House Bill 1479

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                HB 1479

        By the Committee on Health Care Services and
    Representative Peaden

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to public records; amending s.

  3         385.207, F.S.; providing an exemption from

  4         public records requirements for personal

  5         information relating to clients of or

  6         applicants to the epilepsy services program of

  7         the Department of Health; specifying conditions

  8         under which such information may be released;

  9         providing for future review and repeal;

10         providing a finding of public necessity;

11         providing an effective date.


13  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


15         Section 1.  Subsections (3), (4), and (5) of section

16  385.207, Florida Statutes, are renumbered as subsections (4),

17  (5), and (6), respectively, and a new subsection (3) is added

18  to said section to read:

19         385.207  Care and assistance of persons with epilepsy;

20  establishment of programs in epilepsy control.--

21         (3)(a)  All information and records held by the

22  department or its authorized service providers that would

23  identify an individual applying for or receiving epilepsy

24  services are confidential and exempt from the provisions of s.

25  119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution.

26  Such information shall not be released or made public by the

27  department or its authorized service providers, except under

28  the following circumstances:

29         1.  When made with the consent of the individual or the

30  individual's legal guardian;



CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                HB 1479


  1         2.  When made for statistical purposes, and medical or

  2  epidemiological information is summarized so that no

  3  individual can be identified and no names are revealed;

  4         3.  When made to health care practitioners in the

  5  course of diagnosis and treatment, or appropriate state or

  6  local agencies when providing services to the individual; or

  7         4.  When made in a medical emergency, but only to the

  8  extent necessary to protect the health or life of the

  9  individual.

10         (b)  When disclosure is made pursuant to a subpoena,

11  the court shall seal such information from further disclosure,

12  except as deemed necessary by the court to reach a decision,

13  unless otherwise agreed to by all parties.  Except as provided

14  in this paragraph, such information that is disclosed pursuant

15  to a subpoena is confidential and exempt from the provisions

16  of s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State

17  Constitution.


19  This subsection is subject to the Open Government Sunset

20  Review Act of 1995 in accordance with s. 119.15, and shall

21  stand repealed on October 2, 2005, unless reviewed and saved

22  from repeal through reenactment by the Legislature.

23         Section 2.  The Legislature finds that epilepsy, a

24  common neurologic disorder, is recognized as a disability

25  under the Americans with Disabilities Act.  The Legislature

26  also finds that actual and perceived stigma associated with

27  epilepsy may lead to discrimination in the workplace, social

28  isolation, and unnecessary restrictions imposed on normal

29  activities.  The Legislature further finds that exempting the

30  records of epilepsy services program clients and individuals

31  applying to become program clients from the public records law


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                HB 1479


  1  requirements is a public necessity to protect these

  2  individuals from unnecessary discrimination and stigma caused

  3  by a diagnosis of epilepsy.  Such records are to be considered

  4  confidential and are to be protected from disclosure without

  5  specific exception.  Failure to protect such records may

  6  discourage epilepsy services program clients and individuals

  7  applying to become program clients from program participation.

  8         Section 3.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

  9  law.


11            *****************************************

12                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Provides an exemption from public records requirements
14    for personal information relating to clients of or
      applicants to the epilepsy services program of the
15    Department of Health. Provides for future review and















