Senate Bill 1546c1

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    Florida Senate - 2000                           CS for SB 1546

    By the Committee on Criminal Justice and Senator Brown-Waite


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to rulemaking authority of the

  3         Department of Law Enforcement (RAB); amending

  4         ss. 316.1932, 322.63, and 327.352, F.S.;

  5         specifying the responsibilities of the Alcohol

  6         Testing Program of the Department of Law

  7         Enforcement with respect to breath test

  8         instruments, persons who operate, inspect, and

  9         instruct on such instruments, and blood

10         analysts who conduct blood testing, in

11         connection with testing pursuant to the driving

12         or boating under the influence provisions of

13         chapters 316, 322, and 327, F.S., and providing

14         for rules with respect thereto; removing

15         references to department authority and

16         rulemaking with respect to such testing;

17         amending s. 943.03, F.S.; revising the

18         department's rulemaking authority; authorizing

19         rules relating to employee misconduct and

20         discipline; amending s. 943.131, F.S.;

21         directing the Criminal Justice Standards and

22         Training Commission to adopt rules relating to

23         determination of an applicant's eligibility for

24         exemption from completing the basic recruit

25         training program; amending s. 943.14, F.S.;

26         directing the commission to establish

27         procedures for discipline of criminal justice

28         training school instructors by rule; providing

29         an effective date.


31  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


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  1         Section 1.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section

  2  316.1932, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

  3         316.1932  Breath, blood, and urine tests for alcohol,

  4  chemical substances, or controlled substances; implied

  5  consent; right to refuse.--

  6         (1)(a)1.  Any person who accepts the privilege extended

  7  by the laws of this state of operating a motor vehicle within

  8  this state is, by so operating such vehicle, deemed to have

  9  given his or her consent to submit to an approved chemical

10  test or physical test including, but not limited to, an

11  infrared light test of his or her breath for the purpose of

12  determining the alcoholic content of his or her blood or

13  breath, and to a urine test for the purpose of detecting the

14  presence of chemical substances as set forth in s. 877.111 or

15  controlled substances, if the person is lawfully arrested for

16  any offense allegedly committed while the person was driving

17  or was in actual physical control of a motor vehicle while

18  under the influence of alcoholic beverages, chemical

19  substances, or controlled substances.  The chemical or

20  physical breath test must be incidental to a lawful arrest and

21  administered at the request of a law enforcement officer who

22  has reasonable cause to believe such person was driving or was

23  in actual physical control of the motor vehicle within this

24  state while under the influence of alcoholic beverages. The

25  urine test must be incidental to a lawful arrest and

26  administered at a detention facility or any other facility,

27  mobile or otherwise, which is equipped to administer such

28  tests at the request of a law enforcement officer who has

29  reasonable cause to believe such person was driving or was in

30  actual physical control of a motor vehicle within this state

31  while under the influence of controlled substances. The urine


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  1  test shall be administered at a detention facility or any

  2  other facility, mobile or otherwise, which is equipped to

  3  administer such tests in a reasonable manner that will ensure

  4  the accuracy of the specimen and maintain the privacy of the

  5  individual involved. The administration of one type of test

  6  does not preclude the administration of another type of test.

  7  The person shall be told that his or her failure to submit to

  8  any lawful test of his or her breath or urine, or both, will

  9  result in the suspension of the person's privilege to operate

10  a motor vehicle for a period of 1 year for a first refusal, or

11  for a period of 18 months if the driving privilege of such

12  person has been previously suspended as a result of a refusal

13  to submit to such a test or tests.  The refusal to submit to a

14  chemical or physical breath test or to a urine test upon the

15  request of a law enforcement officer as provided in this

16  section is admissible into evidence in any criminal

17  proceeding.

18         2.  The Alcohol Testing Program within the Department

19  of Law Enforcement is responsible for the regulation of the

20  operation, inspection, and registration of breath test

21  instruments utilized under the driving and boating under the

22  influence provisions and related provisions located in this

23  chapter and chapters 322 and 327. The program is responsible

24  for the regulation of the individuals who operate, inspect,

25  and instruct on the breath test instruments utilized in the

26  driving and boating under the influence provisions and related

27  provisions located in this chapter and chapters 322 and 327.

28  The program is further responsible for the regulation of blood

29  analysts who conduct blood testing to be utilized under the

30  driving and boating under the influence provisions and related



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  1  provisions located in this chapter and chapters 322 and 327.

  2  The program shall:

  3         a.  Establish uniform criteria for the issuance of

  4  permits to breath test operators, agency inspectors,

  5  instructors, blood analysts, and instruments.

  6         b.  Have the authority to permit breath test operators,

  7  agency inspectors, instructors, blood analysts, and

  8  instruments.

  9         c.  Have the authority to discipline and suspend,

10  revoke, or renew the permits of breath test operators, agency

11  inspectors, instructors, blood analysts, and instruments.

12         d.  Establish uniform requirements for instruction and

13  curricula for the operation and inspection of approved

14  instruments.

15         e.  Have the authority to specify one approved

16  curriculum for the operation and inspection of approved

17  instruments.

18         f.  Establish a procedure for the approval of breath

19  test operator and agency inspector classes.

20         g.  Have the authority to approve or disapprove breath

21  test instruments and accompanying paraphernalia for use

22  pursuant to the driving and boating under the influence

23  provisions and related provisions located in this chapter and

24  chapters 322 and 327.

25         h.  With the approval of the executive director of the

26  Department of Law Enforcement, make and enter into contracts

27  and agreements with other agencies, organizations,

28  associations, corporations, individuals, or federal agencies

29  as are necessary, expedient, or incidental to the performance

30  of duties.



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  1         i.  Issue final orders which include findings of fact

  2  and conclusions of law and which constitute final agency

  3  action for the purpose of chapter 120.

  4         j.  Enforce compliance with the provisions of this

  5  section through civil or administrative proceedings.

  6         k.  Make recommendations concerning any matter within

  7  the purview of this section, this chapter, chapter 322, or

  8  chapter 327.

  9         l.  Adopt rules for the administration and

10  implementation of this section, including definitions of

11  terms.

12         m.  Consult and cooperate with other entities for the

13  purpose of implementing the mandates of this section.

14         n.  Have the authority to approve the type of blood

15  test utilized under the driving and boating under the

16  influence provisions and related provisions located in this

17  chapter and chapters 322 and 327.

18         o.  Have the authority to specify techniques and

19  methods for breath alcohol testing and blood testing utilized

20  under the driving and boating under the influence provisions

21  and related provisions located in this chapter and chapters

22  322 and 327.

23         p.  Have the authority to approve repair facilities for

24  the approved breath test instruments, including the authority

25  to set criteria for approval.


27  Nothing in this section shall be construed to supersede

28  provisions in this chapter and chapters 322 and 327. The

29  specifications in this section are derived from the power and

30  authority previously and currently possessed by the Department



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  1  of Law Enforcement and are enumerated to conform with the

  2  mandates of chapter 99-379, Laws of Florida.

  3         Section 2.  Subsection (3) of section 322.63, Florida

  4  Statutes, is amended to read:

  5         322.63  Alcohol or drug testing; commercial motor

  6  vehicle operators.--

  7         (3)(a)  The physical and chemical tests authorized in

  8  this section shall be administered substantially in accordance

  9  with rules adopted by the Department of Law Enforcement. Such

10  rules shall be adopted after public hearing, shall specify the

11  tests that are approved, and shall provide an approved method

12  of administration.

13         (b)  The Alcohol Testing Program within the Department

14  of Law Enforcement is responsible for the regulation of the

15  operation, inspection, and registration of breath test

16  instruments utilized under the driving and boating under the

17  influence provisions and related provisions located in this

18  chapter and chapters 316 and 327. The program is responsible

19  for the regulation of the individuals who operate, inspect,

20  and instruct on the breath test instruments utilized in the

21  driving and boating under the influence provisions and related

22  provisions located in this chapter and chapters 316 and 327.

23  The program is further responsible for the regulation of blood

24  analysts who conduct blood testing to be utilized under the

25  driving and boating under the influence provisions and related

26  provisions located in this chapter and chapters 316 and 327.

27  The program shall:

28         1.  Establish uniform criteria for the issuance of

29  permits to breath test operators, agency inspectors,

30  instructors, blood analysts, and instruments.



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    Florida Senate - 2000                           CS for SB 1546

  1         2.  Have the authority to permit breath test operators,

  2  agency inspectors, instructors, blood analysts, and

  3  instruments.

  4         3.  Have the authority to discipline and suspend,

  5  revoke, or renew the permits of breath test operators, agency

  6  inspectors, instructors, blood analysts, and instruments.

  7         4.  Establish uniform requirements for instruction and

  8  curricula for the operation and inspection of approved

  9  instruments.

10         5.  Have the authority to specify one approved

11  curriculum for the operation and inspection of approved

12  instruments.

13         6.  Establish a procedure for the approval of breath

14  test operator and agency inspector classes.

15         7.  Have the authority to approve or disapprove breath

16  test instruments and accompanying paraphernalia for use

17  pursuant to the driving and boating under the influence

18  provisions and related provisions located in this chapter and

19  chapters 316 and 327.

20         8.  With the approval of the executive director of the

21  Department of Law Enforcement, make and enter into contracts

22  and agreements with other agencies, organizations,

23  associations, corporations, individuals, or federal agencies

24  as are necessary, expedient, or incidental to the performance

25  of duties.

26         9.  Issue final orders which include findings of fact

27  and conclusions of law and which constitute final agency

28  action for the purpose of chapter 120.

29         10.  Enforce compliance with the provisions of this

30  section through civil or administrative proceedings.



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  1         11.  Make recommendations concerning any matter within

  2  the purview of this section, this chapter, chapter 316, or

  3  chapter 327.

  4         12.  Adopt rules for the administration and

  5  implementation of this section, including definitions of

  6  terms.

  7         13.  Consult and cooperate with other entities for the

  8  purpose of implementing the mandates of this section.

  9         14.  Have the authority to approve the type of blood

10  test utilized under the driving and boating under the

11  influence provisions and related provisions located in this

12  chapter and chapters 316 and 327.

13         15.  Have the authority to specify techniques and

14  methods for breath alcohol testing and blood testing utilized

15  under the driving and boating under the influence provisions

16  and related provisions located in this chapter and chapters

17  316 and 327.

18         16.  Have the authority to approve repair facilities

19  for the approved breath test instruments including the

20  authority to set criteria for approval.


22  Nothing in this section shall be construed to supersede

23  provisions in this chapter and chapters 316 and 327. The

24  specifications in this section are derived from the power and

25  authority previously and currently possessed by the Department

26  of Law Enforcement and are enumerated to conform with the

27  mandates of chapter 99-379, Laws of Florida. The Department of

28  Law Enforcement is authorized to approve techniques or methods

29  for administering such physical and chemical tests.




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    Florida Senate - 2000                           CS for SB 1546

  1         (c)  Any insubstantial differences between approved

  2  techniques and actual testing procedures in any individual

  3  case does not render the test or tests results invalid.

  4         (d)(c)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this

  5  section, the failure of a law enforcement officer to request

  6  the withdrawal of blood shall not affect the admissibility of

  7  a test of blood withdrawn for medical purposes.

  8         Section 3.  Paragraphs (b) and (e) of subsection (1) of

  9  section 327.352, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

10         327.352  Breath, blood, and urine tests for alcohol,

11  chemical substances, or controlled substances; implied

12  consent; right to refuse.--

13         (1)

14         (b)1.  The blood-alcohol level must be based upon grams

15  of alcohol per 100 milliliters of blood. The breath-alcohol

16  level must be based upon grams of alcohol per 210 liters of

17  breath.

18         2.  An analysis of a person's breath, in order to be

19  considered valid under this section, must have been performed

20  substantially according to methods approved by the Department

21  of Law Enforcement. For this purpose, the department may

22  approve satisfactory techniques or methods. Any insubstantial

23  differences between approved techniques and actual testing

24  procedures in any individual case do not render the test or

25  test results invalid.

26         3.  The Alcohol Testing Program within the Department

27  of Law Enforcement is responsible for the regulation of the

28  operation, inspection, and registration of breath test

29  instruments utilized under the driving and boating under the

30  influence provisions and related provisions located in this

31  chapter and chapters 316 and 322. The program is responsible


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    Florida Senate - 2000                           CS for SB 1546

  1  for the regulation of the individuals who operate, inspect,

  2  and instruct on the breath test instruments utilized in the

  3  driving and boating under the influence provisions and related

  4  provisions located in this chapter and chapters 316 and 322.

  5  The program is further responsible for the regulation of blood

  6  analysts who conduct blood testing to be utilized under the

  7  driving and boating under the influence provisions and related

  8  provisions located in this chapter and chapters 316 and 322.

  9  The program shall:

10         a.  Establish uniform criteria for the issuance of

11  permits to breath test operators, agency inspectors,

12  instructors, blood analysts, and instruments.

13         b.  Have the authority to permit breath test operators,

14  agency inspectors, instructors, blood analysts, and

15  instruments.

16         c.  Have the authority to discipline and suspend,

17  revoke, or renew the permits of breath test operators, agency

18  inspectors, instructors, blood analysts, and instruments.

19         d.  Establish uniform requirements for instruction and

20  curricula for the operation and inspection of approved

21  instruments.

22         e.  Have the authority to specify one approved

23  curriculum for the operation and inspection of approved

24  instruments.

25         f.  Establish a procedure for the approval of breath

26  test operator and agency inspector classes.

27         g.  Have the authority to approve or disapprove breath

28  test instruments and accompanying paraphernalia for use

29  pursuant to the driving and boating under the influence

30  provisions and related provisions located in this chapter and

31  chapters 316 and 322.


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    Florida Senate - 2000                           CS for SB 1546

  1         h.  With the approval of the executive director of the

  2  Department of Law Enforcement, make and enter into contracts

  3  and agreements with other agencies, organizations,

  4  associations, corporations, individuals, or federal agencies

  5  as are necessary, expedient, or incidental to the performance

  6  of duties.

  7         i.  Issue final orders which include findings of fact

  8  and conclusions of law and which constitute final agency

  9  action for the purpose of chapter 120.

10         j.  Enforce compliance with the provisions of this

11  section through civil or administrative proceedings.

12         k.  Make recommendations concerning any matter within

13  the purview of this section, this chapter, chapter 316, or

14  chapter 322.

15         l.  Adopt rules for the administration and

16  implementation of this section, including definitions of

17  terms.

18         m.  Consult and cooperate with other entities for the

19  purpose of implementing the mandates of this section.

20         n.  Have the authority to approve the type of blood

21  test utilized under the driving and boating under the

22  influence provisions and related provisions located in this

23  chapter and chapters 316 and 322.

24         o.  Have the authority to specify techniques and

25  methods for breath alcohol testing and blood testing utilized

26  under the driving and boating under the influence provisions

27  and related provisions located in this chapter and chapters

28  316 and 322.

29         p.  Have the authority to approve repair facilities for

30  the approved breath test instruments, including the authority

31  to set criteria for approval.


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  2  Nothing in this section shall be construed to supersede

  3  provisions in this chapter and chapters 316 and 322. The

  4  specifications in this section are derived from the power and

  5  authority previously and currently possessed by the Department

  6  of Law Enforcement and are enumerated to conform with the

  7  mandates of chapter 99-379, Laws of Florida.

  8         (e)1.  The tests determining the weight of alcohol in

  9  the defendant's blood or breath shall be administered at the

10  request of a law enforcement officer substantially in

11  accordance with rules of the Department of Law Enforcement.

12  Such rules must specify precisely the test or tests that are

13  approved by the Department of Law Enforcement for reliability

14  of result and ease of administration, and must provide an

15  approved method of administration which must be followed in

16  all such tests given under this section. However, the failure

17  of a law enforcement officer to request the withdrawal of

18  blood does not affect the admissibility of a test of blood

19  withdrawn for medical purposes.

20         2.  Only a physician, certified paramedic, registered

21  nurse, licensed practical nurse, other personnel authorized by

22  a hospital to draw blood, or duly licensed clinical laboratory

23  director, supervisor, technologist, or technician, acting at

24  the request of a law enforcement officer, may withdraw blood

25  for the purpose of determining its alcoholic content or the

26  presence of chemical substances or controlled substances

27  therein. However, the failure of a law enforcement officer to

28  request the withdrawal of blood does not affect the

29  admissibility of a test of blood withdrawn for medical

30  purposes.



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    Florida Senate - 2000                           CS for SB 1546

  1         3.  The person tested may, at his or her own expense,

  2  have a physician, registered nurse, other personnel authorized

  3  by a hospital to draw blood, or duly licensed clinical

  4  laboratory director, supervisor, technologist, or technician,

  5  or other person of his or her own choosing administer an

  6  independent test in addition to the test administered at the

  7  direction of the law enforcement officer for the purpose of

  8  determining the amount of alcohol in the person's blood or

  9  breath or the presence of chemical substances or controlled

10  substances at the time alleged, as shown by chemical analysis

11  of his or her blood or urine, or by chemical or physical test

12  of his or her breath. The failure or inability to obtain an

13  independent test by a person does not preclude the

14  admissibility in evidence of the test taken at the direction

15  of the law enforcement officer. The law enforcement officer

16  shall not interfere with the person's opportunity to obtain

17  the independent test and shall provide the person with timely

18  telephone access to secure the test, but the burden is on the

19  person to arrange and secure the test at the person's own

20  expense.

21         4.  Upon the request of the person tested, full

22  information concerning the test taken at the direction of the

23  law enforcement officer shall be made available to the person

24  or his or her attorney.

25         5.  A hospital, clinical laboratory, medical clinic, or

26  similar medical institution or physician, certified paramedic,

27  registered nurse, licensed practical nurse, other personnel

28  authorized by a hospital to draw blood, or duly licensed

29  clinical laboratory director, supervisor, technologist, or

30  technician, or other person assisting a law enforcement

31  officer does not incur any civil or criminal liability as a


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  1  result of the withdrawal or analysis of a blood or urine

  2  specimen, or the chemical or physical test of a person's

  3  breath pursuant to accepted medical standards when requested

  4  by a law enforcement officer, regardless of whether or not the

  5  subject resisted administration of the test.

  6         Section 4.  Subsection (4) of section 943.03, Florida

  7  Statutes, is amended to read:

  8         943.03  Department of Law Enforcement.--

  9         (4)  The department shall adopt rules pursuant to ss.

10  120.536(1) and 120.54 to implement the provisions of law this

11  chapter conferring powers or duties upon it. The department

12  may adopt rules defining acts of misconduct and setting

13  standards of disciplinary action for its employees.

14         Section 5.  Subsection (2) of section 943.131, Florida

15  Statutes, is amended to read:

16         943.131  Temporary employment or appointment; minimum

17  basic recruit training exemption.--

18         (2)  If an applicant seeks an exemption from completing

19  a commission-approved basic recruit training program, the

20  employing agency must verify that the applicant has

21  successfully completed a comparable basic recruit training

22  program in another state or for the Federal Government.

23  Further, the employing agency must verify that the applicant

24  has served as a full-time sworn officer in another state or

25  for the Federal Government for at least one year. When the

26  employing agency obtains written documentation regarding the

27  applicant's criminal justice experience, the documentation

28  must be submitted to the commission. The commission shall

29  adopt rules that establish criteria and procedures to

30  determine if the applicant is exempt from completing the

31  commission-approved basic recruit training program, and, upon


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  1  making a determination, shall notify the employing agency. If

  2  the applicant is exempt from completing the

  3  commission-approved basic recruit training program, the

  4  applicant must complete training, as required by the

  5  commission by rule, in areas which include, but are not

  6  limited to, defensive driving, defensive tactics, firearms

  7  training, and first responder training. Except as provided in

  8  subsection (1), before the employing agency may employ or

  9  appoint the applicant as an officer, the applicant must meet

10  the minimum qualifications described in s. 943.13(1)-(8), and

11  must fulfill the requirements of s. 943.13(10).

12         Section 6.  Subsection (3) of section 943.14, Florida

13  Statutes, is amended to read:

14         943.14  Criminal justice training schools; certificates

15  and diplomas; exemptions; injunctive relief; fines.--

16         (3)  The commission shall establish, by rule,

17  certification procedures for the certification and discipline

18  of for all instructors in any criminal justice training

19  school.

20         Section 7.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

21  law.


                       COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR
24                         Senate Bill 1546


26  Provides that the CS shall take effect upon becoming a law.





