphs (1)(a)-(f) shall be cross referenced to

18  current accounting classifications required by the Uniform

19  Chart of Accounts as developed pursuant to section 218.33,

20  Florida Statutes.

21         (3)  The clerks of court shall, not later than

22  September 30, 2000, make recommendations on the following:

23         (a)  Of those services currently provided by the clerks

24  of the court, services that the clerks of the circuit and

25  county courts should continue to provide in the future.

26         (b)  Recommended levels of fees, costs, or service

27  charges to be used to fully fund the proposed court-related

28  functions.

29         (c)  Alternative sources of funding, if it is the

30  clerks of the court's position that the fees, costs, and



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    2000 Legislature                 CS for SB 1212, 2nd Engrossed

  1  service charges recommended in paragraph (b) would be

  2  violative of the state or federal constitution.

  3         Section 13.  Section 11.75, Florida Statues, is created

  4  to read:

  5         11.75  Joint Legislative Committee on Article V.--

  6         (1)  The Joint Legislative Committee on Article V of

  7  the State Constitution is created.  The committee shall be

  8  composed of eight members appointed as follows: four members

  9  of the Senate appointed by the President of the Senate and

10  four members of the House of Representatives appointed by the

11  Speaker of the House of Representatives.  The President of the

12  Senate shall appoint the chair in even-numbered years and the

13  vice chair in odd-numbered years and the Speaker of the House

14  of Representatives shall appoint the chair in odd-numbered

15  years and the vice chair in even-numbered years from among the

16  committee membership.  A vacancy shall be filled in the same

17  manner as the original appointment.

18         (2)  The joint committee shall coordinate and oversee

19  the implementation of Revision 7 to Article V of the State

20  Constitution. The joint committee shall make recommendations

21  to the Legislature, including proposed legislation, in an

22  annual report to be submitted by October 15 of each year.

23         (3)  The Legislature shall review the joint committee

24  in 2004 to determine the necessity of its continued existence.

25         Section 14.  Nothing in this act shall require the

26  Legislature to fund any court function or court-related

27  activities of the court system, the state attorneys' offices,

28  public defenders' offices, conflict counsel, the statewide

29  prosecutor, or the clerks of the circuit and county courts.

30         Section 15.  Section 216.001, Florida Statutes, is

31  amended to read:


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    2000 Legislature                 CS for SB 1212, 2nd Engrossed

  1         216.001  Definitions.--For purposes of chapter 94-249,

  2  Laws of Florida, except as otherwise provided herein, "state

  3  agency" or "agency" means any unit of organization of the

  4  executive branch, including any official, officer, department,

  5  board, commission, division, bureau, section, district,

  6  office, authority, committee, or council or any other unit of

  7  government, however designated, and the Public Service

  8  Commission. For purposes of chapter 94-249, "state agency"

  9  shall not include the judicial branch. For purposes of chapter

10  94-249, "judicial branch" shall mean all officers, employees,

11  and offices of the Supreme Court, district courts of appeal,

12  circuit courts, county courts, Justice Data Center, and the

13  Judicial Qualifications Commission.

14         Section 16.  Paragraph (mm) of subsection (1) of

15  section 216.011, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

16         216.011  Definitions.--

17         (1)  For the purpose of fiscal affairs of the state,

18  appropriations acts, legislative budgets, and approved

19  budgets, each of the following terms has the meaning

20  indicated:

21         (mm)  "State agency" or "agency" means any official,

22  officer, commission, board, authority, council, committee, or

23  department of the executive branch of state government.  For

24  purposes of this chapter and chapter 215, "state agency" or

25  "agency" includes state attorneys, public defenders, the

26  Capital Collateral Representative, and the Justice

27  Administrative Commission. Solely for the purpose of

28  implementing Article III, Section 19(h) of the State

29  Constitution, the terms "state agency" or "agency" include the

30  judicial branch.



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    2000 Legislature                 CS for SB 1212, 2nd Engrossed

  1         Section 17.  Subsections (8), (9), and (10) of section

  2  216.0172, Florida Statutes, are redesignated as subsections

  3  (9), (10), and (11), respectively, and a new subsection (8) is

  4  added to that section to read:

  5         216.0172  Schedule for submission of performance-based

  6  program budgets.--In order to implement the provisions of

  7  chapter 94-249, Laws of Florida, state agencies shall submit

  8  performance-based program budget legislative budget requests

  9  for programs approved pursuant to s. 216.0166 to the Executive

10  Office of the Governor and the Legislature based on the

11  following schedule:

12         (8)  By September 15, 2001, the judicial branch shall

13  submit to the Legislature a performance-based program budget

14  request for programs approved by the Legislature, and a copy

15  of the request must be provided to the Governor.

16         Section 18.  Subsections (1) and (2) of section

17  216.023, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

18         216.023  Legislative budget requests to be furnished by

19  agencies.--

20         (1)  The head of each state agency, except as provided

21  in subsection (2), shall submit a final legislative budget

22  request to the Legislature and to the Governor, as chief

23  budget officer of the state, in the form and manner prescribed

24  in the budget instructions and at such time as specified by

25  the Executive Office of the Governor, based on the agency's

26  independent judgment of its needs.  However, no state agency

27  shall submit its final legislative budget request later than

28  September 1 of each year.

29         (2)  The judicial branch and the Division of

30  Administrative Hearings shall submit their final legislative

31  budget requests directly to the Legislature with a copy to the


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    2000 Legislature                 CS for SB 1212, 2nd Engrossed

  1  Governor, as chief budget officer of the state, in the form

  2  and manner as prescribed in the budget instructions.  However,

  3  the final legislative budget requests shall be submitted no

  4  later than September 1 of each year.

  5         Section 19.  Subsections (1) and (2) of section

  6  216.0235, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

  7         216.0235  Performance-based legislative program budget

  8  requests to be furnished by agencies.--

  9         (1)  The head of each state agency, except as provided

10  in subsection (2), shall submit a final legislative program

11  budget request to the Legislature and to the Governor, as

12  chief budget officer of the state, in the form and manner

13  prescribed in the program budget instructions and at such time

14  as specified by the Executive Office of the Governor, based on

15  the agency's independent judgment of its needs. However, a

16  state agency may not submit its final legislative program

17  budget request later than September 1 of each year. The

18  provisions of s. 216.023 do not apply to programs within state

19  agencies that have been approved to operate under a

20  performance-based program budget.

21         (2)  The judicial branch shall submit its final

22  legislative program budget request directly to the Legislature

23  with a copy to the Governor, as chief budget officer of the

24  state, in the form and manner prescribed in the program budget

25  instructions. However, the final legislative program budget

26  requests shall be submitted no later than September 1 of each

27  year.

28         Section 20.  Supreme Court Workload Study Commission.--

29         (1)  The Legislature finds that the number of justices

30  has not increased since 1940 and that therefore it is

31  necessary and beneficial to the furtherance of an efficient


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    2000 Legislature                 CS for SB 1212, 2nd Engrossed

  1  and effective judiciary to study the workload of the Florida

  2  Supreme Court.

  3         (2)  The Supreme Court Workload Study Commission is

  4  created and is assigned to the Office of the State Courts

  5  Administrator for administrative and fiscal purposes only.

  6  The Supreme Court Workload Study Commission shall consist of

  7  nine members to be appointed on or before July 15, 2000, as

  8  follows:

  9         (a)  The Speaker of the House of Representatives shall

10  appoint three members. Two of the members must be members in

11  good standing of The Florida Bar. One of the members must be a

12  layperson.

13         (b)  The President of the Senate shall appoint three

14  members. Two of the members must be members in good standing

15  of The Florida Bar. One of the members must be a layperson.

16         (c)  The Chief Justice of the Florida Supreme Court

17  shall appoint three members. One of the members must have

18  served on the Supreme Court but is not presently serving. That

19  person shall serve as chair. One of the members must be a

20  member in good standing of The Florida Bar. One of the members

21  must be a layperson.

22         (3)  Members of the commission shall serve without

23  compensation, except for per diem and reimbursement of travel

24  expenses as provided by section 112.061, Florida Statutes. A

25  vacancy on the commission shall be filled in the same manner

26  as the original appointment.

27         (4)  In consultation with the Office of Program Policy

28  Analysis and Government Accountability, the Office of the

29  State Courts Administrator shall conduct a workload study of

30  the Supreme Court. The results of the study shall be provided

31  to the commission by November 1, 2000.


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    2000 Legislature                 CS for SB 1212, 2nd Engrossed

  1         (5)  Using the study and associated data delivered by

  2  the Office of the State Courts Administrator and any other

  3  relevant data, the commission shall develop recommendations

  4  for addressing workload issues, including, but not limited to,

  5  the need for additional justices on the Supreme Court.  The

  6  commission shall report its recommendation to the Joint

  7  Legislative Committee on Article V, the Speaker of the House

  8  of Representatives, the President of the Senate, and the Chief

  9  Justice of the Supreme Court by February 15, 2001.

10         (6)  It is the intent of the Legislature that the

11  commission be staffed by the Joint Legislative Committee on

12  Article V, and that the commission automatically terminate

13  upon submission of its report to the Legislature.

14         Section 21.  Subsection (1) is amended and a new

15  subsection (6) is added to section 216.0166, Florida Statutes,

16  to read:

17         216.0166  Submission by state agencies of

18  performance-based budget requests, programs, and performance

19  measures.--

20         (1)  Except as provided in subsection (6) prior to

21  September 1 of the fiscal year prior to which a state agency

22  is required to submit a performance-based program budget

23  request pursuant to s. 216.0172, such state agency shall

24  identify and submit to the Executive Office of the Governor a

25  list of proposed state agency programs and performance

26  measures. The agency may also provide a list of statutes or

27  rules affecting its performance which may be addressed as

28  incentives or disincentives for the performance-based program

29  budget.  The list should be accompanied by recommended

30  legislation to implement the requested changes for potential

31  incentives. Such identification shall be conducted after


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    2000 Legislature                 CS for SB 1212, 2nd Engrossed

  1  discussion with legislative appropriations and appropriate

  2  substantive committees and shall be approved by the Executive

  3  Office of the Governor. The Executive Office of the Governor,

  4  after discussion with legislative appropriations and

  5  appropriate substantive committees and the Office of Program

  6  Policy Analysis and Government Accountability, shall review

  7  the list of programs and performance measures, may make any

  8  changes or require the agency to resubmit the list, and shall

  9  make a final recommendation of programs and associated

10  performance measures to the Legislature within 60 days after

11  receipt, to be used in the preparation and submission of the

12  state agency's final legislative budget request pursuant to s.

13  216.023(5). The Executive Office of the Governor may also

14  recommend legislation to implement any or all of the proposed

15  incentives.  Agencies continuing under performance-based

16  program budgeting may provide as part of their legislative

17  budget request a list of statutes or rules affecting their

18  program performance which may be addressed as incentives or

19  disincentives for the performance-based program budget.

20         (6)  Prior to September 15 of the fiscal year prior to

21  which the judicial branch is required to submit a

22  performance-based program budget request pursuant to s.

23  216.0172, the Chief Justice shall identify and, after

24  consultation with the Office of Program Policy Analysis and

25  Government Accountability and legislative staff of the

26  appropriate substantive and appropriations committees in the

27  Senate and the House of Representatives, shall submit to the

28  Legislature a list of proposed programs and associated

29  performance measures.  The judicial branch shall provide

30  documentation to accompany the list of proposed programs and

31  performance measures as provided under subsection (2).  The


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    2000 Legislature                 CS for SB 1212, 2nd Engrossed

  1  judicial branch shall submit a performance-based program

  2  legislative budget request pursuant to s. 216.0172, using the

  3  programs and performance measures adopted by the Legislature.

  4  The Chief Justice may propose revisions to approved programs

  5  or performance measures for the judicial branch.  The

  6  Legislature shall have final approval of all programs and

  7  associated performance measures and standards for the judicial

  8  branch through the General Appropriations Act or legislation

  9  implementing the General Appropriations Act.

10         Section 22.  Subsection (2) of section 35.05, Florida

11  Statutes, is amended to read:

12         35.05  Headquarters.--

13         (2)  A The Second District Court of Appeal may

14  designate other locations within its district as branch

15  headquarters for the conduct of the business of the court in

16  special or regular term and as the official headquarters of

17  its officers or employees pursuant to s. 112.061.

18         Section 23.  Sections 10 and 11 of this act shall be

19  funded consistent with the General Appropriations Act.

20         Section 24.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

21  law, except for section 8 of this act, which shall take effect

22  July 1, 2001.









