House Bill 1839

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                HB 1839

        By Representative Chestnut

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the City of Gainesville;

  3         amending chapter 90-394, Laws of Florida, as

  4         amended; revising the charter of the City of

  5         Gainesville; providing for additional duties of

  6         the Internal Auditor; providing for creation of

  7         the charter officer position entitled Equal

  8         Opportunity Director to be appointed by the

  9         city commission; providing powers and duties of

10         such officer; providing that the city shall not

11         discriminate on the basis of certain protected

12         characteristics and requiring the city

13         commission to adopt ordinances; making the

14         charter officers responsible for implementing

15         the equal opportunity and human relations

16         ordinances and programs in their respective

17         departments; providing for application to

18         persons covered under collective bargaining

19         agreements; providing an effective date.


21  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


23         Section 1.  Section 3.05 of Article III of the charter

24  of the City of Gainesville, as created by chapter 90-394, Laws

25  of Florida, as amended, is amended to read:

26         3.05  City internal auditor.--

27         (1)  The commission may appoint a city internal auditor

28  who shall serve at the will of the commission.  The city

29  internal auditor shall:

30         (a)  Shall perform financial and compliance audits.



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    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                HB 1839


  1         (b)  Shall assist the commission in all it

  2  accountability functions.

  3         (c)  Shall perform compliance audits on the

  4  implementation of the city's human relations and equal

  5  opportunity ordinances, policies and programs pertaining to

  6  the activities of the city within all departments of the city

  7  in accordance with schedules prescribed by the commission.

  8         (d)(c)  Shall perform all other duties assigned by the

  9  commission.

10         (2)  All financial and compliance audits and other

11  reports of the city internal auditor shall be filed in the

12  office of the clerk of the commission.

13         Section 2.  Section 3.08 is created and added to

14  Article III of the charter of the City of Gainesville, as

15  created by chapter 90-394, Laws of Florida, as amended, to

16  read:

17         3.08  Equal Opportunity Director.--The commission shall

18  appoint an equal opportunity director who shall serve at the

19  will of the city commission. The equal opportunity director:

20         (1)  Shall investigate complaints of discrimination,

21  harassment, retaliation, and other related matters, and

22  propose remedial action, as prescribed by the city's human

23  relations and equal opportunity ordinances. No city employee

24  shall suffer retaliation for filing a complaint or testifying,

25  assisting, or participating in any investigation under these

26  ordinances, and such complaints will be held confidential to

27  the extent allowed by federal and state law.

28         (2)  Shall make reports, including an annual report, to

29  the charter officers and the commission, as appropriate, as to

30  the activities of the year and the need, if any, to revise the

31  city's human relations and equal opportunity ordinances,


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                HB 1839


  1  policies, and programs pertaining to but not limited to equal

  2  opportunity, affirmative action, local minority business and

  3  local small business enterprise procurement program, fair

  4  housing, unlawful harassment, and accessibility to the city's

  5  programs, services, and activities.

  6         (3)  Shall propose policies for the implementation of

  7  comprehensive equal opportunity and diversity programs and

  8  adherence to equal opportunity laws, policies, procedures, and

  9  related matters.

10         (4)  Shall develop, prepare, and monitor the city's

11  affirmative action plan.

12         (5)  Shall develop training, conduct workshops, and

13  propose strategies and initiatives related to diversity and

14  equal opportunity and related matters in employment,

15  purchasing, services, programs, and activities.

16         (6)  Shall review all proposed changes to current or

17  proposed new city employment policies, procedures, and

18  guidelines, job descriptions and purchasing policies,

19  procedures and guidelines for compliance with equal

20  opportunity laws, policies, procedures, and guidelines and

21  related matters.

22         (7)  Shall monitor all hires, transfers, demotions,

23  promotions, and terminations for compliance with equal

24  opportunity laws, policies, procedures, guidelines, and

25  related matters.

26         (8)  Shall develop instruments to monitor adherence to

27  diversity and equal opportunity laws, policies, procedures,

28  guidelines, and related matters for city services, programs,

29  activities, employment, and purchasing.

30         (9)  Shall participate in the assessment and review of

31  the city's employment practices, including recruitment,


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                HB 1839


  1  appointment, and promotion, as they pertain to all employees

  2  and applicants at all levels of city employment.

  3         (10)  Shall compile various equal opportunity reports

  4  and related reports required of the city by state and federal

  5  agencies or that are necessary for compliance purposes.

  6         (11)  Shall perform all other functions as prescribed

  7  by ordinances or as otherwise directed by the commission.

  8         Section 3.  Section 5.07 is created and added to the

  9  charter of the City of Gainesville, as created by chapter

10  90-394, Laws of Florida, as amended, to read:

11         5.07  Equal Opportunity.--

12         (1)  The city shall not deny any person any benefit,

13  service, employment, opportunity for service, contract, or any

14  incidents or emoluments thereto on the basis of race,

15  religion, color, gender, national origin, marital status,

16  disability, sexual orientation, or age. The commission shall

17  adopt human relations and equal opportunity ordinances to

18  implement this provision.

19         (2)  The charter officers shall apply the city's human

20  relations and equal opportunity ordinances and implement its

21  human relations and equal opportunity programs within their

22  respective departments and shall coordinate the efforts of the

23  various departments to optimize the effectiveness of their

24  efforts. The charter officers shall from time to time make

25  individual and collective recommendations to the commission

26  pertaining to the effectiveness of the city's human relations

27  and equal opportunity ordinances and programs pertaining to

28  the activities of the city.

29         Section 4.  Nothing in this act shall abrogate the

30  provisions of any collective bargaining agreement or the



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    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                HB 1839


  1  city's responsibility to negotiate terms and conditions of

  2  employment.

  3         Section 5.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

  4  law.



























