Senate Bill 1824c1

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 2000                           CS for SB 1824

    By the Committee on Judiciary and Senators Campbell, Grant,
    Mitchell, Sullivan, Bronson, Webster, Kirkpatrick, Childers,
    McKay, Horne, Myers and Scott


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to land conveyances; creating

  3         s. 253.1201, F.S.; validating the title to

  4         previous conveyances of land by the state which

  5         may have included sovereignty lands; clarifying

  6         the public use of certain navigable waters;

  7         providing legislative intent; providing an

  8         effective date.


10  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


12         Section 1.    Legislative intent.--The Legislature

13  recognizes that stability of land titles and real property

14  boundaries is essential to a civil society. The Legislature

15  also recognizes that it is in the public interest that the

16  controversy arising from the assertion of private-ownership

17  claims to sovereignty submerged lands by private land owners

18  who derive their titles from deeds or grants issued by state

19  agencies or officials which conveyed swamp and overflowed

20  lands, internal improvement lands, or other nonsovereignty

21  lands, but which have legal descriptions that encompass

22  sovereignty submerged lands beneath nontidal waters, be

23  resolved in a manner that preserves all riparian rights of

24  private waterfront land owners and that preserves the public's

25  ownership of and right to use sovereignty submerged lands for

26  all lawful purposes, including, but not limited to, boating,

27  fishing, camping, hunting, fowling, picnicking, and swimming.

28         Section 2.  Section 253.1201, Florida Statutes, is

29  created to read:




CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 2000                           CS for SB 1824

  1         253.1201  Certain titles derived from state conveyances

  2  with legal descriptions that encompassed sovereignty land

  3  beneath nontidal waters.--

  4         (1)  This section pertains to any title to real

  5  property which is derived from a properly recorded deed or

  6  grant made before this act takes effect by the Board of

  7  Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund or by any

  8  other state agency or official; which conveyed swamp or

  9  overflowed lands, internal improvement lands, or other

10  nonsovereignty lands; and which contains a legal description

11  that encompasses sovereignty submerged lands.

12         (2)  This section shall be construed to ratify,

13  confirm, and validate private waterfront landowners' title to

14  swamp and overflowed lands, internal improvement lands, and

15  any other nonsovereignty lands down to the ordinary high-water

16  boundary of navigable waters. The present holders of the deeds

17  or grants to which this section applies shall retain all

18  riparian rights held by private waterfront land owners.

19         (3)  This section reaffirms the state's title to

20  sovereignty submerged lands under navigable waters up to the

21  ordinary high-water boundary pursuant to Section 11 of Article

22  X of the State Constitution. The public shall have the right

23  to use sovereignty submerged lands up to the ordinary

24  high-water boundary for all lawful purposes, including, but

25  not limited to, boating, fishing, camping, hunting, fowling,

26  picnicking, and swimming.

27         (4)  The "ordinary high-water boundary" is the point up

28  to which the presence and action of the water is so continuous

29  as to destroy the value of the land for agricultural purposes

30  by preventing the growth of vegetation, constituting what may

31  be termed an ordinary agricultural crop. It is an ambulatory


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 2000                           CS for SB 1824

  1  line, shifting in response to long-term changes in the water

  2  level. The high-water mark on freshwater rivers is not the

  3  highest point to which the stream rises in times of freshets,

  4  but is the line that the river impresses upon the soil by

  5  covering it for periods sufficient to deprive it of vegetation

  6  and to destroy its value for agriculture.

  7         (5)  It is not the intent of the Legislature to

  8  supersede any specific grant of submerged lands granted to a

  9  governmental entity by special act.

10         Section 3.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

11  law.


                       COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR
14                             SB 1824


16  The committee substitute provides legislative intent to
    provide for stability in land titles and real property
17  boundaries.

18  The CS ratifies private waterfront landowners' title to swamp
    and overflowed lands, internal improvement lands, or other
19  nonsovereignty lands down to the ordinary high water boundary
    of navigable waters.
    The bill reaffirms the state's title to sovereignty submerged
21  lands under navigable waters up to the ordinary high-water
    boundary. This ownership includes the public's right to use
22  the lands for all lawful purposes.

23  The bill expresses the intent of the Legislature not to
    supersede any grant of submerged lands to a governmental
24  entity.

25  Ordinary high-water boundary is defined.






