Senate Bill 1392
CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
Florida Senate - 2000 SB 1392
By Senator Mitchell
4-1427-00 See HB 763
1 A bill to be entitled
2 An act relating to outer continental shelf
3 support activities; creating s. 380.30, F.S.;
4 requiring a permit from the Board of Trustees
5 of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund for
6 certain activities that support activities
7 permitted under the federal Outer Continental
8 Shelf Lands Act, as amended; providing
9 application and renewal fees; specifying
10 conditions for issuance of permits; providing
11 an effective date.
13 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
15 Section 1. Section 380.30, Florida Statutes, is
16 created to read:
17 380.30 Outer continental shelf support facilities.--
18 (1)(a) It is the policy of this state, as set forth in
19 s. 187.201(9)(b)8., to avoid the exploration and development
20 of mineral resources when such exploration and development
21 threaten marine, aquatic, and estuarine resources.
22 (b) In keeping with this policy, the Legislature finds
23 a need to regulate persons who provide support to offshore
24 operations that could adversely impact coastal resources.
25 (2) No person shall provide port facilities,
26 equipment, supplies, or other support to a person conducting
27 any activity permitted under the Outer Continental Shelf Lands
28 Act, as amended, including leases and approvals under 43
29 U.S.C. s. 1331, as amended, unless such person first obtains
30 an outer continental shelf activity support permit from the
31 Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund.
CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
Florida Senate - 2000 SB 1392
4-1427-00 See HB 763
1 (3) The board of trustees shall issue an outer
2 continental shelf activity support permit only if:
3 (a) The applicant submits an application, or forms
4 adopted by the Department of Environmental Protection, along
5 with a $1,500 application fee, to the board of trustees; and
6 (b) The board of trustees determines that the activity
7 or activities for which the applicant intends to provide port
8 facilities, equipment, supplies, or other support:
9 1. Will not threaten marine, aquatic, or estuarine
10 resources of the state;
11 2. Will have a net positive impact on marine, aquatic,
12 and estuarine resources; and
13 3. Is in the public interest.
14 (4) The outer continental shelf activity support
15 permit shall be issued for 1 year. Renewals shall be issued
16 upon payment of a $1,000 renewal fee, if the board of trustees
17 determines that the requirements of paragraph (3)(b) will
18 continue to be met.
19 Section 2. This act shall take effect upon becoming a
20 law.
22 *****************************************
Requires persons who conduct certain activities in
25 support of activities permitted under the federal Outer
Continental Shelf Lands Act, as amended, to obtain an
26 activity support permit from the Board of Trustees of the
Internal Improvement Trust Fund. Specifies permit
27 application and renewal fees. Conditions issuance of an
activity support permit on the board of trustees'
28 determination that the activity is in the public interest
and will not threaten, but will have a positive net
29 effect on, marine, aquatic, and estuarine resources.