CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS for SB 1466

    Amendment No.    

                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                                 .
 2                                 .
 3                                 .







11  Senator Burt moved the following amendment:


13         Senate Amendment 

14         On page 25, line 1, through page 27, line 3, delete

15  those lines


17  and insert:

18         (5)  Prior to September 15 of the fiscal year prior to

19  which the judicial branch is required to submit a

20  performance-based program budget request, the Chief Justice of

21  the Supreme Court shall identify and, after consultation with

22  the Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government

23  Accountability, submit to the President of the Senate and the

24  Speaker of the House of Representatives a list of proposed

25  programs and associated performance measures. The judicial

26  branch shall provide documentation to accompany the list of

27  proposed programs and performance measures as provided under

28  s. 216.023(4). The judicial branch shall submit a

29  performance-based program agency budget request using the

30  programs and performance measures adopted by the Legislature.

31  The Chief Justice may propose revisions to approved programs

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS for SB 1466

    Amendment No.    

 1  or performance measures for the judicial branch. The

 2  Legislature shall have final approval of all programs and

 3  associated performance measures and standards for the judicial

 4  branch through the General Appropriations Act or legislation

 5  implementing the General Appropriations Act. By September 15,

 6  2001, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court shall submit to

 7  the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of

 8  Representatives a performance-based program budget request for

 9  programs of the judicial branch approved by the Legislature

10  and provide a copy to the Executive Office of the Governor.

11         (6)  Agencies must maintain a comprehensive performance

12  accountability system and provide a list of performance

13  measures maintained by the agency which are in addition to the

14  measures approved by the Legislature.

15         (7)  Annually, no later than 45 days after the General

16  Appropriations Act becomes law, executive agencies shall

17  submit to the Executive Office of the Governor adjustments to

18  their performance standards based on the amounts appropriated

19  for each program by the Legislature. When such an adjustment

20  is made, all performance standards, including any adjustments

21  made, shall be reviewed and revised as necessary by the

22  Executive Office of the Governor and, upon approval, submitted

23  to the Legislature pursuant to the review and approval process

24  provided in s. 216.177. The Senate Committee on Fiscal Policy

25  and the House of Representatives Fiscal Responsibility Council

26  shall advise Senate substantive committees and House of

27  Representatives substantive committees, respectively, of all

28  adjustments made to performance standards or measures. The

29  Executive Office of the Governor shall maintain both the

30  official record of adjustments to the performance standards as

31  part of the agency's approved operating budget and the

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS for SB 1466

    Amendment No.    

 1  official performance ledger. As used in this section,

 2  "performance ledger" means the official compilation of

 3  information about state agency performance-based programs and

 4  measures, including approved programs, approved outputs and

 5  outcomes, baseline data, approved standards for each

 6  performance measure and any approved adjustments thereto, as

 7  well as actual agency performance for each measure.

 8         (4)  Each agency and the judicial branch shall submit

 9  for review a preliminary legislative budget request to the

10  Executive Office of the Governor, in the form and manner

11  prescribed in ss. 216.031 and 216.043, in accordance with the

12  legislative budget instructions, and at such time as may be

13  prescribed by the Executive Office of the Governor.

14         (8)  Annually, no later than 45 days after the General

15  Appropriations Act becomes law, the judicial branch shall make

16  adjustments to any performance standards for approved programs

17  based on the amount appropriated for each program, which shall

18  be submitted to the Legislature pursuant to the notice and

19  review process provided in s. 216.177. The Senate Committee on

20  Fiscal Policy and the House Fiscal Responsibility Council

21  shall advise Senate substantive committees and House

22  substantive committees, respectively, of all adjustments made

23  to performance standards or measures.

24         (9)(5)  The Executive Office of the Governor shall

25  review the agency preliminary legislative budget request for

26  technical compliance with the budget format provided for in

27  the budget instructions. The Executive Office of the Governor

28  shall notify the agency or the judicial branch of any

29  adjustment required.  The agency or judicial branch shall make

30  the appropriate corrections as requested in preparing its

31  final legislative budget request.  If the appropriate

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS for SB 1466

    Amendment No.    

 1  technical corrections are not made as requested in the final

 2  legislative budget requests, the Executive Office of the

 3  Governor shall may adjust the budget request to incorporate

 4  the appropriate technical corrections in the format of the

 5  request.

 6         (10)(6)  At any time after the Governor and the Chief

 7  Justice submit their recommended agency budgets to the

 8  Legislature, the head of the agency or judicial branch may

 9  amend his or her request by transmitting to the Governor and

10  the Legislature an amended request in the form and manner

11  prescribed in the legislative budget instructions.

12         (11)  The budget request from each agency and from the

13  judicial branch shall be reviewed by the Legislature. The

14  review may allow for the opportunity to have information or

15  testimony by the agency, the judicial branch, the Auditor

16  General, the Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government

17  Accountability, the Governor's Office of Planning and

18  Budgeting, and the public regarding the proper level of

19  funding for the agency in order to carry out its mission.

20         (12)  In order to ensure an integrated state planning

21  and budgeting process, the agency long-range plan should be

22  reviewed by the Legislature.










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