Senate Bill 1228
CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
Florida Senate - 2000 (NP) SR 1228
By Senator Kurth
1 Senate Resolution No.
2 A resolution recognizing those honorees of the
3 Carnegie Hero Fund who live in this state.
5 WHEREAS, the Carnegie Hero Fund was created in 1904,
6 following a massive coal mine explosion in Pennsylvania in
7 which two men died during the attempt to save the hundreds of
8 injured miners, and
9 WHEREAS, the Carnegie Hero Fund Commission has
10 recognized the heroic acts of over 8,200 individuals.
11 Recipients of the award receive grants, scholarship aid, and a
12 medal with the inscription "Greater love hath no man than
13 this, that a man lay down his life for his friends," and
14 WHEREAS, the Carnegie Hero Fund Commission defines a
15 hero as "a civilian who knowingly risks his or her own life to
16 an extraordinary degree while saving or attempting to save the
17 life of another person," and
18 WHEREAS, the heroic deeds of these men and women
19 strengthen our communities and society, and they are role
20 models who should be recognized by the people of the State of
21 Florida, NOW, THEREFORE,
23 Be It Resolved by the Senate of the State of Florida:
25 That the Florida Senate congratulates all those
26 Floridians who have won the Carnegie medal and recognizes them
27 for the outstanding example they have set for us.
28 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a plaque with the names of
29 these individuals be placed in the Capitol as a reminder of
30 their heroic acts of courage.