CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                               Bill No. CS/HB 1425

    Amendment No. 1 (for drafter's use only)

                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                                 .
 2                                 .
 3                                 .

 5                                           ORIGINAL STAMP BELOW






11  Representative(s) Gay offered the following:


13         Amendment (with title amendment) 

14         On page 12, between lines 15 and 16 of the bill


16  insert:

17         Section 7.  Section 171.093, Florida Statutes, is

18  created to read:

19         171.093  Municipal annexation within independent

20  special districts.--

21         (1)  The purpose of this section is to provide an

22  orderly transition of special district service

23  responsibilities in an annexed area from an independent

24  special district which levies ad valorem taxes to a

25  municipality following the municipality's annexation of

26  property located within the jurisdictional boundaries of an

27  independent special district, if the municipality elects to

28  assume such responsibilities.

29         (2)  The municipality may make such an election by

30  adopting a resolution evidencing the election and forwarding

31  the resolution to the office of the special district and the


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                               Bill No. CS/HB 1425

    Amendment No. 1 (for drafter's use only)

 1  property appraiser and tax collector of the county in which

 2  the annexed property is located. In addition, the municipality

 3  may incorporate its election into the annexation ordinance.

 4         (3)  Upon a municipality's election to assume the

 5  district's responsibilities, the municipality and the district

 6  may enter into an interlocal agreement addressing the orderly

 7  transfer of service responsibilities, real assets, equipment,

 8  and personnel to the municipality. The agreement shall address

 9  allocation of responsibility for special district services,

10  avoidance of double taxation of property owners for such

11  services in the area of overlapping jurisdiction, prevention

12  of loss of any district revenues which may be detrimental to

13  the continued operations of the independent district,

14  avoidance of impairment of existing district contracts,

15  disposition of property and equipment of the independent

16  district and any assumption of indebtedness for it, the status

17  and employee rights of any adversely affected employees of the

18  independent district, and any other matter reasonably related

19  to the transfer of responsibilities.

20         (4)(a)  If the municipality and the district are unable

21  to enter into an interlocal agreement pursuant to subsection

22  (3), the municipality shall so advise the district and the

23  property appraiser and tax collector of the county in which

24  the annexed property is located and, effective October 1 of

25  the calendar year immediately following the calendar year in

26  which the municipality declares its intent to assume service

27  responsibilities in the annexed area, the district shall

28  remain the service provider in the annexed area for a period

29  of 4 years. During the 4-year period, the municipality shall

30  pay the district an amount equal to the ad valorem taxes or

31  assessments that would have been collected had the property


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                               Bill No. CS/HB 1425

    Amendment No. 1 (for drafter's use only)

 1  remained in the district.

 2         (b)  By the end of the 4-year period, or any extension

 3  mutually agreed upon by the district the municipality, the

 4  municipality and the district shall enter into an agreement

 5  that identifies the existing district property located in the

 6  municipality or primarily serving the municipality that will

 7  be assumed by the municipality, the fair market value of such

 8  property, and the manner of transfer of such property and any

 9  associated indebtedness. If the municipality and district are

10  unable to agree to an equitable distribution of the district's

11  property and indebtedness, the matter shall proceed to circuit

12  court. In equitably distributing the district's property and

13  associated indebtedness, the taxes and other revenues paid the

14  district by or on behalf of the residents of the annexed area

15  shall be taken into consideration.

16         (c)  During the 4-year period, or during any mutually

17  agreed upon extension, district service and capital

18  expenditures within the annexed area shall continue to be

19  rationally related to the annexed area's service needs.

20  Service and capital expenditures within the annexed area shall

21  also continue to be rationally related to the percentage of

22  district revenue received on behalf of the residents of the

23  annexed area when compared to the district's total revenue. A

24  capital expenditure greater than $25,000 shall not be made by

25  the district for use primarily within the annexed area without

26  the express consent of the municipality.

27         (5)  If the municipality elects not to assume the

28  district's responsibilities, the district shall remain the

29  service provider in the annexed area, the geographical

30  boundaries of the district shall continue to include the

31  annexed area, and the district may continue to levy ad valorem


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                               Bill No. CS/HB 1425

    Amendment No. 1 (for drafter's use only)

 1  taxes and assessments on the real property located within the

 2  annexed area. If the municipality elects to assume the

 3  district's responsibilities in accordance with subsection (3),

 4  the district's boundaries shall contract to exclude the

 5  annexed area at the time and in the manner provided in the

 6  agreement.

 7         (6)  If the municipality elects to assume the

 8  district's responsibilities and the municipality and the

 9  district are unable to enter into an interlocal agreement, and

10  the district continues to remain the service provider in the

11  annexed area in accordance with subsection (4), the

12  geographical boundaries of the district shall contract to

13  exclude the annexed area on the effective date of the

14  beginning of the 4-year period provided for in subsection (4).

15  Nothing in this section precludes the contraction of the

16  boundary of any independent special district by special act of

17  the Legislature. The district shall not levy ad valorem taxes

18  or assessments on the annexed property in the calendar year in

19  which its boundaries contract and subsequent years, but it may

20  continue to collect and use all ad valorem taxes and

21  assessments levied in prior years. Nothing in this section

22  prohibits the district from assessing user charges and impact

23  fees within the annexed area while it remains the service

24  provider.

25         (7)  In addition to any other authority provided by

26  law, a municipality is authorized to levy assessments on

27  property located in an annexed area to offset all or a portion

28  of the costs incurred by the municipality in assuming district

29  responsibilities pursuant to this section. Such assessments

30  may be collected pursuant to and in accordance with applicable

31  law.


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                               Bill No. CS/HB 1425

    Amendment No. 1 (for drafter's use only)

 1         (8)  This section does not apply to districts created

 2  pursuant to chapter 190 or chapter 373.



 5  ================ T I T L E   A M E N D M E N T ===============

 6  And the title is amended as follows:

 7         On page 2, line 1


 9  after the semicolon insert:

10         creating s. 171.093, F.S.; providing for the

11         assumption of an independent special district's

12         service responsibilities in an area that is

13         within the district's boundaries and that is

14         annexed by a municipality; providing that the

15         municipality may elect to assume such

16         responsibilities; providing for an interlocal

17         agreement regarding the transfer of such

18         responsibilities; providing for the provision

19         of services and payment therefor during a

20         specified period if the municipality and

21         district are unable to enter into an interlocal

22         agreement; specifying effect of a

23         municipality's election not to assume such

24         responsibilities; providing for contraction of

25         the district's boundaries if the municipality

26         elects to assume such responsibilities;

27         providing for levy of ad valorem taxes and

28         assessments, user charges, and impact fees;

29         providing exceptions;




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