Senate Bill 1878

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    Florida Senate - 2000                                  SB 1878

    By Senator Diaz de la Portilla

    34-1480-00                                          See HB 611

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to elderly pharmaceutical

  3         insurance coverage; providing a short title;

  4         providing definitions; providing a program for

  5         pharmaceutical insurance coverage for elderly

  6         persons; providing for program eligibility;

  7         providing for pharmaceutical insurance

  8         contracts; providing criteria and requirements;

  9         providing contractor responsibilities;

10         providing for contractor's reports;

11         establishing an elderly pharmaceutical

12         insurance coverage board; providing for

13         membership; providing duties of the board;

14         requiring reports; providing for an advisory

15         committee to the board; providing for

16         membership of the committee; providing for an

17         executive director of the board; providing for

18         a salary; providing duties of the executive

19         director; specifying program rule requirements;

20         providing dispensation limitations; providing

21         eligibility requirements for program

22         participants who qualify by paying an

23         application fee or meeting a deductible;

24         specifying the amount of the fee or deductible

25         for certain persons; providing for copayments;

26         providing for annual determinations by the

27         board of increases in covered amounts;

28         providing for participating provider

29         pharmacies; providing for reimbursement to

30         provider pharmacies; providing penalties for

31         fraud and abuse; providing procedures for


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  1         determinations by the Department of Health

  2         relating to package or form of dosage or

  3         administration of certain drugs as excluded

  4         from the program as covered drugs; providing an

  5         exception; providing for use of out of state

  6         pharmacies; providing criteria and procedures;

  7         providing an effective date.


  9  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


11         Section 1.  (1)  SHORT TITLE.--This act may be cited as

12  the "Elderly Pharmaceutical Insurance Coverage Act".

13         (2)  DEFINITIONS.--For purposes of this act, the term:

14         (a)  "Annual coverage period" means the period of 12

15  consecutive calendar months for which an eligible program

16  participant has met the application fee or deductible

17  requirements of subsections (8) and (9).

18         (b)  "Board" means the Elderly Pharmaceutical Insurance

19  Coverage Board established under subsection (5).

20         (c)  "Contractor" means a private not-for-profit or

21  proprietary corporation that has entered into a contractual

22  arrangement with this state to carry out the provisions of

23  subsection (4).

24         (d)  "Covered drug" means a drug dispensed subject to a

25  legally authorized prescription pursuant to chapter 465,

26  Florida Statutes, or chapter 893, Florida Statutes, and

27  insulin, an insulin syringe, or an insulin needle.  Such term

28  does not include:

29         1.  Any drug determined by the Commissioner of the

30  Federal Food and Drug Administration to be ineffective or

31  unsafe.


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  1         2.  Any drug dispensed in a package, or form of dosage

  2  or administration, which the Secretary of Health finally

  3  determines pursuant to subsection (13) does not constitute a

  4  covered drug for purposes of this act.

  5         3.  Any device for the aid or correction of vision or

  6  any drug, including vitamins, which is generally available

  7  without a physician's prescription.

  8         (e)  "Executive director" means the executive director

  9  of the board established under subsection (5).

10         (f)  "Income" means "adjusted gross income" as defined

11  in section 420.0004, Florida Statutes, but includes only the

12  income of program applicants and spouses and excludes the

13  income of other members of the household.

14         (g)  "Provider pharmacy" means a pharmacy registered in

15  this state pursuant to chapter 465, Florida Statutes, or a

16  pharmacy registered in a state bordering this state when

17  certified as necessary by the executive director pursuant to

18  subsection (14), for which an agreement to provide pharmacy

19  services for purposes of the program pursuant to subsection

20  (10) is in effect.

21         (h)  "Program year" means a year beginning on October 1

22  and ending the following September 30.

23         (i)  "Resident" means an individual legally domiciled

24  within this state.

25         (j)  "Secretary" means the secretary of the Department

26  of Health.

27         (3)  PROGRAM ELIGIBILITY.--

28         (a)  Persons eligible for coverage under subsection (8)

29  include:

30         1.  Any unmarried resident who is at least 65 years of

31  age and whose income for the calendar year immediately


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  1  preceding the effective date of the annual coverage period is

  2  less than or equal to $12,000.

  3         2.  Any married resident who is at least 65 years of

  4  age and whose income for the calendar year immediately

  5  preceding the effective date of the annual coverage period

  6  when combined with the income in the same calendar year of

  7  such married person's spouse is less than or equal to $15,000

  8  dollars.


10  After the initial determination of eligibility, each eligible

11  individual must be redetermined eligible at least every 24

12  months.

13         (b)  Persons eligible for coverage under subsection (9)

14  include:

15         1.  Any unmarried resident who is at least 65 years of

16  age and whose income for the calendar year immediately

17  preceding the effective date of the annual coverage period is

18  more than $12,000 and less than $18,000.

19         2.  Any married resident who is at least 65 years of

20  age and whose income for the calendar year immediately

21  preceding the effective date of the annual coverage period

22  when combined with the income in the same calendar year of

23  such married person's spouse is more than $15,000 and less

24  than $23,000.


26  After the initial determination of eligibility, each eligible

27  individual must be redetermined eligible at least every 24

28  months.

29         (c)1.  Eligibility for assistance under this act shall

30  not be granted to any person who, at the time an application

31  is made, is receiving medical assistance under any other


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  1  provision of law of this state or to any person receiving

  2  equivalent or better coverage from any other public or private

  3  third-party payment source or insurance plan than those

  4  benefits provided for under this act.

  5         2.  An individual who is determined eligible for

  6  assistance under this act whose prescription costs are covered

  7  in part by any public or private plan may receive reduced

  8  assistance under this act. In such cases, benefits provided

  9  through this act shall be considered payments of last resort.

10         3.  The fact that some of an individual's prescription

11  drug expenses are paid or reimbursable under Medicare shall

12  not disqualify an individual, if he or she is otherwise

13  eligible, from receiving assistance under this act. In such

14  cases, the state shall pay the portion of the cost of those

15  prescriptions for qualified drugs for which no payment or

16  reimbursement is made by Medicare, less the participant's

17  copayment required on the amount not paid by Medicare.


19         (a)  The board established under subsection (5) shall,

20  subject to the approval of the Governor, enter into a contract

21  with one or more contractors to assist in carrying out the

22  provisions of this act.  Such contractual arrangements shall

23  be made subject to a competitive bidding process and shall

24  ensure that state payments for the contractor's necessary and

25  legitimate expenses for the administration of this program are

26  limited to the amount specified in advance, and that such

27  payments shall not exceed the amount appropriated for such

28  expenses in any fiscal year. The board shall, at each of its

29  regularly scheduled meetings, review the contract pricing

30  provisions to assure that the level of contract payments are

31  in the best interest of the state, giving consideration to the


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  1  total level of participant enrollment achieved, the volume of

  2  claims processed, and such other factors as may be relevant in

  3  order to contain state expenditures.  If the board determines

  4  that the contract payment provisions do not protect the

  5  interests of the state, the executive director shall initiate

  6  contract negotiations for the purpose of modifying contract

  7  payments or scope requirements.

  8         (b)  The responsibilities of any contractor shall

  9  include, but need not be limited to:

10         1.  Providing for a method of determining, on an annual

11  basis and upon application by any person, the eligibility of

12  persons pursuant to subsection (3) within a reasonable period

13  of time, including alternative methods for such determination

14  of eligibility, including, but not limited to, through the

15  mail or home visits, where reasonable or necessary, and for

16  notifying applicants of such eligibility determinations.

17         2.  Notifying each eligible program participant in

18  writing prior to the commencement of the annual coverage

19  period of such participant's cost-sharing responsibilities

20  pursuant to subsections (8) and (9).  The contractor shall

21  also notify each eligible program participant of any

22  adjustment of the copayment schedule by mail no less than 30

23  days prior to the effective date of such adjustment and shall

24  inform such eligible program participants of the date such

25  adjustment shall take effect.

26         3.  Issuing an identification card to each program

27  participant who is eligible to purchase prescribed covered

28  drugs for an amount specified pursuant to paragraph (8)(c) or

29  paragraph (9)(c). Cards shall be issued to participants

30  meeting application fee or deductible requirements on or

31  before the effective date of the card. The dates of the annual


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  1  coverage period shall be printed on the card. When an eligible

  2  program participant meets the annual limits on point of sale

  3  copayments set forth in paragraph (8)(d) or paragraph (9)(d),

  4  new identification cards shall be issued to such participant

  5  indicating waiver of such copayment requirements for the

  6  remainder of the annual coverage period or the contractor

  7  shall develop and implement an alternative method to permit

  8  the purchase of covered drugs without a copayment requirement.

  9  Such participant shall be provided a means of recovering any

10  excess copayments made prior to their receipt of such new

11  identification cards or prior to the implementation of any

12  such alternative method.

13         4.  Developing and implementing the system for those

14  individuals electing the deductible option to record their

15  personal covered drug expenditures in accordance with

16  paragraph (9)(c). Such recordkeeping system shall be provided

17  to each such participant at a nominal charge which shall be

18  subject to the approval of the board. The contractor shall

19  also reimburse participants for personal covered drug

20  expenditures made in excess of their deductible requirements,

21  less the copayments required by paragraph (9)(d), made prior

22  to their receipt of an identification card issued in

23  accordance with subparagraph 3.

24         5.  Processing of claims for reimbursement to

25  participating provider pharmacies pursuant to subsection (11).

26         6.  Performing or causing to be performed utilization

27  reviews for such purposes as may be required by the board.

28         7.  Conducting audits and surveys of participating

29  provider pharmacies as specified pursuant to the terms and

30  conditions of the contract.



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  1         8.  Coordinating coverage with insurance companies and

  2  other public and private organizations offering such coverage

  3  for those eligible program participants having partial

  4  coverage for covered drugs through third-party sources, and

  5  providing for recoupment of any duplicate reimbursement paid

  6  by the state on behalf of such eligible program participants.

  7         (c)  The contractor or contractors shall be required to

  8  provide such reports as may be deemed necessary by the board

  9  and shall maintain files in a manner and format approved by

10  the executive director.

11         (d)  The contractor or contractors may contract with

12  private not-for-profit or proprietary corporations, or with

13  entities of local government within this state, to perform

14  such obligations of the contractor or contractors as the board

15  shall permit.


17         (a)  The Elderly Pharmaceutical Insurance Coverage

18  Board is hereby established within the Executive Office of the

19  Governor.

20         (b)  The board shall consist of the Commissioner of

21  Education, the Secretary of Health, the Insurance

22  Commissioner, the Secretary of Elderly Affairs, and the

23  Secretary of Management Services. Each board member may

24  designate an officer of his or her respective department to

25  represent and exercise all the powers of such board member as

26  the case may be at all meetings of the board from which such

27  board member may be absent.

28         (c)  The Secretary of Elderly Affairs and Secretary of

29  Health shall serve as co-chairs of the board.




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  1         (d)  The board shall meet at such times as may be

  2  requested by the co-chairs, provided that the board shall meet

  3  at least four times each year.

  4         (e)  The board shall:

  5         1.  Subject to the approval of the Governor, adopt

  6  program rules pursuant to subsection (7).

  7         2.  Determine the annual schedule of cost-sharing

  8  responsibilities of eligible program participants pursuant to

  9  subsections (8) and (9).

10         3.  Enter into contracts pursuant to subsection (4).

11         4.  Recommend and implement alternative program

12  improvements for the efficient and effective operation of the

13  program in accordance with the provisions of this act.

14         5.  Establish or contract for a therapeutic drug

15  monitoring program.  Such program shall monitor therapeutic

16  drug use of eligible program participants in an effort to

17  prevent the incorrect or unnecessary consumption of such

18  therapeutic drugs.

19         6.  Develop and implement, in cooperation with area

20  offices for the aging, an outreach program to inform the

21  elderly of benefits they may be entitled to pursuant to this

22  act and to make available information concerning the program

23  for elderly pharmaceutical insurance coverage.

24         7.  Prepare an annual report and submit such report to

25  the Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of

26  the House of Representatives no later than the first day of

27  January of each year, beginning January 1, 2002. The board

28  shall include in the report a summary of the

29  administrative-cost-containment initiatives completed during

30  the year. Such report shall, at a minimum, contain annual

31  statistical information regarding the number of persons


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  1  enrolled in the program by marital status and income level;

  2  the total and per capita number of prescriptions filled and

  3  total state reimbursement and participant copayment

  4  expenditures, by income levels; the total numbers of

  5  prescriptions filled with generic drugs, brand name drugs, and

  6  sole source drugs; the authorization and substitution rate for

  7  the total numbers of prescriptions filled with generic, brand

  8  name, and sole source drugs; the distribution of the top 300

  9  most commonly used drugs by volume and cost; a distribution of

10  all prescriptions by volume and price; the annual percentage

11  increase in the cost of such drugs, numbers of participating

12  provider pharmacies, recipients, and payments by county; the

13  amount of cost recoveries for the period covered in the

14  report; projections of program costs for the following 2

15  years; and an evaluation of the performance of the program

16  contractor or contractors and of the cost-effectiveness of all

17  outreach efforts.

18         8.  Prepare an evaluation report on the experience of

19  the program for the Governor, the President of the Senate, and

20  the Speaker of the House of Representatives no later than

21  October 1, 2001.  Such report shall include the

22  recommendations of the board concerning the continuation of

23  the program.

24         (f)  Board members shall receive no compensation for

25  their services as board members.

26         (g)  There shall be an advisory committee to the board

27  comprised of twelve persons. Four members shall be appointed

28  by the Governor, three members shall be appointed by the

29  President of the Senate, one member shall be appointed by the

30  minority leader of the Senate, three members shall be

31  appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and


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  1  one member shall be appointed by the minority leader of the

  2  House of Representatives.  The committee members shall be

  3  representatives of consumers, pharmacists, pharmaceutical drug

  4  manufacturers, and pharmaceutical wholesalers.  No less than

  5  50 percent of the committee membership shall represent the

  6  consumers of this state. The executive director shall consult

  7  the advisory committee and consider its recommendations

  8  concerning the implementation of this program and the policies

  9  governing the continued operation of this program. Committee

10  members shall receive no compensation for their services but

11  shall be allowed their actual and necessary expenses incurred

12  in the performance of their duties.

13         (6)  EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR.--Upon the recommendation of

14  the co-chairs, the Governor shall appoint an executive

15  director of the board. The executive director shall receive an

16  annual salary fixed by the Governor within the amount

17  available therefor by appropriation and shall be entitled to

18  reimbursement for reasonable expenses incurred in connection

19  with the performance of his or her duties. The executive

20  director shall:

21         (a)  Monitor the provision of services pursuant to

22  contractual arrangements entered into pursuant to subsection

23  (4) and examine and review all documents and other information

24  to assure compliance with all provisions of this act, whether

25  such documents or other information are under the control of a

26  contractor or a participating provider pharmacy.

27         (b)  Appoint staff and request the assistance of any

28  department or other agency of the state in performing such

29  functions as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of

30  this act.



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  1         (c)  Perform such other functions as may be

  2  specifically required by this act, as assigned by the board,

  3  or necessary to ensure the efficient operation of the program.

  4         (7)  RULES.--

  5         (a)  The board shall adopt program rules that shall:

  6         1.  Provide for a process of determining and

  7  redetermining eligibility for participation in the program,

  8  including provisions for submission of proof of income, age,

  9  and residency and information on existing complete or partial

10  coverage of prescription drug expenses under a third-party

11  assistance or insurance plan.

12         2.  Provide for a fair-hearing process pursuant to an

13  agreement with the Department of Health for individuals and

14  participating provider pharmacies to appeal determinations or

15  actions of the contractors.

16         3.  Establish procedures for the state to recover the

17  value of benefits or payments made under this act, if any,

18  which were based on applications or claims submitted in

19  violation of any provision of this act.

20         (b)  For purposes of this act, except as otherwise

21  provided in this act, a covered drug shall be dispensed in

22  quantities no greater than a 30-day supply or 100 units,

23  whichever is greater. In the case of a drug dispensed in a

24  form of administration other than a tablet or capsule, the

25  maximum allowed quantity shall be a 30-day supply. The board

26  is authorized to approve exceptions to such limits for

27  specific products following consideration of recommendations

28  from pharmaceutical or medical experts regarding commonly

29  packaged quantities, unusual forms of administration, length

30  of treatment, or cost-effectiveness.



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  3         (a)  Each eligible individual meeting the application

  4  fee requirements of this subsection may purchase covered drugs

  5  for an amount specified by paragraph (c).

  6         (b)  An eligible individual electing to meet the

  7  requirements of this subsection shall pay a one-time

  8  application fee of $10 in a manner and form determined by the

  9  executive director prior to the beginning of a participant's

10  first annual coverage period.

11         (c)1.a.  Upon payment of the application fee pursuant

12  to paragraph (b), an eligible program participant shall, at

13  the time of each purchase of a covered drug, pay the lesser of

14  a point-of-sale copayment as set forth in sub-subparagraph b.

15  or the actual cost of the drug purchased. Such copayment shall

16  not be waived or reduced in whole or in part, subject to the

17  limits provided by paragraph (d).

18         b.  The point-of-sale copayment amounts that are to be

19  charged eligible program participants shall be in accordance

20  with the following schedule:

21         (I)  For each purchase of a covered drug costing $29.99

22  or less, $6.00.

23         (II)  For each purchase of a covered drug costing

24  $30.00 or more, $15.00.


26  For the purposes of such schedule of point-of-sale copayments,

27  "costing" means the amount of reimbursement which shall be

28  paid by the state to a participating provider pharmacy in

29  accordance with subsection (11) plus the point-of-sale

30  copayment, calculated as of the date of sale.



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  1         2.  Commencing October 1, 2001, and every year

  2  thereafter, the board shall determine the percentage increase

  3  in the average wholesale price per unit of medication for

  4  approved claims for the top 500 drugs most commonly used

  5  during the prior program year, weighted for volume of claims.

  6  If the increase in the average wholesale price, as determined

  7  by the board, is greater than the percentage increase in the

  8  prescription drug component of the consumer price index

  9  measured for the same period, the board may increase the

10  point-of-sale copayment per purchase of a covered drug set

11  forth in this subdivision, or the corresponding ranges of

12  program prices in effect at the time such adjustment is made,

13  or both, by an amount not to exceed the lesser of the

14  percentage increase in:

15         a.  The average wholesale price per unit weighted for

16  volume of claim approved during the previous program year; or

17         b.  The prescription drug component of the consumer

18  price index during the previous program year.


20  The determination to increase the amount of point of sale

21  copayments or corresponding range of program prices in effect

22  shall follow a review of such factors as the relative

23  financial capacity of the state and such eligible program

24  participants to support such adjustments and changes in the

25  cost-of-living adjustment made in social security benefits.

26  Such increase shall not take effect sooner than 60 days after

27  the board makes such determination. Notwithstanding any

28  inconsistent provision of this subparagraph, the board may

29  adjust the point-of-sale copayment schedule to reflect the

30  relative financial capacity of the state, and in no event

31  shall such adjustment reduce the state share of the cost of


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  1  covered drugs at the time of purchase to an average amount of

  2  less than 65 percent.

  3         (d)  During each annual coverage period, no

  4  point-of-sale copayment as set forth in paragraph (c) shall be

  5  required to be made for the remainder of such period by any

  6  eligible program participant who has already incurred

  7  copayments in excess of the following limits:

  8         1.  On copayments by an unmarried individual who is an

  9  eligible program participant:

10         a.  Individual income of $5,000 or less, no more than

11  $400.

12         b.  Individual income of $5,001 to $6,000, no more than

13  $480.

14         c.  Individual income of $6,001 to $7,000, no more than

15  $560.

16         d.  Individual income of $7,001 to $8,000, no more than

17  $640.

18         e.  Individual income of $8,001 to $9,000, no more than

19  $720.

20         f.  Individual income of $9,001 to $10,000, no more

21  than $800.

22         g.  Individual income of $10,001 to $11,000, no more

23  than $880.

24         h.  Individual income of $11,001 to $12,000, no more

25  than $960.

26         2.  On copayments by each married individual who is an

27  eligible program participant:

28         a.  Joint income of $5,000 or less, no more than $300.

29         b.  Joint income of $5,001 to $6,000, no more than

30  $360.



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  1         c.  Joint income of $6,001 to $7,000, no more than

  2  $420.

  3         d.  Joint income of $7,001 to $8,000, no more than

  4  $480.

  5         e.  Joint income of $8,001 to $9,000, no more than

  6  $540.

  7         f.  Joint income of $9,001 to $10,000, no more than

  8  $600.

  9         g.  Joint income of $10,001 to $11,000, no more than

10  $660.

11         h.  Joint income of $11,001 to $12,000, no more than

12  $720.

13         i.  Joint income of $12,001 to $13,000, no more than

14  $780.

15         j.  Joint income of $13,001 to $14,000, no more than

16  $840.

17         k.  Joint income of $14,001 to $15,000, no more than

18  $900.



21         (a)  Each eligible individual meeting the deductible

22  requirements of this subsection may purchase covered drugs for

23  an amount specified by paragraph (c).

24         (b)  Each eligible individual approved for coverage

25  under this subsection who shall incur during any annual

26  coverage period $150 of personal covered drug expenditures

27  that are not reimbursed by any other public or private

28  third-party payment source or insurance plan shall be deemed

29  to have met his or her deductible requirements for the

30  remainder of such annual coverage period.



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  1         (c)1.a.  Upon satisfaction of the deductible

  2  requirements of paragraph (b), an eligible program participant

  3  shall, at the time of each purchase of a covered drug, pay the

  4  lesser of a point-of-sale copayment as set forth in

  5  sub-subparagraph b. or the actual cost of the drug purchased.

  6  Such copayment shall not be waived or reduced in whole or in

  7  part, subject to the limits provided by paragraph (d).

  8         b.  The point-of-sale copayment amounts that are to be

  9  charged eligible program participants shall be in accordance

10  with the following schedule:

11         (I)  For each purchase of a covered drug costing $29.99

12  or less, $6.

13         (II)  For each purchase of a covered drug costing $30

14  or more, $15.


16  For purposes of such schedule, "costing" means the amount of

17  reimbursement which shall be paid by the state to a

18  participating provider pharmacy in accordance with subsection

19  (11) plus the point-of-sale copayment, calculated as of the

20  date of sale.

21         2.  Commencing October 1, 2001, and every year

22  thereafter, the board shall determine the percentage increase

23  in the average wholesale price per unit of medication for

24  approved claims for the top 500 drugs most commonly used

25  during the prior program year, weighted for volume of claims.

26  If the increase in the average wholesale price, as determined

27  by the board, is greater than the percentage increase in the

28  prescription drug component of the consumer price index

29  measured for the same period, the board may increase the point

30  of sale copayment per purchase of a covered drug set forth in

31  this paragraph, or the corresponding ranges of program prices


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  1  in effect at the time such adjustment is made, or both, by an

  2  amount not to exceed the lesser of the percentage increase in:

  3         a.  The average wholesale price per unit weighted for

  4  volume of claims approved during the previous program year; or

  5         b.  The prescription drug component of the consumer

  6  price index during the previous program year.


  8  The determination to increase the amount of point-of-sale

  9  copayments or corresponding range of program prices in effect

10  shall follow a review of such factors as the relative

11  financial capacity of this state and such eligible program

12  participants to support such adjustments and changes in the

13  cost-of-living adjustment made in social security benefits.

14  Such increase shall not take effect sooner than 60 days after

15  the board makes such determination. Notwithstanding any

16  inconsistent provision of this subparagraph, the board may

17  adjust the point-of-sale copayment schedule to reflect the

18  relative financial capacity of the state, and in no event

19  shall such adjustment reduce the state share of the cost of

20  covered drugs at the time of purchase to an average amount of

21  less than 65 percent.

22         (d)  During each annual coverage period, no

23  point-of-sale copayments as set forth in paragraph (c) shall

24  be required to be made for the remainder of such period by any

25  eligible program participant meeting the personal covered drug

26  expenditure requirements of paragraph (b) in excess of the

27  following limits:

28         1.  On copayments by each unmarried individual who is

29  an eligible program participant:

30         a.  Individual income of $10,000 or less, no more than

31  $575.


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  1         b.  Individual income of $10,001 to $11,000, no more

  2  than $633.

  3         c.  Individual income of $11,001 to $12,000, no more

  4  than $690.

  5         d.  Individual income of $12,001 to $13,000, no more

  6  than $748.

  7         e.  Individual income of $13,001 to $14,000, no more

  8  than $805.

  9         f.  Individual income of $14,001 to $15,000, no more

10  than $863.

11         g.  Individual income of $15,001 to $16,000, no more

12  than $920.

13         h.  Individual income of $16,001 to $17,000, no more

14  than $978.

15         i.  Individual income of $17,001 to $18,000, no more

16  than $1035.

17         2.  On copayments by each married individual who is an

18  eligible program participant:

19         a.  Joint income of $13,000 or less, no more than $561.

20         b.  Joint income of $13,001 to $14,000, no more than

21  $603.50.

22         c.  Joint income of $14,001 to $15,000, no more than

23  $647.

24         d.  Joint income of $15,001 to $16,000, no more than

25  $690.

26         e.  Joint income of $16,001 to $17,000, no more than

27  $733.

28         f.  Joint income of $17,001 to $18,000, no more than

29  $776.50.

30         g.  Joint income of $18,001 to $19,000, no more than

31  $819.50.


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  1         h.  Joint income of $19,001 to $20,000, no more than

  2  $862.50.

  3         i.  Joint income of $20,001 to $21,000, no more than

  4  $906.

  5         j.  Joint income of $21,001 to $22,000, no more than

  6  $949.

  7         k.  Joint income of $22,001 to $23,000, no more than

  8  $992.


10         (a)  The state shall offer an opportunity to

11  participate in this program to all pharmacies as defined in

12  subsection (2).

13         (b)  To participate in this program, a pharmacy shall

14  be required to enter into a provider agreement and shall abide

15  by such terms and conditions as shall be prescribed in the

16  agreement, including the release of financial information for

17  the purpose of program audits and surveys.



20         (a)  The amount of reimbursement which shall be paid by

21  the state to a participating provider pharmacy for any covered

22  drug filled or refilled for any eligible program participant

23  shall be equal to the lower of:

24         1.  The usual and customary charge of the pharmacy for

25  such drugs minus the point-of-sale copayment as required by

26  subsections (8) and (9);

27         2.  The pharmacy's charge to the general public at the

28  time of purchase, taking into consideration any quantity and

29  promotional discounts, minus the point-of-sale copayment as

30  required by subsections (8) and (9); or



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  1         3.  The average wholesale price based on the quantities

  2  participating pharmacies buy most frequently, provided such

  3  average wholesale prices shall be discounted by 5 percent for

  4  any participating provider pharmacy or group of provider

  5  pharmacies with common ownership whose total prescription

  6  volume for the preceding calendar year was at least 100,000

  7  prescriptions dispensed,


  9  plus a dispensing fee of $2.75, except that such dispensing

10  fee shall be $3 for participating provider pharmacies that

11  provide 24-hour emergency prescription service, emergency

12  delivery service at no cost to the consumer, and direct

13  patient consultation with each prescription and that maintain

14  a patient drug profile card on each eligible program

15  participant, and minus the point-of-sale copayment as required

16  by subsections (8) and (9).

17         (b)  For purposes of determining the amount of

18  reimbursement which shall be paid to a participating provider

19  pharmacy, the board shall determine or cause to be determined,

20  through a statistically valid survey, the quantities of each

21  covered drug which participating provider pharmacies buy most

22  frequently. Using the results of such survey, the contractor

23  shall update every 30 days the list of average wholesale

24  prices upon which such reimbursement is determined, using

25  nationally recognized and most recently revised sources. Such

26  price revisions shall be made available to all participating

27  provider pharmacies. The pharmacist shall be reimbursed based

28  on the price in effect at the time the covered drug is

29  dispensed.

30         (c)1.  Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of

31  law, if a manufacturer, as defined in s. 1927 of the Federal


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  1  Social Security Act, has entered into a rebate agreement with

  2  the Department of Health or with the Federal Secretary of

  3  Health and Human Services on behalf of the Department of

  4  Health under s. 1927 of the Federal Social Security Act, the

  5  program for elderly pharmaceutical insurance coverage shall

  6  reimburse for covered drugs that are dispensed under the

  7  program by a provider pharmacy only pursuant to the terms of

  8  the rebate agreement between the program and such

  9  manufacturer; however, the program may reimburse for any

10  covered drugs pursuant to paragraphs (a) and (b) which are

11  rated 1-A by the Federal Food and Drug Administration and

12  which are determined by the board to be essential to the

13  health of persons participating in the program.

14         2.  The rebate agreement between such manufacturer and

15  the program for elderly pharmaceutical insurance coverage

16  shall use for covered single-source drugs and innovator

17  multiple-source drugs the identical formula used to determine

18  the basic rebate for federal financial participation for

19  single-source drugs and innovator multiple-source drugs,

20  pursuant to s. 1927(c)(1) of the Federal Social Security Act,

21  to determine the amount of the rebate pursuant to this

22  paragraph. The rebate agreement between such manufacturer and

23  the program for elderly pharmaceutical insurance coverage

24  shall use for non-innovator multiple-source drugs, the

25  identical formula used to determine the basic rebate for

26  federal financial participation for non-innovator

27  multiple-source drugs, pursuant to s. 1927(c)(3) of the

28  Federal Social Security Act, to determine the amount of the

29  rebate pursuant to this subparagraph. The amount of rebate

30  shall be calculated by multiplying the required rebate

31  formulas by the total number of units of each dosage form and


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  1  strength dispensed. The rebate agreement shall also provide

  2  for periodic payment of the rebate, provision of information

  3  to the program, audits, verification of data, and

  4  confidentiality of information.

  5         3.  The program, in providing utilization data to a

  6  manufacturer as provided for under s. 1927(b) of the Federal

  7  Social Security Act, shall provide such data by zip code, if

  8  requested, for the top 300 most commonly used drugs by volume

  9  covered under a rebate agreement.

10         4.  Any funds collected pursuant to any rebate

11  agreements entered into with a manufacturer pursuant to this

12  paragraph shall be deposited into the General Revenue Fund.


14         (a)  Any person who knowingly makes a false statement

15  or representation, or who, by deliberate concealment of any

16  material fact or by impersonation or other fraudulent device,

17  obtains or attempts to obtain or aids or abets any person to

18  obtain any benefit under this act to which he or she is not

19  entitled, commits a misdemeanor of the first degree,

20  punishable as provided in section 775.082 or section 775.083,

21  Florida Statutes.

22         (b)  Any person who, having made application to receive

23  any benefit under this act for the use and benefit of another

24  and having received such benefit, knowingly and willfully

25  converts such benefit or any part of such benefit to a use

26  other than for the use and benefit of such other person

27  commits a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as

28  provided in section 775.082 or section 775.083, Florida

29  Statutes.

30         (c)  Any person who, with intent to defraud, presents

31  for allowance or payment any false or fraudulent claim for


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  1  furnishing services or merchandise, or knowingly submits false

  2  information for the purpose of obtaining greater compensation

  3  than that to which such person is legally entitled for

  4  furnishing services or merchandise, or knowingly submits false

  5  information for the purpose of obtaining authorization for

  6  furnishing services or merchandise under this act commits a

  7  misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in

  8  section 775.082 or section 775.083, Florida Statutes.



11  DRUGS.--

12         (a)  If the Secretary of Health makes an initial

13  determination that a particular package, or form of dosage or

14  administration, of a drug does not constitute a covered drug

15  for purposes of this act due to the availability of a less

16  expensive package, or form of dosage or administration, that

17  is pharmaceutically equivalent and equivalent in its

18  therapeutic effect for the general health characteristics of

19  the eligible program participant population, the department

20  shall notify the manufacturer of such drug product that the

21  department intends to exclude such package, or form of dosage

22  or administration, from the program and shall provide such

23  manufacturer with the reasons for such exclusion together with

24  the facts that the department relies upon to support its

25  initial determination. The manufacturer shall have 15 days

26  after receiving such exclusion notice to notify the department

27  of an intent to appeal the decision. If the manufacturer fails

28  to notify the department of an intent to appeal within the

29  time specified in this subsection, the Secretary of Health

30  shall immediately thereafter determine whether the package, or

31  form of dosage or administration, shall be excluded from the


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  1  program. If the manufacturer notifies the department of an

  2  intent to appeal, the manufacturer shall submit to the

  3  department, within 45 days after receiving such exclusion

  4  notice, the basis of the manufacturer's appeal. Within 15 days

  5  after receiving such submission from the manufacturer, the

  6  department shall provide to the manufacturer any additional

  7  facts concerning the drug product which the department relies

  8  upon to support its initial determination. Within 10 days

  9  after receiving such facts, the manufacturer may submit

10  additional facts concerning the drug package, or form of

11  dosage or administration. Based on the facts submitted

12  pursuant to this subsection, the Secretary of Health shall

13  make a final determination as to whether or not the package,

14  or form of dosage or administration, of the drug product

15  constitutes a covered drug for the purposes of this act. A

16  determination that a drug package, or form of dosage or

17  administration, does not constitute a covered drug for

18  purposes of this act is subject to judicial review.

19         (b)  Notwithstanding paragraph (a), the Department of

20  Health shall establish by rule an appropriate process for

21  allowing drug packages, or forms of dosage or administration,

22  finally determined under this subsection not to be covered

23  drugs for the purposes of this act to be dispensed to program

24  participants for whom such drug packages, or forms of dosage

25  or administration, are medically indicated as certified to by

26  a physician treating such participant. Any such drug package,

27  or form of dosage or administration, so certified as medically

28  indicated for a specific participant in accordance with such

29  rules shall be a covered drug for the purpose of this act.




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  1         (a)  In counties having a population of 75,000 or less

  2  which are in close proximity to Alabama or Georgia and which

  3  are determined by the executive director to be inadequately

  4  served by provider pharmacies registered in this state, the

  5  executive director may approve as provider pharmacies,

  6  pharmacies located in Alabama or Georgia. Such approvals may

  7  be made only after:

  8         1.  Consideration of the convenience and necessity of

  9  residents of this state in the rural areas served by such

10  pharmacies.

11         2.  Consideration of the quality of service of such

12  pharmacies and the standing of such pharmacies with the

13  governmental board or agency of the state in which the

14  pharmacy is located.

15         3.  The executive director has given all licensed

16  pharmacies within the county notice of his intention to

17  approve such out-of-state provider pharmacies.

18         4.  The executive director has held a public hearing at

19  which he or she has determined factually that the licensed

20  pharmacies within such county are not adequately serving as

21  provider pharmacies.

22         (b)  The executive director shall investigate and

23  determine within 90 days after the filing of an application

24  for certification by the governing body of any municipality

25  claiming to be lacking adequate pharmaceutical service within

26  a county determined by the executive director to be not

27  adequately served by provider pharmacies registered in this

28  state pursuant to paragraph (a) whether to grant

29  certification.




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  1         (c)  Each certification granted pursuant to this

  2  subsection shall expire not more than 5 years after its date

  3  of issuance.

  4         Section 2.  This act shall take effect October 1, 2000.


  6            *****************************************

  7                       LEGISLATIVE SUMMARY

      Provides a program for pharmaceutical insurance coverage
  9    for elderly persons. Provides for eligibility,
      pharmaceutical insurance contracts, an elderly
10    pharmaceutical insurance coverage board and an advisory
      committee to the board, program requirements, eligibility
11    requirements for program participants, participating
      provider pharmacies, penalties for fraud and abuse,
12    procedures for determinations by the Department of Health
      relating to package or form of dosage or administration
13    of drugs as excluded drugs, and use of out-of-state
      pharmacies. (See bill for details.)

















