Senate Bill 1220
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Florida Senate - 2000 SB 1220
By Senator McKay
1 A bill to be entitled
2 An act relating to homelessness; creating the
3 Commission on the Homeless within the Executive
4 Office of the Governor; providing for
5 membership of the commission; requiring the
6 commission to review the problems of the
7 homeless and propose solutions for reducing
8 homelessness; requiring the commission to hold
9 a specified number of public meetings;
10 providing requirements for a written report by
11 the commission; providing for commission
12 members to be reimbursed for travel and per
13 diem expenses; authorizing the commission to
14 employ an executive director; abolishing the
15 commission after a specified date; providing an
16 appropriation; providing an effective date.
18 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
20 Section 1. Commission on the Homeless.--
21 (1)(a) The Commission on the Homeless is created
22 within the Executive Office of the Governor. The commission
23 shall be composed of 23 members, of which eight members shall
24 be appointed by the Governor, five members shall be appointed
25 by the President of the Senate, and five members shall be
26 appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives. The
27 Secretary of Health, the Secretary of Children and Family
28 Services, the Secretary of Community Affairs, and the
29 Executive Director of the Housing Finance Corporation shall
30 personally serve as voting members of the commission. The
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Florida Senate - 2000 SB 1220
1 Lieutenant Governor shall serve as chairperson of the
2 commission.
3 (b) The appointments must be made within 14 days after
4 the effective date of the act, and the commission shall hold
5 its first meeting within 30 days after the effective date of
6 the act. Any vacancy that occurs on the commission shall be
7 filled in the same manner as the original appointment.
8 (2) Members of the commission are entitled to one vote
9 each, and an action of the commission is not binding unless a
10 majority of the total number of votes that are cast are votes
11 in favor of the action. The commission may not take action
12 unless a majority of the commission members are present at a
13 meeting.
14 (3) The commission shall review the problems of the
15 homeless in this state and propose solutions for reducing
16 homelessness and improving the provision of social services to
17 the homeless. The commission shall investigate the following
18 issues:
19 (a) The causes leading to homelessness.
20 (b) The provision of shelter and affordable housing
21 for the homeless.
22 (c) The availability and provision of health care for
23 the homeless.
24 (d) Services for homeless families and their children.
25 (e) Mental health services for the homeless.
26 (f) Crimes committed against the homeless.
27 (g) Drug-treatment and prevention services for the
28 homeless.
29 (h) The accessibility of the WAGES Program and other
30 entitlement programs to the homeless.
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Florida Senate - 2000 SB 1220
1 (i) The policies of the state and local governments
2 with respect to the homeless.
3 (j) Ways in which current government programs could be
4 adapted to better serve the needs of the homeless.
5 (k) Ways to assist the private sector in providing
6 services for the homeless.
7 (l) National and state inclinations or tendencies of
8 the homeless.
9 (4) The commission shall hold at least four public
10 hearings throughout the state to solicit input from the public
11 and appropriate experts on the problems of the homeless.
12 (5) The commission shall, by January 1, 2001, provide
13 to the Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker
14 of the House of Representatives a written report that contains
15 specific recommendations for addressing the problems of the
16 homeless.
17 (6) Commission members shall not receive remuneration
18 for their services, but members other than public officers and
19 employees are entitled to reimbursement for travel and per
20 diem expenses in accordance with section 112.061, Florida
21 Statutes.
22 (7) The commission may employ an executive director,
23 who shall receive supplemental financial and other assistance
24 from other agencies under the Governor's direct supervision.
25 The Executive Office of the Governor shall provide additional
26 assistance as appropriate.
27 (8) The commission shall continue in existence until
28 its objectives are achieved, but not later than January 31,
29 2001.
30 Section 2. The sum of $250,000 is appropriated from
31 the General Revenue Fund to the Executive Office of the
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Florida Senate - 2000 SB 1220
1 Governor for the purpose of paying the administrative expenses
2 necessary to carry out the provisions of this act.
3 Section 3. This act shall take effect upon becoming a
4 law.
6 *****************************************
8 Creates the Commission on the Homeless within the
Executive Office of the Governor. Requires the commission
9 to review the problems of the homeless and propose
solutions for reducing homelessness. Requires the
10 commission to hold four public meetings throughout the
state. Requires that the commission make a written report
11 to the Governor and the Legislature by January 1, 2001.