Senate Bill 1544

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    Florida Senate - 2000                                  SB 1544

    By Senator Brown-Waite


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the release of certain

  3         offenders; amending s. 944.605, F.S.; requiring

  4         that, prior to the release of an offender

  5         imprisoned for specified offenses, the

  6         offender's fingerprint class, rather than the

  7         offender's fingerprints, be released to the

  8         sheriff of the county where the offender plans

  9         to reside or to the chief of police of the

10         municipality where the offender plans to

11         reside; amending s. 944.606, F.S.; requiring

12         that, prior to the release of a sexual

13         offender, the sexual offender's fingerprint

14         class, rather than the sexual offender's

15         fingerprints, be released to the sheriff where

16         the offender was sentenced, the sheriff or

17         chief of police where the offender plans to

18         reside, the Department of Law Enforcement, and

19         any person who requests the information;

20         providing an effective date.


22  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


24         Section 1.  Subsection (3) of section 944.605, Florida

25  Statutes, is amended to read:

26         944.605  Inmate release; notice by Department of

27  Corrections, Control Release Authority, or Parole

28  Commission.--

29         (3)  If an inmate is to be released after having served

30  one or more sentences for a conviction of robbery, sexual

31  battery, home-invasion robbery, or carjacking, or an inmate to


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    Florida Senate - 2000                                  SB 1544

  1  be released has a prior conviction for robbery, sexual

  2  battery, home-invasion robbery, or carjacking or similar

  3  offense, in this state or in another jurisdiction, and if such

  4  prior conviction information is contained in department

  5  records, the appropriate releasing agency shall release to the

  6  sheriff of the county in which the inmate plans to reside,

  7  and, if the inmate plans to reside within a municipality, to

  8  the chief of police of that municipality, the following

  9  information, which must include, but need not be limited to:

10         (a)  Name;

11         (b)  Social security number;

12         (c)  Date of birth;

13         (d)  Race;

14         (e)  Sex;

15         (f)  Height;

16         (g)  Weight;

17         (h)  Hair and eye color;

18         (i)  Tattoos or other identifying marks;

19         (j)  Fingerprint class Fingerprints; and

20         (k)  A digitized photograph as provided in subsection

21  (2).


23  The department, the Parole Commission, or the Control Release

24  Authority shall release the information specified in this

25  subsection within 6 months prior to the discharge of the

26  inmate from the custody of the department.

27         Section 2.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (3) of section

28  944.606, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

29         944.606  Sexual offenders; notification upon release.--




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    Florida Senate - 2000                                  SB 1544

  1         (3)(a)  The department must provide information

  2  regarding any sexual offender who is being released after

  3  serving a period of incarceration for any offense, as follows:

  4         1.  The department must provide: the sexual offender's

  5  name and any alias, if known; the correctional facility from

  6  which the sexual offender is released; the sexual offender's

  7  social security number, race, sex, date of birth, height,

  8  weight, and hair and eye color; date and county of sentence

  9  and each crime for which the offender was sentenced;

10  identification a copy of the offender's fingerprint class

11  fingerprints and a digitized photograph taken within 60 days

12  before release; the date of release of the sexual offender;

13  and the offender's intended residence address, if known. If

14  the sexual offender is in the custody of a private

15  correctional facility, the facility shall take the digitized

16  photograph of the sexual offender within 60 days before the

17  sexual offender's release and provide this photograph to the

18  Department of Corrections and also place it in the sexual

19  offender's file. If the sexual offender is in the custody of a

20  local jail, the custodian of the local jail shall notify the

21  Department of Law Enforcement of the sexual offender's release

22  and provide to the Department of Law Enforcement the

23  information specified in this paragraph and any information

24  specified in subparagraph 2. that the Department of Law

25  Enforcement requests.

26         2.  The department may provide any other information

27  deemed necessary, including criminal and corrections records,

28  nonprivileged personnel and treatment records, when available.

29         Section 3.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2000.




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    Florida Senate - 2000                                  SB 1544

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  2                          SENATE SUMMARY

  3    Provides that within 6 months before a sexual offender or
      an offender sentenced for certain specified crimes is
  4    released from imprisonment, the offender's fingerprint
      class, rather than the offender's fingerprints, be
  5    released to the sheriff, the chief of police, the
      Department of Law Enforcement, and any person requesting
  6    the information. (See bill for details.)

























