CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS/HB 1885, 2nd Eng.

    Amendment No.    

                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                                 .
 2                                 .
 3                                 .







11  Senator Carlton moved the following amendment:


13         Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 

14         On page 16, between lines 19 and 20,


16  insert:

17         Section 6.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (14) of section

18  120.80, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

19         120.80  Exceptions and special requirements;

20  agencies.--

21         (14)  DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE.--

22         (b)  Taxpayer contest proceedings.--

23         1.  In any administrative proceeding brought pursuant

24  to this chapter as authorized by s. 72.011(1), the taxpayer

25  shall be designated the "petitioner" and the Department of

26  Revenue shall be designated the "respondent," except that for

27  actions contesting an assessment or denial of refund under

28  chapter 207, the Department of Highway Safety and Motor

29  Vehicles shall be designated the "respondent," and for actions

30  contesting an assessment or denial of refund under chapters

31  210, 550, 561, 562, 563, 564, and 565, the Department of

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS/HB 1885, 2nd Eng.

    Amendment No.    

 1  Business and Professional Regulation shall be designated the

 2  "respondent."

 3         2.  In any such administrative proceeding, the

 4  applicable department's burden of proof, except as otherwise

 5  specifically provided by general law, shall be limited to a

 6  showing that an assessment has been made against the taxpayer

 7  and the factual and legal grounds upon which the applicable

 8  department made the assessment.

 9         3.a.  Prior to filing a petition under this chapter,

10  the taxpayer shall pay to the applicable department the amount

11  of taxes, penalties, and accrued interest assessed by that

12  department which are not being contested by the taxpayer.

13  Failure to pay the uncontested amount shall result in the

14  dismissal of the action and imposition of an additional

15  penalty of 25 percent of the amount taxed.

16         b.  The requirements of s. 72.011(2) and (3)(a) are

17  jurisdictional for any action under this chapter to contest an

18  assessment or denial of refund by the Department of Revenue,

19  the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, or the

20  Department of Business and Professional Regulation.

21         4.  Except as provided in s. 220.719, further

22  collection and enforcement of the contested amount of an

23  assessment for nonpayment or underpayment of any tax,

24  interest, or penalty shall be stayed beginning on the date a

25  petition is filed. Upon entry of a final order, an agency may

26  resume collection and enforcement action.

27         5.  The prevailing party, in a proceeding under ss.

28  120.569 and 120.57 authorized by s. 72.011(1), may recover all

29  legal costs incurred in such proceeding, including reasonable

30  attorney's fees, if the losing party fails to raise a

31  justiciable issue of law or fact in its petition or response.

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS/HB 1885, 2nd Eng.

    Amendment No.    

 1         6.  Upon review pursuant to s. 120.68 of final agency

 2  action concerning an assessment of tax, penalty, or interest

 3  with respect to a tax imposed under chapter 212, or the denial

 4  of a refund of any tax imposed under chapter 212, if the court

 5  finds that the Department of Revenue improperly rejected or

 6  modified a conclusion of law, the court may award reasonable

 7  attorney's fees and reasonable costs of the appeal to the

 8  prevailing appellant.

 9         Section 7.  Subsections (2) and (3) of section 213.21,

10  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

11         213.21  Informal conferences; compromises.--

12         (2)(a)  The executive director of the department or his

13  or her designee is authorized to enter into closing agreements

14  with any taxpayer settling or compromising the taxpayer's

15  liability for any tax, interest, or penalty assessed under any

16  of the chapters specified in s. 72.011(1). Such agreements

17  shall be in writing when the amount of tax, penalty, or

18  interest compromised exceeds $30,000 or for lesser amounts

19  when the department deems it appropriate or when requested by

20  the taxpayer. When a written closing agreement has been

21  approved by the department and signed by the executive

22  director or his or her designee and the taxpayer, it shall be

23  final and conclusive; and, except upon a showing of fraud or

24  misrepresentation of material fact or except as to adjustments

25  pursuant to ss. 198.16 and 220.23, no additional assessment

26  may be made by the department against the taxpayer for the

27  tax, interest, or penalty specified in the closing agreement

28  for the time period specified in the closing agreement, and

29  the taxpayer shall not be entitled to institute any judicial

30  or administrative proceeding to recover any tax, interest, or

31  penalty paid pursuant to the closing agreement.  The

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS/HB 1885, 2nd Eng.

    Amendment No.    

 1  department is authorized to delegate to the executive director

 2  the authority to approve any such closing agreement resulting

 3  in a tax reduction of $250,000 or less.

 4         (b)  Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (a),

 5  for the purpose of facilitating the settlement and

 6  distribution of an estate held by a personal representative,

 7  the executive director of the department may, on behalf of the

 8  state, agree upon the amount of taxes at any time due or to

 9  become due from such personal representative under the

10  provisions of chapter 198; and payment in accordance with such

11  agreement shall be full satisfaction of the taxes to which the

12  agreement relates.

13         (c)  Notwithstanding paragraph (a), for the purpose of

14  compromising the liability of any taxpayer for tax or interest

15  on the grounds of doubt as to liability based on the

16  taxpayer's reasonable reliance on a written determination

17  issued by the department as described in paragraph (3)(b), the

18  department may compromise the amount of such tax or interest

19  liability resulting from such reasonable reliance.

20         (3)(a)  A taxpayer's liability for any tax or interest

21  specified in s. 72.011(1) may be compromised by the department

22  upon the grounds of doubt as to liability for or

23  collectibility of such tax or interest. A taxpayer's liability

24  for penalties under any of the chapters specified in s.

25  72.011(1) may be settled or compromised if it is determined by

26  the department that the noncompliance is due to reasonable

27  cause and not to willful negligence, willful neglect, or

28  fraud. A taxpayer who establishes reasonable reliance on the

29  written advice issued by the department to the taxpayer will

30  be deemed to have shown reasonable cause for the

31  noncompliance. In addition, a taxpayer's liability for

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS/HB 1885, 2nd Eng.

    Amendment No.    

 1  penalties under any of the chapters specified in s. 72.011(1)

 2  in excess of 25 percent of the tax shall be settled or

 3  compromised if the department determines that the

 4  noncompliance is due to reasonable cause and not to willful

 5  negligence, willful neglect, or fraud. The department shall

 6  maintain records of all compromises, and the records shall

 7  state the basis for the compromise. The records of compromise

 8  under this paragraph shall not be subject to disclosure

 9  pursuant to s. 119.07(1) and shall be considered confidential

10  information governed by the provisions of s. 213.053.

11         (b)  Doubt as to liability of a taxpayer for tax and

12  interest exists if the taxpayer demonstrates that he or she

13  reasonably relied on a written determination of the department

14  in the following circumstances:

15         1.  The audit workpapers clearly show that the same

16  issue was considered in a prior audit of the taxpayer

17  conducted by or on behalf of the department and, after

18  consideration of the issue, the department's auditor

19  determined that no assessment was appropriate in regard to

20  that issue.

21         2.  The same issue was raised in a prior audit of the

22  taxpayer and, during the informal protest of the proposed

23  assessment, the department issued a notice of decision

24  withdrawing the issue from the assessment.

25         3.  The taxpayer received a technical assistance

26  advisement pursuant to s. 213.22 in regard to the issue.


28  The circumstances listed in this paragraph are not intended to

29  be the only circumstances in which doubt as to liability

30  exists. Nothing contained in this section shall interfere with

31  the state's ability to structure a remedy to cure a judicially

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS/HB 1885, 2nd Eng.

    Amendment No.    

 1  determined constitutional defect in a tax law.

 2         (c)  A taxpayer shall not be deemed to have reasonably

 3  relied on a written determination of the department under any

 4  of the following circumstances:

 5         1.  The taxpayer misrepresented material facts or did

 6  not fully disclose material facts at the time the written

 7  determination was issued.

 8         2.  The specific facts and circumstances have changed

 9  in such a material manner that the written determination no

10  longer applies.

11         3.  The statutes or regulations on which the

12  determination was based have been materially revised or a

13  published judicial opinion constituting precedent in the

14  taxpayer's jurisdiction has overruled the department's

15  determination on the issue.

16         4.  The department has informed the taxpayer in writing

17  that its previous written determination has been revised and

18  should no longer be relied upon.

19         (d)(b)  A taxpayer's liability for the service fee

20  required by s. 215.34(2) may be settled or compromised if it

21  is determined that the dishonored check, draft, or order was

22  returned due to an error committed by the issuing financial

23  institution, and the error is substantiated by the department.

24  The department shall maintain records of all compromises, and

25  the records shall state the basis for the compromise.

26         Section 8.  The amendments to section 213.21(2) and

27  (3), Florida Statutes, by this act shall apply only to notices

28  of intent to conduct an audit issued on or after October 1,

29  2000.


31  (Redesignate subsequent sections.)

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS/HB 1885, 2nd Eng.

    Amendment No.    

 1  ================ T I T L E   A M E N D M E N T ===============

 2  And the title is amended as follows:

 3         On page 2, line 7, after the semicolon,


 5  insert:

 6         amending s. 120.80, F.S.; providing for the

 7         award of reasonable attorney's fees and costs

 8         of an appeal to a prevailing appellant on an

 9         appeal of an assessment imposed or refund

10         denied under chapter 212, F.S., under specified

11         circumstances; amending s. 213.21, F.S.;

12         providing conditions under which a taxpayer's

13         liability may be compromised when the taxpayer

14         establishes reasonable reliance on written

15         advice issued by the department; providing

16         application;
















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