Senate Bill 1654

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    Florida Senate - 2000                                  SB 1654

    By the Committee on Ethics and Elections; and Senators
    Saunders, Kirkpatrick, Rossin and Sebesta


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act creating the Voting System Technology

  3         Task Force; providing for membership, officers,

  4         organization, per diem, and staffing; providing

  5         duties; providing for a report and termination

  6         of the task force upon submission of the

  7         report; providing an appropriation; providing

  8         an effective date.


10  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


12         Section 1.  (1)  There is created the Voting System

13  Technology Task Force, which shall be assigned to the

14  Department of State for the purpose of studying the issues and

15  costs of developing and implementing an Internet or on-line

16  voting system for widespread use in the state. The task force

17  is to be composed of 20 members as follows:

18         (a)  The Secretary of State, or his or her designee,

19  who shall serve as chair of the task force;

20         (b)  The President of the Senate shall appoint one

21  member of the Senate;

22         (c)  The Speaker of the House of Representatives shall

23  appoint one member of the House of Representatives;

24         (d)  The minority leader of the Senate shall appoint

25  one member of the Senate;

26         (e)  The minority leader of the House of

27  Representatives shall appoint one member of the House of

28  Representatives;

29         (f)  The Governor shall appoint one member;

30         (g)  The Secretary of State shall appoint four

31  supervisors of elections, two from urban counties and two from


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    Florida Senate - 2000                                  SB 1654

  1  rural counties; four public or private technical experts; four

  2  interested citizens who are of diverse age, race, gender,

  3  economic, and other relevant demographic characteristics; and,

  4  two other individuals whose background the Secretary considers

  5  relevant or who have expertise in computers, the Internet, or

  6  associated technologies.

  7         (2)  Members of the task force shall serve without

  8  compensation, but shall be entitled to reimbursement for per

  9  diem and travel expenses pursuant to section 112.061, Florida

10  Statutes, while engaged in their official duties.

11         (3)  The task force is to consider both an Internet or

12  on-line voting system that would allow voters to cast secure

13  electronic ballots from sites not under the control of

14  elections officials and a voting system that would allow

15  voters to cast secure electronic ballots from sites under the

16  control of elections officials. Issues that must be addressed

17  in the study include:

18         (a)  Security and voter fraud;

19         (b)  Public accessibility to the voting system,

20  including demographic factors limiting access;

21         (c)  Voter acceptance and support for the voting

22  system;

23         (d)  Cost estimates for developing and implementing

24  pilot projects; and

25         (e)  Estimated costs and savings to be realized in

26  continuing development, full implementation, maintenance, and

27  operation of a widespread Internet or on-line voting system

28  over time.

29         (4)  The Secretary of State shall submit to the

30  Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the

31  House of Representatives, by July 1, 2001, a report containing


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    Florida Senate - 2000                                  SB 1654

  1  the task force's recommendation concerning whether the state

  2  should pursue the development and implementation of a

  3  widespread Internet or on-line voting system and containing

  4  all relevant findings of the task force. If the task force

  5  recommends Internet or on-line voting favorably, the report

  6  must include recommended steps for developing and implementing

  7  such a system. Upon submission of the report, the task force

  8  shall expire.

  9         (5)  The Division of Elections of the Department of

10  State shall provide support staff for the task force. The

11  State Technology Office of the Department of Management

12  Services and the State University System shall assist the task

13  force, upon request.

14         (6)  Effective July 1, 2000, the sum of $200,000 is

15  appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department

16  of State, and two positions are created in the department, for

17  the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this act.

18         Section 2.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

19  law.


21            *****************************************

22                          SENATE SUMMARY

23    Creates the Voting System Technology Task Force to make
      recommendations concerning the feasibility of
24    establishing an Internet or on-line voting system.
      Appropriates $200,000 for the study.






