CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd-032                       Bill No. CS/CS/HB 1911, 1st Eng.

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                                 .
 2                                 .
 3                                 .

 5                                           ORIGINAL STAMP BELOW






11  Representative(s) Kyle offered the following:


13         Amendment (with title amendment) 

14         On page 49, line 3 through page 54, line 6,

15  remove from the bill:  all of said lines,


17  and insert in lieu thereof:

18         Section 45.  Used motor vehicle industry study.--


20  Motor Vehicle Industry Task Force is created within the

21  Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. The task

22  force is charged with examining and evaluating the used motor

23  vehicle industry, including, without limitation, the licensing

24  of dealers and the enforcement of dealer regulations, and

25  analyzing the structure and manner in which the department

26  carries out its regulatory purpose.


28         (a)  The task force shall be composed of 12 members.

29  The Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of

30  the House of Representatives shall each appoint four members.

31  The Governor shall appoint one representative of the


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd-032                       Bill No. CS/CS/HB 1911, 1st Eng.

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, who must

 2  represent the Division of Motor Vehicles; one representative

 3  of the independent motor vehicle industry as recommended by

 4  the Florida Independent Automobile Dealers Association; one

 5  representative of the franchise motor vehicle industry as

 6  recommended by the Florida Automobile Dealers Association; and

 7  one representative of the auction motor vehicle industry who

 8  is from an auction chain and is recommended by a group

 9  affiliated with the National Auto Auction Association. The

10  President of the Senate shall appoint one representative from

11  the Department of Revenue; one representative of the franchise

12  motor vehicle industry as recommended by the Florida

13  Automobile Dealers Association; a Florida Tax Collector

14  representative as recommended by the Florida Tax Collectors

15  Association; and one representative from the Better Business

16  Bureau. The Speaker of the House of Representatives shall

17  appoint one representative from the Department of Agriculture

18  and Consumer Services, who must represent the Division of

19  Consumer Services; one representative of the independent motor

20  vehicle industry as recommended by the Florida Independent

21  Automobile Dealers Association; one representative of the

22  auction motor vehicle industry who is from an independent

23  auction and is recommended by a group affiliated by the

24  National Auto Auction Association; and one representative of

25  the insurance industry who writes motor vehicle dealer surety

26  bonds. The Division of Motor Vehicles, the Division of

27  Consumer Services, the Department of Revenue, the Florida

28  Independent Automobile Dealers Association, the Florida Tax

29  Collectors Association, and the Florida Automobile Dealers

30  Association shall submit the names of their recommended

31  representatives to the Department of Highway Safety and Motor


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd-032                       Bill No. CS/CS/HB 1911, 1st Eng.

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  Vehicles. A person who seeks to be considered for appointment

 2  to the task force representing the insurance industry or a

 3  Better Business Bureau shall submit his or her name, and a

 4  statement of the designated category that he or she proposes

 5  to represent, to the Department of Highway Safety and Motor

 6  Vehicles, which shall forward all recommended names to the

 7  appointing authority for the designated category. In order to

 8  facilitate and coordinate the efforts of the task force, the

 9  Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the

10  House of Representatives shall each name a liaison that the

11  task force may contact for assistance and information during

12  the course of the task force's existence. The members shall be

13  appointed by July 1, 2000.

14         (b)  Upon appointment of the members, the task force

15  shall schedule an organizational meeting to be held no later

16  than July 20, 2000. Thereafter, the task force shall meet at

17  least once a month at various locations throughout the state.

18         (3)  PER DIEM, TRAVEL, AND STAFFING.--Members of the

19  task force from the private sector are not entitled to per

20  diem or reimbursement for travel expenses, but members of the

21  task force from the public sector are entitled to

22  reimbursement, if any, from their agency. Members of the task

23  force may request assistance from the Department of Highway

24  Safety and Motor Vehicles as necessary.


26  INDUSTRY IN THE STATE.--The task force shall conduct an

27  in-depth review of the used motor vehicle industry and the

28  problems associated with licensing requirements, unlicensed

29  persons, and enforcement of state statutes and rules. The task

30  force shall, in its review, analyze chapter 320, Florida

31  Statutes, and any other provisions of the Florida Statutes


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd-032                       Bill No. CS/CS/HB 1911, 1st Eng.

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  relating to the used motor vehicle industry and used motor

 2  vehicle dealer licensing requirements and enforcement. The

 3  task force may:

 4         (a)  Conduct meetings, hearings, and workshops in

 5  Tallahassee and at other locations around the state, and may

 6  take evidence, testimony, and argument at the meetings,

 7  hearings, and workshops from state agencies and consumer

 8  organizations.

 9         (b)  Examine and evaluate the procedures and methods

10  for approving a dealer applicant and dealer locations,

11  enforcement actions against unlicensed persons, and

12  enforcement of existing statutes and rules governing dealers.

13  The task force shall conduct its evaluation in the context of

14  purpose, goal, and objective regarding motor vehicle dealer

15  licensing requirements and enforcement of regulations

16  governing dealers.

17         (c)  Assess the roles of the Department of Highway

18  Safety and Motor Vehicles and County Tax Collectors regarding

19  the motor vehicle industry.


21  Upon completing its review, assessment, and evaluation of

22  motor vehicle license requirements and enforcement of statutes

23  and rules in the state, the task force may meet further to

24  consider its accomplishments in order that the committee may

25  compile its findings into legislative recommendations.


27  FORCE.--By January 31, 2001, the task force shall submit its

28  interim findings and recommendations in the form of a written

29  report to the Governor, the President of the Senate, and the

30  Speaker of the House of Representatives. The task force shall

31  make the final report of its findings and recommendations,


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    hbd0022                     10:01 am         01911-0073-512431

                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd-032                       Bill No. CS/CS/HB 1911, 1st Eng.

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  which may include proposed legislation, to the Governor, the

 2  President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of

 3  Representatives March 1, 2001, at which time the task force

 4  shall cease to exist.



 7  ================ T I T L E   A M E N D M E N T ===============

 8  And the title is amended as follows:

 9         On page 4, line 26, through page 5, line 2,

10  remove from the title of the bill:  all of said lines,


12  and insert in lieu thereof:

13         328.735, F.S.; providing for the creation of

14         the Used Motor Vehicle Industry Task Force;

15         providing for membership, organization, and

16         meetings; providing for per diem, travel and

17         staffing; providing responsibilities; requiring

18         review and assessment of the used motor vehicle

19         industry; requiring reports; providing for

20         termination of the task force; providing an













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