Senate Bill 1378

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    Florida Senate - 2000                                  SB 1378

    By Senator Bronson

    18-1131A-00                                             See HB

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to consumer protection;

  3         amending s. 501.017, F.S.; requiring certain

  4         health studio contract refunds to be issued

  5         within a time certain; amending s. 559.803,

  6         F.S.; specifying additional information

  7         required in certain business opportunity

  8         contract disclosure statements; amending s.

  9         559.807, F.S.; revising application of

10         requirements for certain securities relating to

11         selling business opportunities; amending s.

12         559.904, F.S.; revising certain requirements

13         for motor vehicle repair shop registrations;

14         amending s. 559.905, F.S.; providing additional

15         estimated cost of repair requirements for

16         written repair estimates; amending s. 559.9221,

17         F.S.; revising Motor Vehicle Repair Advisory

18         Council membership requirements; amending ss.

19         325.202, 325.212, F.S., to conform; repealing

20         s. 559.903(5), F.S., relating to a definition

21         of minor repair service; providing an effective

22         date.


24  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


26         Section 1.  Paragraphs (b) and (d) of subsection (1) of

27  section 501.017, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

28         501.017  Health studios; contracts.--

29         (1)  Every contract for the sale of future health

30  studio services which is paid for in advance or which the

31  buyer agrees to pay for in future installment payments shall


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    18-1131A-00                                             See HB

  1  be in writing and shall contain, contractual provisions to the

  2  contrary notwithstanding, in immediate proximity to the space

  3  reserved in the contract for the signature of the buyer, and

  4  in 10-point boldfaced type, language substantially equivalent

  5  to the following:

  6         (b)1.  A provision for the cancellation and refund of

  7  the contract if the contracting business location of the

  8  health studio goes out of business, or moves its facilities

  9  more than 5 driving miles from the business location

10  designated in such contract and fails to provide, within 30

11  days, a facility of equal quality located within 5 driving

12  miles of the business location designated in such contract at

13  no additional cost to the buyer.

14         2.  A provision that notice of intent to cancel by the

15  buyer shall be given in writing to the health studio.  Such a

16  notice of cancellation from the consumer shall also terminate

17  automatically the consumer's obligation to any entity to whom

18  the health studio has subrogated or assigned the consumer's

19  contract. If the health studio wishes to enforce such contract

20  after receipt of such showing, it may request the department

21  to determine the sufficiency of the showing.

22         3.  A provision that if the department determines that

23  a refund is due the buyer, the refund shall be an amount

24  computed by dividing the contract price by the number of weeks

25  in the contract term and multiplying the result by the number

26  of weeks remaining in the contract term.  The business

27  location of a health studio shall not be deemed out of

28  business when temporarily closed for repair and renovation of

29  the premises:

30         a.  Upon sale, for not more than 14 consecutive days;

31  or


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  1         b.  During ownership, for not more than 7 consecutive

  2  days and not more than two periods of 7 consecutive days in

  3  any calendar year.


  5  A refund shall be issued within 30 days after receipt of the

  6  notice of cancellation made pursuant to this subsection.

  7         (d)  A provision for the cancellation of the contract

  8  if the buyer dies or becomes physically unable to avail

  9  himself or herself of a substantial portion of those services

10  which he or she used from the commencement of the contract

11  until the time of disability, with refund of funds paid or

12  accepted in payment of the contract in an amount computed by

13  dividing the contract price by the number of weeks in the

14  contract term and multiplying the result by the number of

15  weeks remaining in the contract term.  The contract may

16  require a buyer or the buyer's estate seeking relief under

17  this paragraph to provide proof of disability or death.  A

18  physical disability sufficient to warrant cancellation of the

19  contract by the buyer shall be established if the buyer

20  furnishes to the health studio a certification of such

21  disability by a physician licensed under chapter 458, chapter

22  459, chapter 460, or chapter 461 to the extent the diagnosis

23  or treatment of the disability is within the physician's scope

24  of practice. A refund shall be issued within 30 days after

25  receipt of the notice of cancellation made pursuant to this

26  subsection.

27         Section 2.  Present subsections (11), (12), and (13) of

28  section 559.803, Florida Statutes, are renumbered as

29  subsections (12), (13), and (14), respectively, and new

30  subsection (11) is added to that section, to read:



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  1         559.803  Disclosure statement.--At least 3 working days

  2  prior to the time the purchaser signs a business opportunity

  3  contract, or at least 3 working days prior to the receipt of

  4  any consideration by the seller, whichever occurs first, the

  5  seller must provide the prospective purchaser a written

  6  document, the cover sheet of which is entitled in at least

  7  12-point boldfaced capital letters "DISCLOSURES REQUIRED BY

  8  FLORIDA LAW."  Under this title shall appear the following

  9  statement in at least 10-point type:  "The State of Florida

10  has not reviewed and does not approve, recommend, endorse, or

11  sponsor any business opportunity.  The information contained

12  in this disclosure has not been verified by the state.  If you

13  have any questions about this investment, see an attorney

14  before you sign a contract or agreement."  Nothing except the

15  title and required statement shall appear on the cover sheet.

16  Immediately following the cover sheet, the seller must provide

17  an index page that briefly lists the contents of the

18  disclosure document as required in this section and any pages

19  on which the prospective purchaser can find each required

20  disclosure.  At the top of the index page, the following

21  statement must appear in at least 10-point type: "The State of

22  Florida requires sellers of business opportunities to disclose

23  certain information to prospective purchasers.  This index is

24  provided to help you locate this information."  If the index

25  contains other information not required by this section, the

26  seller shall place a designation beside each of the

27  disclosures required by this section and provide an

28  explanation of the designation at the end of the statement at

29  the top of the index page.  The disclosure document shall

30  contain the following information:



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  1         (11)(a)  The total number of persons who purchased the

  2  business opportunity being offered by the seller within the

  3  past 3 years.

  4         (b)  The names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the

  5  10 persons who previously purchased the business opportunity

  6  from the seller and who are the most geographically close to

  7  the potential purchaser.


  9  Should any seller of business opportunities prepare a

10  disclosure statement pursuant to 16 C.F.R. ss. 436.1 et seq.,

11  a Trade Regulation Rule of the Federal Trade Commission

12  regarding Disclosure Requirements and Prohibitions Concerning

13  Franchising and Business Opportunity Ventures, the seller may

14  file that disclosure statement in lieu of the document

15  required pursuant to this section.  Should the seller be

16  required pursuant to 16 C.F.R. to prepare any other documents

17  to be presented to the prospective purchaser, those documents

18  shall also be filed with the department.

19         Section 3.  Section 559.807, Florida Statutes, is

20  amended to read:

21         559.807  Bond or trust account required.--

22         (1)  If the business opportunity seller makes any

23  representations set forth in s. 559.801(1)(a)3., the seller

24  must either have obtained a surety bond issued by a surety

25  company authorized to do business in this state or have

26  established a certificate of deposit trust account or a

27  guaranteed letter of credit with a licensed and insured bank

28  or savings institution located in the state.  The amount of

29  the bond, certificate of deposit trust account, or guaranteed

30  letter of credit shall be an amount not less than $50,000.



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  1         (2)  The bond, certificate of deposit, or guaranteed

  2  letter of credit trust account shall be in the favor of the

  3  department for the use and benefit of. any person who is

  4  injured by the fraud, misrepresentation, damaged by any

  5  violation of ss. 559.80-559.815, or by the seller's breach of

  6  the contract, financial failure, or violation of any provision

  7  of this part by the seller.  Such liability may be enforced by

  8  filing an action at law in a court of competent jurisdiction

  9  without precluding enforcement in an administrative action

10  pursuant to chapter 120.  However, the bond, certificate of

11  deposit, or guaranteed letter of credit shall be amenable and

12  enforceable only by and through administrative proceedings

13  before the department.  A money judgment resulting from an

14  action at law, less any award for costs and attorney's fees,

15  shall be prima facie evidence sufficient to establish the

16  value of the claim in an administrative action.  It is the

17  intent of the Legislature that such bond, certificate of

18  deposit, or guaranteed letter of credit shall be applicable

19  and liable only for payment of claims duly adjudicated by

20  order of the department.  The bond, certificate of deposit, or

21  guaranteed letter of credit shall be open to successive claims

22  but for the business opportunity sale or of any obligation

23  arising therefrom, may bring an action against the bond, trust

24  account, or guaranteed letter of credit to recover damages

25  suffered; however, the aggregate amount may not liability of

26  the surety or trustee shall be only for actual damages and in

27  no event shall exceed the amount of the bond, certificate of

28  deposit trust account, or guaranteed letter of credit.

29         Section 4.  Subsections (3), (4), (5), and (6) of

30  section 559.904, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:



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  1         559.904  Motor vehicle repair shop registration;

  2  application; exemption.--

  3         (3)  Each application for registration must be

  4  accompanied by a registration fee set forth as follows:

  5         (a)  If the place of business only performed "minor

  6  repair service": $25.

  7         (a)(b)  If the place of business has 1 to 5 employees:

  8  $50.

  9         (b)(c)  If the place of business has 6 to 10 employees:

10  $150.

11         (c)(d)  If the place of business has 11 or more

12  employees: $300.

13         (4)  Each application for registration must be

14  accompanied by copies of the applicant's estimate and invoice

15  forms. Such forms must comply with applicable provisions of

16  this act before a registration may be issued.

17         (5)(4)  No annual registration fee is required for any

18  motor vehicle repair shop which has a local municipal or

19  county license issued pursuant to an ordinance containing

20  standards which the department determines are at least equal

21  to the requirements of this part, or for any motor vehicle

22  dealer licensed pursuant to chapter 320.

23         (6)(5)  The department shall issue to each applicant a

24  registration certificate in the form and size as prescribed by

25  the department in accordance with s. 120.60.  In the case of

26  an applicant with more than one place of business, the

27  department shall issue a registration certificate for each

28  place of business. The certificate must show at least the name

29  and address of the motor vehicle repair shop and the

30  registration number for that place of business. In the case of

31  a mobile motor vehicle repair shop, the certificate must show


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  1  the home address of the owner, if different from the business

  2  address.

  3         (6)  Any affidavit of exemption proof of filing

  4  certificate, issued by the department prior to July 1, 1997,

  5  to a motor vehicle repair shop conducting only minor repair

  6  services shall be valid until its expiration.

  7         Section 5.  Paragraph (h) of subsection (1) of section

  8  559.905, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

  9         559.905  Written motor vehicle repair estimate and

10  disclosure statement required.--

11         (1)  When any customer requests a motor vehicle repair

12  shop to perform repair work on a motor vehicle, the cost of

13  which repair work will exceed $100 to the customer, the shop

14  shall prepare a written repair estimate, which is a form

15  setting forth the estimated cost of repair work, including

16  diagnostic work, before effecting any diagnostic work or

17  repair.  The written repair estimate shall also include the

18  following items:

19         (h)  The estimated cost of repair which shall include

20  any charge for shop supply or for hazardous or other waste

21  removal and if a charge is included, the estimate shall

22  include the following statement:  "This charge represents

23  costs and profits to the motor vehicle repair facility for

24  miscellaneous shop supplies or waste disposal." If a charge is

25  mandated by state or federal law, the estimate shall contain a

26  statement identifying the law and the specific amount charged

27  under the law.

28         Section 6.  Subsection (1) of section 559.9221, Florida

29  Statutes, is amended to read:




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  1         559.9221  Motor Vehicle Repair Advisory Council.--The

  2  Motor Vehicle Repair Advisory Council is created to advise and

  3  assist the department in carrying out this part.

  4         (1)  The membership of the council may not exceed 11

  5  members appointed by the Commissioner of Agriculture.

  6         (a)  Eight industry members of the council must be

  7  chosen from individuals already engaged in the motor vehicle

  8  repair business who are eligible to be registered under this

  9  part.  Such members must become registered by October 1, 1993.

10  Thereafter, The professional members of this council must be

11  licensed under this part.  The commissioner shall select one

12  industry member from each of the following categories:

13         1.  Independent automotive mechanics shops.

14         2.  Franchise or company-owned automotive mechanics

15  shops.

16         3.  Independent automotive collision shops.

17         4.  Franchise or company-owned automotive collision

18  shops.

19         5.  Independent tire dealer.

20         6.  Franchise or company-owned tire dealer.

21         7.  Independent motor vehicle dealer licensed under s.

22  320.27.

23         8.  Franchise motor vehicle dealer licensed under s.

24  320.27.

25         (b)  One member of the council may must be chosen from

26  persons already engaged solely in motor vehicle minor repair

27  service.

28         (c)  Two consumer members of the council must be

29  residents of this state and must not be connected with the

30  motor vehicle repair business.



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  1         (d)  Within 30 days after July 1, 1993, the

  2  commissioner shall appoint one consumer member and four

  3  industry members for terms of 2 years and one consumer member,

  4  one minor repair shop member, and four industry members for

  5  terms of 4 years.  As terms of the members expire, the

  6  commissioner shall appoint successors for terms of 4 years.

  7  Members shall serve from the time of their appointment until

  8  their successors are appointed.

  9         Section 7.  Subsection (12) of section 325.202, Florida

10  Statutes, is amended to read:

11         325.202  Definitions.--As used in this act, the term:

12         (12)  "Reinspection facility" means any motor vehicle

13  repair shop as defined in s. 559.903(7) which has been

14  licensed by the department pursuant to the provisions of s.

15  325.212.

16         Section 8.  Subsection (2) of section 325.212, Florida

17  Statutes, is amended to read:

18         325.212  Reinspections; reinspection facilities; rules;

19  minority business participation.--

20         (2)  Any motor vehicle repair shop, as defined in s.

21  559.903(7), may apply to the department, on a form approved by

22  the department, to be licensed as a reinspection facility to

23  reinspect motor vehicles which fail to pass inspections

24  required by this act.

25         Section 9.  Subsection (5) of section 559.903, Florida

26  Statutes, is repealed.

27         Section 10.  This act shall take effect October 1,

28  2000.





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    Florida Senate - 2000                                  SB 1378
    18-1131A-00                                             See HB

  1            *****************************************

  2                       LEGISLATIVE SUMMARY

      Revises various consumer protection provisions relating
  4    to health studio contracts, sales of business
      opportunities, motor vehicle repair shop registrations
  5    and repair estimates, and Motor Vehicle Repair Advisory
      Council membership requirements. (See bill for details.)

























