Senate Bill 1802c1

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 2000                           CS for SB 1802

    By the Committee on Transportation and Senator Mitchell


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to state uniform traffic

  3         control; amending s. 316.189, F.S.; providing

  4         that a county or municipality under certain

  5         circumstances may lower speed limits set by the

  6         Department of Transportation on state highways

  7         or connecting links or extensions thereof

  8         located within the county or municipality when

  9         such change is determined to be necessary to

10         ensure safety; requiring counties and

11         municipalities to reimburse the department for

12         certain costs; providing an effective date.


14  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


16         Section 1.  Subsections (1) and (2) of section 316.189,

17  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

18         316.189  Establishment of municipal and county speed

19  zones.--

20         (1)  MUNICIPAL SPEED.--The maximum speed within any

21  municipality is 30 miles per hour.  With respect to residence

22  districts, a municipality may set a maximum speed limit of 20

23  or 25 miles per hour on local streets and highways after an

24  investigation determines that such a limit is reasonable.  It

25  shall not be necessary to conduct a separate investigation for

26  each residence district.  A municipality may set speed zones

27  altering the speed limit, both as to maximum, not to exceed 60

28  miles per hour, and minimum, after investigation determines

29  such a change is reasonable and in conformity to criteria

30  promulgated by the Department of Transportation. A

31  municipality may lower speed limits set by the Department of


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 2000                           CS for SB 1802

  1  Transportation, except that no changes shall be made on

  2  non-limited-access state highways or connecting links or

  3  extensions thereof located within the municipality by not more

  4  than 15 miles per hour in 5-mile-per-hour increments, when

  5  such change is reasonable and in conformity with criteria

  6  promulgated by the Department of Transportation or based upon

  7  a traffic or engineering study conducted by the affected local

  8  government; however, the limit may not be reduced below 45

  9  miles per hour. A municipality that reduces the speed limit on

10  a non-limited-access state highway or connecting link or

11  extension thereof shall reimburse the Department of

12  Transportation for the cost of installing, maintaining, and

13  replacing all traffic control devices required to post the

14  reduced speed limit. which shall be changed only by the

15  Department of Transportation.

16         (2)  SPEED ON COUNTY ROADS.--The maximum speed on any

17  county-maintained road is:

18         (a)  In any business or residence district, 30 miles

19  per hour in the daytime or nighttime; provided that with

20  respect to residence districts a county may set a maximum

21  speed limit of 25 miles per hour after an investigation

22  determines that such a limit is reasonable; and it shall not

23  be necessary to conduct a separate investigation in each

24  residence district.

25         (b)  On any other part of a county road not a business

26  or residence district, as set forth in s. 316.183.


28  However, the board of county commissioners may set speed zones

29  altering such speeds, both as to maximum and minimum, after

30  investigation determines such a change is reasonable and in

31  conformity to criteria promulgated by the Department of


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 2000                           CS for SB 1802

  1  Transportation, except that no such speed zone shall permit a

  2  speed of more than 60 miles per hour. A county may lower speed

  3  limits set by the Department of Transportation on

  4  non-limited-access state highways or connecting links or

  5  extensions thereof located within the county by not more than

  6  15 miles per hour in 5-mile-per-hour increments, when such

  7  change is reasonable and in conformity with criteria

  8  promulgated by the Department of Transportation or based upon

  9  a traffic or engineering study conducted by the affected local

10  government; however, the limit may not be reduced below 45

11  miles per hour. A county that reduces the speed limit on a

12  non-limited-access state highway or connecting link or

13  extension thereof shall reimburse the Department of

14  Transportation for the cost of installing, maintaining, and

15  replacing all traffic control devices required to post the

16  reduced speed limit.

17         Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2000.


                       COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR
20                             SB 1802


22  This CS provides a county or municipality may lower speed
    limits set by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT)
23  on non-limited access state highways or on state highway
    connecting links or extensions located within the county or
24  municipality by not more than 15 miles-per-hour, in increments
    of 5 miles-per-hour, when such change is reasonable and in
25  conformity to criteria promulgated by FDOT or based upon a
    traffic or engineering study conducted by the affected local
26  government; however, the limit may not be reduced below 45
    miles-per-hour. The municipality or county is responsible for
27  reimbursing FDOT for the cost of installing, maintaining and
    replacing all necessary traffic control devices.



