CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS for SB 1680

    Amendment No.    

                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
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 2                                 .
 3                                 .







11  Senator Sullivan moved the following amendment:


13         Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 

14         On page 148, between lines 10 and 11,


16  insert:

17         Section 65.  Legislative intent.--It is the intent of

18  the Legislature to create individually governed baccalaureate

19  and master's degree oriented universities as a means of

20  increasing the number of baccalaureate degrees in the

21  community. These universities will also play a vital role in

22  addressing the state's need for a larger trained workforce and

23  in alleviating the teacher shortages facing public schools.

24         Section 66.  Baccalaureate and master's degree oriented

25  universities.--

26         (1)  Baccalaureate and master's degree oriented

27  universities are as follows:

28         (a)  Suncoast University in Pinellas County.

29         (b)  New College in Sarasota County, which shall be

30  considered a university for purposes of this act.

31         (2)  The universities will be developed using a

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    Bill No. CS for SB 1680

    Amendment No.    

 1  combination of new and existing facilities, with initial

 2  development at locations and facilities in the state's

 3  existing postsecondary education systems.

 4         (3)  A community college may not convert to a

 5  baccalaureate and master's degree oriented university.

 6         Section 67.  University mission.--The mission of the

 7  baccalaureate and master's degree oriented universities is to

 8  provide high-quality undergraduate education at an affordable

 9  price, and to promote regional and statewide economic

10  development. Initially, course offerings will be limited to

11  core programs in the liberal arts and sciences, technology,

12  and a limited number of professional programs, including

13  business and education. The role of these universities is to

14  complement, not compete with, community colleges and

15  institutions in the State University System. This role will be

16  accomplished by encouraging interinstitutional cooperation and

17  by providing upper-division undergraduate opportunities to

18  community college transfer students, particularly students

19  with associate in science degrees transferring into

20  baccalaureate programs. An additional component of the role of

21  New College will be to continue to maintain its liberal arts

22  honors program of national distinction and to continue to be

23  the honors college of the State of Florida. The emphasis at

24  these new universities will be on teaching, not research.

25  Instruction will be primarily at the baccalaureate degree

26  level with a limited number of master's degree level courses

27  and programs. A baccalaureate and master's degree oriented

28  university shall contract with a local community college to

29  provide lower-division instruction. This primary mission does

30  not preclude one of these universities from entering into a

31  joint-use agreement with any institution in the State

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS for SB 1680

    Amendment No.    

 1  University System to offer master's and doctoral degree

 2  programs on the baccalaureate and master's degree oriented

 3  university campus.

 4         Section 68.  Operational plan.--The baccalaureate and

 5  master's degree oriented universities shall begin admitting

 6  students for classes beginning with the fall term of the

 7  2002-2003 academic year. The Postsecondary Education Planning

 8  Commission shall develop an operational plan for inaugurating

 9  the universities and present its recommendations to the

10  President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of

11  Representatives, and the Governor by January 1, 2001.

12         Section 69.  University boards of trustees.--

13         (1)  Each baccalaureate and master's degree oriented

14  university must be governed by a board of trustees comprised

15  of nine members who must be residents of the county in which

16  the university is located. The trustees shall be appointed by

17  the Governor and confirmed by the Senate in regular session.

18         (2)  The trustees shall serve terms of 4 years;

19  however, for the initial board of trustees, three members

20  shall be appointed for terms of 2 years, three members for

21  terms of 3 years, and three members for terms of 4 years. A

22  trustee may be reappointed. Three consecutive absences from

23  board meetings shall be considered a resignation.

24         (3)  Members of the board of trustees shall receive no

25  salary but may receive reimbursement for expenses as provided

26  in section 112.061, Florida Statutes, including mileage to and

27  from official board meetings.

28         (4)  At its first regular meeting after July 1 of each

29  year, each board of trustees shall:

30         (a)  Elect a chair, whose duties shall be to preside at

31  all meetings of the board, to call special meetings thereof,

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 1  and to attest to actions of the board.

 2         (b)  Elect a vice chair, whose duty shall be to act as

 3  chair during the absence or disability of the elected chair.

 4         (5)  The university president shall be the executive

 5  officer and corporate secretary of the board of trustees as

 6  well as the chief administrative officer of the university.

 7  All components of the institution and all aspects of its

 8  operation shall be the responsibility of the board of trustees

 9  through the president.

10         (6)  The board of trustees shall have the power to take

11  action without the recommendation of the president and may

12  require the president to deliver to the board all data and

13  information required by the board in the performance of its

14  duties.

15         Section 70.  University board of trustees to constitute

16  a corporation.--Each baccalaureate and master's degree

17  oriented university board of trustees is constituted a body

18  corporate by the name of "The Board of Trustees of

19               University at              , Florida." In all

20  suits against the board, service of process shall be made on

21  the chair of the board or, in the absence of the chair, on

22  another member of the board.

23         Section 71.  University boards of trustees; powers and

24  duties.--

25         (1)  Each university board of trustees is vested with

26  the responsibility to operate its respective university and

27  with the necessary authority for the proper operation and

28  improvement of the university in accordance with the rules of

29  the State Board of Education.

30         (2)  Each university board of trustees shall adopt

31  rules, procedures, and policies consistent with law and rules

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    Bill No. CS for SB 1680

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 1  of the State Board of Education relating to its mission and

 2  responsibilities as set forth in law, its governance,

 3  personnel, budget and finance, administration, programs,

 4  curriculum and instruction, buildings and grounds, travel and

 5  purchasing, technology, students, contracts and grants, and

 6  university property.

 7         (3)  The rules, procedures, and policies for the board

 8  of trustees include, but are not limited to, the following:

 9         (a)  Each board of trustees shall appoint, suspend, or

10  remove the president of the university. The board of trustees

11  may appoint a presidential search committee.

12         (b)  Each board of trustees shall have responsibility

13  for the establishment and discontinuance of program and course

14  offerings; the provision of instructional and noninstructional

15  community services; the location of classes and services

16  provided; and the dissemination of information concerning the

17  programs and services.

18         (c)  Each board of trustees shall constitute the

19  contracting agent of the university. A board of trustees may,

20  when acting as a body, make contracts, sue, and be sued in the

21  name of the board of trustees.

22         (d)  Whenever the Department of Education finds it

23  necessary for the welfare and convenience of any university to

24  acquire private property for the use of the university, and

25  the property cannot be acquired by agreement satisfactory to

26  the board of trustees of the university and the parties

27  interested in or the owners of the private property, the

28  university board of trustees may exercise the right of eminent

29  domain after receiving approval from the State Board of

30  Education and may then proceed to condemn the property in the

31  manner provided by chapters 73 and 74, Florida Statutes.

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 1         (e)  Each board of trustees may purchase, acquire,

 2  receive, hold, own, manage, lease, sell, dispose of, and

 3  convey title to real property in the best interests of the

 4  university, subject to rules adopted by the State Board of

 5  Education.

 6         (f)  Each board of trustees may adopt rules,

 7  procedures, and policies related to the appointment,

 8  employment, and removal of personnel. The board shall

 9  determine the compensation, including salaries and fringe

10  benefits, and other conditions of employment for such

11  personnel, including the president.

12         Section 72.  Universities; admission of students.--Each

13  university shall govern admission of students, subject to this

14  section and rules of the State Board of Education.

15         (1)  Minimum academic standards for undergraduate

16  admission to a university must require a student to complete

17  the requirements for a standard high school diploma as

18  prescribed by section 232.246, Florida Statutes. Among courses

19  taken to fulfill the 24 academic credit requirement, a student

20  must take high school courses that are adopted by the Board of

21  Regents and recommended by the State Board of Community

22  Colleges as college-preparatory academic courses.

23         (2)  A university board of trustees may adopt rules

24  that provide for a limited number of students to be admitted

25  to the university, notwithstanding the admission requirements

26  of subsection (1), if there is evidence that the applicant is

27  expected to do successful academic work at the university. The

28  number of applicants admitted under this subsection may not

29  exceed 5 percent of the total number of freshmen who entered

30  the university the prior academic year.

31         (3)  Nonresident students may be admitted to the

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    Bill No. CS for SB 1680

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 1  university upon such terms as the university may establish.

 2  The terms shall include, but need not be limited to,

 3  completion of a secondary school curriculum that includes 4

 4  years of English and 3 years each of mathematics, science, and

 5  social sciences. The total number of nonresident applicants

 6  admitted under this subsection may not exceed 5 percent of the

 7  total number of freshmen who entered the university the prior

 8  academic year, except for the liberal arts honors program at

 9  New College.

10         Section 73.  Student fees.--

11         (1)  The student per credit hour matriculation and

12  tuition fee must be the equivalent of 25 percent of the total

13  per credit hour cost of instruction as determined annually by

14  the Legislature in the General Appropriations Act.

15         (2)  Each university board of trustees is authorized to

16  establish separate activity and service and health fees. When

17  duly established, the fees shall be collected as component

18  parts of the matriculation and tuition fees and shall be

19  retained by the university and paid into the separate activity

20  and service and health funds.


22  (Redesignate subsequent sections.)



25  ================ T I T L E   A M E N D M E N T ===============

26  And the title is amended as follows:

27         On page 6, line 9, after the semicolon,


29  insert:

30         providing legislative intent; providing for the

31         creation of baccalaureate and master's degree

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS for SB 1680

    Amendment No.    

 1         oriented universities; directing the

 2         Postsecondary Education Planning Commission to

 3         develop an operational plan; providing for the

 4         mission and governance of the new universities;

 5         providing for admission standards and student

 6         fees;


























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