House Bill 2033

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    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                HB 2033

        By Representative Wasserman Schultz

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to school district capital

  3         outlay revenue; amending s. 199.292, F.S.;

  4         providing for transfer of a portion of

  5         nonrecurring intangible personal property tax

  6         revenues to the School District Capital Outlay

  7         Trust Fund; providing for distribution of a

  8         portion of such revenues to school districts

  9         which collected impact fee revenues in fiscal

10         year 1999-2000 to supplant such impact fees;

11         providing requirements for distribution of the

12         remainder of such revenues to all school

13         districts; amending ss. 212.055 and 236.25,

14         F.S.; providing that school boards may levy a

15         local option sales surtax in lieu of levying

16         all or a part of the nonvoted district school

17         capital improvement millage; authorizing levy

18         of such surtax by resolution and providing

19         requirements with respect thereto; providing

20         for uses of the surtax proceeds; amending s.

21         212.054, F.S.; providing for application of

22         certain notice requirements to levy of the

23         surtax; amending s. 125.01, F.S.; providing

24         that a county in which the school board is

25         receiving such intangible tax revenues or

26         levying the local option sales surtax is

27         prohibited from levying school impact fees;

28         amending s. 235.056, F.S., relating to lease or

29         rental of educational facilities and sites, s.

30         235.199, F.S., relating to funding of career

31         educational facilities, and s. 235.435, F.S.,


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  1         relating to requests for funding from the

  2         Special Facility Construction Account, to

  3         conform; amending ss. 235.186 and 235.2197,

  4         F.S.; correcting references; providing a

  5         contingent effective date.


  7  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


  9         Section 1.  Subsection (8) is added to section 125.01,

10  Florida Statutes, to read:

11         125.01  Powers and duties.--

12         (8)  Any county in which the school board is receiving

13  intangible personal property tax revenues pursuant to s.

14  199.292(2) or levying the local option sales surtax pursuant

15  to ss. 212.055(7) and 236.25(2) is prohibited from levying any

16  impact fee for school purposes.

17         Section 2.  Section 199.292, Florida Statutes, is

18  amended to read:

19         199.292  Disposition of intangible personal property

20  taxes.--All intangible personal property taxes collected

21  pursuant to this chapter shall be placed in a special fund

22  designated as the "Intangible Tax Trust Fund." The fund shall

23  be disbursed as follows:

24         (1)  Revenues derived from the annual tax on a

25  leasehold described in s. 199.023(1)(d) shall be returned to

26  the local school board for the county in which the property

27  subject to the leasehold is situated.

28         (2)  Sixty-two and three-tenths percent of the revenues

29  derived from the nonrecurring tax imposed by s. 199.133 shall

30  be transferred to the School District Capital Outlay Trust



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  1  Fund. These funds shall be distributed in the following

  2  manner:

  3         (a)  An amount equal to school impact fee collections

  4  in fiscal year 1999-2000 shall be distributed to the school

  5  districts which collected such fees to supplant their school

  6  impact fees. When any such school district levies a local

  7  option sales surtax pursuant to ss. 212.055(7) and 236.25(2),

  8  it will not be eligible to receive funds under this paragraph,

  9  but will remain eligible to receive funds under paragraph (b).

10         (b)  The balance of these revenues shall be distributed

11  to all school districts as follows:

12         1.  Twenty-five percent of the balance shall be

13  distributed on a pro rata basis to the districts based on each

14  district's percentage of base capital outlay full-time

15  equivalent membership, and 65 percent shall be distributed on

16  a pro rata basis to the districts based on each district's

17  percentage of gross capital outlay full-time equivalent

18  membership as specified for the allocation of funds from the

19  Public Education Capital Outlay and Debt Service Trust Fund by

20  s. 235.435(3).

21         2.  Ten percent of the balance shall be allocated among

22  the district school boards according to the allocation formula

23  in s. 235.435(1)(a).

24         (3)(2)  There is hereby appropriated annually out of

25  the fund the amount necessary for the effective and efficient

26  administration and enforcement by the department of the

27  provisions of chapters 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, and 198

28  and this chapter.

29         (4)(3)  Of the remaining intangible personal property

30  taxes collected, an amount equal to 35.3 percent in state

31  fiscal year 1998-1999 and an amount equal to 37.7 percent in


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  1  each year thereafter, shall be transferred to the Revenue

  2  Sharing Trust Fund for Counties. Of the remaining taxes

  3  collected, an amount equal to 64.7 percent in state fiscal

  4  year 1998-1999 and an amount equal to 62.3 percent in each

  5  year thereafter, shall be transferred to the General Revenue

  6  Fund of the state.

  7         Section 3.  Subsection (7) of section 212.054, Florida

  8  Statutes, is amended to read:

  9         212.054  Discretionary sales surtax; limitations,

10  administration, and collection.--

11         (7)(a)  The governing body of any county levying a

12  discretionary sales surtax or the school board of any county

13  levying the school capital outlay surtax authorized by s.

14  212.055(6) or (7) shall notify the department within 10 days

15  after final adoption by ordinance, resolution, or referendum

16  of an imposition, termination, or rate change of the surtax,

17  but no later than November 16 prior to the effective date.

18  The notice must specify the time period during which the

19  surtax will be in effect and the rate and must include a copy

20  of the ordinance or resolution and such other information as

21  the department requires by rule. Failure to timely provide

22  such notification to the department shall result in the delay

23  of the effective date for a period of 1 year.

24         (b)  In addition to the notification required by

25  paragraph (a), the governing body of any county proposing to

26  levy a discretionary sales surtax or the school board of any

27  county proposing to levy the school capital outlay surtax

28  authorized by s. 212.055(6) or (7) shall notify the department

29  by October 1 if the referendum or consideration of the

30  ordinance or resolution that would result in imposition,

31  termination, or rate change of the surtax is scheduled to


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  1  occur on or after October 1 of that year.  Failure to timely

  2  provide such notification to the department shall result in

  3  the delay of the effective date for a period of 1 year.

  4         Section 4.  Subsection (7) is added to section 212.055,

  5  Florida Statutes, to read:

  6         212.055  Discretionary sales surtaxes; legislative

  7  intent; authorization and use of proceeds.--It is the

  8  legislative intent that any authorization for imposition of a

  9  discretionary sales surtax shall be published in the Florida

10  Statutes as a subsection of this section, irrespective of the

11  duration of the levy.  Each enactment shall specify the types

12  of counties authorized to levy; the rate or rates which may be

13  imposed; the maximum length of time the surtax may be imposed,

14  if any; the procedure which must be followed to secure voter

15  approval, if required; the purpose for which the proceeds may

16  be expended; and such other requirements as the Legislature

17  may provide.  Taxable transactions and administrative

18  procedures shall be as provided in s. 212.054.


20         (a)  The school board in any county may levy by

21  resolution a discretionary sales surtax of 1 percent in lieu

22  of levying 2 mills of ad valorem tax under s. 236.25(2), or a

23  discretionary sales surtax of 0.5 percent in lieu of levying 1

24  mill of ad valorem tax under s. 236.25(2). If a school board

25  that is levying millage under s. 236.25(2) levies the

26  discretionary sales surtax under this subsection at the rate

27  of 1 percent, it must reduce the millage it levies under s.

28  236.25(2) by 2 mills. If a school board that is levying

29  millage under s. 236.25(2) levies the discretionary sales

30  surtax under this subsection at the rate of 0.5 percent, it



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  1  must reduce the millage it levies under s. 236.25(2) by 1

  2  mill.

  3         (b)  The resolution levying a discretionary sales

  4  surtax under this subsection shall set forth a plan for the

  5  use of surtax proceeds for school capital outlay projects.

  6         (c)  The proceeds of a discretionary sales surtax

  7  levied under this subsection shall be used by the school

  8  district only for those purposes specified in s. 236.25(2) and

  9  (5).

10         (d)  Surtax proceeds collected by the Department of

11  Revenue pursuant to this subsection shall be distributed to

12  the school board imposing the surtax in accordance with law.

13         Section 5.  Section 236.25, Florida Statutes, is

14  amended to read:

15         236.25  District school tax.--

16         (1)  If the district school tax is not provided in the

17  General Appropriations Act or the substantive bill

18  implementing the General Appropriations Act, each school board

19  desiring to participate in the state allocation of funds for

20  current operation as prescribed by s. 236.081(9) shall levy on

21  the taxable value for school purposes of the district,

22  exclusive of millage voted under the provisions of s. 9(b) or

23  s. 12, Art. VII of the State Constitution, a millage rate not

24  to exceed the amount certified by the commissioner as the

25  minimum millage rate necessary to provide the district

26  required local effort for the current year, pursuant to s.

27  236.081(4)(a)1. In addition to the required local effort

28  millage levy, each school board may levy a nonvoted current

29  operating discretionary millage. The Legislature shall

30  prescribe annually in the appropriations act the maximum

31  amount of millage a district may levy. The millage rate


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  1  prescribed shall exceed zero mills but shall not exceed the

  2  lesser of 1.6 mills or 25 percent of the millage which is

  3  required pursuant to s. 236.081(4), exclusive of millage

  4  levied pursuant to subsection (2).

  5         (2)  In addition to the maximum millage levy as

  6  provided in subsection (1), each school board may levy up to

  7  not more than 2 mills against the taxable value for school

  8  purposes, or in lieu of a levy of 2 mills, a school board may

  9  levy a 1-cent local option sales surtax in accordance with s.

10  212.055(7), or in lieu of 1 mill of such levy, a school board

11  may levy a 0.5-cent local option sales surtax in accordance

12  with s. 212.055(7). This millage or sales surtax levy shall be

13  used to fund:

14         (a)  New construction and remodeling projects, as set

15  forth in s. 235.435(3)(b) and (6)(b) and included in the

16  district's educational plant survey pursuant to s. 235.15,

17  without regard to prioritization, sites and site improvement

18  or expansion to new sites, existing sites, auxiliary

19  facilities, athletic facilities, or ancillary facilities.

20         (b)  Maintenance, renovation, and repair of existing

21  school plants or of leased facilities to correct deficiencies

22  pursuant to s. 235.056(2).

23         (c)  The purchase, lease-purchase, or lease of school

24  buses; drivers' education vehicles; motor vehicles used for

25  the maintenance or operation of plants and equipment; security

26  vehicles; or vehicles used in storing or distributing

27  materials and equipment.

28         (d)  The purchase, lease-purchase, or lease of new and

29  replacement equipment.

30         (e)  Payments for educational facilities and sites due

31  under a lease-purchase agreement entered into by a school


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  1  board pursuant to s. 230.23(9)(b)5. or s. 235.056(2), not

  2  exceeding, in the aggregate, an amount equal to three-fourths

  3  of the proceeds from the millage or sales surtax levied by a

  4  school board pursuant to this subsection.

  5         (f)  Payment of loans approved pursuant to ss. 237.161

  6  and 237.162.

  7         (g)  Payment of costs directly related to complying

  8  with state and federal environmental statutes and regulations

  9  governing school facilities.

10         (h)  Payment of costs of leasing relocatable

11  educational facilities, of renting or leasing educational

12  facilities and sites pursuant to s. 235.056(2), or of renting

13  or leasing buildings or space within existing buildings

14  pursuant to s. 235.056(3).


16  Violations of these expenditure provisions shall result in an

17  equal dollar reduction in the Florida Education Finance

18  Program (FEFP) funds for the violating district in the fiscal

19  year following the audit citation.

20         (3)  These ad valorem taxes shall be certified,

21  assessed, and collected as prescribed in s. 237.091 and shall

22  be expended as provided by law.

23         (4)  Nothing in s. 236.081(4)(a)1. shall in any way be

24  construed to increase the maximum school millage levies as

25  provided for in subsection (1).

26         (5)(a)  It is the intent of the Legislature that, by

27  July 1, 2003, revenue generated by the millage or local option

28  sales surtax levy authorized by subsection (2) should be used

29  only for the costs of construction, renovation, remodeling,

30  maintenance, and repair of the educational plant; for the

31  purchase, lease, or lease-purchase of equipment, educational


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  1  plants, and construction materials directly related to the

  2  delivery of student instruction; for the rental or lease of

  3  existing buildings, or space within existing buildings,

  4  originally constructed or used for purposes other than

  5  education, for conversion to use as educational facilities;

  6  for the opening day collection for the library media center of

  7  a new school; for the purchase, lease-purchase, or lease of

  8  school buses; and for servicing of payments related to

  9  certificates of participation issued for any purpose prior to

10  the effective date of this act. Costs associated with the

11  lease-purchase of equipment, educational plants, and school

12  buses may include the issuance of certificates of

13  participation on or after the effective date of this act and

14  the servicing of payments related to certificates so issued.

15  For purposes of this section, "maintenance and repair" is

16  defined in s. 235.011.

17         (b)  For purposes not delineated in paragraph (a) for

18  which proceeds received from millage or a local option sales

19  surtax levied under subsection (2) may be legally expended, a

20  district school board may spend no more than the following

21  percentages of the amount the district spent for these

22  purposes in fiscal year 1995-1996:

23         1.  In fiscal year 1997-1998, 85 percent.

24         2.  In fiscal year 1998-1999, 70 percent.

25         3.  In fiscal year 1999-2000, 55 percent.

26         4.  In fiscal year 2000-2001, 40 percent.

27         5.  In fiscal year 2001-2002, 25 percent.

28         6.  In fiscal year 2002-2003, 10 percent.

29         (c)  Beginning July 1, 2003, revenue generated by the

30  millage or local option sales surtax levy authorized by



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  1  subsection (2) must be used only for the purposes delineated

  2  in paragraph (a).

  3         (d)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this

  4  subsection, if through its adopted facilities work program a

  5  district has clearly identified the need for an ancillary

  6  plant, has provided opportunity for public input as to the

  7  relative value of the ancillary plant versus an educational

  8  plant, and has obtained public approval, the district may use

  9  revenue generated by the millage or local option sales surtax

10  levy authorized by subsection (2) for the construction,

11  renovation, remodeling, maintenance, or repair of an ancillary

12  plant.


14  A district that violates these expenditure restrictions shall

15  have an equal dollar reduction in funds appropriated to the

16  district under s. 236.081 in the fiscal year following the

17  audit citation.  The expenditure restrictions do not apply to

18  any school district that certifies to the Commissioner of

19  Education that all of the district's instructional space needs

20  for the next 5 years can be met from capital outlay sources

21  that the district reasonably expects to receive during the

22  next 5 years or from alternative scheduling or construction,

23  leasing, rezoning, or technological methodologies that exhibit

24  sound management.

25         Section 6.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (2) and

26  paragraph (a) of subsection (3) of section 235.056, Florida

27  Statutes, are amended to read:

28         235.056  Lease, rental, and lease-purchase of

29  educational facilities and sites.--

30         (2)(a)  A board may rent or lease educational

31  facilities and sites as defined in s. 235.011. Educational


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  1  facilities and sites rented or leased for 1 year or less shall

  2  be funded through the operations budget or funds derived from

  3  millage or local option sales surtax proceeds pursuant to s.

  4  236.25(2).  A lease contract for 1 year or less, when extended

  5  or renewed beyond a year, becomes a multiple-year lease.

  6  Operational funds or funds derived from millage or local

  7  option sales surtax proceeds pursuant to s. 236.25(2) may be

  8  authorized to be expended for multiple-year leases.  All

  9  leased facilities and sites must be inspected prior to

10  occupancy by the board's Uniform Building Code inspector, who

11  shall report to the department.

12         1.  Beginning July 1, 1995, all newly leased spaces

13  must be inspected and brought into compliance with the state

14  minimum building code pursuant to chapter 553, and the life

15  safety codes pursuant to chapter 633, prior to occupancy,

16  using the board's operations budget or funds derived from

17  millage or local option sales surtax proceeds pursuant to s.

18  236.25(2).  As an alternative, the board may elect to comply

19  with the State Uniform Building Code for Public Educational

20  Facilities Construction instead of the state minimum building

21  code or the life safety code, or both.

22         2.  Plans for renovation or remodeling of leased space

23  shall conform to state minimum building and life safety codes

24  for educational occupancies, or other occupancies as

25  appropriate, as required in chapters 553 and 633, prior to

26  occupancy.  As an alternative, the board may elect to comply

27  with the State Uniform Building Code for Public Educational

28  Facilities Construction instead of the state minimum building

29  code or the life safety code, or both.

30         3.  All leased facilities must be inspected annually

31  for firesafety deficiencies in accordance with the applicable


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  1  code and have corrections made in accordance with s. 235.06.

  2  Operational funds or funds derived from millage or local

  3  option sales surtax proceeds pursuant to s. 236.25(2) may be

  4  used to correct deficiencies in leased space.

  5         4.  When the board declares that a public emergency

  6  exists, it may take up to 30 days to bring the leased facility

  7  into compliance with the requirements of Commissioner of

  8  Education rules.

  9         5.  By July 1, 1998, the department shall present to

10  the Governor, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and

11  the President of the Senate a report on the amount of leased

12  space used by districts for prekindergarten programs and for

13  instructional purposes of elementary schools, middle schools,

14  and high schools. The report shall indicate the number of

15  capital outlay full-time-equivalent students who are

16  instructed in leased spaces, the number of permanent and

17  relocatable facilities which are leased, the number of

18  prekindergarten stations assigned in permanent facilities, the

19  condition of leased facilities in accordance with applicable

20  building and life safety codes, and the methods by which

21  leased spaces are financed. The report shall make

22  recommendations as to prescriptive changes that districts must

23  make with regard to leased facilities, as well as

24  recommendations regarding the assignment of student stations

25  to such facilities.

26         (3)(a)  A board may rent or lease existing buildings,

27  or space within existing buildings, originally constructed or

28  used for purposes other than education, for conversion to use

29  as educational facilities. Such buildings rented or leased for

30  1 year or less shall be funded through the operations budget

31  or funds derived from millage or a local option sales surtax


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  1  pursuant to s. 236.25(2). A rental agreement or lease contract

  2  for 1 year or less, when extended or renewed beyond a year,

  3  becomes a multiple-year rental or lease. Operational funds or

  4  funds derived from millage or local option sales surtax

  5  proceeds pursuant to s. 236.25(2) may be authorized to be

  6  expended for multiple-year rentals or leases. Notwithstanding

  7  any other provisions of this section, if a building was

  8  constructed in conformance with all applicable building and

  9  life safety codes, it shall be deemed to meet the requirements

10  for use and occupancy as an educational facility subject only

11  to the provisions of this subsection.

12         Section 7.  Subsection (1) of section 235.186, Florida

13  Statutes, is amended to read:

14         235.186  Effort index grants for school district

15  facilities.--

16         (1)  The Legislature hereby allocates for effort index

17  grants the sum of $300 million from the funds appropriated

18  from the Educational Enhancement Trust Fund by s. 46, chapter

19  97-384, Laws of Florida, contingent upon the sale of school

20  capital outlay bonds. From these funds, the Commissioner of

21  Education shall allocate to the four school districts deemed

22  eligible for an effort index grant by the SMART Schools

23  Clearinghouse the sums of $7,442,890 to the Clay County School

24  District, $62,755,920 to the Dade County School District,

25  $1,628,590 to the Hendry County School District, and $414,950

26  to the Madison County School District. The remaining funds

27  shall be allocated among the remaining district school boards

28  that qualify for an effort index grant by meeting the local

29  capital outlay effort criteria in paragraph (a) or paragraph

30  (b).



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  1         (a)  Between July 1, 1995, and June 30, 1999, the

  2  school district received direct proceeds from the

  3  one-half-cent sales surtax for public school capital outlay

  4  authorized by s. 212.055(6)(7) or from the local government

  5  infrastructure sales surtax authorized by s. 212.055(2).

  6         (b)  The school district met two of the following

  7  criteria:

  8         1.  Levied the full 2 mills of nonvoted discretionary

  9  capital outlay authorized by s. 236.25(2) during 1995-1996,

10  1996-1997, 1997-1998, and 1998-1999.

11         2.  Levied a cumulative voted millage for capital

12  outlay and debt service equal to 2.5 mills for fiscal years

13  1995 through 1999.

14         3.  Received proceeds of school impact fees greater

15  than $500 per dwelling unit which were in effect on July 1,

16  1998.

17         4.  Received direct proceeds from either the

18  one-half-cent sales surtax for public school capital outlay

19  authorized by s. 212.055(6)(7) or from the local government

20  infrastructure sales surtax authorized by s. 212.055(2).

21         Section 8.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (1) and

22  paragraph (b) of subsection (5) of section 235.199, Florida

23  Statutes, are amended to read:

24         235.199  Cooperative funding of vocational educational

25  facilities.--

26         (1)  Each district school board operating a designated

27  area technical center may submit, prior to August 1 of each

28  year, a request to the commissioner for funds from the Public

29  Education Capital Outlay and Debt Service Trust Fund to plan,

30  construct, and equip a career educational facility identified

31  as being critical to the economic development and the


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  1  workforce needs of the school district.  Prior to submitting a

  2  request, each school district shall:

  3         (b)  Except as provided in paragraph (5)(b), levy a

  4  millage or surtax, or combination thereof, under s. 236.25(2)

  5  that generates an amount that is at least equal to the amount

  6  that would be generated by levy of the maximum millage rate

  7  authorized by s. 236.25(2) the maximum millage against the

  8  nonexempt assessed property value as provided in s. 236.25(2).

  9         (5)

10         (b)  In the event that a school district is not

11  imposing a levy at the rate required by levying the maximum

12  millage against the nonexempt assessed property value pursuant

13  to paragraph (1)(b), state and school district funding

14  pursuant to paragraph (a) shall be reduced by the same

15  proportion as the rate of the actual levy millage actually

16  being levied bears to the rate required by paragraph (1)(b)

17  maximum allowable millage.

18         Section 9.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (2) of section

19  235.2197, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

20         235.2197  Florida Frugal Schools Program.--

21         (2)  The "Florida Frugal Schools Program" is created to

22  recognize publicly each district school board that agrees to

23  build frugal yet functional educational facilities and that

24  implements "best financial management practices" when

25  planning, constructing, and operating educational facilities.

26  The State Board of Education shall recognize a district school

27  board as having a Florida Frugal Schools Program if the

28  district requests recognition and satisfies two or more of the

29  following criteria:

30         (c)  The district school board submits a plan to the

31  Commissioner of Education certifying how the revenues


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  1  generated by the levy of the capital outlay sales surtax

  2  authorized by s. 212.055(6)(7) will be spent. The plan must

  3  include at least the following assurances about the use of the

  4  proceeds of the surtax and any accrued interest:

  5         1.  The district school board will use the surtax and

  6  accrued interest only for the fixed capital outlay purposes

  7  identified by s. 212.055(6)(7)(d) which will reduce school

  8  overcrowding that has been validated by the Department of

  9  Education, or for the repayment of bonded indebtedness related

10  to such capital outlay purposes.

11         2.  The district school board will not spend the surtax

12  or accrued interest to pay for operational expenses or for the

13  construction, renovation, or remodeling of any administrative

14  building or any other ancillary facility that is not directly

15  related to the instruction, feeding, or transportation of

16  students enrolled in the public schools.

17         3.  The district school board's use of the surtax and

18  accrued interest will be consistent with the best financial

19  management practices identified and approved under s.

20  230.23025.

21         4.  The district school board will apply the

22  educational facilities contracting and construction techniques

23  authorized by s. 235.211 or other construction management

24  techniques to reduce the cost of educational facilities.

25         5.  The district school board will discontinue the

26  surtax levy when the district has provided the

27  survey-recommended educational facilities that were determined

28  to be necessary to relieve school overcrowding; when the

29  district has satisfied any bonded indebtedness incurred for

30  such educational facilities; or when the district's other



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    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                HB 2033


  1  sources of capital outlay funds are sufficient to provide such

  2  educational facilities, whichever occurs first.

  3         6.  The district school board will use any excess

  4  surtax collections or accrued interest to reduce the

  5  discretionary outlay millage levied under s. 236.25(2).

  6         Section 10.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (2) and

  7  paragraph (c) of subsection (3) of section 235.435, Florida

  8  Statutes, are amended to read:

  9         235.435  Funds for comprehensive educational plant

10  needs; construction cost maximums for school district capital

11  projects.--Allocations from the Public Education Capital

12  Outlay and Debt Service Trust Fund to the various boards for

13  capital outlay projects shall be determined as follows:

14         (2)(a)  The department shall establish, as a part of

15  the Public Education Capital Outlay and Debt Service Trust

16  Fund, a separate account, in an amount determined by the

17  Legislature, to be known as the "Special Facility Construction

18  Account." The Special Facility Construction Account shall be

19  used to provide necessary construction funds to school

20  districts which have urgent construction needs but which lack

21  sufficient resources at present, and cannot reasonably

22  anticipate sufficient resources within the period of the next

23  3 years, for these purposes from currently authorized sources

24  of capital outlay revenue.  A school district requesting

25  funding from the Special Facility Construction Account shall

26  submit one specific construction project, not to exceed one

27  complete educational plant, to the Special Facility

28  Construction Committee. No district shall receive funding for

29  more than one approved project in any 3-year period. The first

30  year of the 3-year period shall be the first year a district

31  receives an appropriation. The department shall encourage a


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  1  construction program that reduces the average size of schools

  2  in the district. The request must meet the following criteria

  3  to be considered by the committee:

  4         1.  The project must be deemed a critical need and must

  5  be recommended for funding by the Special Facility

  6  Construction Committee.  Prior to developing plans for the

  7  proposed facility, the district school board must request a

  8  preapplication review by the Special Facility Construction

  9  Committee or a project review subcommittee convened by the

10  committee to include two representatives of the department and

11  two staff from school districts other than the district

12  submitting the project.  Within 60 days after receiving the

13  preapplication review request, the committee or subcommittee

14  must meet in the school district to review the project

15  proposal and existing facilities.  To determine whether the

16  proposed project is a critical need, the committee or

17  subcommittee shall consider, at a mimimum, the capacity of all

18  existing facilities within the district as determined by the

19  Florida Inventory of School Houses; the district's pattern of

20  student growth; the district's existing and projected capital

21  outlay full-time equivalent student enrollment as determined

22  by the department; the district's existing satisfactory

23  student stations; the use of all existing district property

24  and facilities; grade level configurations; and any other

25  information that may affect the need for the proposed project.

26         2.  The construction project must be recommended in the

27  most recent survey or surveys by the district under the rules

28  of the State Board of Education.

29         3.  The construction project must appear on the

30  district's approved project priority list under the rules of

31  the State Board of Education.


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  1         4.  The district must have selected and had approved a

  2  site for the construction project in compliance with s. 235.19

  3  and the rules of the State Board of Education.

  4         5.  The district shall have developed a school board

  5  adopted list of facilities that do not exceed the norm for net

  6  square feet occupancy requirements under the State

  7  Requirements for Educational Facilities, using all possible

  8  programmatic combinations for multiple use of space to obtain

  9  maximum daily use of all spaces within the facility under

10  consideration.

11         6.  Upon construction, the total cost per student

12  station, including change orders, must not exceed the cost per

13  student station as provided in subsection (6).

14         7.  There shall be an agreement signed by the district

15  school board stating that it will advertise for bids within 30

16  days of receipt of its encumbrance authorization from the

17  department.

18         8.  The district shall, at the time of the request and

19  for a continuing period of 3 years, levy a millage or surtax,

20  or combination thereof, under the maximum millage against

21  their nonexempt assessed property value as allowed in s.

22  236.25(2) that generates an amount that is at least equal to

23  the amount that would be generated by levy of the maximum

24  millage rate authorized by s. 236.25(2). Effective July 1,

25  1991, any district with a new or active project, funded under

26  the provisions of this subsection, shall be required to budget

27  no more than the value of 1.5 mills per year to the project to

28  satisfy the annual participation requirement in the Special

29  Facility Construction Account.

30         9.  If a contract has not been signed 90 days after the

31  advertising of bids, the funding for the specific project


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  1  shall revert to the Special Facility New Construction Account

  2  to be reallocated to other projects on the list.  However, an

  3  additional 90 days may be granted by the commissioner.

  4         10.  The department shall certify the inability of the

  5  district to fund the survey-recommended project over a

  6  continuous 3-year period using projected capital outlay

  7  revenue derived from s. 9(d), Art. XII of the State

  8  Constitution, as amended, paragraph (3)(a) of this section,

  9  and s. 236.25(2).

10         11.  The district shall have on file with the

11  department an adopted resolution acknowledging its 3-year

12  commitment of all unencumbered and future revenue acquired

13  from s. 9(d), Art. XII of the State Constitution, as amended,

14  paragraph (3)(a) of this section, and s. 236.25(2).

15         12.  Final phase III plans must be certified by the

16  board as complete and in compliance with the building and life

17  safety codes prior to August 1.

18         (3)

19         (c)  A district school board may lease relocatable

20  educational facilities for up to 3 years using nonbonded PECO

21  funds and for any time period using local capital outlay

22  millage or local option sales surtax revenues authorized by s.

23  212.055(7).

24         Section 11.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2000,

25  if House Bill       or similar legislation creating the School

26  District Capital Outlay Trust Fund is adopted in the same

27  legislative session or an extension thereof and becomes law.






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  1            *****************************************

  2                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Provides for transfer of a portion of nonrecurring
  4    intangible personal property tax revenues to the School
      District Capital Outlay Trust Fund. Provides for
  5    distribution of a portion of such revenues to school
      districts which collected impact fee revenues in fiscal
  6    year 1999-2000 to supplant such impact fees. Provides
      requirements for distribution of the remainder of such
  7    revenues to all school districts. Provides that school
      boards may levy by resolution a local option sales surtax
  8    in lieu of levying all or a part of the nonvoted district
      school capital improvement millage, for the same uses as
  9    are authorized for such millage. Provides that a county
      in which the school board is receiving such intangible
10    tax revenues or levying the local option sales surtax is
      prohibited form levying school impact fees.




















