CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 1815

    Amendment No. 2 (for drafter's use only)

                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                                 .
 2                                 .
 3                                 .

 5                                           ORIGINAL STAMP BELOW






11  The Committee on Education Appropriations offered the

12  following:


14         Substitute Amendment for Amendment (600251) (with title

15  amendment) 

16  Remove from the bill:  Everything after the enacting clause


18  and insert in lieu thereof:

19         Section 1.  Florida School for Science and

20  Technology.--There is established the Florida School for

21  Science and Technology to be managed and controlled by the

22  Technological Research and Development Authority (TRDA),

23  created by s. 2, chapter 87-455, Laws of Florida.

24         (1)  The Florida School for Science and Technology

25  shall be a residential public school located in Brevard

26  County, the attendance area for which shall be the entire

27  state. The Florida School for Science and Technology shall

28  offer:

29         (a)  Accelerated programs in the areas of math,

30  science, and technology to students in grades 11 and 12 who

31  meet the eligibility requirements established according to


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 1815

    Amendment No. 2 (for drafter's use only)

 1  this section.

 2         (b)  Summer programs for elementary and secondary

 3  school students and teachers.

 4         (2)  The TRDA shall be responsible for the

 5  administration and operation of the Florida School for Science

 6  and Technology. However, the board of directors of the TRDA

 7  shall appoint a board of trustees to which the TRDA may

 8  delegate responsibility for any aspect of the operation or

 9  administration of the school, including, but not limited to:

10         (a)  The appointment of a director of the school.

11         (b)  The adoption by rule, pursuant to ss. 120.536(1)

12  and 120.54, Florida Statutes, of student eligibility and

13  qualification requirements, the size of the student body,

14  student selection methods and standards, and procedures for

15  the operation of the school.

16         (c)  The establishment of a student application and

17  appeal process.


19  Admission to the Florida School for Science and Technology

20  shall be considered a privilege reserved for certain qualified

21  students, rather than a right afforded to the student

22  population in general. In exercising any delegated

23  responsibility, the board of trustees shall remain accountable

24  to the TRDA for its actions.

25         (3)  In order to facilitate innovative practices, the

26  Florida School for Science and Technology shall be exempt from

27  those requirements of chapters 230 through 235 of the Florida

28  School Code relating to curriculum and operations, except

29  those pertaining to civil rights and student health, safety,

30  and welfare.  The school shall not be exempt from chapter 119,

31  Florida Statutes, relating to public records, and s. 286.011,


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 1815

    Amendment No. 2 (for drafter's use only)

 1  Florida Statutes, relating to public meetings and records,

 2  public inspection, and penalties.

 3         (4)  The TRDA shall annually prepare and submit a

 4  legislative budget request to the Department of Education in

 5  accordance with chapter 216 and s. 235.41, Florida Statutes.

 6         (5)  The TRDA shall serve as the fiscal agent of the

 7  Florida School for Science and Technology, which shall be

 8  funded by state appropriations and private contributions and

 9  endowments. Funds for operations shall be provided to the TRDA

10  in the General Appropriations Act.

11         (6)  The TRDA shall develop a plan for the

12  establishment of the Florida School for Science and

13  Technology, including timelines for projected stages of

14  operation, construction, enrollment, and costs. The TRDA shall

15  annually submit to the President of the Senate, the Speaker of

16  the House of Representatives, and the Commissioner of

17  Education a report addressing the status of school

18  development, operations, enrollment, student achievement, and

19  projected funding needs.

20         (7)  Students enrolled in the Florida School for

21  Science and Technology shall participate in the statewide

22  assessment program, pursuant to s. 229.57. The Florida School

23  for Science and Technology shall comply with state school

24  accountability standards and reporting requirements.

25         (8)  The TRDA and the board of trustees of the Florida

26  School for Science and Technology shall develop enrollment

27  policies to ensure equal access and a student body that

28  reflects the racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic diversity of

29  the student population of the state.

30         (9)  The TRDA and the board of trustees of the Florida

31  School for Science and Technology shall not be exempt from


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 1815

    Amendment No. 2 (for drafter's use only)

 1  federal requirements for public schools, such as provisions

 2  regarding exceptional student education and students with

 3  disabilities.

 4         Section 2.  For the fiscal year 2000-2001, there is

 5  hereby appropriated to the Technological Research and

 6  Development Authority from the General Revenue Fund, $250,000

 7  for planning of the Florida School for Science and Technology.

 8         Section 3.  (1)  The Legislature finds that it is in

 9  the public interest to provide for the reenactment by general

10  law of a Technological Research and Development Authority

11  created by chapter 87-455, Laws of Florida, and to extend its

12  powers and duties beyond Brevard County. The Technological

13  Research and Development Authority shall promote scientific

14  research and development in Florida, with the goal of

15  establishing Florida as a center for high technology and

16  economic development to serve the public good.

17         (2)  There is created and incorporated the

18  Technological Research and Development Authority as an

19  independent special district.

20         (3)(a)  The authority shall be governed by a commission

21  of seven persons who are residents of this state.  The Brevard

22  County Legislative Delegation shall nominate three candidates

23  for each of five commission vacancies, and the Governor shall

24  appoint a member of the commission from the nominees for the

25  vacancy. Further, the Governor shall select and appoint the

26  two remaining members of the commission. The Governor shall

27  appoint each member for a term of 4 years, who shall serve

28  until his or her successor is appointed. If a vacancy occurs

29  during a member's term, the Governor shall appoint a person to

30  fill the vacancy for the remainder of the member's term. The

31  Governor may remove any member for misfeasance, malfeasance,


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 1815

    Amendment No. 2 (for drafter's use only)

 1  or willful neglect of duty. Each member of the authority

 2  before entering upon his or her duties shall take and

 3  subscribe the oath of affirmation required by the State

 4  Constitution. The existing board members appointed under

 5  chapter 87-455, Laws of Florida, of the existing Technology

 6  Research and Development Authority law may serve the remainder

 7  of their terms.

 8         (b)  The authority shall annually elect one of its

 9  members as chair and one as vice chair and may also appoint a

10  secretary who shall serve at the pleasure of the authority.

11  The authority may also appoint such other officers as

12  necessary.

13         (4)  The commission has powers and duties as follows:

14         (a)  To plan and undertake a program of action that

15  promotes scientific research and development and fosters

16  public and private education.

17         (b)  To contract with and support the programs of those

18  accredited educational institutions with a research capability

19  and which have main campuses within this state in the

20  furtherance of the objectives of the authority and to contract

21  with any other accredited educational institution in

22  furtherance of the objectives of the authority to establish

23  public-private partnerships and create, sponsor, and manage

24  not-for-profit entities to implement or facilitate the

25  purposes of the authority.

26         (c)  To make and manage grants and bequests, and to

27  enter into contracts and other agreements with units of

28  government and private parties for the purpose of obtaining

29  funds for projects and programs that further the objectives of

30  the authority.

31         (d)  To establish an annual budget and amend the budget


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 1815

    Amendment No. 2 (for drafter's use only)

 1  when necessary.

 2         (e)  To adopt an official seal and alter it at its

 3  pleasure.

 4         (f)  To maintain an office at such place or places in

 5  Brevard County or elsewhere as it may designate.

 6         (g)  To sue and be sued in its own name.

 7         (h)  To acquire by lease, purchase, or option real and

 8  personal property for any use consistent with the purposes of

 9  this act.

10         (i)  To finance or refinance and to secure the issuance

11  and repayment of bonds, if all revenue bonds or other debt

12  obligations are payable solely from the revenues derived from

13  the sale, operation, or leasing of projects to the authority.

14  Any bonds issued by the authority do not constitute a debt,

15  liability, or obligation of any authority or county or of the

16  state or any political subdivision, and such revenue bond or

17  debt obligations must be paid solely from revenues derived

18  from the sale, operation, or leasing of a project or projects.

19         (j)  To employ personnel, consultants, accountants,

20  attorneys, engineers, and other experts as necessary and

21  convenient in the execution of the powers of the authority.

22         (5)  This act shall be liberally construed to

23  effectuate its purposes.

24         (6)  The duties and responsibilities of the authority

25  must be carried out in accordance with chapter 189, Florida

26  Statutes, relating to independent special districts.

27         (7)  If any provision of this act or the application

28  thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the

29  invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications

30  of the act which can be given effect without the invalid

31  provision or application, and to this end the provisions of


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 1815

    Amendment No. 2 (for drafter's use only)

 1  this act are declared severable.

 2         Section 4.  Chapter 87-455, Laws of Florida, is

 3  repealed. All contracts, leases, obligations, and agreements

 4  of the Technological Research and Development Authority shall

 5  be continued in full force and effect upon this act becoming a

 6  law.

 7         Section 5.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

 8  law.



11  ================ T I T L E   A M E N D M E N T ===============

12  And the title is amended as follows:

13  Remove from the title of the bill:  the entire title


15  and insert in lieu thereof:

16                      A bill to be entitled

17         An act relating to the Technological Research

18         and Development Authority; establishing the

19         Florida School for Science and Technology;

20         assigning responsibility for the administration

21         and operation of the school to the

22         Technological Research and Development

23         Authority (TRDA); establishing the purpose and

24         attendance area of the school; providing

25         certain requirements for participation in

26         programs offered by the school; requiring the

27         TRDA to appoint a board of trustees for the

28         school; authorizing the TRDA to delegate

29         responsibilities to the board of trustees;

30         providing exemptions from certain statutes;

31         providing funding requirements; providing for a


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 1815

    Amendment No. 2 (for drafter's use only)

 1         planning process; providing for student

 2         participation in the statewide assessment

 3         program; providing criteria for enrollment

 4         policies; providing an appropriation;

 5         reenacting the Technological Research and

 6         Development Authority; establishing the

 7         purposes of the authority; setting a commission

 8         to govern the authority; prescribing the duties

 9         and responsibilities of the commission and

10         terms of office; providing a procedure for the

11         appointment of the commission; providing for

12         liberal construction; providing severability;

13         repealing ch. 87-455, Laws of Florida, relating

14         to the Technological Research and Development

15         Authority; providing for the effect of certain

16         contracts, leases, obligations, and agreements;

17         providing an effective date.
















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