Senate Bill 1310

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    Florida Senate - 2000                                  SB 1310

    By Senator Horne


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to taxation; amending s.

  3         212.11, F.S.; reducing the percentage that

  4         dealers are to use to calculate their estimated

  5         sales tax liability; providing an effective

  6         date.


  8  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


10         Section 1.  Section 212.11, Florida Statutes, is

11  amended to read:

12         212.11  Tax returns and regulations.--

13         (1)(a)  Each dealer shall calculate his or her

14  estimated tax liability for any month by one of the following

15  methods:

16         1.  Fifty Sixty percent of the current month's

17  liability pursuant to this chapter as shown on the tax return;

18         2.  Fifty Sixty percent of the tax reported on the tax

19  return pursuant to this chapter by a dealer for the taxable

20  transactions occurring during the corresponding month of the

21  preceding calendar year; or

22         3.  Fifty Sixty percent of the average tax liability

23  pursuant to this chapter for those months during the preceding

24  calendar year in which the dealer reported taxable

25  transactions.

26         (b)  For the purpose of ascertaining the amount of tax

27  payable under this chapter, it shall be the duty of all

28  dealers to file a return and remit the tax, on or before the

29  20th day of the month, to the department, upon forms prepared

30  and furnished by it or in a format prescribed by it.  Such

31  return must show the rentals, admissions, gross sales, or


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    Florida Senate - 2000                                  SB 1310

  1  purchases, as the case may be, arising from all leases,

  2  rentals, admissions, sales, or purchases taxable under this

  3  chapter during the preceding calendar month.

  4         (c)  However, the department may require:

  5         1.  A quarterly return and payment when the tax

  6  remitted by the dealer for the preceding four calendar

  7  quarters did not exceed $1,000.

  8         2.  A semiannual return and payment when the tax

  9  remitted by the dealer for the preceding four calendar

10  quarters did not exceed $500.

11         3.  An annual return and payment when the tax remitted

12  by the dealer for the preceding four calendar quarters did not

13  exceed $100.

14         4.  A quarterly return and monthly payment when the tax

15  remitted by the dealer for the preceding four calendar

16  quarters exceeded $1,000 but did not exceed $12,000.

17         (d)  The department may authorize dealers who are newly

18  required to file returns and pay tax quarterly to file returns

19  and remit the tax for the 3-month periods ending in February,

20  May, August, and November, and may authorize dealers who are

21  newly required to file returns and pay tax semiannually to

22  file returns and remit the tax for the 6-month periods ending

23  in May and November.

24         (e)  The department shall accept returns, except those

25  required to be initiated through an electronic data

26  interchange, as timely if postmarked on or before the 20th day

27  of the month; if the 20th day falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or

28  federal or state legal holiday, returns shall be accepted as

29  timely if postmarked on the next succeeding workday.  Any

30  dealer who operates two or more places of business for which

31  returns are required to be filed with the department and


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  1  maintains records for such places of business in a central

  2  office or place shall have the privilege on each reporting

  3  date of filing a consolidated return for all such places of

  4  business in lieu of separate returns for each such place of

  5  business; however, such consolidated returns must clearly

  6  indicate the amounts collected within each county of the

  7  state. Any dealer who files a consolidated return shall

  8  calculate his or her estimated tax liability for each county

  9  by the same method the dealer uses to calculate his or her

10  estimated tax liability on the consolidated return as a whole.

11  Each dealer shall file a return for each tax period even

12  though no tax is due for such period.

13         (f)1.  A taxpayer who is required to remit taxes by

14  electronic funds transfer shall make a return in a manner that

15  is initiated through an electronic data interchange.  The

16  acceptable method of transfer, the method, form, and content

17  of the electronic data interchange, giving due regard to

18  developing uniform standards for formats as adopted by the

19  American National Standards Institute, the circumstances under

20  which an electronic data interchange shall serve as a

21  substitute for the filing of another form of return, and the

22  means, if any, by which taxpayers will be provided with

23  acknowledgments, shall be as prescribed by the department. The

24  department must accept such returns as timely if initiated and

25  accepted on or before the 20th day of the month. If the 20th

26  day falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or federal or state legal

27  holiday, returns must be accepted as timely if initiated and

28  accepted on the next succeeding workday.

29         2.  The department may waive the requirement to make a

30  return through an electronic data interchange due to problems

31  arising from the taxpayer's computer capabilities, data


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  1  systems changes, and taxpayer operating procedures.  To obtain

  2  a waiver, the taxpayer shall demonstrate in writing to the

  3  department that such circumstances exist.

  4         (2)  Gross proceeds from rentals or leases of tangible

  5  personal property shall be reported and the tax shall be paid

  6  with respect thereto in accordance with such rules and

  7  regulations as the department may prescribe.

  8         (3)  Except as otherwise expressly provided for herein,

  9  it is hereby declared to be the intention of this chapter to

10  impose a tax on the gross proceeds of all leases and rentals

11  of tangible personal property in this state when the lease or

12  rental is a part of the regularly established business, or the

13  same is incidental or germane thereto.

14         (4)(a)  Each dealer who is subject to the tax imposed

15  by this chapter and who paid such tax for the preceding state

16  fiscal year in an amount greater than or equal to $200,000

17  shall calculate the amount of estimated tax due pursuant to

18  this section for any month as provided in paragraph (1)(a).

19         (b)  The amount of any estimated tax shall be due,

20  payable, and remitted by electronic funds transfer by the 20th

21  day of the month for which it is estimated.  The difference

22  between the amount of estimated tax paid and the actual amount

23  of tax due under this chapter for such month shall be due and

24  payable by the first day of the following month and remitted

25  by electronic funds transfer by the 20th day thereof.

26         (c)  Any dealer who is eligible to file a consolidated

27  return and who paid the tax imposed by this chapter for the

28  immediately preceding state fiscal year in an amount greater

29  than or equal to $200,000 or would have paid the tax in such

30  amount if he or she had filed a consolidated return shall be

31  subject to the provisions of this subsection notwithstanding


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    Florida Senate - 2000                                  SB 1310

  1  an election by the dealer in any month to file a separate

  2  return.

  3         (d)  A dealer engaged in the business of selling boats,

  4  motor vehicles, or aircraft who made at least one sale of a

  5  boat, motor vehicle, or aircraft with a sales price of

  6  $200,000 or greater in the previous state fiscal year may

  7  qualify for payment of estimated sales tax pursuant to the

  8  provisions of this paragraph.  To qualify, a dealer must apply

  9  annually to the department prior to October 1, and, if

10  qualified, the department must grant the application for

11  payment of estimated sales tax pursuant to this paragraph for

12  the following calendar year.  In lieu of the method for

13  calculating estimated sales tax liability pursuant to

14  subparagraph (1)(a)3., a qualified dealer must calculate that

15  option as 50 60 percent of the average tax liability pursuant

16  to this chapter for all sales excluding the sale of each boat,

17  motor vehicle, or aircraft with a sales price of $200,000 or

18  greater during the state fiscal year ending the year in which

19  the application is made.  A qualified dealer must also remit

20  the sales tax for each sale of a boat, motor vehicle, or

21  aircraft with a sales price of $200,000 or greater by either

22  electronic funds transfer on the date of the sale or on a form

23  prescribed by the department and postmarked on the date of the

24  sale.

25         (e)  The penalty provisions of this chapter, except s.

26  212.12(2)(e), apply to the provisions of this subsection.

27         Section 2.  This act shall take effect January 1, 2001.






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    Florida Senate - 2000                                  SB 1310

  1            *****************************************

  2                          SENATE SUMMARY

  3    Lowers from 60 percent to 50 percent the percentage that
      dealers are to use in calculating their estimated sales
  4    tax liability.



























