House Bill 1485

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                HB 1485

        By the Committee on Elder Affairs & Long-Term Care and
    Representatives Argenziano, Fiorentino, Littlefield, Russell,
    Levine, Waters, Rubio, Kosmas, Reddick and Bitner

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to bingo games at facilities

  3         for elderly or disabled adults; amending s.

  4         849.0931, F.S.; authorizing bingo games for

  5         residents or clients of certain facilities for

  6         the elderly or disabled, and their guests;

  7         providing conditions; prohibiting nonresidents

  8         from claiming prizes; providing for use of

  9         proceeds; providing exemption from local

10         regulation and fees; providing an effective

11         date.


13  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


15         Section 1.  Subsection (3) of section 849.0931, Florida

16  Statutes, is amended, present subsections (5) through (13) are

17  renumbered as subsections (6) through (14), respectively, a

18  new subsection (5) is added to said section, and paragraph (f)

19  is added to present subsection (11), to read:

20         849.0931  Bingo authorized; conditions for conduct;

21  permitted uses of proceeds; limitations.--

22         (3)  If an organization is not engaged in efforts of

23  the type set out above, its right to conduct bingo games

24  hereunder is conditioned upon the return of all the proceeds

25  from such games to the players in the form of prizes.  If at

26  the conclusion of play on any day during which a bingo game is

27  allowed to be played under this section there remain proceeds

28  which have not been paid out as prizes, the organization

29  conducting the game shall at the next scheduled day of play

30  conduct bingo games without any charge to the players and

31  shall continue to do so until the proceeds carried over from


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                HB 1485


  1  the previous days played have been exhausted.  This provision

  2  in no way extends the limitation on the number of prize or

  3  jackpot games allowed in one day as provided for in subsection

  4  (6) (5).

  5         (5)  Bingo games for residents or clients of a facility

  6  licensed or authorized under part II, part III, part V, or

  7  part XI of chapter 400, chapter 651, or s. 430.206, and their

  8  guests, or for residents of government-financed or

  9  government-insured housing for the elderly and their guests,

10  may be conducted if such games are held in the facility,

11  played exclusively by residents or clients, and their guests,

12  and conducted by residents, staff, or volunteers of the

13  facility, and if neither the facility nor any third party

14  derives financial benefit from such games. Nonresidents are

15  prohibited from claiming prizes. Such winnings by nonresidents

16  shall be contributed to the fund for residents of the

17  facility. Any net proceeds remaining after paying prizes may

18  be donated by residents or clients who organize the games to

19  projects or activities of their choice. Any county or

20  municipality that regulates the playing of bingo shall exempt

21  bingo games conducted pursuant to this section from regulation

22  and fees.

23         (12)(11)  Bingo games may be held only on the following

24  premises:

25         (f)  Property licensed or authorized under part II,

26  part III, part V, or part XI of chapter 400, chapter 651, or

27  s. 430.206, or property financed or insured by the government

28  as housing for the elderly, when the bingo games comply with

29  the requirements in subsection (5).

30         Section 2.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

31  law.


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                HB 1485


  1            *****************************************

  2                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Authorizes bingo games at nursing homes, assisted living
  4    facilities, adult day care centers, intermediate care
      facilities for the developmentally disabled, multiservice
  5    senior centers, and certain government-financed or
      government-insured housing, for residents or clients, and
  6    their guests, provided the games are conducted by
      residents, staff, or volunteers and neither the facility
  7    nor any third party benefits financially. Prohibits
      nonresidents from claiming prizes and provides for
  8    disposition of such winnings. Authorizes donation of
      proceeds by residents or clients to projects or
  9    activities of their choice. Exempts such games from
      county and municipal regulation and fees.





















