House Bill 1765e1

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                      HB 1765, First Engrossed/ntc

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to Broward County and the City

  3         of Cooper City; extending and enlarging the

  4         corporate limits of the City of Cooper City to

  5         include specified unincorporated lands within

  6         the same corporate limits; providing an

  7         effective date.


  9  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


11         Section 1.  The present corporate limits of the City of

12  Cooper City, Broward County, Florida, are hereby extended and

13  enlarged so as to include in addition to the territory

14  presently within its corporate limits certain unincorporated

15  areas of Broward County, being more particularly described as

16  follows:


18         Tract 'A' of "Flamingo Road Baptist Church" as

19         recorded in plat book 112, page 34 of the

20         public records of Broward County, Florida,

21         together with portions of adjacent

22         rights-of-way, all lying in section 35,

23         township 50 south, range 40 east, Broward

24         County, Florida and being more particularly

25         described as follows:


27         Begin at the northwest corner of said tract

28         'A'; thence southerly along the west line of

29         said tract 'A' and its southerly extension to

30         the south line of said section 35, also being

31         the north line of section 2, township 51 south,


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                      HB 1765, First Engrossed/ntc

  1         range 40 east; thence easterly along said line,

  2         being the municipal limits of Cooper City,

  3         Florida as established by ordinance number

  4         86-12-2 and ordinance number 99-2-3, to the

  5         southeast corner of said section 35 and an

  6         angle point in said municipal limits; thence

  7         northerly along the east line of said section

  8         35 and the east line of said tract 'A' and the

  9         municipal limits of Cooper City Florida as

10         established by ordinance number 99-2-3, to the

11         northeast corner of said tract 'A', being an

12         angle point in the municipal limits of Cooper

13         City as established by ordinance number

14         87-10-1; thence westerly along the north line

15         of said tract 'A' and the municipal limits of

16         Cooper City, also being the south line of tract

17         54 in said section 35 of "Florida Fruit Lands

18         Company's Subdivision No. 1" as recorded in

19         plat book 2, page 17 of the public records of

20         Dade County, Florida, to an intersection with

21         the east line of the west 949 feet of said

22         tract 54, being an angle point in the municipal

23         limits of Cooper City as established by

24         ordinance number 87-10-1; thence departing said

25         municipal limits, continue westerly along the

26         north line of said parcel 'A' and the south

27         line of said tract 54 to the northwest corner

28         of said parcel 'A' and the point of beginning.


30         Section 2.  All public roads and the public

31  rights-of-way associated therewith lying within the limits of


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                      HB 1765, First Engrossed/ntc

  1  the lands subject to annexation herein as described in section

  2  1 are transferred from Broward County jurisdiction to the

  3  jurisdiction of the annexing municipality.

  4         Section 3.  On the effective date of this act the City

  5  of Cooper City shall be responsible for and embodied with all

  6  municipal powers granted in chapter 166, Florida Statutes,

  7  over territory hereby annexed.

  8         Section 4.  Nothing in this chapter shall be construed

  9  to affect or abrogate the rights of parties to any contracts

10  where the same be between Broward County and a third party or

11  between nongovernmental entities which contracts are in effect

12  prior to the effective date of this annexation.

13         Section 5.  This act shall specifically supersede and

14  take precedence over chapter 97-371, Laws of Florida.

15         Section 6.  This act shall take effect September 15,

16  2000.















