House Bill 1505

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    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                HB 1505

        By Representative C. Green

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to Lee County; providing for

  3         codification of special laws regarding

  4         independent special fire control districts

  5         pursuant to s. 191.015, Florida Statutes,

  6         relating to the Captiva Island Fire Control

  7         District, an independent special taxing fire

  8         control district in Lee County; providing

  9         legislative intent; codifying, reenacting, and

10         amending chapter 30929, Laws of Florida, 1955,

11         and chapters 75-417 and 87-447, Laws of

12         Florida; providing status, purpose, and

13         boundaries of the district; providing for

14         amendment of the district charter; providing

15         for a district governing body; providing for

16         election and terms of members of the governing

17         body; providing for organization of the

18         governing body; providing powers and duties of

19         the governing body; providing for the adoption

20         of a district budget; requiring the governing

21         body to set and fix a millage rate for the levy

22         of ad valorem taxes; requiring the adoption of

23         a 5-year plan by the district; specifying

24         duties of the tax collector with respect to the

25         collection of taxes under the act; providing

26         for construction of the act; providing

27         severability; repealing chapter 30929, Laws of

28         Florida, 1955, and chapters 75-417 and 87-447,

29         Laws of Florida; providing an effective date.


31  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


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  1         Section 1.  Pursuant to section 191.015, Florida

  2  Statutes, this act constitutes the codification of all special

  3  acts relating to the Captiva Island Fire Control District. It

  4  is the intent of the Legislature in enacting this law to

  5  provide a single, comprehensive special act charter for the

  6  district, including all current legislative authority granted

  7  to the district by its several legislative enactments and any

  8  additional authority granted by this act. It is further the

  9  intent of this act to preserve all district authority,

10  including the authority to annually assess and levy against

11  the taxable property in the district a tax not to exceed the

12  limit set forth in prior special acts pertaining to the

13  district as further authorized by chapter 97-340, Laws of

14  Florida, chapter 191, Florida Statutes, or any other

15  applicable general or special law, to conform the charter to

16  chapter 191, Florida Statutes, the Independent Special Fire

17  Control District Act, other provisions of general law, and the

18  Lee County Independent District Special Fire Control District

19  Act, chapter 97-340, Laws of Florida.

20         Section 2.  Chapter 30929, Laws of Florida, 1955, and

21  chapters 75-417 and 87-447, Laws of Florida, relating to the

22  Captiva Island Fire Control District, are codified, reenacted,

23  amended, and repealed as provided herein.

24         Section 3.  This act establishes a new charter for the

25  Captiva Island Fire Control District, which was created by

26  chapter 30929, Laws of Florida, 1955, as Captiva Island Fire

27  Control District.

28         Section 4.  This act supersedes and repeals all

29  previous special acts relating to the Captiva Island Fire

30  Control District and sets forth within this charter those

31  matters, as applicable, which are covered by such previous


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  1  special acts. Amendments to this district charter may be made

  2  only by special act of the Legislature. This act shall be

  3  construed so as to preserve to the district all powers

  4  previously granted.

  5         Section 5.  The district is an independent special fire

  6  control district organized and existing for all purposes set

  7  forth in this act and chapter 191, Florida Statutes, as they

  8  may be amended from time to time.

  9         Section 6.  The Captiva Island Fire Control District is

10  re-created and the charter for said district is re-created and

11  reenacted to read:

12         Section 1.  Name of District.--The name of the district

13  shall be the Captiva Island Fire Control District.

14         Section 2.  Boundaries of the District.--The following

15  lands shall be included in the district:


17           All of Captiva Island, Lee County, Florida.


19  The boundaries of the district may be modified, extended, or

20  enlarged upon approval or ratification by the Legislature.

21         Section 3.  Governing Body.--

22         (a)  The district shall be governed by a board of

23  commissioners which shall consist of three resident electors

24  of the district, pursuant to chapter 97-340, Laws of Florida,

25  elected by a vote of the electors of the district pursuant to

26  section 191.005, Florida Statutes.

27         (b)  Members shall be elected for 4-year terms, elected

28  on 2-year staggered terms. Seats shall be numbered 1, 2, and

29  3, respectively, with seats 1 and 3 designated for election at

30  the same time and seat 2 elected in the alternating election.



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  1         (c)  Annually, within 60 days after the newly elected

  2  members have taken office, the board shall organize by

  3  electing from its number a chair, a vice chair, a secretary,

  4  and a treasurer. The positions of secretary and treasurer may

  5  be held by one member. Funds of the district may be disbursed

  6  only upon the order or pursuant to resolution of the board, by

  7  warrant or check signed by the treasurer or other person

  8  authorized by the board. However, a "petty cash" account may

  9  be authorized by the board. The board may give the treasurer

10  additional powers and duties that it deems appropriate.

11         (d)  At the time of adoption of this charter, members

12  of the board shall continue to serve without compensation. Any

13  provision for payment of a salary or honorarium shall be

14  determined in accordance with and subject to limitations set

15  forth in section 191.005(4), Florida Statutes.

16         (e)  If a vacancy occurs on the board for any reason,

17  the remaining members may appoint a qualified person to fill

18  the seat until the next general election, at which time an

19  election shall be held to fill the vacancy for the remaining

20  term, if any. The board shall remove any member who has three

21  consecutive, unexcused absences from regularly scheduled

22  meetings. The board shall adopt rules defining excused and

23  unexcused absences.

24         (f)  Each member shall, upon assuming office, take and

25  subscribe to the oath of office prescribed by s. 5(b), Art. II

26  of the State Constitution and section 876.05, Florida

27  Statutes.

28         (g)  Each member, within 30 days of assuming office,

29  must give the Governor a good and sufficient surety bond in

30  the sum of $5,000, the cost thereof being borne by the



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  1  district, conditioned on his or her faithful performance of

  2  the duties of office.

  3         (h)  The board shall keep a permanent record book

  4  entitled "Record of Proceedings of Captiva Island Fire Control

  5  District" in which the minutes of all meetings, resolutions,

  6  proceedings, certificates, bonds given by commissioners, and

  7  corporate acts shall be recorded. The record book shall be

  8  open to inspection in the same manner as state, county, and

  9  municipal records are open under chapter 119, Florida

10  Statutes. The record book shall be kept at the office or other

11  regular place of business maintained by the board in Lee

12  County.

13         (i)  All meetings of the board shall be open to the

14  public consistent with chapter 286, Florida Statutes, section

15  189.417, Florida Statutes, and other applicable general law.

16         Section 4.  The district shall have, and the board may

17  exercise by majority vote, all powers that an independent

18  special fire control district is authorized by law to have,

19  specifically including, without limitation, all powers set

20  forth in chapter 97-340, Laws of Florida, and in sections

21  191.006, 191.008, 191.009, 191.011, 191.012, and 191.013,

22  Florida Statutes. Without limiting any general or special

23  powers otherwise granted by law, the district shall also have

24  the power to establish and maintain fire suppression and

25  control services; to provide emergency medical services and

26  rescue response services; to acquire and maintain fire

27  stations and equipment pursuant to law; and to acquire and

28  maintain rescue, medical, and other emergency equipment

29  pursuant to the provisions of chapter 401, Florida Statutes,

30  and any certificate of public convenience and necessity or its

31  equivalent issued thereunder.


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                HB 1505


  1         Section 5.  Budget.--For the purposes of carrying into

  2  effect this act, the board shall annually prepare, consider

  3  and adopt a district budget pursuant to the applicable

  4  requirements of chapter 200, Florida Statutes, as it may be

  5  amended from time to time.

  6         Section 6.  Taxing Authority.--The district board shall

  7  fix and cause to be levied on all taxable property of the

  8  district, a millage sufficient to meet the requirements of the

  9  budget. The millage shall not exceed 10 mills per year.

10         Section 7.  Plan.--The district shall adopt a 5-year

11  plan to identify the facilities, equipment, personnel, and

12  revenue needed by the district over the next 5-year period.

13  The plan shall be updated in accordance with section 189.415,

14  Florida Statutes, and satisfies the requirement for a public

15  facilities report required by section 189.415(2), Florida

16  Statutes.

17         Section 8.  Tax Collector's Responsibility.--When such

18  taxes as provided for herein shall have been collected by the

19  Lee County tax collector, he or she shall, on or before the

20  tenth day of each month, report to the secretary of the board

21  the collections made for the preceding month and remit the

22  same to the treasurer. Thereupon the tax collector shall be

23  relieved from all other and further liability as to the amount

24  so paid the treasurer of the board.

25         Section 7.  This act shall be construed as remedial and

26  shall be liberally construed to promote the purpose for which

27  it is intended.

28         Section 8.  It is declared to be the intent of the

29  Legislature that if any section, subsection, sentence, clause,

30  phrase, or portion of this act is held invalid or

31  unconstitutional for any reason, by any court of competent


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  1  jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of

  2  the remaining portions hereof.

  3         Section 9.  Chapter 30929, Laws of Florida, 1955, and

  4  chapters 75-417 and 87-447, Laws of Florida, are repealed.

  5         Section 10.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

  6  law.

























