CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
Bill No. HB 1759
Amendment No. 05 (for drafter's use only)
Senate House
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11 Representative(s) Merchant offered the following:
13 Amendment (with title amendment)
14 On page 2, between lines 26 and 27 of the bill
16 insert:
17 Section 1. Subsections (27), (45), and (48) of section
18 984.03, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
19 984.03 Definitions.--When used in this chapter, the
20 term:
21 (27) "Family in need of services" means a family that
22 has a child who is running away; who is persistently
23 disobeying reasonable and lawful demands of the parent or
24 legal custodian and is beyond the control of the parent or
25 legal custodian; or who is habitually truant from school or
26 engaging in other serious behaviors that place the child at
27 risk of future abuse, neglect, or abandonment or at risk of
28 entering the juvenile justice system for whom there is no
29 pending investigation into an allegation of abuse, neglect, or
30 abandonment or no current supervision by the Department of
31 Juvenile Justice or the Department of Children and Family
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Bill No. HB 1759
Amendment No. 05 (for drafter's use only)
1 Services for an adjudication of dependency or delinquency. The
2 child must be also have been referred to a law enforcement
3 agency, or the Department of Juvenile Justice, or an agency
4 contracted to provide services to children in need of
5 services. A family is not eligible to receive services if, at
6 the time of the referral, there is an open investigation into
7 an allegation of abuse, neglect, or abandonment or if the
8 child is currently under supervision by the Department of
9 Juvenile Justice or the Department of Children and Family
10 Services due to an adjudication of dependency or delinquency.
11 for:
12 (a) Running away from parents or legal custodians;
13 (b) Persistently disobeying reasonable and lawful
14 demands of parents or legal custodians and being beyond their
15 control; or
16 (c) Habitual truancy from school.
17 (45) "Preventive services" means social services and
18 other supportive and rehabilitative services provided to the
19 parent of the child, the legal guardian of the child, or the
20 custodian of the child and to the child for the purpose of
21 averting the removal of the child from the home or disruption
22 of a family which will or could result in an adjudication that
23 orders the placement of a child into in foster care or into
24 the delinquency system or that will or could result in the
25 child living on the street. Social services and other
26 supportive and rehabilitative services may include the
27 provision of assessment and screening services; individual,
28 group, or family counseling; specialized educational and
29 vocational services; temporary shelter for the child; outreach
30 services for children living on the street; independent living
31 services to assist adolescents in achieving a successful
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Bill No. HB 1759
Amendment No. 05 (for drafter's use only)
1 transition to adulthood; and other specialized services shall
2 promote the child's need for a safe, continuous, stable,
3 living environment and shall promote family autonomy and shall
4 strengthen family life as the first priority whenever
5 possible.
6 (48) "Reunification services" means social services
7 and other supportive and rehabilitative services provided to
8 the parent of the child, the legal guardian of the child, or
9 the custodian of the child, whichever is applicable; the
10 child; and, where appropriate, the foster parents of the child
11 for the purpose of enabling a child who has been placed in
12 temporary shelter foster care to return to his or her family
13 at the earliest possible time. Social services and other
14 supportive and rehabilitative services shall be consistent
15 with promote the child's need for a safe, continuous, and
16 stable, living environment and shall promote the strengthening
17 of family autonomy and strengthen family life as a first
18 priority whenever possible.
20 (Renumber subsequent sections)
23 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ===============
24 And the title is amended as follows:
25 On page 1, line 3
27 after the word "juveniles;" insert:
28 amending s. 984.03, F.S.; revising definitions
29 for purposes of ch. 984, F.S., relating to
30 children and families in need of services;
File original & 9 copies 04/26/00
hjj0005 11:38 am 01759-0083-982715