House Bill 2023c2

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    Florida House of Representatives - 2000          CS/CS/HB 2023

        By the Committees on General Government Appropriations,
    Judiciary and Representatives Bense, Feeney and Casey

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to to administrative procedure;

  3         amending s. 57.111, F.S.; increasing the

  4         maximum net worth for qualification as a small

  5         business party under the Florida Equal Access

  6         to Justice Act; increasing the limitation on

  7         the amount of attorney's fees and costs that

  8         may be awarded under the act; amending s.

  9         120.574, F.S., relating to summary hearings

10         under the Administrative Procedure Act;

11         redesignating such hearings as expedited

12         hearings; revising conditions under which such

13         hearings may be held; specifying time periods

14         for filing objections to a motion for such a

15         hearing; removing the requirement that the

16         administrative law judge's decision is final

17         agency action; providing for a recommended

18         order and final agency action on that order;

19         amending s. 373.1501, F.S., relating to

20         administrative action with respect to project

21         components of the Central and Southern Florida

22         Project, s. 403.088, F.S., relating to

23         proceedings regarding permits for certain

24         facilities in the Everglades Protection Area,

25         and s. 408.7056, F.S., relating to certain

26         proposed orders under the Statewide Provider

27         and Subscriber Assistance Program, to conform

28         language with respect to expedited hearings;

29         amending s. 403.973, F.S., which provides for

30         expedited permitting for certain projects;

31         revising conditions under which the expedited


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  1         hearing provisions of the Administrative

  2         Procedure Act apply to the expedited permitting

  3         process; conforming language; amending s.

  4         120.542, F.S.; allowing agencies to provide

  5         specified relief to persons whose substantial

  6         interests are determined by agency rule, rather

  7         than to persons who are subject to regulation;

  8         amending s. 120.595, F.S.; providing for award

  9         of attorney's fees and costs to the petitioner

10         when an agency statement is challenged under

11         the Administrative Procedure Act as not having

12         been properly adopted as a rule and the agency

13         has proceeded to rulemaking; amending s.

14         373.114, F.S.; providing that water management

15         district orders resulting from certain

16         evidentiary hearings are not subject to the

17         Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission's review

18         authority; redefining "party" under said

19         section; amending s. 373.4141, F.S.; providing

20         that an applicant for a permit for a stormwater

21         management system, dam, impoundment, or other

22         work under pt. IV of ch. 373, F.S., may elect

23         to publish notice of such an application and

24         request that certain notice be given by mail;

25         requiring that a permanent list of persons

26         requesting notice be maintained and updated;

27         providing notice requirements; providing

28         requirements applicable to a party whose

29         substantial interests have been determined in

30         connection with that party's right to an

31         administrative hearing; providing that the


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  1         party opposed to agency action bears the burden

  2         of going forward and persuasion; specifying the

  3         date by which a final hearing must be held when

  4         a permit application is challenged; providing

  5         that certain construction activities may be

  6         authorized during the pendency of the

  7         administrative proceeding; amending s. 403.412,

  8         F.S.; providing that a resident of this state

  9         who is not a substantially affected person may

10         not initiate certain administrative proceedings

11         under the Environmental Protection Act of 1971;

12         amending s. 120.52, F.S.; clarifying which

13         governmental entities are subject to the

14         Administrative Procedure Act; providing an

15         effective date.


17  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


19         Section 1.  Paragraph (d) of subsection (3) and

20  paragraph (d) of subsection (4) of section 57.111, Florida

21  Statutes, are amended to read:

22         57.111  Civil actions and administrative proceedings

23  initiated by state agencies; attorneys' fees and costs.--

24         (3)  As used in this section:

25         (d)  The term "small business party" means:

26         1.a.  A sole proprietor of an unincorporated business,

27  including a professional practice, whose principal office is

28  in this state, who is domiciled in this state, and whose

29  business or professional practice has, at the time the action

30  is initiated by a state agency, not more than 25 full-time



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  1  employees or a net worth of not more than $5 $2 million,

  2  including both personal and business investments; or

  3         b.  A partnership or corporation, including a

  4  professional practice, which has its principal office in this

  5  state and has at the time the action is initiated by a state

  6  agency not more than 25 full-time employees or a net worth of

  7  not more than $5 $2 million; or

  8         2.  Either small business party as defined in

  9  subparagraph 1., without regard to the number of its employees

10  or its net worth, in any action under s. 72.011 or in any

11  administrative proceeding under that section to contest the

12  legality of any assessment of tax imposed for the sale or use

13  of services as provided in chapter 212, or interest thereon,

14  or penalty therefor.

15         (4)

16         (d)  The court, or the administrative law judge in the

17  case of a proceeding under chapter 120, shall promptly conduct

18  an evidentiary hearing on the application for an award of

19  attorney's fees and shall issue a judgment, or a final order

20  in the case of an administrative law judge.  The final order

21  of an administrative law judge is reviewable in accordance

22  with the provisions of s. 120.68.  If the court affirms the

23  award of attorney's fees and costs in whole or in part, it

24  may, in its discretion, award additional attorney's fees and

25  costs for the appeal.

26         1.  No award of attorney's fees and costs shall be made

27  in any case in which the state agency was a nominal party.

28         2.  No award of attorney's fees and costs for an action

29  initiated by a state agency shall exceed $50,000 $15,000.

30         Section 2.  Section 120.574, Florida Statutes, is

31  amended to read:


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  1         120.574  Expedited Summary hearing.--

  2         (1)(a)  Within 5 business days following the division's

  3  receipt of a petition or request for hearing, the division

  4  shall issue and serve on all original parties an initial order

  5  that assigns the case to a specific administrative law judge

  6  and provides general information regarding practice and

  7  procedure before the division. The initial order shall also

  8  contain a statement advising the original parties addressees

  9  that an expedited a summary hearing is available, if the

10  affected agency agrees, upon the agreement of all parties

11  under subsection (2) and briefly describing the accelerated

12  expedited time sequences, limited discovery, and final order

13  provisions of the expedited summary procedure.

14         (b)  Within 15 days after service of the initial order,

15  any party may file with the division a motion for expedited

16  summary hearing in accordance with subsection (2). If a

17  nonagency party files such a motion, and the affected agency

18  does not file a written objection within 7 days after the

19  service of that motion, or if the affected agency files such a

20  motion, and the original parties do not file a written

21  objection within 7 days after the service of the motion, then

22  the motion shall be granted and an order shall be entered

23  setting the hearing date, which shall commence within 30 days

24  after the date the response period to the motion expires. If

25  the affected agency files such a motion, and an original party

26  files a response within 7 days after service of that motion

27  objecting to the expedited hearing, the administrative law

28  judge shall, within 5 days after the filing of that response,

29  enter an order granting the motion for expedited hearing,

30  unless he or she determines that any of the original parties

31  will be unduly prejudiced thereby, which hearing shall be


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  1  commenced within 30 days after the date the order granting the

  2  expedited hearing is entered. If all original parties agree,

  3  in writing, to the summary proceeding, the proceeding shall be

  4  conducted within 30 days of the agreement, in accordance with

  5  the provisions of subsection (2).

  6         (c)  Intervenors in the proceeding shall be governed by

  7  the decision of the administrative law judge original parties

  8  regarding whether the case will proceed in accordance with the

  9  expedited summary hearing process and shall not have standing

10  to challenge that decision.

11         (d)  If a motion for expedited summary hearing is not

12  filed within 15 days after service of the division's initial

13  order, the matter shall proceed in accordance with ss. 120.569

14  and 120.57.

15         (2)  In any case to which this subsection is

16  applicable, the following procedures apply:

17         (a)  Motions shall be limited to the following:

18         1.  A motion in opposition to the petition.

19         2.  A motion requesting discovery beyond the informal

20  exchange of documents and witness lists described in paragraph

21  (b). Upon a showing of necessity, additional discovery may be

22  permitted in the discretion of the administrative law judge,

23  but only if it can be completed not later than 5 days prior to

24  the final hearing.

25         3.  A motion for continuance of the final hearing date.

26         4.  A motion requesting a prehearing conference, or the

27  administrative law judge may require a prehearing conference,

28  for the purpose of identifying:  the legal and factual issues

29  to be considered at the final hearing; the names and addresses

30  of witnesses who may be called to testify at the final

31  hearing; documentary evidence that will be offered at the


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  1  final hearing; the range of penalties that may be imposed upon

  2  final hearing; and any other matter that the administrative

  3  law judge determines would expedite resolution of the

  4  proceeding.  The prehearing conference may be held by

  5  telephone conference call.

  6         5.  During or after any preliminary hearing or

  7  conference, any party or the administrative law judge may

  8  suggest that the case is no longer appropriate for expedited

  9  summary disposition. Following any argument requested by the

10  parties, the administrative law judge may enter an order

11  referring the case back to the formal adjudicatory process

12  described in s. 120.57(1), in which event the parties shall

13  proceed accordingly.

14         (b)  Not later than 5 days prior to the final hearing,

15  the parties shall furnish to each other copies of documentary

16  evidence and lists of witnesses who may testify at the final

17  hearing.

18         (c)  All parties shall have an opportunity to respond,

19  to present evidence and argument on all issues involved, to

20  conduct cross-examination and submit rebuttal evidence, and to

21  be represented by counsel or other qualified representative.

22         (d)  The record in a case governed by this subsection

23  shall consist only of:

24         1.  All notices, pleadings, motions, and intermediate

25  rulings.

26         2.  Evidence received.

27         3.  A statement of matters officially recognized.

28         4.  Proffers of proof and objections and rulings

29  thereon.

30         5.  Matters placed on the record after an ex parte

31  communication.


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  1         6.  The written decision of the administrative law

  2  judge presiding at the final hearing.

  3         7.  The official transcript of the final hearing.

  4         (e)  The agency shall accurately and completely

  5  preserve all testimony in the proceeding and, upon request by

  6  any party, shall make a full or partial transcript available

  7  at no more than actual cost.

  8         (f)  The decision of the administrative law judge shall

  9  be rendered within 30 days after the conclusion of the final

10  hearing or the filing of the transcript thereof, whichever is

11  later.  The administrative law judge's recommended order

12  decision, which shall be final agency action subject to

13  judicial review under s. 120.68, shall include the following:

14         1.  Findings of fact based exclusively on the evidence

15  of record and matters officially recognized.

16         2.  Conclusions of law.

17         3.  Imposition of a fine or penalty, if applicable.

18         4.  Any other information required by law or rule to be

19  contained in a final order.

20         (g)  The parties may file exceptions to the

21  administrative law judge's recommended order within 10 days

22  after its issuance and responses may be filed within 5 days

23  after the exceptions. The agency shall issue the final order

24  within 30 days after the issuance of the administrative law

25  judge's recommended order. For a period of 2 years following

26  October 1, 1996, the division shall maintain a register of the

27  total number of formal proceedings filed with the division

28  under s. 120.57(1).

29         Section 3.  Subsection (8) of section 373.1501, Florida

30  Statutes, is amended to read:



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  1         373.1501  South Florida Water Management District as

  2  local sponsor.--

  3         (8)  Final agency action with regard to any project

  4  component subject to s. 373.026(8)(b) shall be taken by the

  5  department. Actions taken by the district pursuant to

  6  subsection (5) shall not be considered final agency action.

  7  Any petition for formal proceedings filed pursuant to ss.

  8  120.569 and 120.57 shall require a hearing under the expedited

  9  summary hearing provisions of s. 120.574, which shall be

10  mandatory. The final hearing under this section shall be held

11  within 30 days after receipt of the petition by the Division

12  of Administrative Hearings.

13         Section 4.  Paragraph (g) of subsection (2) of section

14  403.088, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

15         403.088  Water pollution operation permits;

16  conditions.--

17         (2)

18         (g)  The Legislature finds that the restoration of the

19  Everglades Protection Area, including the construction,

20  operation, and maintenance of stormwater treatment areas

21  (STAs) is in the public interest. Accordingly, whenever a

22  facility to be constructed, operated, or maintained in

23  accordance with s. 373.4592 is subjected to permitting

24  requirements pursuant to chapter 373 or this chapter, and the

25  issuance of the initial permit for a new source, a new

26  discharger, or a recommencing discharger is subjected to a

27  request for hearing pursuant to s. 120.569, the administrative

28  law judge may, upon motion by the permittee, issue a

29  recommended order to the secretary who, within 5 days, shall

30  issue an order authorizing the interim construction,

31  operation, and maintenance of the facility if it complies with


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  1  all uncontested conditions of the proposed permit and all

  2  other conditions recommended by the administrative law judge

  3  during the period until the final agency action on the permit.

  4         1.  An order authorizing such interim construction,

  5  operation, and maintenance shall be granted if requested by

  6  motion and no party opposes it.

  7         2.  If a party to the administrative hearing pursuant

  8  to ss. 120.569 and 120.57 opposes the motion, the

  9  administrative law judge shall issue a recommended order

10  granting the motion if the administrative law judge finds

11  that:

12         a.  The facility is likely to receive the permit; and

13         b.  The environment will not be irreparably harmed by

14  the construction, operation, or maintenance of the facility

15  pending final agency action on the permit.

16         3.  Prior to granting a contested motion for interim

17  construction, operation, or maintenance of a facility

18  authorized by s. 373.4592, the administrative law judge shall

19  conduct a hearing using the expedited summary hearing process

20  defined in s. 120.574, which shall be mandatory for motions

21  made pursuant to this paragraph.  Notwithstanding the

22  provisions of s. 120.574(1), expedited summary hearing

23  proceedings for these facilities shall begin within 30 days of

24  the motion made by the permittee. Within 15 days of the

25  conclusion of the expedited summary proceeding, the

26  administrative law judge shall issue a recommended order

27  either denying or approving interim construction, operation,

28  or maintenance of the facility, which shall be submitted to

29  the secretary who shall within 5 days thereafter, enter an

30  order granting or denying interim construction operation or



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  1  maintenance of the facility. The order shall remain in effect

  2  until final agency action is taken on the permit.

  3         Section 5.  Subsections (8), (13), and (15) of section

  4  403.973, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

  5         403.973  Expedited permitting; comprehensive plan

  6  amendments.--

  7         (8)  At the option of the participating local

  8  government, appeals of its final approval for a project may be

  9  pursuant to the expedited summary hearing provisions of s.

10  120.574, pursuant to subsection (15), or pursuant to other

11  appellate processes available to the local government. The

12  local government's decision to enter into an expedited a

13  summary hearing must be made as provided in s. 120.574 or in

14  the memorandum of agreement.

15         (13)  The applicant, the regional permit action team,

16  and participating local governments may agree to incorporate

17  into a single document the permits, licenses, and approvals

18  that are obtained through the expedited permit process. This

19  consolidated permit is subject to the expedited summary

20  hearing provisions set forth in subsection (15).

21         (15)  The expedited hearing process as provided for in

22  s. 120.574 shall be used with regard to challenges to state

23  agency action in the expedited permitting process for projects

24  processed under this section. Notwithstanding s. 120.574, use

25  of the expedited hearing process does not require consent of

26  the affected agency or a determination by the administrative

27  law judge as to its propriety; however, the hearing schedule

28  may be extended by written agreement of all parties. are

29  subject to the summary hearing provisions of s. 120.574,

30  except that the administrative law judge's decision, as

31  provided in s. 120.574(2)(f), shall be in the form of a


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  1  recommended order and shall not constitute the final action of

  2  the state agency. In those proceedings where the action of

  3  only one agency of the state is challenged, the agency of the

  4  state shall issue the final order within 10 working days of

  5  receipt of the administrative law judge's recommended order.

  6  In those proceedings where the actions of more than one agency

  7  of the state are challenged, the Governor shall issue the

  8  final order within 10 working days of receipt of the

  9  administrative law judge's recommended order. The

10  participating agencies of the state may opt at the preliminary

11  hearing conference to allow the administrative law judge's

12  decision to constitute the final agency action. If a

13  participating local government agrees to participate in the

14  expedited summary hearing provisions of s. 120.574 for

15  purposes of review of local government comprehensive plan

16  amendments, s. 163.3184(9) and (10) apply.

17         Section 6.  Subsection (14) of section 408.7056,

18  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

19         408.7056  Statewide Provider and Subscriber Assistance

20  Program.--

21         (14)  A proposed order issued by the agency or

22  department which only requires the managed care entity to take

23  a specific action under subsection (7) is subject to an

24  expedited a summary hearing in accordance with s. 120.574,

25  unless all of the parties agree otherwise. If the managed care

26  entity does not prevail at the hearing, the managed care

27  entity must pay reasonable costs and attorney's fees of the

28  agency or the department incurred in that proceeding.

29         Section 7.  Subsections (1) and (5) of section 120.542,

30  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

31         120.542  Variances and waivers.--


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  1         (1)  Strict application of uniformly applicable rule

  2  requirements can lead to unreasonable, unfair, and unintended

  3  results in particular instances. The Legislature finds that it

  4  is appropriate in such cases to adopt a procedure for agencies

  5  to provide relief to persons whose substantial interests are

  6  determined by an agency rule subject to regulation. A public

  7  employee is not a person whose substantial interests are

  8  determined by agency rule subject to regulation under this

  9  section for the purpose of petitioning for a variance or

10  waiver to a rule that affects that public employee in his or

11  her capacity as a public employee. Agencies are authorized to

12  grant variances and waivers to requirements of their rules

13  consistent with this section and with rules adopted under the

14  authority of this section. An agency may limit the duration of

15  any grant of a variance or waiver or otherwise impose

16  conditions on the grant only to the extent necessary for the

17  purpose of the underlying statute to be achieved. This section

18  does not authorize agencies to grant variances or waivers to

19  statutes or to rules required by the Federal Government for

20  the agency's implementation or retention of any federally

21  approved or delegated program, except as allowed by the

22  program or when the variance or waiver is also approved by the

23  appropriate agency of the Federal Government.  This section is

24  supplemental to, and does not abrogate, the variance and

25  waiver provisions in any other statute.

26         (5)  A person whose substantial interests are

27  determined who is subject to regulation by an agency rule may

28  file a petition with that agency, with a copy to the

29  committee, requesting a variance or waiver from the agency's

30  rule.  In addition to any requirements mandated by the uniform

31  rules, each petition shall specify:


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  1         (a)  The rule from which a variance or waiver is

  2  requested.

  3         (b)  The type of action requested.

  4         (c)  The specific facts that would justify a waiver or

  5  variance for the petitioner.

  6         (d)  The reason why the variance or the waiver

  7  requested would serve the purposes of the underlying statute.

  8         Section 8.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (4) of section

  9  120.595, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

10         120.595  Attorney's fees.--


12  120.56(4).--

13         (a)  Upon entry of a final order that all or part of an

14  agency statement violates s. 120.54(1)(a), the administrative

15  law judge shall award reasonable costs and reasonable

16  attorney's fees to the petitioner, unless the agency

17  demonstrates that the statement is required by the Federal

18  Government to implement or retain a delegated or approved

19  program or to meet a condition to receipt of federal funds.

20  Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, if

21  an agency files with the Secretary of State a notice of rule

22  development less than 10 days prior to the final hearing and a

23  final order has not been entered because the agency has

24  proceeded to rulemaking or a final order has been entered in

25  favor of the agency solely because the agency has proceeded to

26  rulemaking and has effectively relied upon s. 120.56(4)(e),

27  the administrative law judge shall nevertheless enter an order

28  awarding the petitioner reasonable attorney's fees and costs.

29  Attorney's fees and costs shall not be awarded if the agency

30  prevails that the agency statement does not violate s.

31  120.54(1)(a).


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  1         Section 9.  Subsection (1) of section 373.114, Florida

  2  Statutes, is amended to read:

  3         373.114  Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission; review

  4  of district rules and orders; department review of district

  5  rules.--

  6         (1)  Except as provided in subsection (2), the Governor

  7  and Cabinet, sitting as the Land and Water Adjudicatory

  8  Commission, have the exclusive authority to review any order

  9  or rule of a water management district, other than a rule

10  relating to an internal procedure of the district or an order

11  resulting from an s. 120.569 or s. 120.57 evidentiary hearing,

12  to ensure consistency with the provisions and purposes of this

13  chapter. Subsequent to the legislative ratification of the

14  delineation methodology pursuant to s. 373.421(1), this

15  subsection also shall apply to an order of the department, or

16  a local government exercising delegated authority, pursuant to

17  ss. 373.403-373.443, except an order pertaining to activities

18  or operations subject to conceptual plan approval pursuant to

19  chapter 378.

20         (a)  Such review may be initiated by the department or

21  by a party to the proceeding below by filing a request for

22  review with the Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission and

23  serving a copy on the department and on any person named in

24  the rule or order within 20 days after adoption of the rule or

25  the rendering of the order. For the purposes of this section,

26  the term "party" means any affected person who submitted oral

27  or written testimony, sworn or unsworn, of a substantive

28  nature which stated with particularity objections to or

29  support for the rule or order that are cognizable within the

30  scope of the provisions and purposes of this chapter, or any

31  person who participated as a party in a rule challenge


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  1  proceeding instituted pursuant to chapter 120.  In order for

  2  the commission to accept a request for review initiated by a

  3  party below, with regard to a specific order, four members of

  4  the commission must determine on the basis of the record below

  5  that the activity authorized by the order would substantially

  6  affect natural resources of statewide or regional

  7  significance. Review of an order may also be accepted if four

  8  members of the commission determine that the order raises

  9  issues of policy, statutory interpretation, or rule

10  interpretation that have regional or statewide significance

11  from the standpoint of agency precedent. The party requesting

12  the commission to review an order must allege with

13  particularity, and the commission must find, that:

14         1.  The order is in conflict with statutory

15  requirements; or

16         2.  The order is in conflict with the requirements of a

17  duly adopted rule.

18         (b)  Review by the Land and Water Adjudicatory

19  Commission is appellate in nature and shall be based solely on

20  the record below.  If there was no evidentiary administrative

21  proceeding below, The facts contained in the proposed agency

22  action, including any technical staff report, shall be deemed

23  undisputed.  The matter shall be heard by the commission not

24  more than 60 days after receipt of the request for review,

25  unless waived by the parties.

26         (c)  If the Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission

27  determines that a rule of a water management district is not

28  consistent with the provisions and purposes of this chapter,

29  it may require the water management district to initiate

30  rulemaking proceedings to amend or repeal the rule.  If the

31  commission determines that an order is not consistent with the


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  1  provisions and purposes of this chapter, the commission may

  2  rescind or modify the order or remand the proceeding for

  3  further action consistent with the order of the Land and Water

  4  Adjudicatory Commission only if the commission determines that

  5  the activity authorized by the order would substantially

  6  affect natural resources of statewide or regional

  7  significance.  In the case of an order which does not itself

  8  substantially affect natural resources of statewide or

  9  regional significance, but which raises issues of policy that

10  have regional or statewide significance from the standpoint of

11  agency precedent, the commission may direct the district to

12  initiate rulemaking to amend its rules to assure that future

13  actions are consistent with the provisions and purposes of

14  this chapter without modifying the order.

15         (d)  In a review under this section of a construction

16  permit issued pursuant to a conceptual permit under part IV,

17  which conceptual permit is issued after July 1, 1993, a party

18  to the review may not raise an issue which was or could have

19  been raised in a review of the conceptual permit under this

20  section.

21         (e)  A request for review under this section shall not

22  be a precondition to the seeking of judicial review pursuant

23  to s. 120.68 or the seeking of an administrative determination

24  of rule validity pursuant to s. 120.56.

25         (f)  The Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission

26  may adopt rules to set forth its procedures for reviewing an

27  order or rule of a water management district consistent with

28  the provisions of this section.

29         (g)  For the purpose of this section, it shall be

30  presumed that activity authorized by an order will not affect



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  1  resources of statewide or regional significance if the

  2  proposed activity:

  3         1.  Occupies an area less than 10 acres in size, and

  4         2.  Does not create impervious surfaces greater than 2

  5  acres in size, and

  6         3.  Is not located within 550 feet of the shoreline of

  7  a named body of water designated as Outstanding Florida

  8  Waters, and

  9         4.  Does not adversely affect threatened or endangered

10  species.


12  This paragraph shall not operate to hold that any activity

13  that exceeds these limits is presumed to affect resources of

14  statewide or regional significance.  The determination of

15  whether an activity will substantially affect resources of

16  statewide or regional significance shall be made on a

17  case-by-case basis, based upon facts contained in the record

18  below.

19         Section 10.  Section 373.4141, Florida Statutes, is

20  amended to read:

21         373.4141  Permits; processing.--

22         (1)  Within 30 days after receipt of an application for

23  a permit under this part, the department or the water

24  management district shall review the application and shall

25  request submittal of all additional information the department

26  or the water management district is permitted by law to

27  require. If the applicant believes any request for additional

28  information is not authorized by law or rule, the applicant

29  may request a hearing pursuant to s. 120.57.  Within 30 days

30  after receipt of such additional information, the department

31  or water management district shall review it and may request


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  1  only that information needed to clarify such additional

  2  information or to answer new questions raised by or directly

  3  related to such additional information. If the applicant

  4  believes the request of the department or water management

  5  district for such additional information is not authorized by

  6  law or rule, the department or water management district, at

  7  the applicant's request, shall proceed to process the permit

  8  application.

  9         (2)  A permit shall be approved or denied within 90

10  days after receipt of the original application, the last item

11  of timely requested additional material, or the applicant's

12  written request to begin processing the permit application.

13         (3)  When the permit application is deemed complete

14  pursuant to this section, or when the applicant declines to

15  provide additional information and demands that the agency

16  proceed to process the permit application, the applicant may

17  elect to publish notice of the application and request that

18  the department or water management district mail a notice to

19  every person who has submitted a request for such notice that

20  a permit is being processed, and may be the subject of final

21  agency action, and all persons owning property within 500 feet

22  of the boundary of the proposed project.  The department or

23  district shall maintain a permanent list of persons requesting

24  such notices, and shall regularly update this list.  Once each

25  year, in a newspaper of general circulation in each county,

26  the department and respective district shall publish a notice

27  indicating that persons who wish to be notified of such permit

28  applications may submit a written request for such notices to

29  the department or district.  Each mailed notice shall include:




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  1         (a)  A description of the project, permit

  2  identification number, identity of the applicant, and the

  3  water body or wetland area that is impacted by the project.

  4         (b)  The number of acres of wetland impacted, if known,

  5  or a statement that wetlands will or will not be impacted, if

  6  the exact acreage is unknown.

  7         (c)  Reproduction of a vicinity map showing the

  8  location of the project.

  9         (d)  A statement of whether or not the project will

10  impact the habitat of endangered or threatened species, if

11  known, or a statement that such impacts have not been

12  determined if this information is not available.


14  In order to seek a formal proceeding pursuant to ss. 120.569

15  and 120.57, or s. 403.412(5), any party whose substantial

16  interests have been determined must have submitted written

17  comments, recommendations, or objections to the department or

18  district prior to the decision of the department or district

19  to grant or deny the permit or, in the alternative, in the

20  case of a district, submitted oral comments to the district's

21  governing board.  Failure of any party whose substantial

22  interests have been determined to participate in agency

23  deliberations by providing written comments, recommendations,

24  or objections to the department or district prior to its

25  decision to grant or deny the permit shall be considered by

26  the administrative law judge in any subsequent proceeding as

27  evidence that a petitioner is not a party whose substantial

28  interests are determined, and the petitioner shall be deemed

29  to have waived its right to an administrative hearing unless

30  good cause is presented regarding the lack of participation.



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  1         (4)  The party who objects to the intended agency

  2  action bears the burden of going forward with the evidence and

  3  the burden of persuasion.

  4         (5)  The Division of Administrative Hearings shall

  5  conduct a final hearing pursuant to ss. 120.569 and 120.57 on

  6  a permit application under this part within 90 days after

  7  receipt by the division of the petition or request for

  8  hearing; however, the hearing schedule may be extended by

  9  written agreement of all parties.  During the pendency of the

10  administrative proceeding, the department or the water

11  management district, as applicable, may authorize construction

12  activities that are not subject to the allegations contained

13  in the petition or request for hearing initiating the

14  administrative challenge.

15         Section 11.  Subsection (5) of section 403.412, Florida

16  Statutes, is amended to read:

17         403.412  Environmental Protection Act.--

18         (5)  In any administrative, licensing, or other

19  proceedings authorized by law for the protection of the air,

20  water, or other natural resources of the state from pollution,

21  impairment, or destruction, the Department of Legal Affairs, a

22  political subdivision or municipality of the state, or a

23  citizen of the state shall have standing to intervene as a

24  party on the filing of a verified pleading asserting that the

25  activity, conduct, or product to be licensed or permitted has

26  or will have the effect of impairing, polluting, or otherwise

27  injuring the air, water, or other natural resources of the

28  state; however, a resident of this state who is not

29  substantially affected by the activity, conduct, or product

30  may not institute, initiate, petition, or request a proceeding

31  pursuant to s. 120.569 or s. 120.57.


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  1         Section 12.  Paragraphs (b) and (c) of subsection (1)

  2  of section 120.52, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

  3         120.52  Definitions.--As used in this act:

  4         (1)  "Agency" means:

  5         (b)  Each:

  6         1.  State officer and state department, and each

  7  departmental unit described in s. 20.04.

  8         2.  State authority, including a regional water supply

  9  authority.

10         3.  State board.

11         4.  State commission, including the Commission on

12  Ethics and the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission when

13  acting pursuant to statutory authority derived from the

14  Legislature.

15         5.  Regional planning agency.

16         6.  Multicounty special district with a majority of its

17  governing board comprised of nonelected persons.

18         7.  Educational units.

19         8.  Entity described in chapters 163, 373, 380, and 582

20  and s. 186.504.

21         (c)  Each other unit of government in the state,

22  including counties and municipalities and units of local

23  government having jurisdiction only in one county or part

24  thereof, to the extent they are expressly made subject to this

25  act by general or special law or existing judicial decisions.


27  This definition does not include any legal entity or agency

28  created in whole or in part pursuant to chapter 361, part II,

29  an expressway authority pursuant to chapter 348, any legal or

30  administrative entity created by an interlocal agreement

31  pursuant to s. 163.01(7), unless any party to such agreement


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  1  is otherwise an agency as defined in this subsection, or any

  2  multicounty special district with a majority of its governing

  3  board comprised of elected persons; however, this definition

  4  shall include a regional water supply authority.

  5         Section 13.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

  6  law.

























