Senate Bill 1672

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    Florida Senate - 2000                                  SB 1672

    By Senator Hargrett


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to health care; transferring

  3         powers, duties, functions, and funds of the

  4         Department of Children and Family Services

  5         relating to alcohol, drug abuse, and mental

  6         health programs, including mental health

  7         institutions, to the Department of Health;

  8         authorizing the Department of Health to

  9         organize and classify positions transferred;

10         amending s. 20.19, F.S.; removing from the

11         Department of Children and Family Services

12         responsibilities relating to alcohol, drug

13         abuse, and mental health programs; amending s.

14         20.43, F.S.; establishing within the Department

15         of Health a Division of Mental Health and a

16         Division of Substance Abuse; providing for a

17         behavioral health care transition advisory

18         committee; providing membership and duties;

19         authorizing the Department of Health to use

20         unit-costing contract payments; authorizing

21         reimbursement of expenditures for start-up

22         contracts; providing for rules; requiring

23         reports; providing effective dates.


25  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


27         Section 1.  Effective January 1, 2001, all powers,

28  duties, functions, records, personnel, property, and

29  unexpended balances of appropriations, allocations, and other

30  funds of the Department of Children and Family Services

31  relating to alcohol, drug abuse, and mental health programs,


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    Florida Senate - 2000                                  SB 1672

  1  including all mental health institutions, are transferred by a

  2  type two transfer, as defined in section 20.06(2), Florida

  3  Statutes, to the Department of Health. Any rules adopted by or

  4  for the Department of Children and Family Services for the

  5  administration and operation of such programs or institutions

  6  are included in this transfer and shall remain in effect until

  7  specifically changed in the manner provided by law.  The

  8  Department of Health may organize, classify, and manage the

  9  positions transferred in a manner that will reduce

10  duplication, achieve maximum efficiency, and ensure

11  accountability.

12         Section 2.  Effective January 1, 2001, paragraph (b) of

13  subsection (1), subsection (5), paragraph (e) of subsection

14  (10), and paragraph (j) of subsection (17) of section 20.19,

15  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

16         20.19  Department of Children and Family

17  Services.--There is created a Department of Children and

18  Family Services.

19         (1)  MISSION AND PURPOSE.--

20         (b)  The purposes of the Department of Children and

21  Family Services are to deliver, or provide for the delivery

22  of, all family services offered by the state through the

23  department to its citizens and include, but are not limited

24  to:

25         1.  Cooperating with other state and local agencies in

26  integrating the delivery of all family and health services

27  offered by the state to those citizens in need of assistance.

28         2.  Providing such assistance as is authorized to all

29  eligible clients in order that they might achieve or maintain

30  economic self-support and self-sufficiency to prevent, reduce,

31  or eliminate dependency.


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  1         3.  Preventing or remedying the neglect, abuse, or

  2  exploitation of children and of adults unable to protect their

  3  own interests.

  4         4.  Aiding in the preservation, rehabilitation, and

  5  reuniting of families.

  6         5.  Preventing or reducing inappropriate institutional

  7  care by providing for community-based care, home-based care,

  8  or other forms of less intensive care.

  9         6.  Securing referral or admission for institutional

10  care when other forms of care are not appropriate, or

11  providing services to individuals in institutions when

12  necessary.

13         7.  Improving the quality of life for persons with

14  mental illnesses and persons with developmental disabilities.

15         (5)  PROGRAM OFFICES.--

16         (a)  There are created program offices, each of which

17  shall be headed by an assistant secretary who shall be

18  appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the secretary.  Each

19  program office shall have the following responsibilities:

20         1.  Ensuring that family services programs are

21  implemented according to legislative intent and as provided in

22  state and federal laws, rules, and regulations.

23         2.  Establishing program standards and performance

24  objectives.

25         3.  Reviewing, monitoring, and ensuring compliance with

26  statewide standards and performance measures.

27         4.  Providing general statewide supervision of the

28  administration of service programs, including, but not limited

29  to:

30         a.  Developing and coordinating training for service

31  programs.


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  1         b.  Coordinating program research.

  2         c.  Identifying statewide program needs and

  3  recommending solutions and priorities.

  4         d.  Providing technical assistance for the

  5  administrators and staff of the service districts.

  6         e.  Assisting district administrators in staff

  7  development and training.

  8         f.  Monitoring service programs to ensure program

  9  quality among service districts.

10         5.  Developing workload and productivity standards.

11         6.  Developing resource allocation methodologies.

12         7.  Compiling reports, analyses, and assessment of

13  client needs on a statewide basis.

14         8.  Ensuring the continued interagency collaboration

15  with the Department of Education for the development and

16  integration of effective programs to serve children and their

17  families.

18         9.  Other duties as are assigned by the secretary.

19         (b)  The following program offices are established and

20  may be consolidated, restructured, or rearranged by the

21  secretary; provided any such consolidation, restructuring, or

22  rearranging is for the purpose of encouraging service

23  integration through more effective and efficient performance

24  of the program offices or parts thereof:

25         1.  Economic Self-Sufficiency Program Office.--The

26  responsibilities of this office encompass income support

27  programs within the department, such as temporary assistance

28  to families with dependent children, food stamps, welfare

29  reform, and state supplementation of the supplemental security

30  income (SSI) program.



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  1         2.  Developmental Services Program Office.--The

  2  responsibilities of this office encompass programs operated by

  3  the department for developmentally disabled persons.

  4  Developmental disabilities include any disability defined in

  5  s. 393.063.

  6         3.  Children and Families Program Office.--The

  7  responsibilities of this program office encompass early

  8  intervention services for children and families at risk;

  9  intake services for protective investigation of abandoned,

10  abused, and neglected children; interstate compact on the

11  placement of children programs; adoption; child care;

12  out-of-home care programs and other specialized services to

13  families.

14         4.  Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Program

15  Office.--The responsibilities of this office encompass all

16  alcohol, drug abuse, and mental health programs operated by

17  the department.

18         (10)  DISTRICT ADMINISTRATOR.--

19         (e)  Programs at the district level are in the

20  following areas: alcohol, drug abuse, and mental health;

21  developmental services; economic self-sufficiency services;

22  and children and family services. There may be a program

23  supervisor for each program, or the district administrator may

24  combine programs under a program manager or program supervisor

25  if such arrangement is approved by the secretary.


27         (j)  If a provider fails to meet the performance

28  standards established in the contract, the department may

29  allow a reasonable period for the provider to correct

30  performance deficiencies. If performance deficiencies are not

31  resolved to the satisfaction of the department within the


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    Florida Senate - 2000                                  SB 1672

  1  prescribed time, and if no extenuating circumstances can be

  2  documented by the provider to the department's satisfaction,

  3  the department must cancel the contract with the provider. The

  4  department may not enter into a new contract with that same

  5  provider for the services for which the contract was

  6  previously canceled for a period of at least 24 months after

  7  the date of cancellation.  If an adult substance abuse

  8  services provider fails to meet the performance standards

  9  established in the contract, the department may allow a

10  reasonable period, not to exceed 6 months, for the provider to

11  correct performance deficiencies. If the performance

12  deficiencies are not resolved to the satisfaction of the

13  department within 6 months, the department must cancel the

14  contract with the adult substance abuse provider, unless there

15  is no other qualified provider in the service area.

16         Section 3.  Effective January 1, 2001, subsections (1)

17  and (3) of section 20.43, Florida Statutes, are amended to

18  read:

19         20.43  Department of Health.--There is created a

20  Department of Health.

21         (1)  The purpose of the Department of Health is to

22  promote and protect the health of all residents and visitors

23  in the state through organized state and community efforts,

24  including cooperative agreements with counties.  The

25  department shall:

26         (a)  Prevent to the fullest extent possible, the

27  occurrence and progression of communicable and noncommunicable

28  diseases and disabilities and mental and substance-abuse

29  impairment.




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  1         (b)  Maintain a constant surveillance of disease

  2  occurrence and accumulate health statistics necessary to

  3  establish disease trends and to design health programs.

  4         (c)  Conduct special studies of the causes of diseases

  5  and formulate preventive strategies.

  6         (d)  Promote the maintenance and improvement of the

  7  environment as it affects public health.

  8         (e)  Promote the maintenance and improvement of health

  9  in the residents of the state.

10         (f)  Provide leadership, in cooperation with the public

11  and private sectors, in establishing statewide and community

12  public health and behavioral health delivery systems.

13         (g)  Provide health care and early intervention

14  services to infants, toddlers, children, adolescents, and

15  high-risk perinatal patients who are at risk for disabling

16  conditions or have chronic illnesses.

17         (h)  Provide services to abused and neglected children

18  through child protection teams and sexual abuse treatment

19  programs.

20         (i)  Develop working associations with all agencies and

21  organizations involved and interested in health and behavioral

22  health care delivery.

23         (j)  Analyze trends in the evolution of health and

24  behavioral health systems, and identify and promote the use of

25  innovative, cost-effective health delivery systems.

26         (k)  Serve as the statewide repository of all aggregate

27  data accumulated by state agencies related to health care;

28  analyze that data and issue periodic reports and policy

29  statements, as appropriate; require that all aggregated data

30  be kept in a manner that promotes easy utilization by the

31  public, state agencies, and all other interested parties;


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  1  provide technical assistance as required; and work

  2  cooperatively with the state's higher education programs to

  3  promote further study and analysis of health and behavioral

  4  health care systems and health care outcomes.

  5         (l)  Biennially publish, and annually update, a state

  6  health plan that assesses current health programs, systems,

  7  and costs; makes projections of future problems and

  8  opportunities; and recommends changes needed in the health

  9  care system to improve the public health.

10         (m)  Regulate health practitioners, to the extent

11  authorized by the Legislature, as necessary for the

12  preservation of the health, safety, and welfare of the public.

13         (n)  Improve the quality of life for persons with

14  mental illnesses and persons with substance-abuse problems,

15  including the promotion of appropriate levels of care and

16  community-based treatment and support systems.

17         (3)  The following divisions of the Department of

18  Health are established. Each division shall be under the

19  direct supervision of a division director appointed by the

20  secretary. The secretary shall appoint a Deputy Secretary for

21  Behavioral Health Care who shall have direct supervision over

22  the Division of Mental Health and the Division of Substance

23  Abuse.:

24         (a)  Division of Administration.

25         (b)  Division of Environmental Health.

26         (c)  Division of Disease Control.

27         (d)  Division of Family Health Services.

28         (e)  Division of Children's Medical Services Network.

29         (f)  Division of Emergency Medical Services and

30  Community Health Resources.



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  1         (g)  Division of Medical Quality Assurance, which is

  2  responsible for the following boards and professions

  3  established within the division:

  4         1.  Nursing assistants, as provided under s. 400.211.

  5         2.  Health care services pools, as provided under s.

  6  402.48.

  7         3.  The Board of Acupuncture, created under chapter

  8  457.

  9         4.  The Board of Medicine, created under chapter 458.

10         5.  The Board of Osteopathic Medicine, created under

11  chapter 459.

12         6.  The Board of Chiropractic Medicine, created under

13  chapter 460.

14         7.  The Board of Podiatric Medicine, created under

15  chapter 461.

16         8.  Naturopathy, as provided under chapter 462.

17         9.  The Board of Optometry, created under chapter 463.

18         10.  The Board of Nursing, created under chapter 464.

19         11.  The Board of Pharmacy, created under chapter 465.

20         12.  The Board of Dentistry, created under chapter 466.

21         13.  Midwifery, as provided under chapter 467.

22         14.  The Board of Speech-Language Pathology and

23  Audiology, created under part I of chapter 468.

24         15.  The Board of Nursing Home Administrators, created

25  under part II of chapter 468.

26         16.  The Board of Occupational Therapy, created under

27  part III of chapter 468.

28         17.  Respiratory therapy, as provided under part V of

29  chapter 468.

30         18.  Dietetics and nutrition practice, as provided

31  under part X of chapter 468.


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  1         19.  The Board of Athletic Training, created under part

  2  XIII of chapter 468.

  3         20.  The Board of Orthotists and Prosthetists, created

  4  under part XIV of chapter 468.

  5         21.  Electrolysis, as provided under chapter 478.

  6         22.  The Board of Massage Therapy, created under

  7  chapter 480.

  8         23.  The Board of Clinical Laboratory Personnel,

  9  created under part III of chapter 483.

10         24.  Medical physicists, as provided under part IV of

11  chapter 483.

12         25.  The Board of Opticianry, created under part I of

13  chapter 484.

14         26.  The Board of Hearing Aid Specialists, created

15  under part II of chapter 484.

16         27.  The Board of Physical Therapy Practice, created

17  under chapter 486.

18         28.  The Board of Psychology, created under chapter

19  490.

20         29.  School psychologists, as provided under chapter

21  490.

22         30.  The Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and

23  Family Therapy, and Mental Health Counseling, created under

24  chapter 491.


26  The department may contract with the Agency for Health Care

27  Administration who shall provide consumer complaint,

28  investigative, and prosecutorial services required by the

29  Division of Medical Quality Assurance, councils, or boards, as

30  appropriate.



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    Florida Senate - 2000                                  SB 1672

  1         (h)  Division of Children's Medical Services Prevention

  2  and Intervention.

  3         (i)  Division of Information Resource Management.

  4         (j)  Division of Health Awareness and Tobacco.

  5         (k)  Division of Mental Health.

  6         (l)  Division of Substance Abuse.

  7         Section 4.  Behavioral health care transition advisory

  8  committee.--

  9         (1)  Effective July 1, 2000, the Secretary of Health

10  and the Secretary of Children and Family Services shall each

11  appoint three staff members to a behavioral health care

12  transition advisory committee. The members of the committee

13  must represent staff of the respective departments, including

14  representatives from the headquarter's level area office or

15  district offices, and local staff including a facility staff

16  representative, who are involved in the transferred functions.

17  The Secretary of Health shall also appoint one committee

18  member to represent the mental health provider community. The

19  Secretary of Children and Family Services shall also appoint

20  one member to represent the substance-abuse services provider

21  community. In addition, the two secretaries shall jointly

22  appoint one person to represent the behavioral health care

23  consumer and advocacy groups on the committee. The Secretary

24  of Health shall designate a member of the committee to serve

25  as committee chair.

26         (2)  The purpose of the committee is to prepare for the

27  transfer of behavioral health care functions from the

28  Department of Children and Family Services to the Department

29  of Health. The committee shall be located, for administrative

30  purposes, in the Department of Health.



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  1         (3)  By October 1, 2000, the committee shall prescribe

  2  a schedule of transition activities and functions with respect

  3  to the transfer of responsibilities. The schedule must, at a

  4  minimum, address:  office space, information support systems,

  5  cash ownership and transfer, administrative support functions,

  6  inventory and transfer of equipment and supplies, expenditure

  7  transfers, budget authority and positions, and certifications

  8  forward.

  9         Section 5.  Interim contract and payment

10  authorization.--

11         (1)  Notwithstanding section 394.76(3)(a) and (c),

12  Florida Statutes, the Department of Health may use

13  unit-costing methods of payment in contracts for purchasing

14  mental health and substance-abuse services through June 30,

15  2002. The unit-cost contracting system shall account for those

16  patient fees that are paid on behalf of a specific client and

17  those that are earned and used by the provider for those

18  services funded in whole or in part by the department.

19         (2)  The department may reimburse actual expenditures

20  for start-up contracts and fixed capital outlay contracts in

21  accordance with contract specifications.

22         (3)  The department shall adopt administrative rules

23  pursuant to chapter 120, Florida Statutes, to implement this

24  section.

25         Section 6.  Except as otherwise provided in this act,

26  this act shall take effect July 1, 2000.







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    Florida Senate - 2000                                  SB 1672

  1            *****************************************

  2                          SENATE SUMMARY

  3    Effective January 1, 2000, transfers responsibility for
      alcohol, drug abuse, and mental health programs and
  4    services, including mental health institutions, from the
      Department of Children and Family Services to the
  5    Department of Health. Establishes within the Department
      of Health a Division of Mental Health and a Division of
  6    Substance Abuse. Provides for appointment of a Deputy
      Secretary for Behavioral Health Care who is responsible
  7    for the direct supervision of both divisions. Establishes
      a behavioral health care transition committee to prepare
  8    and prescribe a schedule for the transfer of activities
      and functions.






















