House Bill 1969

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    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                HB 1969

        By Representatives Garcia, Dockery, Gottlieb, Rayson and

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to public employee retirement

  3         systems; creating the Portable Retirement

  4         Option for Public Education Employees within

  5         the Florida Retirement System; providing

  6         legislative purpose; providing definitions;

  7         providing for administration of the plan;

  8         providing for contributions; providing for

  9         eligibility; providing for readmission;

10         providing for management; providing reporting

11         requirements; providing legislative intent;

12         providing an effective date.


14         WHEREAS, the State of Florida has a long history of

15  serving its employees and their dependents, survivors, and

16  beneficiaries with the basic protections afforded by

17  governmental retirement systems, and

18         WHEREAS, it is not the intent of this act to lessen the

19  state's responsibility to provide a fiscally responsible

20  retirement, disability, and health subsidy benefit for

21  education employees, and

22         WHEREAS, the state's employee workforce parallels that

23  of the nation's and reflects the growing trend in which the

24  typical worker holds multiple jobs and careers in his or her

25  lifetime, and

26         WHEREAS, the state's Workforce 2000 Study Commission

27  recommended to the 1998 Legislature that Florida implement a

28  defined contribution retirement plan choice for the Florida

29  Retirement System employees and employers that is cost-neutral

30  in all significant aspects, and



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  1         WHEREAS, Florida's public school teachers, principals,

  2  district administrators, and other educational staff should

  3  have an option similar to that currently provided select

  4  higher education employees and specific management classes in

  5  the public sector, and

  6         WHEREAS, this option is a defined contribution plan

  7  that permits employees the ability to own, control, and direct

  8  their individual retirement programs; and would greatly reduce

  9  the numbers of employees who receive no retirement benefits

10  because they do not stay on the job long enough to vest, and

11         WHEREAS, such an optional retirement program would be

12  portable and permit employees greater freedom and flexibility,

13  thereby assisting employers to attract and retain a quality

14  workforce, NOW, THEREFORE,


16  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


18         Section 1.  Short title; legislative purpose;

19  definitions; creation of Portable Retirement Option for Public

20  Education Employees; administration; eligibility; readmission;

21  employee education; management; reporting requirements.--

22         (1)  SHORT TITLE.--This section may be cited as the

23  "Portable Retirement Option for Public Education Employees."

24         (2)  PURPOSE.--

25         (a)  This section shall require the creation of an

26  alternative retirement option for current and future public

27  education employees.  The purpose of this section is to

28  require the Florida Retirement System to provide a defined

29  contribution retirement option that is fully portable,

30  immediately vested, and fully funded on a current basis from

31  employer contributions.  Further, the purpose of the Portable


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  1  Retirement Option for Public Education Employees is to

  2  increase flexibility for employees to make the transition into

  3  other public or private employment; provide an immediate

  4  retirement benefit, increase options for addressing retirement

  5  needs, personal financial planning and career transition;

  6  provide members with the opportunity to participate,

  7  contribute, and manage their retirement future and provide a

  8  fair and reasonable value for employees who leave service

  9  before retirement.

10         (b)  In no event may the Florida Retirement System fail

11  to continue to offer membership in any retirement system open

12  at the time of the enactment of this section, to current

13  employees, new employees, or retirees as a result of

14  implementing this alternative retirement option.

15         (c)  The alternative retirement option authorized by

16  this section shall be established and administered in

17  accordance with the requirements for section 401(a) qualified

18  retirement plans under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as

19  amended.

20         (3)  DEFINITIONS.--As used in this section, unless the

21  context clearly requires a different meaning:

22         (a)  "Accrued service benefit" means the amount of an

23  employee's accrued retirement benefit earned through the date

24  of election to participate in the portable retirement option

25  plan.

26         (b)  "Actuarial equivalent" means a benefit of equal

27  value when computed upon the basis of an interest rate and

28  mortality tables adopted by the manager.

29         (c)  "Beneficiary" means the joint annuitant or any

30  other person, organization, estate, or trust fund designated



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  1  by the participant to receive a retirement benefit which may

  2  be payable upon the participant's death.

  3         (d)  "Compensation" means the remuneration paid an

  4  employee by the employer for work performed as defined in s.

  5  121.021(22), Florida Statutes.

  6         (e)  "Defined benefit plan" or "DB Plan" means the

  7  current retirement plan for education employees administered

  8  by the Florida Retirement System.

  9         (f)  "Defined contribution plan" means the new portable

10  retirement option plan for education employees administered by

11  the manager.

12         (g)  "Disability benefit" means benefits payable in the

13  event of disability as provided in subsection (7)(g).

14         (h)  "Employee" means any public school employee who is

15  eligible to participate in the Florida Retirement System.

16         (i)  "Employer" means any Florida public school

17  district.

18         (j)  "Employer contribution" means an amount deposited

19  into the participant's employer contribution account on a

20  periodic basis coinciding with the employee's regular pay

21  period by an employer from its own funds.

22         (k)  "Existing employee" means any employee as of the

23  date of implementation of the portable retirement option plan.

24         (l)  "Existing retirement system" means any state or

25  local public retirement system in existence upon the

26  employer's implementation of the portable retirement option

27  plan, including, but not limited to, those established under

28  ss. 121.011, 122.01, 122.05, 238.01, and 240.3195, Florida

29  Statutes.

30         (m)  "FRS" means the Florida Retirement System.



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  1         (n)  "Health benefit subsidy" means benefits provided

  2  by employer contributions as provided by subsection (6)(a).

  3         (o)  "Implementation date" means July 1, 2001.

  4         (p)  "Individual account" or "account" means an account

  5  established for each participant to record the deposit of

  6  contributions to the portable retirement option plan.  An

  7  employer contribution account is maintained for employer

  8  contributions and earnings thereon.  A participant

  9  contribution account is maintained for the participant

10  contributions to the portable retirement option plan and

11  earnings thereon.

12         (q)  "Manager" means the Division of Retirement (DOR)

13  which is the agency assigned administrative responsibility for

14  the implementation of the portable retirement option plan.

15         (r)  "Participant" means an employee who elects to

16  participate in the portable retirement option plan.

17         (s)  "Participant contribution" means an amount

18  contributed voluntarily to the participant contribution

19  account.

20         (t)  "Portable retirement option" or "PRO" means the

21  alternative portable retirement option plan created by this

22  section for education employees, with contributions

23  accumulating in an individual account and where the

24  participant chooses the investment approach for his or her

25  retirement funds.

26         (u)  "Portable Retirement Option Commission" or "PROC"

27  means the select committee assigned the responsibility for:

28  overseeing the implementation of the plan; approval of

29  additional plan vendors; selection of the vendor providing

30  transfer education; disability coverage; and for the ongoing

31  oversight of plan service providers.


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  1         (v)  "Retirement" means an employee's withdrawal from

  2  the active employment of an employer and completion of all

  3  conditions precedent to retirement.

  4         (w)  "Transfer education" means a specific education

  5  effort designed to assist existing members in making the

  6  decision to transfer to the new portable retirement option

  7  plan or remain in the Florida Retirement System.

  8         (4)  CREATION.--The Florida Retirement System shall

  9  establish and implement a portable retirement option for

10  current and future public education employees under which

11  contracts providing retirement, death, and disability benefits

12  may be purchased for employees.


14         (a)  Any public education employee except employees

15  electing to participate in the optional retirement program

16  established under s. 121.35, Florida Statutes, or the Senior

17  Management Service Optional Annuity Program established under

18  s. 121.055, Florida Statutes, may voluntarily elect membership

19  in the portable retirement option plan on or after the

20  implementation date of July 1, 2001, as provided in this

21  subsection.  Such employees electing to participate in the

22  portable retirement option plan may not continue to

23  participate in any applicable existing retirement system, but

24  may participate in any and all applicable supplemental plans

25  including those offered under the Internal Revenue Code ss.

26  403(b) and 457.

27         (b)  Existing employees electing to participate in the

28  portable retirement option plan must provide written notice,

29  on a form provided by the manager and signed by the employee,

30  to the employer and Florida Retirement System of their

31  election and the provider they have chosen.  Transfer


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  1  procedures shall be established by the Florida Retirement

  2  System.  Each employee will have an election period of not

  3  less than 90 days from implementation date of the portable

  4  retirement option plan.  In addition, the portable retirement

  5  option plan shall be open to employee transfers from the

  6  Florida Retirement System for 90 days as of June 1 of every

  7  year after the implementation date, but no transfer under the

  8  reopening periods shall be permitted for employees who have

  9  reached their normal retirement date.  Employees failing to

10  make an election during the applicable time period will

11  automatically remain in the Florida Retirement System.  A

12  decision to transfer from the Florida Retirement System to the

13  portable retirement option plan shall be irrevocable. The

14  Florida Retirement System, within 45 days after notification,

15  shall transfer to the named providers a payment equal to the

16  actuarial equivalent single-sum value of the employee's

17  accrued service benefit on the date of transfer.  The amount

18  so transferred shall be credited to the employee's employer

19  contribution account.

20         (c)  New employees electing to participate in the

21  portable retirement option plan must provide written notice to

22  the employer and the Florida Retirement System of their

23  election and the provider they have chosen.  Employees failing

24  to make an election into the portable retirement option plan

25  will automatically participate in the current defined benefit

26  plan. A new employee shall have the limited right to transfer

27  from the Florida Retirement System to the portable retirement

28  option plan under the same terms and conditions as provided

29  employees in paragraph (b), as if the date of employment were

30  the date of implementation.

31         (6)  CONTRIBUTIONS.--


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  1         (a)  Each employer shall contribute on behalf of each

  2  participant in the portable retirement option plan an amount

  3  equal to 10 percent of compensation, plus the portion of the

  4  contribution rate required in s. 112.363(8), Florida Statutes,

  5  that would otherwise be assigned to the Retiree Health

  6  Insurance Subsidy Trust Fund, less an amount approved by the

  7  manager which shall be deducted to provide for the

  8  administration of the portable retirement option plan.

  9         (b)  The payment of the contributions to the portable

10  retirement option plan which is required by this paragraph for

11  each participant and any voluntary participant contributions

12  shall be made by the employer to the designated providers

13  contracting for payment of benefits for the participant under

14  the program. Each participant shall vest immediately in all

15  employer contributions.

16         (c)  Participants may make voluntary contributions to

17  their accounts according to procedures established by the

18  manager, subject to the limitations of the Internal Revenue

19  Code.

20         (7)  BENEFITS.--

21         (a)  Benefits shall be payable under the portable

22  retirement option plan to participants, or their beneficiaries

23  as designated by the participant in the contract with a

24  provider company, and such benefits shall be paid only by the

25  designated company in accordance with the terms of the annuity

26  contract or contracts applicable to the participant.  The

27  participant must be terminated from all employment with all

28  Florida Retirement System employers, as provided in s.

29  121.021(39), Florida Statutes, to begin receiving the

30  employer-funded benefit.  In the event of the participant's

31  death, benefits will be available as if the participant


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  1  retired on the day the participant died. In the event of

  2  disability, benefits will be available as if the participant

  3  retired on the date of disability, and supplemental disability

  4  benefits may be available as provided in paragraph (g).

  5         (b)  The benefits payable to any person under the

  6  portable retirement option plan, and any contribution

  7  accumulated under such program, shall not be subject to

  8  assignment, execution, or attachment or to any legal process

  9  whatsoever.

10         (c)  A participant who chooses to receive his or her

11  benefits upon termination of employment shall have

12  responsibility to notify the provider company of the date on

13  which he or she wishes the benefits funded by employer

14  contributions to begin.  Benefits may be deferred until such

15  time as the participant chooses to make such application.

16         (d)  Benefits funded by the participant contributions

17  may be paid out at any time and in any form within the limits

18  provided in the contract between the participant and his or

19  her provider company.  The participant shall notify the

20  provider company regarding the date and provisions under which

21  he or she wants to receive the participant-funded portion of

22  the plan.

23         (e)  Each participant may, on a form provided for that

24  purpose, signed and filed with the manager, designate a choice

25  of one or more persons, named sequentially or jointly, as his

26  or her beneficiary who shall receive the benefits, which may

27  be payable in the event of the participant's death pursuant to

28  the provisions of the portable retirement option plan.  If no

29  beneficiary is named in the manner provided in this paragraph,

30  or if no beneficiary designated by the participant survives

31  the participant, the beneficiary shall be the spouse of the


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  1  deceased, if living.  If the participant's spouse is not alive

  2  at his or her death, the beneficiary shall be the living

  3  children of the participant.  If no children survive, the

  4  beneficiary shall be the participant's father or mother, if

  5  living; otherwise, the beneficiary shall be the participant's

  6  estate.  The beneficiary most recently designated by a

  7  participant on a form or letter filed with the manager shall

  8  be the beneficiary entitled to any benefits payable at the

  9  time of the participant's death.

10         (f)  The manager is directed to develop a variety of

11  standard distribution options for employees participating in

12  the portable retirement option plan, in the event of death,

13  disability, retirement, or termination.  The balance of

14  participant accounts will be disbursed in accordance with

15  these options.

16         (g)  The manager will design disability coverage for

17  members in the portable retirement option plan, to be provided

18  from external providers approved by the Portable Retirement

19  Option Commission, so that the portable retirement option plan

20  benefits plus supplemental disability benefits are comparable

21  to the amount of benefits provided under the Florida

22  Retirement System, and contributions to fund the disability

23  coverage will be provided from the employer contribution

24  allocation.

25         (8)  READMISSION TO THE PLAN.--

26         (a)  Any employee who terminates employment while

27  covered under the Florida Retirement System Defined Benefit

28  Plan and then is later reemployed by an employer shall be

29  eligible for membership in either the defined benefit plan or

30  the portable retirement option plan.  Members whose employment

31  terminates while covered under the portable retirement option


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  1  plan and are later reemployed shall be eligible for membership

  2  in the portable retirement option plan only and may have their

  3  contributions to that plan restored subject to rules

  4  established by the manager.

  5         (b)  An employee whose employment with a former

  6  employer or an existing employer is suspended as a result of

  7  an approved leave of absence, approved maternity or paternity

  8  break in service, or any other approved break in service

  9  authorized by an employer, is eligible for readmission to the

10  plan in which he or she was a member at the time the break in

11  service began.

12         (c)  In all cases where a question exists as to the

13  readmission to membership in a plan, the manager shall decide

14  the question.

15         (9)  TRANSFER EDUCATION PROGRAM.--The manager shall

16  supervise a comprehensive Transfer Education Program, to be

17  available to all eligible education employees.  The program

18  shall be provided by an independent counseling specialist

19  selected by the Portable Retirement Option Plan Commission.


21         (a)  There is hereby created a Portable Retirement

22  Option Commission.  The commission will be responsible for

23  overseeing the implementation of the portable retirement

24  option plan, approving additional plan providers, selecting

25  counselors or specialists to deliver a transfer education

26  program, disability coverage, and approving policy and

27  procedures as recommended by the manager.  These

28  responsibilities will terminate July 1, 2001.  Thereafter, the

29  commission will continue to meet annually to monitor ongoing

30  plan activities and approve changes in plan services and



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  1  provide an annual status report to the Governor and the

  2  Legislature.

  3         (b)  The commission shall be composed of the following

  4  members: the chair who shall be selected by a vote of members.

  5  One member shall be a school board member selected by the

  6  Florida School Boards Association, one member shall be a

  7  district superintendent selected by the Florida Association of

  8  District School Superintendents and one member shall be a

  9  school administrator selected by the Florida Association of

10  School Administrators.  Two members shall be teachers with one

11  selected by the Florida Teaching Profession-National Education

12  Association/United and the second selected by the Florida

13  Education Association/United and two members shall be

14  educational support employees with one selected by the Florida

15  Teaching Profession-National Education Association/United and

16  the second selected by the Florida Education

17  Association/United. Commissioners shall serve for 2 years

18  except that for the initial appointment, three of the

19  commission members shall be appointed for a 1-year term and

20  four for 2-year terms, as determined by the majority of the

21  membership.

22         (c)  The manager shall be responsible for providing

23  commission staff support for commission functions, and as

24  facilitator for commission meetings.  The manager shall also

25  provide information, advice, and counsel as requested by the

26  commission in carrying out its duties.

27         (d)  Subject to the requirements of paragraph (a), the

28  manager is hereby authorized to exercise all powers necessary

29  to effectuate the provisions of this section.  The manager

30  shall delegate to service providers the day-to-day operations

31  of the plan.  Administrative costs shall be paid from the


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  1  employer contributions as provided by subsection (6)(a); any

  2  other administrative costs shall be paid from the accounts of

  3  the participants in the portable retirement option plan.

  4         (11)  MANAGEMENT OF THE PLAN.--

  5         (a)  The Division of Retirement shall act as manager of

  6  the portable retirement option plan.  The manager shall

  7  identify plan providers for the portable retirement option

  8  plan.  Plan providers shall include the plan providers

  9  included in the optional retirement plan pursuant to s.

10  121.35, Florida Statutes. Through a competitive bidding

11  process, the manager shall select additional providers, one of

12  which must include a provider who can offer one or more mutual

13  fund options.  No more than a total of three additional

14  providers shall be selected.  In addition to the required

15  mutual fund option, the manager may consider a group annuity

16  contract, individual retirement annuities, interests in

17  trusts, additional mutual funds, or other financial

18  instruments as necessary or appropriate for the plan to

19  provide retirement and related benefits comparable to those

20  provided in the existing retirement systems.  The manager

21  shall consider all of the following in selecting additional

22  plan providers:

23         1.  The experience of the plan provider in 10 other

24  states providing retirement annuities or trusteed mutual fund

25  arrangements as defined contribution primary pension plans for

26  public employees.

27         2.  The financial stability of the plan provider as

28  evidenced by national rating services.

29         3.  The intrastate and interstate portability of the

30  product offered by the plan provider, including flexibility in

31  offering early withdrawal options.


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  1         4.  Product compliance with the Internal Revenue Code.

  2         5.  The ratio of assigned plan provider employees to

  3  participants.

  4         6.  The ability of the plan provider to coordinate and

  5  apply employer contribution data with the employer.

  6         7.  The capability of the plan provider to meet the

  7  selection criteria.

  8         8.  The educational services of the plan provider,

  9  including personal counseling, group seminars, and

10  retirement-related financial planning services.

11         (b)  As part of the investment options available in

12  paragraph (a), each provider will offer a conservative asset

13  allocation option for those members who choose not to actually

14  manage their accounts.

15         (c)  Policy procedures needed for the selection

16  process, and selection of additional plan providers shall be

17  developed and recommended by the manager, subject to the

18  approval of the commission.

19         (d)  Subject to subsection (11)(a) of this act, the

20  manager shall periodically review each plan provider to ensure

21  compliance with the selection criteria established herein.

22  Pursuant to review, plan provider contracts which are not in

23  compliance may be terminated.  New plan services may be added

24  as a result of the annual review with providers selected

25  through an open competitive process.  Subject to any

26  applicable requirement in the agreement, the manager may

27  provide for the transfer of a participant's individual account

28  to another approved plan provider selected by the participant.

29         (e)  The manager, working cooperatively with the school

30  districts in the state, will develop the policies and

31  procedures necessary for the local administration of the


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  1  portable retirement option plan.  Ongoing plan administration

  2  shall be under the coordination of each local employer in

  3  conjunction with the service providers.

  4         (12)  REPORTING REQUIREMENTS.--

  5         (a)  The applicable service providers shall prepare, or

  6  cause to be prepared, at least quarterly, a statement for each

  7  participant's individual account.  The statement shall include

  8  the current market value of the account, including

  9  earnings/losses, self-directed investment options, an

10  itemization of changes in the account contributions for the

11  period, and other information as may be required by the

12  manager.  Service providers shall provide summary reports to

13  the employer annually.

14         Section 2.  The Legislature finds that a proper and

15  legitimate state purpose is served when employees and retirees

16  of the state and of its political subdivisions, and the

17  dependents, survivors, and beneficiaries of such employees and

18  retirees, are extended the basic protections afforded by

19  governmental retirement systems that provide fair and adequate

20  benefits and that are managed, administered, and funded in an

21  actuarially sound manner, as required by s. 14, Art. X of the

22  State Constitution and part VII of chapter 112, Florida

23  Statutes.  Therefore, the Legislature hereby determines and

24  declares that the provisions of this act fulfill an important

25  state interest.

26         Section 3.  Construction severability.--

27         (1)  The retirement plan created by this chapter shall

28  be administered so as to comply with the Federal Internal

29  Revenue Code, Title 26 U.S.C., and specifically with plan

30  qualification requirements imposed on governmental plans by

31  section 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code.


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  1         (2)  Any section or provision of this chapter which may

  2  be susceptible to more than one construction shall be

  3  interpreted in favor of the construction most likely to

  4  satisfy requirements imposed by section 401(a) of the Internal

  5  Revenue Code.

  6         (3)  If any section or provision of this chapter is

  7  found to be in conflict with the plan qualification

  8  requirements for the governmental plans in section 401(a) of

  9  the Internal Revenue Code, the conflicting part of this

10  chapter is hereby inoperative solely to the extent of the

11  conflict, and such finding shall not affect the operation of

12  the remainder of this chapter.

13         Section 4.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2000.


15            *****************************************

16                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Creates the Portable Retirement Option for Public
18    Education Employees to require the Florida Retirement
      System to provide a defined contribution retirement
19    option that is fully portable, immediately vested, and
      fully funded on a current basis from employers
20    contributions. See bill for details.











