CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS for SB 1574

    Amendment No.    

                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
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 2                                 .
 3                                 .







11  Senator Saunders moved the following amendment:


13         Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 

14         On page 34, lines 23 and 24, delete those lines


16  and insert:

17         Section 7.  Section 196.1975, Florida Statutes, is

18  amended to read:

19         196.1975  Exemption for property used by nonprofit

20  homes for the aged.--Nonprofit homes for the aged are exempt

21  to the extent that they meet the following criteria:

22         (1)  The applicant must be a corporation not for profit

23  or a Florida limited partnership, the sole general partner of

24  which is a corporation not for profit, and the corporation not

25  for profit must have been exempt as of January 1 of the year

26  for which exemption from ad valorem property taxes is

27  requested from federal income taxation by having qualified as

28  an exempt charitable organization under the provisions of s.

29  501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or of the

30  corresponding section of a subsequently enacted federal

31  revenue act.

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 1         (2)  A facility will not qualify as a "home for the

 2  aged" unless at least 75 percent of the occupants are over the

 3  age of 62 years or totally and permanently disabled.  For

 4  homes for the aged which are exempt from paying income taxes

 5  to the United States as specified in subsection (1), licensing

 6  by the Agency for Health Care Administration is required for

 7  ad valorem tax exemption hereunder only if the home:

 8         (a)  Furnishes medical facilities or nursing services

 9  to its residents, or

10         (b)  Qualifies as an assisted living facility under

11  part III of chapter 400.

12         (3)  Those portions of the home for the aged which are

13  devoted exclusively to the conduct of religious services or

14  the rendering of nursing or medical services are exempt from

15  ad valorem taxation.

16         (4)(a)  After removing the assessed value exempted in

17  subsection (3), units or apartments in homes for the aged

18  shall be exempt only to the extent that residency in the

19  existing unit or apartment of the applicant home is reserved

20  for or restricted to or the unit or apartment is occupied by

21  persons who have resided in the applicant home and in good

22  faith made this state their permanent residence as of January

23  1 of the year in which exemption is claimed and who also meet

24  the requirements set forth in one of the following

25  subparagraphs:

26         1.  Persons who have gross incomes of not more than

27  $7,200 per year and who are 62 years of age or older.

28         2.  Couples, one of whom must be 62 years of age or

29  older, having a combined gross income of not more than $8,000

30  per year, or the surviving spouse thereof, who lived with the

31  deceased at the time of the deceased's death in a home for the

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 1  aged.

 2         3.  Persons who are totally and permanently disabled

 3  and who have gross incomes of not more than $7,200 per year.

 4         4.  Couples, one or both of whom are totally and

 5  permanently disabled, having a combined gross income of not

 6  more than $8,000 per year, or the surviving spouse thereof,

 7  who lived with the deceased at the time of the deceased's

 8  death in a home for the aged.


10  However, the income limitations do not apply to totally and

11  permanently disabled veterans, provided they meet the

12  requirements of s. 196.081.

13         (b)  The maximum income limitations permitted in this

14  subsection shall be adjusted, effective January 1, 1977, and

15  on each succeeding year, by the percentage change in the

16  average cost-of-living index in the period January 1 through

17  December 31 of the immediate prior year compared with the same

18  period for the year prior to that.  The index is the average

19  of the monthly consumer price index figures for the stated

20  12-month period, relative to the United States as a whole,

21  issued by the United States Department of Labor.

22         (5)  Nonprofit housing projects which are financed by a

23  mortgage loan made or insured by the United States Department

24  of Housing and Urban Development under s. 202, s. 202 with a

25  s. 8 subsidy, s. 221(d)(3) or (4), or s. 236 of the National

26  Housing Act, as amended, and which are subject to the income

27  limitations established by that department shall be exempt

28  from ad valorem taxation.

29         (6)  For the purposes of this section, gross income

30  includes social security benefits payable to the person or

31  couple or assigned to an organization designated specifically

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 1  for the support or benefit of that person or couple.

 2         (7)  It is hereby declared to be the intent of the

 3  Legislature that subsection (3) implements the ad valorem tax

 4  exemption authorized in the third sentence of s. 3(a), Art.

 5  VII, State Constitution, and the remaining subsections

 6  implement s. 6(e), Art. VII, State Constitution, for purposes

 7  of granting such exemption to homes for the aged.

 8         (8)  Physical occupancy on January 1 is not required in

 9  those instances in which a home restricts occupancy to persons

10  meeting the income requirements specified in this section.

11  Those portions of a such property failing to meet those

12  requirements shall qualify for an alternative exemption as

13  provided in subsection (9). In a home in which at least 25

14  percent of the units or apartments of the home are restricted

15  to or occupied by persons meeting the income requirements

16  specified in this section, the common areas of that home are

17  exempt from taxation.

18         (9)(a)  Each unit or apartment of a home for the aged

19  not exempted in subsection (3) or subsection (4), which is

20  operated by a not for profit corporation and is owned by such

21  corporation or leased by such corporation from a health

22  facilities authority pursuant to part III of chapter 154 or an

23  industrial development authority pursuant to part III of

24  chapter 159, and which property is used by such home for the

25  aged for the purposes for which it was organized, is exempt

26  from all ad valorem taxation, except for assessments for

27  special benefits, to the extent of $25,000 of assessed

28  valuation of such property for each apartment or unit:

29         1.  Which is used by such home for the aged for the

30  purposes for which it was organized; and

31         2.  Which is occupied, on January 1 of the year in

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 1  which exemption from ad valorem property taxation is

 2  requested, by a person who resides therein and in good faith

 3  makes the same his or her permanent home.

 4         (b)  Each home applying for an exemption under

 5  paragraph (a) of this subsection or paragraph (4)(a) must file

 6  with the annual application for exemption an affidavit from

 7  each person who occupies a unit or apartment for which an

 8  exemption under either of those paragraphs that paragraph is

 9  claimed stating that the person resides therein and in good

10  faith makes that unit or apartment his or her permanent

11  residence.

12         (10)  Homes for the aged, or life care communities,

13  however designated, which are financed through the sale of

14  health facilities authority bonds or bonds of any other public

15  entity, whether on a sale-leaseback basis, a sale-repurchase

16  basis, or other financing arrangement, or which are financed

17  without public-entity bonds, are exempt from ad valorem

18  taxation only in accordance with the provisions of this

19  section.

20         (11)  Any portion of such property used for nonexempt

21  purposes may be valued and placed upon the tax rolls

22  separately from any portion entitled to exemption pursuant to

23  this chapter.

24         (12)  When it becomes necessary for the property

25  appraiser to determine the value of a unit, he or she shall

26  include in such valuation the proportionate share of the

27  common areas, including the land, fairly attributable to such

28  unit, based upon the value of such unit in relation to all

29  other units in the home, unless the common areas are otherwise

30  exempted by subsection (8).

31         (13)  Sections 196.195 and 196.196 do not apply to this

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 1  section.

 2         Section 8.  Effective January 1, 2001, subsections (2)

 3  and (3) and paragraph (a) of subsection (5) of section

 4  159.805, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

 5         159.805  Procedures for obtaining allocations;

 6  requirements; limitations on allocations; issuance reports.--

 7         (2)  Any written confirmation issued by the director

 8  pursuant to subsection (1) ceases to be effective unless the

 9  bonds to which that confirmation applies have been issued by

10  the agency and written notice of such issuance has been

11  provided to the director within 155 90 calendar days after the

12  date the confirmation was issued or December 29, whichever

13  occurs first.

14         (3)  Upon the expiration of the confirmation or at any

15  time the agency decides the allocation is no longer necessary,

16  but, in any event, not later than the 160th 95th calendar day

17  after the date the confirmation was issued, the agency shall

18  notify the division, by overnight common carrier delivery

19  service, of its failure to issue any bonds pursuant to the

20  written confirmation.  Such notice of failure to issue shall

21  be filed with the division and the allocation provided in the

22  expired confirmation shall be made available for reallocation

23  pursuant to this part. Upon determining that it will not be

24  using allocation for mortgage credit certificates, the issuer

25  will notify the division in writing within 5 business days

26  that such allocation for mortgage credit certificates,

27  referencing the dollar amount, will not be used, thereby

28  allowing the division to reallocate such amounts.

29         (5)(a)  When bonds with a written confirmation of an

30  allocation are issued, the agency issuing such bonds, or its

31  designee, shall provide the division with same-day telephonic

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 1  notice of such issuance, the principal amount of bonds issued,

 2  and the availability of any excess unissued allocation.  On

 3  the day of issuance of the bonds, the agency, or its designee,

 4  shall send a written issuance report to the division to arrive

 5  no later than the following business day by overnight common

 6  carrier delivery service containing the information described

 7  in paragraph (b).  At issuance, any excess allocation

 8  unissued, except in the case of a project that received an

 9  allocation of $50 million or more, immediately reverts to the

10  pool from which the allocation was made, except that, after

11  June 30 of such year, it reverts to the state allocation pool

12  and shall be made available for reallocation. Except for

13  allocations for which an election has been made to issue

14  mortgage credit certificates, any allocation made under this

15  part is contingent upon the filing of the issuance report by

16  overnight common carrier delivery service with the division no

17  later than the following business day.

18         Section 9.  Effective January 1, 2001, subsection (1)

19  of section 159.806, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

20         159.806  Regional allocation pools.--

21         (1)  Each region listed in s. 159.804(2) has an

22  allocation pool for issuing written confirmations of

23  allocation for private activity bonds.  In issuing such

24  written confirmations, the division must first use the

25  allocation pool for the region in which the agency issuing

26  such bonds or on whose behalf such bonds are being issued is

27  located, except prior to June April 1, when the state

28  allocation pool or the Florida First Business allocation pool

29  must be used to finance priority projects until such

30  allocation is exhausted unless the agency requests an

31  allocation for a priority project from the regional allocation

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 1  pool.  Unless otherwise agreed to by the affected agencies,

 2  when such bonds are to be issued by an agency whose boundaries

 3  include more than one region, the division must first issue an

 4  allocation from the allocation pool for the region in which

 5  the project is to be located.

 6         Section 10.  Effective January 1, 2001, subsection (2)

 7  of section 159.807, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

 8         159.807  State allocation pool.--

 9         (2)  Except as provided in subsection (1), prior to

10  June April 1 of each year, the state allocation pool shall be

11  available solely to provide written confirmations for private

12  activity bonds to finance priority projects except

13  manufacturing facilities. To obtain a written allocation for

14  private activity bonds to finance a priority project from the

15  state allocation pool prior to June April 1 of each year, the

16  notice of intent to issue must be filed with the division no

17  later than May March 1.  If the total amount requested in

18  notices of intent to issue for priority projects does not

19  exceed the total amount of the state allocation pool, the

20  director shall issue written confirmation for each notice of

21  intent to issue by May March 15.  If the total amount

22  requested in notices of intent to issue private activity bonds

23  for priority projects exceeds the total amount of the state

24  allocation pool, the director shall forward all timely notices

25  of intent to issue received by the division for those projects

26  to the Governor who shall render a decision by June April 1 as

27  to which notices of intent to issue are to receive written

28  confirmations.  If additional portions of the state volume

29  limitation of private activity bonds permitted to be issued in

30  the state are subsequently placed into the state allocation

31  pool, the remainder of the timely notices of intent to issue

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 1  for priority projects shall be provided written confirmations

 2  in the order established by the Governor prior to any other

 3  notices of intent to issue filed with the division.

 4         Section 11.  Section 159.809, Florida Statutes, is

 5  amended to read:

 6         159.809  Recapture of unused amounts.--

 7         (1)  On April 1 of each year, any portion of each

 8  initial allocation made pursuant to s. 159.804(4) for which

 9  the division has not issued a written confirmation has not

10  been issued by the director or for which an issuance report

11  for bonds utilizing such an allocation has not been received

12  by the division prior to such date shall be added to the

13  Florida First Business allocation pool.

14         (2)  On July 1 of each year, any portion of each

15  initial allocation made pursuant to s. 159.804(2) or (3) for

16  which the division has not issued a written confirmation has

17  not been issued by the director or for which an issuance

18  report for bonds utilizing such an allocation has not been

19  received by the division prior to that date shall be added to

20  the Florida First Business allocation pool. On July 1 of each

21  year, any portion of each allocation made pursuant to s.

22  159.804(3) for which the division has not issued a written

23  confirmation or has not received an issuance report shall be

24  added to the Florida First Business allocation pool. On and

25  after July 2 of each year, any portion of such allocations for

26  which a written confirmation has been issued and which

27  confirmation expires or is relinquished by the agency

28  receiving the allocation, shall be added to the state

29  allocation pool.

30         (3)  On October 1 of each year, any portion of the

31  allocation made to the Florida First Business allocation pool

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 1  pursuant to s. 159.804(5) or subsection (1) or subsection (2),

 2  which is eligible for carryforward pursuant to s. 146(f) of

 3  the Code but which has not been certified for carryforward by

 4  the Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development, shall

 5  be returned to the Florida First Business allocation pool.

 6         (4)(3)  On November 16 of each year, any portion of the

 7  initial allocation, made pursuant to s. 159.804(1),  s.

 8  159.804(5), or subsection (1), or subsection (2), or

 9  subsection (3), other than as provided in s. 159.8083, for

10  which an issuance report for bonds utilizing such an

11  allocation has not been received by the division prior to that

12  date shall be added to the state allocation pool.

13         Section 12.  Subsection (1) of section 159.81, Florida

14  Statutes, is amended to read:

15         159.81  Unused allocations; carryforwards.--

16         (1)  The division shall, when requested, provide

17  carryforwards pursuant to s. 146(f) of the Code for written

18  confirmations for priority projects which qualify for a

19  carryforward pursuant to s. 146(f) of the Code, if such

20  request is accompanied by an opinion of bond counsel to that

21  effect. In addition, in the case of Florida First Business

22  projects, the division shall, when requested, grant requests

23  for carryforward only after receipt of a certification from

24  the Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development that

25  the project has been approved by such office to receive

26  carryforward.

27         Section 13.  Section 159.8083, Florida Statutes, is

28  amended to read:

29         159.8083  Florida First Business allocation pool.--The

30  Florida First Business allocation pool is hereby established.

31  The Florida First Business allocation pool shall be available

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 1  solely to provide written confirmation for private activity

 2  bonds to finance Florida First Business projects certified by

 3  the Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development as

 4  eligible to receive a written confirmation. Allocations from

 5  such pool shall be awarded statewide pursuant to procedures

 6  specified in s. 159.805, except that the provisions of s.

 7  159.805(2), (3), and (6) do not apply. Florida First Business

 8  projects that are eligible for a carryforward shall not lose

 9  their allocation pursuant to s. 159.809(3) on October 1, or

10  pursuant to s. 159.809(4) on November 16, if they have applied

11  for and have been granted a carryforward by the division

12  pursuant to s. 159.81(1).  In issuing written confirmations of

13  allocations for Florida First Business projects, the division

14  shall use the Florida First Business allocation pool. If

15  allocation is not available from the Florida First Business

16  allocation pool, the division shall issue written

17  confirmations of allocations for Florida First Business

18  projects pursuant to s. 159.806 or s. 159.807, in such order.

19  For the purpose of determining priority within a regional

20  allocation pool or the state allocation pool, notices of

21  intent to issue bonds for Florida First Business projects to

22  be issued from a regional allocation pool or the state

23  allocation pool shall be considered to have been received by

24  the division at the time it is determined by the division that

25  the Florida First Business allocation pool is unavailable to

26  issue confirmation for such Florida First Business project.

27  If the total amount requested in notices of intent to issue

28  private activity bonds for Florida First Business projects

29  exceeds the total amount of the Florida First Business

30  allocation pool, the director shall forward all timely notices

31  of intent to issue, which are received by the division for

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 1  such projects, to the Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic

 2  Development which shall render a decision as to which notices

 3  of intent to issue are to receive written confirmations. The

 4  Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development, in

 5  consultation with the division, shall develop rules to ensure

 6  that the allocation provided in such pool is available solely

 7  to provide written confirmations for private activity bonds to

 8  finance Florida First Business projects and that such projects

 9  are feasible and financially solvent.

10         Section 14.  Effective upon this act becoming a law and

11  operating retroactively to January 1, 2000, section 196.1978,

12  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

13         196.1978  Affordable Low-income housing property

14  exemption.--Property used to provide affordable housing

15  serving eligible pursuant to any state housing program

16  authorized under chapter 420 to low-income or very-low-income

17  persons as defined by s. 159.603(7) and persons meeting income

18  limits specified in s. 420.0004(9), (10), and (14), which

19  property is owned entirely by a nonprofit entity corporation

20  which is qualified as charitable under s. 501(c)(3) of the

21  Internal Revenue Code and which complies with Rev. Proc.

22  96-32, 1996-1 C.B. 717, shall be considered property owned by

23  an exempt entity and used for a charitable purpose, and those

24  portions of the affordable housing property which provide

25  housing to individuals with incomes as defined in s.

26  420.0004(9), (10), and (14) such property shall be exempt from

27  ad valorem taxation to the extent authorized in s. 196.196.

28  All property identified in this section shall comply with the

29  criteria for determination of exempt status to be applied by

30  property appraisers on an annual basis as defined in s.

31  196.195. The Legislature intends that any property owned by a

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 1  limited liability company which is disregarded as an entity

 2  for federal income tax purposes pursuant to Treasury

 3  Regulation 301.7701-3(b)(1)(ii) shall be treated as owned by

 4  its sole member.

 5         Section 15.  Subsections (37) and (38) are added to

 6  section 420.507, Florida Statutes, to read:

 7         420.507  Powers of the corporation.--The corporation

 8  shall have all the powers necessary or convenient to carry out

 9  and effectuate the purposes and provisions of this part,

10  including the following powers which are in addition to all

11  other powers granted by other provisions of this part:

12         (37)  To provide by rule, in connection with any

13  corporation competitive program, for the reservation of future

14  allocation or funding to provide a remedy for a litigant which

15  is ultimately successful in its litigation regarding a

16  competitive application, and to establish a date certain by

17  which, if litigation is not resolved, the successful litigant

18  will be funded from a subsequent year's available allocation

19  or funding.

20         (38)  To designate private activity allocation for

21  tax-exempt bonds received by the corporation pursuant to part

22  VI of chapter 159 between single-family and multifamily

23  projects.

24         Section 16.  Subsection (3) of section 420.5099,

25  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

26         420.5099  Allocation of the low-income housing tax

27  credit.--

28         (3)  The corporation may request such information from

29  applicants as will enable it to make the allocations according

30  to the guidelines set forth in subsection (2), including, but

31  not limited to, the information required to be provided the

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 1  corporation by chapter 67 9I-21, Florida Administrative Code.

 2         Section 17.  Section 420.526, Florida Statutes, is

 3  amended to read:

 4         420.526  Predevelopment Loan Program; loans and grants

 5  authorized; activities eligible for support.--

 6         (1)  The corporation is authorized to underwrite and

 7  make loans and grants from the Housing Predevelopment Fund to

 8  eligible sponsors when it determines that:

 9         (a)  A need for housing for the target population

10  exists in the area described in the application; and

11         (b)  Federal, state, or local public funds or private

12  funds are available or likely to be available to aid in the

13  site acquisition, site development, construction,

14  rehabilitation, maintenance, or support of the housing

15  proposed in the application.

16         (2)  If a loan is made, the corporation is authorized

17  to forgive such loan, and thereby make a grant to a sponsor

18  for any moneys which are unable to be repaid due to the

19  sponsor's inability to obtain construction or permanent

20  financing for the development.  The corporation shall not

21  forgive the portion of the loan, if any, which is secured by a

22  mortgage to the extent such loan could be repaid from the sale

23  of the mortgaged property shall not award a grant or loan to a

24  sponsor that is unable to demonstrate the ability to proceed

25  as verified by a qualified development team.

26         (3)  The corporation shall establish rules for the

27  equitable distribution of the funds in a manner that meets the

28  need and demand for housing for the target population.

29  However, during the first 6 months of fund availability, at

30  least 40 percent of the total funds made available under this

31  program shall be reserved for Sponsors of farmworker housing,

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 1  if any, shall receive first priority under this program, and

 2  further priorities shall be as established by rule of the

 3  corporation.

 4         (4)  The activities of sponsors which are eligible for

 5  housing predevelopment loans and grants shall include, but not

 6  be limited to:

 7         (a)  Site acquisition.

 8         (b)  Site development.

 9         (c)  Fees for requisite services from architects,

10  engineers, surveyors, attorneys, and other professionals.

11         (d)  Marketing expenses relating to advertisement.

12         (5)  The activities of sponsors which are eligible for

13  housing predevelopment grants shall include, but not be

14  limited to:

15         (e)(a)  Administrative expenses.

16         (f)(b)  Market and feasibility studies.

17         (g)(c)  Consulting fees.

18         (5)(6)  Any funds paid out of the Housing

19  Predevelopment Fund for activities under ss. 420.521-420.529

20  which are reimbursed to the sponsor from another source shall

21  be repaid to the fund.

22         (7)  Sponsors receiving loans for professional fees may

23  receive forgiveness of such loans if it is determined that the

24  proposed project would not be feasible for housing for the

25  target population.

26         (6)(8)  Terms and conditions of housing predevelopment

27  loan agreements shall be established by rule and shall

28  include:

29         (a)  Provision for interest, which shall be set at

30  between 0 and 3 percent per year, as established by the

31  corporation.

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 1         (b)  Provision of a schedule for the repayment of

 2  principal and interest for a term not to exceed 3 years or

 3  initiation of permanent financing, whichever event occurs

 4  first.  However, the corporation may extend the term of a loan

 5  for an additional period not to exceed 1 year if extraordinary

 6  circumstances exist and if such extension would not jeopardize

 7  the corporation's security interest.

 8         (c)  Provision of reasonable security for the housing

 9  predevelopment loan to ensure the repayment of the principal

10  and any interest accrued within the term specified.

11  Reasonable security shall be a promissory note secured by a

12  mortgage from the sponsor on the property to be purchased,

13  improved, or purchased and improved with the proceeds of the

14  housing predevelopment loan or other collateral acceptable to

15  the corporation.

16         (d)  Provisions to ensure that the land acquired will

17  be used for the development of housing and related services

18  for the target population.

19         (e)  Provisions to ensure, to the extent possible, that

20  any accrued savings in cost due to the availability of these

21  funds will be passed on to the target population in the form

22  of lower land prices.  The corporation shall ensure that such

23  savings in land prices shall be passed on in the form of lower

24  prices or rents for dwellings constructed on such land.

25         (f)  Provisions to ensure that any land acquired

26  through assistance under ss. 420.521-420.529 for housing for

27  the target population shall not be disposed of or alienated in

28  a manner that violates Title VII of the 1968 Civil Rights Act,

29  which specifically prohibits discrimination based on race,

30  sex, color, religion, or national origin or that violates

31  other applicable federal or state laws.

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 1         (7)(9)  No predevelopment loan made under this section

 2  shall exceed the lesser of:

 3         (a)  The development and acquisition costs for the

 4  project, as determined by rule of the corporation; or

 5         (b)  Five hundred thousand dollars.

 6         (8)(10)  Any real property or any portion thereof

 7  purchased or developed under ss. 420.521-420.529 may be

 8  disposed of by the eligible sponsor upon the terms and

 9  conditions established by rule of the corporation and

10  consistent with ss. 420.521-420.529, at a price not to exceed

11  the actual prorated land costs, development costs, accrued

12  taxes, and interest.

13         Section 18.  Subsections (3), (5), (7), and (8) of

14  section 420.609, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

15         420.609  Affordable Housing Study Commission.--Because

16  the Legislature firmly supports affordable housing in Florida

17  for all economic classes:

18         (3)  The department and the corporation agency shall

19  supply such information, assistance, and facilities as are

20  deemed necessary for the commission to carry out its duties

21  under this section and shall provide such staff assistance as

22  is necessary for the performance of required clerical and

23  administrative functions of the commission.

24         (5)  The commission shall review, evaluate, and make

25  recommendations regarding existing and proposed housing

26  programs and initiatives.  The commission shall provide these

27  and any other housing recommendations to the secretary of the

28  Department of Community Affairs and the executive director of

29  the corporation.

30         (7)  By July 15 December 31 of each year beginning in

31  2001 1992, the commission shall prepare and submit to the

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 1  Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the

 2  House of Representatives a report detailing its findings and

 3  making specific program, legislative, and funding

 4  recommendations and any other recommendations it deems

 5  appropriate.

 6         (8)  The commission shall recommend studies to be

 7  conducted for included in the annual research agenda of the

 8  Multidisciplinary Center for affordable housing. These

 9  recommendations shall be submitted to the department and the

10  center in order to assist them in establishing an appropriate

11  research agenda for the center.

12         Section 19.  Subsections (4) and (27) of section

13  420.9071, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

14         420.9071  Definitions.--As used in ss.

15  420.907-420.9079, the term:

16         (4)  "Annual gross income" means annual income as

17  defined under the Section 8 housing assistance payments

18  programs in 24 C.F.R. part 5; annual income as reported under

19  the census long form for the recent available decennial

20  census; or adjusted gross income as defined for purposes of

21  reporting under Internal Revenue Service Form 1040 for

22  individual federal annual income tax purposes. Counties and

23  eligible municipalities shall calculate income by annualizing

24  verified sources projecting the prevailing annual rate of

25  income for all adults in the household as the amount of income

26  to be received in a household during the 12 months following

27  the effective date of the determination.

28         (27)  "Sales price" or "value" means, in the case of

29  acquisition of an existing or newly constructed unit, the

30  amount on the executed sales contract. For eligible persons

31  who are building a unit on land that they own, the sales price

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 1  is determined by an appraisal performed by a state-certified

 2  appraiser. The appraisal must include the value of the land

 3  and the improvements using the after-construction value of the

 4  property and must be dated within 12 months of the date

 5  construction is to commence. The sales price of any unit must

 6  include the value of the land in order to qualify as eligible

 7  housing as defined in subsection (8). In the case of

 8  rehabilitation or emergency repair of an existing unit that

 9  does not create additional living space, sales price or value

10  means the value of the real property, as determined by an

11  appraisal performed by a state-certified appraiser and dated

12  within 12 months of the date construction is to commence or

13  the assessed value of the real property as determined by the

14  county property appraiser, plus the cost of the improvements.

15  In the case of rehabilitation of an existing unit that

16  includes the addition of new living space, sales price or

17  value means the value of the real property, as determined by

18  an appraisal performed by a state-certified appraiser and

19  dated within 12 months of the date construction is to commence

20  or the assessed value of the real property as determined by

21  the county property appraiser, plus the cost of the

22  improvements in either case.

23         Section 20.  Paragraph (e) of subsection (3) and

24  paragraph (c) of subsection (4) of section 420.9075, Florida

25  Statutes, are amended to read:

26         420.9075  Local housing assistance plans;

27  partnerships.--

28         (3)  Each local housing assistance plan is governed by

29  the following criteria and administrative procedures:

30         (e)  The staff or entity that has administrative

31  authority for implementing a local housing assistance plan

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 1  assisting rental developments shall annually monitor and

 2  determine tenant eligibility or, to the extent the Florida

 3  Housing Finance Corporation provides the same monitoring and

 4  determination, a municipality, county, or local housing

 5  financing authority may rely on such monitoring and

 6  determination of tenant eligibility.

 7         (4)  The following criteria apply to awards made to

 8  eligible sponsors or eligible persons for the purpose of

 9  providing eligible housing:

10         (c)  The sales price or value of new or existing

11  eligible housing may not exceed 90 percent of the average

12  median area purchase price in the statistical area in which

13  where the eligible housing is located, which housing was

14  purchased during the most recent 12-month period for which

15  sufficient statistical information is available or, as

16  established by the United States Department of Treasury.


18  If both an award under the local housing assistance plan and

19  federal low-income housing tax credits are used to assist a

20  project and there is a conflict between the criteria

21  prescribed in this subsection and the requirements of s. 42 of

22  the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, the county or

23  eligible municipality may resolve the conflict by giving

24  precedence to the requirements of s. 42 of the Internal

25  Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, in lieu of following the

26  criteria prescribed in this subsection with the exception of

27  paragraphs (a) and (d) of this subsection.

28         Section 21.  Section 760.26, Florida Statutes, is

29  created to read:

30         760.26  Prohibited discrimination in land use decisions

31  and in permitting of development.--It is unlawful to

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 1  discriminate in land use decisions or in the permitting of

 2  development based on race, color, national origin, sex,

 3  disability, familial status, religion, or, except as otherwise

 4  provided by law, the source of financing of a development or

 5  proposed development.

 6         Section 22.  State Farmworker Housing Pilot Loan

 7  Program.--The State Farmworker Housing Pilot Loan Program is

 8  created for the purpose of demonstrating the ability to use

 9  state dedicated funds to leverage Federal Government, local

10  government, and private resources to provide affordable, safe,

11  and sanitary rental housing units for farmworkers.

12         (1)  Subject to the availability of funds appropriated

13  to fund the State Farmworker Housing Pilot Loan Program, the

14  Florida Housing Finance Corporation shall have the authority

15  to make farmworker housing loans to a sponsor, as defined in

16  s. 420.503(37), Florida Statutes, provided the sponsor:

17         (a)  Agrees to:

18         1.  Set aside at least 80 percent of the units for

19  eligible farmworkers, as defined in s. 420.503(18), Florida

20  Statutes;

21         2.  Set aside 100 percent of the units for households

22  whose family income does not exceed:

23         a.  Fifty percent of the adjusted local median income

24  in areas which are not metropolitan statistical areas; or

25         b.  Forty percent of adjusted local median income in

26  metropolitan statistical areas; and

27         3.  Limit rents to no more than 30 percent of the

28  maximum household income adjusted to unit size; or

29         (b)  Uses federal funds provided under section 514 or

30  section 516 of Title V of the Federal Housing Act of 1949 and

31  meets maximum rental limits, tenant eligibility, and other

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 1  regulatory requirements established pursuant to such programs.

 2         (2)  The corporation shall issue a request for

 3  proposals to solicit applications for loans offered pursuant

 4  to this section and shall establish a funding cycle to

 5  distribute funds pursuant to this section.  The corporation

 6  shall coordinate this cycle with the fiscal year 2001 federal

 7  funding cycle for section 514 or section 516 of Title V of the

 8  Federal Housing Act of 1949.  The corporation may distribute

 9  through this funding cycle any additional funds set aside for

10  farmworker housing under the State Apartment Incentive Loan

11  Program authorized by s. 420.5087, Florida Statutes, or other

12  funds appropriated for the State Farmworker Housing Pilot Loan

13  Program.

14         (3)  All eligible applications shall:

15         (a)  Demonstrate that the sponsor possesses title to or

16  firm site control of land and evidences availability of

17  required infrastructure.

18         (b)  Have grants, donations of land, or contributions

19  from other sources collectively totaling at least 25 percent

20  of the total development cost. Such grants, donations of land,

21  or contributions need not be committed at the time of

22  application. The corporation shall establish a set time for

23  receipt of such commitments.

24         (c)  Have local government contributions and private

25  agriculture producer funds and other private leveraged funds

26  totaling no less than 3 percent of the total development cost.

27         (d)  Demonstrate accessibility to commercial businesses

28  and services needed to serve the needs of the resident

29  farmworkers or include a viable plan to provide access to

30  those commercial businesses and services.

31         (e)  Limit developer fees to no more than 15 percent of

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 1  the total development cost, less developer fees and land cost.

 2         (4)  The corporation shall establish a review committee

 3  composed of staff of the Department of Community Affairs

 4  selected by the Secretary of Community Affairs and staff of

 5  the corporation and shall establish a scoring system for

 6  evaluation and competitive ranking of applications submitted

 7  in this program.

 8         (a)  Each application shall address and be evaluated

 9  and ranked based on the following criteria:

10         1.  A demonstrated need for farmworker housing:

11  Proposed developments in a county determined by the Shimberg

12  Center for Affordable Housing's April 1997 Migrant Farm Worker

13  Needs Assessment, or any subsequent assessment, to have a

14  shortage of affordable housing for 3,000 or more farmworkers

15  shall receive maximum points. Sponsors proposing developments

16  in other counties and demonstrating a high need for farmworker

17  housing through other state or local governmental reports or

18  market studies are eligible for funding under this section,

19  but shall receive less points.

20         2.  Developer fees: Sponsors with developer fees less

21  than 15 percent shall be awarded additional points. There

22  shall be no identity of interest between the sponsor,

23  affiliated entities, and the contractor, and the sponsor or

24  affiliated entities shall not receive any financial or other

25  remuneration from the contractor as a condition of the

26  contractor's selection.

27         3.  The project's mix: Applications providing a

28  set-aside of 20 percent or more units for seasonal, temporary,

29  or migrant workers, including unaccompanied workers, shall

30  receive additional points.

31         4.  Innovation: Innovative planning concepts such as a

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 1  phased development plan for mixed-income or occupational

 2  groups, home ownership, or commercial uses on a nearby parcel

 3  shall receive additional points.

 4         5.  Innovative building designs: Innovative building

 5  designs, which are targeted to meet the needs of the

 6  hard-to-serve population of migrant, seasonal, and

 7  very-low-income tenants which lower costs and rents while

 8  providing safe, sanitary, and decent housing shall receive

 9  additional points.

10         6.  Federal Government contributions: Scoring shall

11  provide additional points based on the percentage of federal

12  funds leveraged.  Such funds need not be committed to the

13  proposed project.  The corporation shall establish a set time

14  for receipt of such commitments, taking into consideration the

15  application deadlines and projected determination periods set

16  by each of the agencies responsible for the federal funds

17  proposed as leveraged.  The corporation may give more points

18  to applications with commitments of federal contributions.

19         7.  Local government participation: Evidence of local

20  government participation in project planning demonstrating a

21  commitment to the project's success, including, but not

22  limited to, comprehensive planning, letters of support, and

23  other activities, shall receive additional points.

24         8.  A provision for supportive services accessible

25  onsite or through cooperative agreements with service

26  providers in the community: Scoring shall provide additional

27  points to eligible applications that provide one or more

28  qualified tenant programs to enhance quality of life for

29  residents.  Such programs include, but are not limited to, the

30  inclusion of a Title XX or Head Start child care facility for

31  children onsite or within 3 miles of the development, tenant

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 1  activities, health care, financial counseling, English as a

 2  Second Language courses, and GED courses.

 3         9.  The quality of the project's design: All

 4  developments shall include the equivalent of 0.25 full

 5  bathroom facilities per bed or tenant; onsite laundry, laundry

 6  sink, or hookups and space for a washer and dryer inside each

 7  unit; and appropriate minimum storage space. Flexibility shall

 8  be permitted for innovative designs which meet the needs of

 9  the population served.

10         a.  The following items are not required and shall

11  receive no points in the scoring of applications: two full

12  bathrooms in all three-bedroom units, one and one-half

13  bathrooms in all two-bedroom units, swimming pool, dishwasher,

14  garbage disposals, and cable television hookups.

15         b.  The following items are not required but shall

16  receive additional points in the scoring of applications:

17  window treatments, 30-year roofing on all buildings, gated

18  community with carded entry or security guard, car care area,

19  covered picnic area, playground, outdoor recreation area for

20  older children, two or more parking spaces per unit, large

21  multipurpose room or clubhouse, air conditioning or

22  whole-house fan as determined by geographic region or seasonal

23  occupancy, hurricane shutters or resistant glass, and energy

24  conservation features.

25         10.  The feasibility and economic viability of the

26  project.

27         11.  The sponsor's development experience: Scoring

28  shall provide the most points to eligible applicants with

29  successful experience in the development of farmworker housing

30  commensurate to the size and scope of the proposed

31  development.  Applicants with less development experience or

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 1  experience in projects substantially smaller than that

 2  proposed shall receive less points.  The experience may be

 3  that of an affiliated or controlling corporation where the

 4  eligible applicant is established to limit liability of the

 5  affiliated group.

 6         12.  The sponsor's management experience: Scoring shall

 7  provide the most points to eligible applicants with successful

 8  experience in the management of farmworker housing

 9  commensurate to the size and scope of the proposed

10  development.  Applicants with less management experience or

11  experience in projects substantially smaller than the proposed

12  development shall receive less points. The experience may be

13  that of an affiliated or controlling nonprofit corporation

14  where the eligible applicant is established to limit liability

15  of the affiliated group.

16         13.  The ability to proceed with construction: Scoring

17  shall provide the most points to those applicants able to

18  proceed in a timely manner.  In addition to local government

19  participation as addressed in subparagraph 7., items to be

20  scored shall include, but not be limited to: environmental

21  safety, infrastructure availability, schematic site plans and

22  elevations, and conceptual, preliminary, or final site plan

23  approval.

24         14.  A management plan to attract, serve, and keep

25  eligible farmworker tenants.

26         (b)  The corporation may reject any application.

27         (c)  The review committee established by the

28  corporation shall make recommendations to the board of

29  directors of the corporation regarding program participation

30  under the State Farmworker Housing Pilot Loan Program.  The

31  corporation board shall make the final ranking and the

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 1  decisions regarding which applicants shall become program

 2  participants based on the scores received in the competitive

 3  ranking, further review of applications, and the

 4  recommendations of the review committee.  The corporation

 5  board shall approve or reject applications for loans and shall

 6  determine the tentative loan amount available to each

 7  applicant selected for participation in the program.

 8         (5)  Loans provided pursuant to this section shall be

 9  nonamortizing.  The corporation shall establish interest rates

10  for loans made pursuant to this section.  Loans to

11  not-for-profit applicants shall have interest rates of zero

12  percent if no low-income housing tax credits are allocated to

13  the development. If low-income housing tax credits are

14  allocated to the development, the interest rate may be

15  adjusted upward to meet appropriate federal requirements.

16  Loans to for-profit applicants shall have interest rates of 3

17  percent if no low-income housing tax credits are allocated to

18  the development.  If low-income housing tax credits are

19  allocated to the development, the interest rate may be

20  adjusted upward to meet appropriate federal requirements.

21  Loans shall not exceed $5 million.  The following provisions

22  shall apply to all loans provided under this section:

23         (a)  No loan combined with any other mortgage in a

24  superior position shall exceed the development cost or the

25  value of security, whichever is less.

26         (b)  The loan term shall be for a period of not less

27  than 20 years.  The corporation may renegotiate and extend the

28  loan in order to extend the availability of housing for

29  farmworkers. The term of a loan may not extend beyond the

30  period for which the sponsor agrees to provide housing for

31  farmworkers as provided in subsection (1). Payment on the

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 1  loans shall be based on the actual development cash flow and

 2  principal and interest may be deferred without constituting a

 3  default on the loan.  The corporation may defer repayment of

 4  loans made under this section until the end of the loan

 5  period, including any extension, or until the housing no

 6  longer meets the requirements of subsection (1), whichever

 7  occurs first.

 8         (c)  The discrimination provisions of s. 420.516,

 9  Florida Statutes, shall apply to all loans.

10         (d)  The proceeds of all loans shall be used for new

11  construction or substantial rehabilitation which creates

12  affordable, safe, and sanitary housing units.

13         (e)  Sponsors shall annually certify the eligibility

14  status and adjusted gross income of all persons or families

15  qualified under subsection (1) who are residing in a project

16  funded by this program.  For monitoring purposes, the

17  corporation may rely on a federal governmental entity which is

18  also required to monitor and determine tenant eligibility.

19         (f)  If agricultural and market conditions change

20  substantially in a market area in which a project is located,

21  the sponsor may request approval from the corporation for

22  changes in the occupational or income set-aside requirements.

23  The sponsor shall submit evidence of such market changes,

24  including, but not limited to, a market study and statements

25  from agricultural producers and agricultural labor

26  representatives.  The board of directors of the corporation

27  may amend set-aside requirements; however, such changes shall

28  preserve the maximum percentage of units for eligible

29  farmworkers as market conditions permit.

30         (6)  If a default on a loan occurs, the corporation may

31  foreclose on any mortgage or security interest or commence any

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 1  legal action to protect the interest of the corporation and

 2  recover the amount of the unpaid principal, accrued interest,

 3  and fees.  The corporation may acquire real or personal

 4  property or any interest in such property when that

 5  acquisition is necessary or appropriate to: protect any loan;

 6  sell, transfer, and convey any such property to a buyer

 7  without regard to the provisions of chapters 253 and 270,

 8  Florida Statutes; and, if that sale, transfer, or conveyance

 9  cannot be effected within a reasonable time, lease such

10  property for occupancy by eligible persons. All sums recovered

11  from the sale, transfer, conveyance, or lease of such property

12  shall be deposited into an account established by the

13  corporation in a qualified public depository meeting the

14  requirements of chapter 280, Florida Statutes, for purposes of

15  expending moneys appropriated to fund the State Farmworker

16  Housing Pilot Loan Program as provided in subsection (1).

17         (7)  Subject to the availability of funds appropriated

18  to fund the State Farmworker Housing Pilot Loan Program, the

19  Florida Housing Finance Corporation shall contract with a

20  nonprofit corporation, qualified under s. 501(c)(3) of the

21  Internal Revenue Code, representing a mix of stakeholders

22  concerned with housing conditions faced by migrant and

23  seasonal farmworkers with demonstrated expertise in housing

24  issues. The corporation shall select such contractor within 90

25  days after the effective date of this section to assist the

26  corporation in establishing and implementing the State

27  Farmworker Housing Pilot Loan Program, and to prepare a

28  research report that includes a needs assessment and strategic

29  plan for agricultural labor housing in this state.  The

30  research report shall be submitted to the Governor, the

31  President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of

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 1  Representatives.  The report shall:

 2         (a)  Identify localities throughout this state having

 3  the greatest need for newly-constructed or rehabilitated

 4  agricultural labor housing.

 5         (b)  Identify successful project prototypes to provide

 6  safe, decent, and affordable agricultural housing.

 7         (c)  Provide an analysis of state and local barriers to

 8  the development of agricultural housing.

 9         (d)  Profile successful state and local government

10  programs within and without this state that address

11  agricultural housing needs.

12         Section 23.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

13  law.



16  ================ T I T L E   A M E N D M E N T ===============

17  And the title is amended as follows:

18         Delete everything before the enacting clause


20  and insert:

21                      A bill to be entitled

22         An act relating to housing; amending s.

23         228.056, F.S.; revising terminology; clarifying

24         time periods; revising criteria for renewal of

25         a charter; requiring compliance with certain

26         statutes; providing for exemption from ad

27         valorem taxation; amending s. 228.0561, F.S.;

28         changing the formula for charter school

29         facilities funding; revising requirements for

30         reversions of property to a school board;

31         authorizing pilot program grants for the

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 1         construction of charter school facilities;

 2         establishing criteria; amending s. 196.29,

 3         F.S.; granting charter schools an exemption

 4         from ad valorem taxes; amending s. 236.0817,

 5         F.S.; providing for a developmental research

 6         school that is issued a charter to be eligible

 7         for categorical funding; amending s. 228.053,

 8         F.S.; exempting a chartered developmental

 9         research school from the requirement that it be

10         of closest geographic proximity to the college

11         of education to which it is affiliated;

12         providing for funding developmental research

13         schools that are issued a charter; revising

14         requirements for determining

15         full-time-equivalent membership; providing for

16         capital outlay funding for a chartered

17         developmental research school; amending s.

18         228.505, F.S.; providing for governance of

19         certain charter technical career centers;

20         amending s. 196.1975, F.S., which provides

21         exemptions for nonprofit homes for the aged;

22         specifying that the exemption applicable to

23         such homes whose residents meet certain income

24         limitations applies to certain individual units

25         or apartments of such homes; providing for

26         application of a residency affidavit

27         requirement to applicants for such exemption;

28         revising provisions relating to qualification

29         for the alternative exemption provided by that

30         section for those portions of a home which do

31         not meet the income limitations; providing that

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 1         s. 196.195, F.S., which provides requirements

 2         and criteria for determining the profit or

 3         nonprofit status of an applicant for exemption,

 4         and s. 196.196, F.S., which provides criteria

 5         for determining whether property is entitled to

 6         a charitable, religious, scientific, or

 7         literary exemption, do not apply to that

 8         section; amending s. 159.805, F.S.; revising

 9         procedures for obtaining allocations of private

10         activity bonds; amending s. 159.806, F.S.;

11         specifying use of Florida First Business

12         allocation pool for priority projects before

13         using regional allocation pools; amending s.

14         159.807, F.S.; requiring availability of the

15         state allocation pool for certain purposes;

16         amending s. 159.8083, F.S.; clarifying

17         preservation of allocations for certain Florida

18         First Business projects; amending s. 159.809,

19         F.S.; clarifying recapture by the Florida First

20         Business allocation pool of portions of certain

21         unused allocations; amending s. 159.81, F.S.;

22         providing for granting requests for

23         carryforward of certain allocations relating to

24         Florida First Business projects under certain

25         circumstances; amending s. 196.1978, F.S.;

26         expanding the classes of certain low-income

27         housing property as property owned by an exempt

28         entity and used for charitable purposes;

29         amending s. 420.507, F.S.; providing special

30         powers of the corporation with respect to

31         reservation of future allocation or funding and

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 1         designation of private activity bond

 2         allocation; amending s. 420.5099, F.S.;

 3         correcting an administrative rule cross

 4         reference; amending s. 420.526, F.S.; revising

 5         provisions of the Predevelopment Loan Program

 6         to provide for targeting of funds and

 7         forgiveness of loans under certain

 8         circumstances; amending s. 420.609, F.S.;

 9         requiring the corporation to assist the

10         Affordable Housing Study Commission for certain

11         purposes; requiring the commission to provide

12         certain commission recommendations to the

13         corporation; changing the date of submittal for

14         the commission's report; revising the

15         commission's recommended studies requirements;

16         amending s. 420.9071, F.S.; revising certain

17         definitions; amending s. 420.9075, F.S.;

18         revising entities authorized to monitor and

19         determine tenant eligibility under local

20         housing assistance plans; revising criteria for

21         eligibility awards under such plans; creating

22         s. 760.26, F.S.; prohibiting discrimination in

23         land use decisions and in permitting of

24         development; establishing the State Farmworker

25         Housing Pilot Loan Program; providing for

26         administration by the Florida Housing Finance

27         Corporation; providing sponsor requirements;

28         requiring the corporation to issue a request

29         for proposals for loan applications for certain

30         purposes; requiring the corporation to

31         establish a loan distribution mechanism;

    12:14 PM   05/02/00                             s1574c1c-25m0a

                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS for SB 1574

    Amendment No.    

 1         providing eligible loan applicant requirements;

 2         providing for establishment of an application

 3         review committee; providing criteria for loan

 4         applications; providing duties and

 5         responsibilities of the corporation and review

 6         committee; providing requirements for such

 7         loans; providing procedures and requirements

 8         for loan defaults; requiring the corporation to

 9         contract with the Florida Farmworker Housing

10         Coalition, Inc., for certain purposes;

11         requiring a report to the Governor and

12         Legislature; providing report requirements;

13         providing an effective date.



















    12:14 PM   05/02/00                             s1574c1c-25m0a