CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 1725

    Amendment No. 01 (for drafter's use only)

                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                                 .
 2                                 .
 3                                 .

 5                                           ORIGINAL STAMP BELOW






11  The Committee on Judiciary offered the following:


13         Amendment (with title amendment) 

14  Remove from the bill:  Everything after the enacting clause


16  and insert in lieu thereof:

17         Section 1.  Section 30.17, Florida Statutes, is amended

18  to read:

19         30.17  Sheriff to keep an execution docket.--

20         (1)  The sheriff shall keep an execution docket, which

21  shall contain a list of all executions, orders and decrees

22  directed to the sheriff, in relation to the collection of

23  moneys, and a statement of all moneys credited on such orders,

24  executions and decrees, and when and to whom and by whom paid.

25         (2)  Said docket shall be subject to the inspection of

26  all parties interested.

27         (3)  The sheriff's failure to keep said docket, or to

28  allow inspection of the same, shall be considered a contempt

29  of court and subject him or her to a fine not exceeding $100,

30  at the discretion of the court.

31         (4)  On October 1, 2001, the sheriff shall cease


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 1725

    Amendment No. 01 (for drafter's use only)

 1  docketing newly delivered writs of executions. The sheriff

 2  shall maintain the existing docket until October 1, 2003. Upon

 3  the request of any person or entity who delivered a writ of

 4  execution to the sheriff before October 1, 2001, the sheriff

 5  shall provide written certification of the date on which the

 6  writ was delivered. Except for any certification requested by

 7  a state agency or a political subdivision of the state, the

 8  sheriff shall charge a fixed nonrefundable fee of $20 for each

 9  certification. Fees collected under this section shall be

10  disbursed in accordance with s. 30.231(5). The sheriff's

11  duties under this section shall cease on October 1, 2003.

12         Section 2.  Subsection (1) of section 30.231, Florida

13  Statutes, is amended to read:

14         30.231  Sheriffs' fees for service of summons,

15  subpoenas, and executions.--

16         (1)  The sheriffs of all counties of the state in civil

17  cases shall charge fixed, nonrefundable fees for docketing and

18  service of process, according to the following schedule:

19         (a)  All summons or writs except executions: $20 for

20  each summons or writ to be served, except when more than one

21  summons or writ is issued at the same time out of the same

22  cause of action to be served upon one person or defendant at

23  the same time, in which case the sheriff shall be entitled to

24  one fee.

25         (b)  All writs except executions requiring a levy or

26  seizure of property: $50 in addition to the $20 fee as stated

27  in paragraph (a).

28         (c)  Witness subpoenas: $20 for each witness to be

29  served.

30         (d)  Executions:

31         1.  Twenty dollars for docketing and indexing each writ


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 1725

    Amendment No. 01 (for drafter's use only)

 1  of execution, regardless of the number of persons involved.

 2         2.  Fifty dollars for each levy.

 3         a.  A levy is considered made when any property or any

 4  portion of the property listed or unlisted in the instructions

 5  for levy is seized, or upon demand of the sheriff the writ is

 6  satisfied by the defendant in lieu of seizure. Seizure

 7  requires that the sheriff take actual possession, if

 8  practicable, or alternatively, constructive possession of the

 9  property by order of the court.

10         b.  When the instructions are for levy upon real

11  property, a levy fee is required for each parcel described in

12  the instructions.

13         c.  When the instructions are for levy based upon

14  personal property, one fee is allowed, unless although the

15  property is may be seized at different locations, conditional

16  upon all of the items being advertised collectively and the

17  sale being held at a single location. However, if the property

18  seized cannot be sold at one location during the same sale as

19  advertised, but requires separate sales at different

20  locations, the sheriff is then authorized to impose a levy fee

21  for the property and sale at each location.

22         3.  Twenty dollars for advertisement of sale under

23  process.

24         4.  Twenty dollars for each sale under process.

25         5.  Twenty dollars for each deed, bill of sale, or

26  satisfaction of judgment.

27         Section 3.  Effective July 1, 2000, section 55.10,

28  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

29         55.10  Judgments, orders, and decrees; lien of all,

30  generally; extension of liens; transfer of liens to other

31  security.--


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 1725

    Amendment No. 01 (for drafter's use only)

 1         (1)  A judgment, order, or decree becomes a lien on

 2  real estate in any county when a certified copy of it is

 3  recorded in the official records or judgment lien record of

 4  the county, whichever is maintained at the time of

 5  recordation, and it shall be a lien for a period of 10 7 years

 6  from the date of the recording provided that the judgment,

 7  order, or decree contains the address of the person who has a

 8  lien as a result of such judgment, order, or decree or a

 9  separate affidavit is recorded simultaneously with the

10  judgment, order, or decree stating the address of the person

11  who has a lien as a result of such judgment, order, or decree.

12  A judgment, order, or decree does not become a lien on real

13  estate unless the address of the person who has a lien as a

14  result of such judgment, order, or decree is contained in the

15  judgment, order, or decree or an affidavit with such address

16  is simultaneously recorded with the judgment, order, or

17  decree.

18         (2)  The lien provided for in subsection (1) may be

19  extended for an additional period of 10 7 years, subject to

20  the limitation in subsection (3), by rerecording a certified

21  copy of the judgment, order, or decree prior to the within the

22  90-day period preceding the expiration of the lien provided

23  for in subsection (1) and by simultaneously recording an

24  affidavit with the current address of the person who has a

25  lien as a result of the judgment, order, or decree.  The one

26  additional period of 10 years shall be effective from the date

27  the judgment, order, or decree is rerecorded. The lien will

28  not be extended unless the affidavit with the current address

29  is simultaneously recorded.

30         (3)  In the event the lien is extended under subsection

31  (2), the lien of the judgment, order, or decree may be further


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 1725

    Amendment No. 01 (for drafter's use only)

 1  extended by re-recording a certified copy of it within the

 2  90-day period preceding the expiration of the lien provided

 3  for in subsection (2) and by simultaneously recording an

 4  affidavit with the current address of the person who has a

 5  lien as a result of such judgment, order, or decree.  The lien

 6  will not be extended unless the affidavit with the current

 7  address is recorded.

 8         (3)(4)  In no event shall the lien upon real property

 9  created by this section subsections (1), (2), and (3) be

10  extended beyond the period provided for in s. 55.081.

11         (4)  Except as otherwise provided in this subsection,

12  this act shall apply to all judgments, orders, and decrees of

13  record which constitute a lien on real property immediately

14  prior to the effective date of this act. Any judgment, order,

15  or decree recorded prior to July 1, 1987, shall be unaffected

16  by the changes in this act and shall remain a lien on real

17  property until the period provided for in s. 55.081 expires or

18  until the lien is satisfied, whichever occurs first.

19         (5)  This section shall be deemed to operate

20  prospectively.

21         (5)(6)  Any lien claimed under this section subsections

22  (1), (2), and (3) may be transferred, by any person having an

23  interest in the real property upon which the lien is imposed

24  or the contract under which the lien is claimed, from such

25  real property to other security by either depositing in the

26  clerk's office a sum of money or filing in the clerk's office

27  a bond executed as surety by a surety insurer licensed to do

28  business in this state. Such deposit or bond shall be in an

29  amount equal to the amount demanded in such claim of lien plus

30  interest thereon at the legal rate for 3 years plus $500 to

31  apply on any court costs which may be taxed in any proceeding


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 1725

    Amendment No. 01 (for drafter's use only)

 1  to enforce said lien. Such deposit or bond shall be

 2  conditioned to pay any judgment, order, or decree which may be

 3  rendered for the satisfaction of the lien for which such claim

 4  of lien was recorded and costs plus $500 for court costs. Upon

 5  such deposit being made or such bond being filed, the clerk

 6  shall make and record a certificate showing the transfer of

 7  the lien from the real property to the security and mail a

 8  copy thereof by registered or certified mail to the lienor

 9  named in the claim of lien so transferred, at the address

10  stated therein. Upon the filing of the certificate of

11  transfer, the real property shall thereupon be released from

12  the lien claimed, and such lien shall be transferred to said

13  security. The clerk shall be entitled to a fee of $10 for

14  making and serving the certificate. If the transaction

15  involves the transfer of multiple liens, an additional charge

16  of $5 for each additional lien shall be charged. Any number of

17  liens may be transferred to one such security.

18         (6)(7)  Any excess of the security over the aggregate

19  amount of any judgments, orders, or decrees rendered, plus

20  costs actually taxed, shall be repaid to the party filing the

21  security or his or her successor in interest. Any deposit of

22  money shall be considered as paid into court and shall be

23  subject to the provisions of law relative to payments of money

24  into court and the disposition of these payments.

25         (7)(8)  Any party having an interest in such security

26  or the property from which the lien was transferred may at any

27  time, and any number of times, file a complaint in chancery in

28  the circuit court of the county where such security is

29  deposited for an order:

30         (a)  To require additional security;

31         (b)  To require reduction of security;


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 1725

    Amendment No. 01 (for drafter's use only)

 1         (c)  To require change or substitution of sureties;

 2         (d)  To require payment or discharge thereof; or

 3         (e)  Relating to any other matter affecting said

 4  security.

 5         Section 4.  Effective October 1, 2001, section 55.201,

 6  Florida Statutes, is created to read:

 7         55.201  Central database of judgment liens on personal

 8  property.--The Department of State shall maintain a database

 9  of judgment lien records established in accordance with ss.

10  55.201-55.209.

11         Section 5.  Effective October 1, 2001, section 55.202,

12  Florida Statutes, is created to read:

13         55.202  Judgments, orders, and decrees; lien on

14  personal property.--

15         (1)  A judgment lien securing the unpaid amount of any

16  money judgment may be acquired by the holder of a judgment

17  entered by:

18         (a)  A court of this state;

19         (b)  A court of the United States having jurisdiction

20  in this state;

21         (c)  A court of the United States or any other state to

22  the extent enforceable under the Florida Enforcement of

23  Foreign Judgments Act, ss. 55.501-55.509;

24         (d)  A foreign state as defined in the Uniform

25  Out-of-Country Foreign Money-Judgment Recognition Act, ss.

26  55.601-55.607, from the time and to the extent enforceable

27  thereunder;

28         (e)  An issuing tribunal with respect to a support

29  order being enforced in this state pursuant to chapter 88; or

30         (f)  Operation of law pursuant to s. 61.14(6).

31         (2)  A judgment lien may be acquired on the judgment


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 1725

    Amendment No. 01 (for drafter's use only)

 1  debtor's interest in all personal property subject to

 2  execution in this state, other than fixtures, money,

 3  negotiable instruments, and mortgages.

 4         (a)  A judgment lien is acquired by recording a

 5  judgment lien certificate in accordance with s. 55.203 with

 6  the Department of State after the judgment has become final

 7  and if no stay of the judgment or its enforcement is in effect

 8  at the time the certificate is filed.

 9         (b)  For any tax lien or assessment granted by law to

10  the state or any of the political subdivisions for any tax

11  enumerated in s. 72.011, a judgment lien may be acquired by

12  recording the lien or warrant with the Department of State.

13         (c)  A judgment lien is effective as of the date of

14  recording, but no lien attaches to property until the debtor

15  acquires an interest in the property.

16         (d)  Except as provided in s. 55.204(3), a judgment

17  creditor may record only one effective judgment lien

18  certificate based upon a particular judgment.

19         (3)  Except as otherwise provided in s. 55.208, the

20  priority of a judgment lien acquired in accordance with this

21  section or s. 55.204(3) is established at the time the

22  judgment lien is recorded. Such judgment lien is deemed

23  recorded as of its effective date as provided in this section

24  or s. 55.204(3).

25         (4)  As used in ss. 55.201-55.209, the terms "holder of

26  a judgment" and "judgment creditor" include the Department of

27  Revenue with respect to a judgment being enforced by the

28  Department of Revenue as the state IV-D agency.

29         (5)  Liens, assessments, or judgments administered by

30  or secured on behalf of any state agency or policy subdivision

31  of the state may be filed directly into the central database


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 1725

    Amendment No. 01 (for drafter's use only)

 1  by such agency or subdivision through electronic or

 2  information data exchange programs approved by the Department

 3  of State.

 4         Section 6.  Effective October 1, 2001, section 55.203,

 5  Florida Statutes, is created to read:

 6         55.203  Judgment lien certificate; content, recording,

 7  and indexing.--

 8         (1)  An original judgment lien certificate, as provided

 9  in s. 55.202, must include:

10         (a)  The legal name of each judgment debtor and, if a

11  recorded legal entity, the registered name and document filing

12  number as shown in the records of the Department of State;

13         (b)  The last known address and social security number,

14  federal identification number, or, in the instance in which

15  the judgment creditor is a state agency or a political

16  subdivision of the state, a taxpayer or other distinct

17  identification number of each judgment debtor, except that in

18  cases of default judgment, the social security number must be

19  included only if known, or federal employer identification

20  number of each judgment debtor;

21         (c)  The legal name of the judgment creditor and, if a

22  recorded legal entity, the registered name and document filing

23  number as shown in the records of the Department of State, and

24  the name of the judgment creditor's attorney or duly

25  authorized representative, if any;

26         (d)  The address and social security number or federal

27  employer identification number of the judgment creditor;

28         (e)  The identity of the court which entered the

29  judgment and the case number and the date the written judgment

30  was entered;

31         (f)  The amount due on the money judgment and the


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 1725

    Amendment No. 01 (for drafter's use only)

 1  applicable interest rate; and

 2         (g)  The signature of the judgment creditor or the

 3  judgment creditor's attorney or duly authorized

 4  representative.

 5         (h)  With respect to a lien created by a delivery of a

 6  writ of execution to a sheriff prior to October 1, 2001, an

 7  affidavit by the judgment creditor which attests that the

 8  person or entity possesses any documentary evidence of the

 9  date of delivery of the writ, and a statement of that date or

10  a certification by the sheriff of the date as provided in s.

11  30.17(4).

12         (2)  A second judgment lien certificate, as provided in

13  s. 55.204(3), must include the information required in

14  subsection (1) and must state the file number assigned to the

15  record of the original judgment lien certificate, the money

16  amount remaining unpaid, and the interest accrued thereon.

17         (3)  An amendment, as provided in s. 55.206, or a

18  correction statement, as provided in s. 55.207, must state the

19  file number of the judgment lien record to which the amendment

20  or correction statement relates and must state the action,

21  change, or statement to be added.

22         (4)  The Department of State shall examine, for

23  compliance with ss. 55.201-55.209, each document submitted for

24  recording and shall accept or reject the document accordingly.

25         (a)  For each judgment lien certificate recorded, the

26  department shall:

27         1.  Create a record;

28         2.  Assign a unique file number to the record;

29         3.  Include the date of filing of the judgment lien

30  certificate;

31         4.  Maintain the record in a database accessible to the


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 1725

    Amendment No. 01 (for drafter's use only)

 1  public via the Internet;

 2         5.  Index the judgment lien certificate according to

 3  the name of each judgment debtor; and

 4         6.  Index all subsequently filed documents relating to

 5  an original judgment lien certificate in a manner that

 6  associates them to the original judgment lien certificate.

 7         (5)  The validity of a judgment lien certificate

 8  recorded under this section may not be defeated by technical

 9  or clerical errors made in good faith which are not seriously

10  misleading, nor may any claim of estoppel be based on such

11  errors.

12         (6)  The Department of State shall prescribe mandatory

13  forms of all documents to be filed under this section.

14         Section 7.  Effective October 1, 2001, section 55.204,

15  Florida Statutes, is created to read:

16         55.204  Duration and continuation of judgment lien;

17  destruction of records.--

18         (1)  Except as provided in this section, a judgment

19  lien acquired under s. 55.202 lapses and becomes invalid 5

20  years after the date of recording the judgment lien

21  certificate.

22         (2)  Liens securing the payment of child support or tax

23  obligations as set forth in s. 95.091(1)(b) shall not lapse

24  until 20 years after the date of the original filing of the

25  warrant or other document required by law to establish a lien.

26  No second lien based on the original filing may be obtained.

27         (3)  At any time within 6 months before the scheduled

28  lapse of a judgment lien under subsection (1), the judgment

29  creditor may acquire a second judgment lien by recording a new

30  judgment lien certificate. The second judgment lien becomes

31  effective on the date of lapse of the original judgment lien


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 1725

    Amendment No. 01 (for drafter's use only)

 1  or on the date on which the judgment lien certificate is

 2  recorded, whichever is later. The second judgment lien is

 3  deemed recorded on its effective date. The second judgment

 4  lien is deemed a new judgment lien and not a continuation of

 5  the original judgment lien. The second judgment lien

 6  permanently lapses and becomes invalid 5 years after its

 7  effective date, and no additional liens based on the original

 8  judgment may be obtained.

 9         (4)  A judgment lien continues only as to itemized

10  property for an additional 90 days after lapse of the lien.

11  Such judgment lien will continue only if:

12         (a)  The property had been itemized and its location

13  described with sufficient particularity in the instructions

14  for levy;

15         (b)  The levy had been delivered to the sheriff prior

16  to the date of lapse of the lien to permit the sheriff to act;

17  and

18         (c)  The property was located in the county in which

19  the sheriff has jurisdiction at the time of delivery of the

20  instruction for levy. Subsequent removal of the property does

21  not defeat the lien. A court may order continuation of the

22  lien beyond the 90-day period on a showing that extraordinary

23  circumstances have prevented levy.

24         (5)  The date of lapse of a judgment lien whose

25  enforceability has been temporarily stayed or enjoined as a

26  result of any legal or equitable proceeding is tolled until 30

27  days after the stay or injunction is terminated.

28         (6)  The Department of State shall maintain each

29  judgment lien record and all information contained therein for

30  a minimum of 1 year after the judgment lien lapses in

31  accordance with this section.


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 1725

    Amendment No. 01 (for drafter's use only)

 1         Section 8.  Effective October 1, 2001, section 55.205,

 2  Florida Statutes, is created to read:

 3         55.205  Effect of judgment lien.--

 4         (1)  A valid judgment lien gives the judgment creditor

 5  the right to take possession of the property subject to levy

 6  through writ of execution, garnishment, or other judicial

 7  process. A judgment creditor who has not recorded a judgment

 8  lien certificate in accordance with s. 55.203 or whose lien

 9  has lapsed may nevertheless take possession of the judgment

10  debtor's property through such other judicial process. A

11  judgment creditor proceeding by writ of execution obtains a

12  lien as of the time of levy and only on the property levied

13  upon. Except as provided in s. 55.208, such judgment creditor

14  takes subject to the claims and interest of priority judgment

15  creditors.

16         (2)  A buyer in the ordinary course of business as

17  defined in s. 671.201(9) takes free of a judgment lien created

18  under this section even though the buyer knows of its

19  existence. A valid security interest as defined in chapter 679

20  in after-acquired property of the judgment debtor which is

21  perfected prior to the effective date of a judgment lien takes

22  priority over the judgment lien on the after-acquired

23  property.

24         Section 9.  Effective October 1, 2001, section 55.206,

25  Florida Statutes, is created to read:

26         55.206  Amendment of judgment lien record; termination,

27  partial release, assignment, continuation, tolling,

28  correction.--

29         (1)  An amendment to a judgment lien acquired under s.

30  55.202 may be recorded by the judgment creditor of record,

31  which may provide for:


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 1725

    Amendment No. 01 (for drafter's use only)

 1         (a)  The termination, partial release, or assignment of

 2  the judgment creditor's interest in a judgment lien;

 3         (b)  The continuation and termination of the

 4  continuation of a judgment lien, as provided in s. 55.204(4);

 5         (c)  The tolling and termination of the tolling of a

 6  lapse of a judgment lien, as provided in s. 55.204(5); or

 7         (d)  The correction or change of any other information

 8  provided in the record of a judgment lien.

 9         (2)  Within 30 days following receipt of a written

10  demand by a judgment debtor after the obligation underlying a

11  judgment lien has been fully or partially released, the

12  judgment lienholder must deliver to the judgment debtor a

13  written statement indicating that there is no longer a claim

14  for a lien on the personal property of the judgment debtor or

15  that the judgment lien has been partially released and setting

16  forth the value of the lien remaining unpaid as of the date of

17  the statement. A statement signed by an assignee must include

18  or be accompanied by a separate written acknowledgement of

19  assignment signed by the judgment creditor of record. If the

20  judgment lienholder fails to deliver such a statement within

21  30 days after proper written demand therefor, the judgment

22  lienholder is liable to the judgment debtor for $100, and for

23  any actual or consequential damages, including reasonable

24  attorney's fees, caused by such failure to the judgment

25  debtor.

26         (3)  The judgment debtor, the judgment creditor, or

27  assignee may file such statement with the Department of State.

28         Section 10.  Effective October 1, 2001, section 55.207,

29  Florida Statutes, is created to read:

30         55.207  Correction of judgment lien record.--

31         (1)  A person may file with the Department of State a


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 1725

    Amendment No. 01 (for drafter's use only)

 1  correction statement with respect to a judgment lien record,

 2  as provided in s. 55.203, indexed under the person's name if

 3  the person believes that the record is inaccurate or that the

 4  judgment lien certificate was wrongfully filed.

 5         (2)  A correction statement must:

 6         (a)  State the judgment debtor named and the file

 7  number assigned to the judgment lien record to which the

 8  correction statement relates;

 9         (b)  Indicate that it is a correction statement;

10         (c)  Provide the basis for the person's belief that the

11  judgment lien certificate was wrongfully filed or the record

12  is inaccurate; and

13         (d)  Indicate the manner in which the person believes

14  the record should be corrected to cure any inaccuracy.

15         (3)  The Department shall ensure that a correction

16  statement is indexed and available in the same manner as any

17  recorded lien certificate in the central database of judgment

18  lien records.

19         (4)  The filing of a correction statement does not

20  affect the effectiveness of the judgment lien or other filed

21  record.

22         Section 11.  Effective October 1, 2001, section 55.208,

23  Florida Statutes, is created to read:

24         55.208  Effect of recorded judgment lien on writs of

25  execution previously delivered to a sheriff.--

26         (1)  Any lien created by a writ of execution which has

27  been delivered to the sheriff of any county before October 1,

28  2001, remains in effect for 2 years thereafter as to any

29  property of the judgment debtor located in that county before

30  October 1, 2001, and remaining within that county after that

31  date. As to any property of the judgment debtor brought into


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 1725

    Amendment No. 01 (for drafter's use only)

 1  the county on or after October 1, 2001, such writs create no

 2  lien, inchoate or otherwise.

 3         (2)  If a judgment creditor who has delivered a writ of

 4  execution to a sheriff in any county prior to October 1, 2001,

 5  properly files a judgment lien certificate with the Department

 6  of State by October 1, 2003, the resulting judgment lien is

 7  deemed recorded on the date the writ was delivered to the

 8  sheriff as to all leviable property of the judgment debtor

 9  which is located in that county on October 1, 2001, and that

10  remains continuously in that county thereafter. As to all

11  other property of the judgment debtor, the effective date of

12  the judgment lien is as provided in s. 55.202. The duration of

13  all judgment liens is as provided in s. 55.204, regardless of

14  the date on which a lien is determined to have been recorded.

15         (3)  If a judgment creditor who has delivered a writ of

16  execution to a sheriff in any county before October 1, 2001,

17  does not properly record a judgment lien certificate with the

18  Department of State by October 1, 2003, such writ is

19  considered to have been abandoned and to be of no effect after

20  October 1, 2003.

21         Section 12.  Effective October 1, 2001, section 55.209,

22  Florida Statutes, is created to read:

23         55.209  Department of State; processing fees,

24  responsibilities.--

25         (1)  Except for liens, assessments, or judgments filed

26  electronically by a state agency or a political subdivision of

27  the state, as provided in s. 55.202(6), the Department of

28  State shall collect the following nonrefundable processing

29  fees for all documents filed or recorded in accordance with

30  ss. 55.201-55.209:

31         (a)  For any judgment lien certificate or other


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    Amendment No. 01 (for drafter's use only)

 1  documents permitted to be filed, $20.

 2         (b)  For the certification of any recorded document,

 3  $10.

 4         (c)  For copies of judgment lien documents which are

 5  produced by the Department of State, $1 per page or part

 6  thereof. However, no charge may be collected for copies

 7  provided in an online electronic format via the Internet.

 8         (d)  For indexing a judgment lien by multiple judgment

 9  debtor names, $5 per additional name.

10         (e)  For each additional facing page attached to a

11  judgment lien certificate or document permitted to be filed or

12  recorded, $5.

13         (2)  Unless otherwise provided by law, the Department

14  of State may not conduct any search of the database

15  established under s. 55.201 to determine the existence of any

16  judgment lien record or to perform any service other than in

17  connection with those services for which payment of services

18  are required under this section. The information maintained in

19  the database is for public notice purposes only and the

20  department may make no certification or determination of the

21  validity of any judgment lien acquired under ss. 55.202 and

22  55.204(3).

23         Section 13.  Effective October 1, 2001, subsection (1)

24  of section 55.604, Florida Statutes, is amended, and

25  subsection (8) is added to that section to read:

26         55.604  Recognition and enforcement.--Except as

27  provided in s. 55.605, a foreign judgment meeting the

28  requirements of s. 55.603 is conclusive between the parties to

29  the extent that it grants or denies recovery of a sum of

30  money. Procedures for recognition and enforceability of a

31  foreign judgment shall be as follows:


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 1         (1)  The foreign judgment shall be filed with the

 2  Department of State and the clerk of the court and recorded in

 3  the public records in the county or counties where enforcement

 4  is sought. The filing with the Department of State shall not

 5  create a lien on any property.

 6         (a)  At the time of the recording of a foreign

 7  judgment, the judgment creditor shall make and record with the

 8  clerk of the circuit court an affidavit setting forth the

 9  name, social security number, if known, and last known

10  post-office address of the judgment debtor and of the judgment

11  creditor.

12         (b)  Promptly upon the recording of the foreign

13  judgment and the affidavit, the clerk shall mail notice of the

14  recording of the foreign judgment, by registered mail with

15  return receipt requested, to the judgment debtor at the

16  address given in the affidavit and shall make a note of the

17  mailing in the docket. The notice shall include the name and

18  address of the judgment creditor and of the judgment

19  creditor's attorney, if any, in this state. In addition, the

20  judgment creditor may mail a notice of the recording of the

21  judgment to the judgment debtor and may record proof of

22  mailing with the clerk. The failure of the clerk to mail

23  notice of recording will not affect the enforcement

24  proceedings if proof of mailing by the judgment creditor has

25  been recorded.

26         (8)  A judgment lien on personal property is acquired

27  only when a judgment lien certificate satisfying the

28  requirements of s. 55.203 has been recorded with the

29  Department of State.

30         Section 14.  Effective October 1, 2001, section 56.21,

31  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:


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 1         56.21  Execution sales; notice.--Notice of all sales

 2  under execution shall be given by advertisement once each week

 3  for 4 successive weeks in a newspaper published in the county

 4  in which the sale is to take place. The time of such notice

 5  may be shortened in the discretion of the court from which the

 6  execution issued, upon affidavit that the property to be sold

 7  is subject to decay and will not sell for its full value if

 8  held until date of sale. On or before the date of the first

 9  publication or posting of the notice of sale, a copy of the

10  notice of sale shall be furnished by certified mail to the

11  attorney of record of the judgment debtor, or to the judgment

12  debtor at the judgment debtor's last known address if the

13  judgment debtor does not have an attorney of record. Such copy

14  of the notice of sale shall be mailed even though a default

15  judgment was entered. When levying upon personal property, a

16  notice of such levy and execution sale and a copy of the

17  affidavit required by s. 56.27(4) shall be made by the levying

18  creditor to the attorney of record of the judgment creditor or

19  the judgment creditor who has recorded a judgment lien

20  certificate as provided in s. 55.202 or s. 55.204(3) at the

21  address listed in the judgment lien certificate, or, if

22  amended, in any amendment to the judgment lien certificate,

23  and to all secured creditors who have filed financing

24  statements as provided in s. 679.401 in the name of the

25  judgment debtor reflecting a security interest in property of

26  the kind to be sold at the execution sale at the address

27  listed in the financing statement, or, if amended, in any

28  amendment to the financing statement. Such notice shall be

29  made in the same manner as notice is made to any judgment

30  debtor under this section. When levying upon real property,

31  notice of such levy and execution sale shall be made to the


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    Amendment No. 01 (for drafter's use only)

 1  property owner of record in the same manner as notice is made

 2  to any judgment debtor pursuant to this section. When selling

 3  real or personal property, the sale date shall not be earlier

 4  than 30 days after the date of the first advertisement.

 5         Section 15.  Effective October 1, 2001, section 56.27,

 6  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

 7         56.27  Executions; payment to execution creditor of

 8  money collected.--

 9         (1)  All money received under executions shall be paid,

10  in the order prescribed, to the following: the sheriff for

11  costs, the levying creditor in the amount of $500 as

12  liquidated expenses and the judgment lienholder having the

13  earliest recorded judgment lien acquired under ss. 55.202 and

14  55.204(3), as set forth in an affidavit required by subsection

15  (4), or his or her attorney, in satisfaction of the judgment

16  lien, provided that the judgment lien has not lapsed at the

17  time of the levy party in whose favor the execution was issued

18  or his or her attorney. The receipt of the attorney shall be a

19  release of the officer paying the money to him or her. When

20  the name of more than one attorney appears in the court file,

21  the money shall be paid to the attorney who originally

22  commenced the action or who made the original defense unless

23  the file shows that another attorney has been substituted.

24         (2)  When property sold under execution brings more

25  than the amount needed to satisfy the provisions of subsection

26  (1), the surplus shall be paid in the order of priority to any

27  judgment lienholders whose judgment liens have not lapsed.

28  Priority shall be based on the effective date of the judgment

29  lien acquired under s. 55.202 or s. 55.204(3), as set forth in

30  an affidavit required under s. 56.27(4). If there is a surplus

31  after all valid judgment liens and execution liens have been


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 1  satisfied of the execution, the surplus must be paid to the

 2  defendant or, if there is another writ against the defendant

 3  docketed and indexed with the sheriff, the surplus must be

 4  paid to the junior writ.

 5         (3)  The value of the property levied upon shall not be

 6  considered excessive unless the value unreasonably exceeds the

 7  total debt reflected in all unsatisfied judgment liens that

 8  have not lapsed and any unsatisfied lien of the levying

 9  creditor.

10         (4)  On or before the date of the first publication or

11  posting of the notice of sale provided for under s. 56.21, the

12  levying creditor shall file an affidavit setting forth the

13  following as to the judgment debtor:

14         (a)  An attestation that the levying creditor has

15  reviewed the database or judgment lien records established in

16  accordance with ss. 55.201-55.209 and that the information

17  contained in the affidavit based on that review is true and

18  correct;

19         (b)  The information required under s. 55.203(1) and

20  (2) for each judgment lien certificate indexed under the name

21  of the judgment debtor as to each judgment creditor; the file

22  number assigned to the record of the original and, if any, the

23  second judgment lien; and the date of filing for each judgment

24  lien certificate under s. 55.202 or s. 55.204(3); and

25         (c)  A statement that the levying creditor either does

26  not have any other levy in process or, if another levy is in

27  process, the levying creditor believes in good faith that the

28  total value of the property under execution does not exceed

29  the amount of outstanding judgments.

30         (5)  A sheriff paying money received under an execution

31  in accordance with the information contained in the affidavit


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 1  under subsection (4) is not liable to anyone for damages

 2  arising from a wrongful levy.

 3         Section 16.  Subsection (1) of section 56.29, Florida

 4  Statutes, is amended to read:

 5         56.29  Proceedings supplementary.--

 6         (1)  When any person or entity sheriff holds an

 7  unsatisfied execution and has delivered a writ of execution to

 8  any sheriff, the plaintiff in execution may file an affidavit

 9  so stating and that the execution is valid and outstanding and

10  thereupon is entitled to these proceedings supplementary to

11  execution.

12         Section 17.  Section 77.01, Florida Statutes, is

13  amended to read:

14         77.01  Right to garnishment.--Every person or entity

15  who has sued to recover a debt or has recovered judgment in

16  any court against any person or entity, natural or corporate,

17  has a right to a writ of garnishment, in the manner

18  hereinafter provided, to subject any debt due or any debt

19  under a negotiable instrument that will become due to

20  defendant by a third person, and any tangible or intangible

21  personal property of defendant in the possession or control of

22  a third person.  The officers, agents, and employees of any

23  companies or corporations are third persons in regard to the

24  companies or corporations, and as such are subject to

25  garnishment after judgment against the companies or

26  corporations.

27         Section 18.  Section 77.041, Florida Statutes, is

28  created to read:

29         77.041  Notice to defendant for claim of exemption from

30  garnishment; procedure for hearing.--

31         (1)  Upon application for a writ of garnishment by a


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    Amendment No. 01 (for drafter's use only)

 1  plaintiff, the clerk of the court shall attach to the writ the

 2  following "Notice to Defendant":




 6         The Writ of Garnishment delivered to you with this

 7  Notice means that wages, money, and other property belonging

 8  to you have been garnished to pay a court judgment against



11         State and federal laws provide that certain wages,

12  money, and property, even if deposited in a bank, savings and

13  loan, or credit union, may not be taken to pay certain types

14  of court judgments. Such wages, money, and property are exempt

15  from garnishment. The major exemptions are listed below on the

16  form for Claim of Exemption and Request for Hearing. This list

17  does not include all possible exemptions. You should consult a

18  lawyer for specific advice.












30         If you request a hearing, it will be held as soon as

31  possible after your request is received by the court. The


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    Amendment No. 01 (for drafter's use only)

 1  plaintiff must file any objection within 2 business days if

 2  you hand delivered to the plaintiff a copy of the form for

 3  Claim of Exemption and Request for Hearing or, alternatively,

 4  7 days if you mailed a copy of the form for claim and request

 5  to the plaintiff. If the plaintiff files an objection to your

 6  Claim of Exemption and Request for Hearing, the clerk will

 7  notify you and the other parties of the time and date of the

 8  hearing. You may attend the hearing with or without an

 9  attorney. If the plaintiff fails to file an objection, no

10  hearing is required, the writ of garnishment will be dissolved

11  and your wages, money, or property will be released.










21         IN YOUR AREA.


23  I claim exemptions from garnishment under the following

24  categories as checked:

25           1.  Head of family wages. (You must check a

26           or b below.)

27           a.  I provide more than one half of the

28           support for a child or other dependent and

29           have net earnings of $500 or less per week.

30           b.  I provide more than one half of the

31           support for a child or other dependent, have


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    Amendment No. 01 (for drafter's use only)

 1           net earnings of more than $500 per week, but

 2           have not agreed in writing to have my wages

 3           garnished.

 4           2.  Social Security benefits.

 5           3.  Supplemental Security Income benefits.

 6           4.  Public assistance (welfare).

 7           5.  Workers' Compensation.

 8           6.  Unemployment Compensation.

 9           7.  Veterans' benefits.

10           8.  Retirement or profit-sharing benefits or

11           pension money.

12           9.  Life insurance benefits or cash surrender

13           value of a life insurance policy or proceeds

14           of annuity contract.

15           10.  Disability income benefits.

16           11.  Prepaid College Trust Fund or Medical

17           Savings Account.

18           12.  Other exemptions as provided by law.

19                                        (explain)


21  I request a hearing to decide the validity of my claim. Notice

22  of the hearing should be given to me at:


24  Address:                                                    


26  Telephone number:               


28  The statements made in this request are true to the best of my

29  knowledge and belief.




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 2  Defendant's signature


 4  Date                 






10  Sworn and subscribed to before me this ........ day of

11  ........(month and year), by (name of person making

12  statement)....................


14  Notary Public/Deputy Clerk


16  Personally Known ........OR Produced Identification

17  ....................

18  Type of Identification Produced ....................

19         (2)  The plaintiff must mail, by first class, a copy of

20  the writ of garnishment, a copy of the motion for writ of

21  garnishment, and the "Notice to Defendant" to the defendant's

22  last known address within 5 business days after the writ is

23  issued or 3 business days after the writ is served on the

24  garnishee, whichever is later. However, if such documents are

25  returned as undeliverable by the post office, or if the last

26  known address is not discoverable after diligent search, the

27  plaintiff must mail, by first class, the documents to the

28  defendant at the defendant's place of employment. The

29  plaintiff shall file in the proceeding a certificate of such

30  service.

31         (3)  Upon the filing by a defendant of a claim of


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 1  exemption and request for hearing, a hearing will be held as

 2  soon as is practicable to determine the validity of the

 3  claimed exemptions. If the plaintiff does not file a sworn

 4  written statement that contests the defendant's claim of

 5  exemption within 2 business days after hand delivering the

 6  claim and request or, alternatively, 7 business days, if the

 7  claim and request were served by mail, no hearing is required

 8  and the clerk must automatically dissolve the writ and notify

 9  the parties of the dissolution by mail.

10         Section 19.  Section 77.055, Florida Statutes, is

11  amended to read:

12         77.055  Service of garnishee's answer and notice of

13  right to dissolve writ Notice to defendant and other

14  interested persons.--Within 5 days after service of the

15  garnishee's answer on the plaintiff or after the time period

16  for the garnishee's answer has expired, the plaintiff shall

17  serve, by mail, the following documents: a copy of the writ, a

18  copy of the garnishee's answer, and a notice advising, and a

19  certificate of service.  The notice shall advise the recipient

20  that he or she must move to dissolve the writ of garnishment

21  within 20 days after the date indicated on the certificate of

22  service in the notice if any allegation in the plaintiff's

23  motion for writ of garnishment is untrue within the time

24  period set forth in s. 77.07(2) or be defaulted and that he or

25  she may have exemptions from the garnishment which must be

26  asserted as a defense.  The plaintiff shall serve these

27  documents on the defendant at the defendant's last known

28  address and any other address disclosed by the garnishee's

29  answer and on any other person disclosed in the garnishee's

30  answer to have any ownership interest in the deposit, account,

31  or property controlled by the garnishee. The plaintiff shall


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 1  file in the proceeding a certificate of such service.

 2         Section 20.  Subsection (1) of section 77.06, Florida

 3  Statutes, is amended to read:

 4         77.06  Writ; effect.--

 5         (1)  Service of the writ shall make garnishee liable

 6  for all debts due by him or her to defendant and for any

 7  tangible or intangible personal property of defendant in the

 8  garnishee's possession or control at the time of the service

 9  of the writ or at any time between the service and the time of

10  the garnishee's answer. Service of the writ creates a lien in

11  or upon any such debts or property at the time of service or

12  at the time such debts or property come into the garnishee's

13  possession or control.

14         Section 21.  Effective July 1, 2000, section 222.01,

15  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

16         222.01  Designation of homestead by owner before

17  levy.--

18         (1)  Whenever any natural person residing in this state

19  desires to avail himself or herself of the benefit of the

20  provisions of the constitution and laws exempting property as

21  a homestead from forced sale under any process of law, he or

22  she may make a statement, in writing, containing a description

23  of the real property, mobile home, or modular home claimed to

24  be exempt and declaring that the real property, mobile home,

25  or modular home is the homestead of the party in whose behalf

26  such claim is being made.  Such statement shall be signed by

27  the person making it and shall be recorded in the circuit

28  court.

29         (2)  When a certified copy of a judgment has been filed

30  in the public records of a county pursuant to s. 55.10, a

31  person who is entitled to the benefit of the provisions of the


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 1  State Constitution exempting real property as homestead and

 2  who has a contract to sell or a commitment from a lender for a

 3  mortgage on the homestead may file a notice of homestead in

 4  the public records of the county in which the homestead

 5  property is located in substantially the following form:


 7                       NOTICE OF HOMESTEAD


 9         To:...(Name and address of judgment creditor as

10         shown on recorded judgment and name and address

11         of any other person shown in the recorded

12         judgment to receive a copy of the Notice of

13         Homestead)....


15         You are notified that the undersigned claims as

16         homestead exempt from levy and execution under

17         Section 4, Article X of the State Constitution,

18         the following described property:


20                ...(Legal description)...


22         The undersigned certifies, under oath, that he

23         or she has applied for and received the

24         homestead tax exemption as to the

25         above-described property, that .... is the tax

26         identification parcel number of this property,

27         and that the undersigned has resided on this

28         property continuously and uninterruptedly from

29         ...(date)... to the date of this Notice of

30         Homestead. Further, the undersigned will either

31         convey or mortgage the above-described property


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 1         pursuant to the following:


 3         ...(Describe the contract of sale or loan

 4         commitment by date, names of parties, date of

 5         anticipated closing, and amount. The name,

 6         address, and telephone number of the person

 7         conducting the anticipated closing must be set

 8         forth.)...


10         The undersigned also certifies, under oath,

11         that the judgment lien filed by you on

12         ...(date)... and recorded in Official Records

13         Book ...., Page ...., of the Public Records of

14         ........ County, Florida, does not constitute a

15         valid lien on the described property.


















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    Amendment No. 01 (for drafter's use only)

 1         PROPERTY.


 3         This .... day of ............, 2.....


 5                                ........................

 6                              ...(Signature of Owner)...


 8                                ........................

 9                           ...(Printed Name of Owner)...


11                                ........................

12                                 ...(Owner's Address)...


14         Sworn to and subscribed before me by

15         ........................ who is personally

16         known to me or produced

17         ........................ as identification,

18         this .... day of ............, 2.....


20                                ........................

21                                           Notary Public


23         (3)  The clerk shall mail a copy of the notice of

24  homestead to the judgment lienor, by certified mail, return

25  receipt requested, at the address shown in the most recent

26  recorded judgment or accompanying affidavit, and to any other

27  person designated in the most recent recorded judgment or

28  accompanying affidavit to receive the notice of homestead, and

29  shall certify to such service on the face of such notice and

30  record the notice. Notwithstanding the use of certified mail,

31  return receipt requested, service shall be deemed complete


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    Amendment No. 01 (for drafter's use only)

 1  upon mailing.

 2         (4)  A lien pursuant to s. 55.10 of any lienor upon

 3  whom such notice is served, who fails to institute an action

 4  for a declaratory judgment to determine the constitutional

 5  homestead status of the property described in the notice of

 6  homestead or to file an action to foreclose the judgment lien,

 7  together with the filing of a lis pendens in the public

 8  records of the county in which the homestead is located,

 9  within 45 days after service of such notice shall be deemed as

10  not attaching to the property by virtue of its status as

11  homestead property as to the interest of any buyer or lender,

12  or his or her successors or assigns, who takes under the

13  contract of sale or loan commitment described above within 180

14  days after the filing in the public records of the notice of

15  homestead. This subsection shall not act to prohibit a lien

16  from attaching to the real property described in the notice of

17  homestead at such time as the property loses its homestead

18  status.

19         (5)  As provided in s. 4, Art. X of the State

20  Constitution, this subsection shall not apply to:

21         (a)  Liens and judgments for the payment of taxes and

22  assessments on real property.

23         (b)  Liens and judgments for obligations contracted for

24  the purchase of real property.

25         (c)  Liens and judgments for labor, services, or

26  materials furnished to repair or improve real property.

27         (d)  Liens and judgments for other obligations

28  contracted for house, field, or other labor performed on real

29  property.

30         Section 22.  Section 222.12, Florida Statutes, is

31  amended to read:


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    Amendment No. 01 (for drafter's use only)

 1         222.12  Proceedings for exemption.--Whenever any money

 2  or other thing due for labor or services as aforesaid is

 3  attached by such process, the person to whom the same is due

 4  and owing may make oath before the officer who issued the

 5  process or before a notary public that the money attached is

 6  due for the personal labor and services of such person, and

 7  she or he is the head of a family residing in said state.

 8  When such an affidavit is made, notice of same shall be

 9  forthwith given to the party, or her or his attorney, who sued

10  out the process, and if the facts set forth in such affidavit

11  are not denied under oath within 2 business days after the

12  service of said notice, the process shall be returned, and all

13  proceedings under the same shall cease.  If the facts stated

14  in the affidavit are denied by the party who sued out the

15  process within the time above set forth and under oath, then

16  the matter shall be tried by the court from which the writ or

17  process issued, in like manner as claims to property levied

18  upon by writ of execution are tried, and the money or thing

19  attached shall remain subject to the process until released by

20  the judgment of the court which shall try the issue.

21         Section 23.  Subsections (2) and (3) of section

22  679.301, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

23         679.301  Persons who take priority over unperfected

24  security interests; right of "lien creditor."--

25         (2)  If the secured party files with respect to a

26  purchase money security interest before or within 15 days

27  after the debtor receives possession of the collateral, the

28  secured party he or she takes priority over the rights of a

29  transferee in bulk or of a lien creditor which arise between

30  the time the security interest attaches and the time of

31  filing.


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 1725

    Amendment No. 01 (for drafter's use only)

 1         (3)  A "lien creditor" means a creditor who has

 2  acquired a lien on the property involved by attachment, levy,

 3  or the like and includes a judgment lienholder as provided

 4  under ss. 55.202-55.209, an assignee for benefit of creditors

 5  from the time of assignment, and a trustee in bankruptcy from

 6  the date of the filing of the petition or a receiver in equity

 7  from the time of appointment.

 8         Section 24.  The Department of State is authorized to

 9  allocate the following funds from the department's

10  Corporations Trust Fund to administer this act:

11         (1)  Effective July 1, 2000, four full-time equivalent

12  positions and $274,858 in annual salaries and benefits,

13  $200,000 in recurring expense, and $442,753 in operating

14  capital outlay; and

15         (2)  Effective March 1, 2001, nine additional full-time

16  equivalent positions and $268,443 in annual salaries and

17  benefits and $32,247 in operating capital outlay.

18         Section 25.  Subsection (2) of section 607.1901,

19  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

20         607.1901  Corporations Trust Fund creation; transfer of

21  funds.--

22         (2)(a)  The Legislature shall appropriate from the fund

23  such amounts as it deems necessary for the operation of the

24  division.

25         (b)  An amount equal to 2.9 percent of all moneys

26  deposited each month in the fund is transferred to the

27  Corporation Tax Administration Trust Fund created pursuant to

28  s. 213.31.

29         (c)  In the last six months of any fiscal year, an

30  amount equal to 43 percent of all moneys deposited each month

31  into the fund is transferred to the General Revenue Fund.


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 1725

    Amendment No. 01 (for drafter's use only)

 1         (d)  The division shall transfer from the trust fund to

 2  the Cultural Institutions Trust Fund, quarterly, the amount of

 3  $10 from each corporate annual report fee collected by the

 4  division and prorations transferring not more than $10 $8

 5  million each fiscal year, to be used as provided in s.

 6  265.2861.

 7         (e)  The division shall transfer from the trust fund to

 8  the Cultural Institutions Trust Fund, quarterly, prorations

 9  transferring $250,000 each fiscal year, to be used as provided

10  in s. 265.609.

11         (f)  The division shall transfer from the trust fund to

12  the Cultural Institutions Trust Fund, quarterly, prorations

13  transferring $550,000 each fiscal year, to be used as provided

14  in s. 265.608.

15         (g)  The division shall transfer from the trust fund to

16  the Historical Resources Operating Trust Fund, quarterly,

17  prorations transferring $2 million each fiscal year, to be

18  used as provided in s. 267.0671.

19         (h)  The division shall transfer from the trust fund to

20  the Historical Resources Operating Trust Fund, quarterly,

21  prorations transferring $1.5 million each fiscal year, to be

22  used as provided in s. 267.072.

23         (i)  The division shall transfer from the trust fund to

24  the department's Grants and Donations Trust Fund quarterly

25  prorations equaling not more than $1.6 million each fiscal

26  year, to be used in the provision of services under s.

27  288.816.

28         Section 26.  Except as otherwise provided in this act,

29  this act shall take effect October 1, 2000.




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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 1725

    Amendment No. 01 (for drafter's use only)

 1  ================ T I T L E   A M E N D M E N T ===============

 2  And the title is amended as follows:

 3         On page 1, line 2, through page 3, line 15,

 4  remove from the title of the bill:  all of said lines


 6  and insert in lieu thereof:

 7         An act relating to debtors and creditors;

 8         amending s. 30.17, F.S.; providing for phaseout

 9         of sheriff's execution docket; amending s.

10         30.231, F.S.; clarifying seizure of property

11         for levy; amending s. 55.10, F.S.; increasing

12         the time period to rerecord a lien in order to

13         get the lien extended for a certain time;

14         providing for application; creating s. 55.201,

15         F.S.; requiring the Department of State to

16         establish a database of judgment lien records;

17         creating s. 55.202, F.S.; providing for

18         acquisition of a judgment lien on personal

19         property; creating s. 55.203, F.S.; providing

20         requirements for the content, recording, and

21         indexing of judgment lien certificates by the

22         Department of State; creating s. 55.204, F.S.;

23         providing for lapse of a judgment lien;

24         providing for acquisition of a second judgment

25         lien; creating s. 55.205, F.S.; providing for

26         the effect of a judgment lien; creating s.

27         55.206, F.S.; providing for amendment,

28         termination, partial release, assignment,

29         continuation, tolling, or correction of a

30         recorded judgment lien; creating s. 55.207,

31         F.S.; providing for filing and effect of a


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 1725

    Amendment No. 01 (for drafter's use only)

 1         correction statement as to a judgment lien

 2         record; creating s. 55.208, F.S.; providing for

 3         phaseout of the effect of writs of execution

 4         delivered to a sheriff prior to a date certain;

 5         creating s. 55.209, F.S.; providing for the

 6         responsibilities of the Department of State and

 7         for filing fees; amending s. 55.604, F.S.;

 8         eliminating requirement for the filing of a

 9         foreign judgment with the Department of State;

10         conditioning the effect of a foreign judgment

11         as a lien on personal property in this state

12         based on the recording of a lien certificate;

13         amending s. 56.21, F.S.; providing for notice

14         of levy and execution sale and affidavit of

15         levying creditor to judgment creditors and

16         certain secured creditors; amending s. 56.27,

17         F.S.; providing for distribution of money

18         collected under execution; amending s. 56.29,

19         F.S.; clarifying who may file an affidavit for

20         purposes of supplementary proceedings; amending

21         s. 77.01, F.S.; providing entities with right

22         to writ of garnishment; creating s. 77.041,

23         F.S.; providing for notice of procedures for

24         asserting exemptions and requesting a hearing;

25         amending s. 77.055, F.S.; clarifying

26         requirements for service of garnishee's answer

27         and notice of right to dissolve writ of

28         garnishment; amending s. 77.06, F.S.; providing

29         for creation of judgment lien upon service of

30         writ of garnishment; amending s. 222.01, F.S.;

31         revising provisions relating to designation of


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 1725

    Amendment No. 01 (for drafter's use only)

 1         homestead by the owner before levy; providing

 2         procedures; amending s. 222.12, F.S.; providing

 3         for taking of oath before notary public

 4         regarding exemptions from garnishment; amending

 5         s. 679.301, F.S.; revising the definition of a

 6         lien creditor; allocating moneys from the

 7         Corporations Trust Fund to the Department of

 8         State; amending s. 607.1901, F.S.; providing

 9         for the transfer of funds from the Corporations

10         Trust Fund; providing effective dates.























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