Senate Bill 2064c1
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Florida Senate - 2000 CS for SB 2064
By the Committee on Commerce and Economic Opportunities; and
Senator Hargrett
1 A bill to be entitled
2 An act relating to international trade;
3 providing for the establishment of the
4 Florida-Africa Market Expansion Program by
5 Enterprise Florida, Inc., contingent upon a
6 specific appropriation; providing the purpose
7 of the program; describing program components;
8 providing responsibilities for Enterprise
9 Florida, Inc.; providing for the establishment
10 of the Florida-Caribbean Basin Trade Initiative
11 by the Seaport Employment Training Grant
12 Program contingent upon a specific
13 appropriation; providing purpose of the
14 initiative; providing responsibilities of the
15 Seaport Employment Training Grant Program;
16 providing for a performance-based contract with
17 the Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic
18 Development; providing an effective date.
20 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
22 Section 1. Florida-Africa Market Expansion Program.--
23 (1) Contingent upon a specific appropriation, there is
24 created within Enterprise Florida, Inc., the Florida-Africa
25 Market Expansion Program to enhance the Florida economy by
26 increasing international trade between Florida and the nations
27 of Africa. This initiative shall be a multi-level market
28 expansion program designed to expand trade and business
29 opportunities between Florida and Africa, containing, but not
30 limited to, the following components:
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Florida Senate - 2000 CS for SB 2064
1 (a) The establishment and maintenance of a strategic
2 alliance between Enterprise Florida, Inc., and the United
3 States Agency for International Development which will focus
4 on identifying and qualifying business opportunities in
5 sub-Saharan Africa through the United States Agency for
6 International Development's 12 African offices, and matching
7 those leads with Florida companies.
8 (b) A team Florida mission, which the Governor of
9 Florida will be invited to lead, to South Africa in the winter
10 of Fiscal Year 2000-2001.
11 (c) The establishment of a certified trade events
12 program to provide financial and technical support for
13 business development initiatives targeting Africa, organized
14 by qualified economic development organizations in Florida.
15 Priority shall be given to qualified not-for-profit minority
16 organizations.
17 (d) Support for local business-development programs
18 that provide business information on Africa and promote
19 bilateral business opportunities.
20 (e) Provision of export counseling services for
21 Florida businesses through Enterprise Florida's seven state
22 field offices and staff located in Miami.
23 (f) Establishment of Florida international
24 representation in South Africa for the purpose of dramatically
25 expanding business and cultural and infrastructure ties
26 between Florida and Africa, as well as promoting Florida's
27 advantages in Africa.
28 (2) Enterprise Florida, Inc., shall coordinate with
29 appropriate organizations and educational institutions in
30 executing this market-expansion program to maximize the
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Florida Senate - 2000 CS for SB 2064
1 resources and information services for the expansion of trade
2 between Florida and the nations of Africa.
3 (3)(a) As part of the annual report required under
4 section 288.906, Florida Statutes, Enterprise Florida, Inc.,
5 shall provide detailed information concerning activities and
6 accomplishments under this program, including, but not limited
7 to, information concerning:
8 1. The number of businesses, categorized by size,
9 participating in the program;
10 2. The number of minority-owned businesses
11 participating in the program;
12 3. The increase in the value of Florida exports to
13 African nations attributable to the program; and
14 4. The increase in foreign direct investment in
15 Florida by African businesses attributable to the program.
16 (b) The report shall include recommendations
17 concerning continuation of the program and any changes for
18 enhancing the program.
19 Section 2. Florida-Caribbean Basin Trade Initiative.--
20 (1) Contingent upon a specific appropriation, the
21 Seaport Employment Training Grant Program (STEP) shall
22 establish and administer the Florida-Caribbean Basin Trade
23 Initiative for the purpose of assisting small and medium-sized
24 businesses to become involved in international activities and
25 helping them to identify markets with product demand, identify
26 strategic alliances in those markets, and obtain the financing
27 to effectuate trade opportunities in the Caribbean Basin. The
28 initiative must focus assistance to businesses located in
29 urban communities. The initiative shall offer export
30 readiness, assistance and referral services, internships,
31 seminars, workshops, conferences, and e-commerce plus
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Florida Senate - 2000 CS for SB 2064
1 mentoring and matchmaking services, but shall coordinate with
2 and not duplicate those services provided by Enterprise
3 Florida, Inc.
4 (2) To enhance initiative effectiveness and leverage
5 resources, STEP shall coordinate initiative activities with
6 Enterprise Florida, Inc., U.S. Export Assistance Centers,
7 Florida Export Finance Corporation, Florida Trade Data Center,
8 Small Business Development Centers, and any other
9 organizations STEP deems appropriate. The coordination may
10 encompass export assistance and referral services, export
11 financing, job-training programs, educational programs, market
12 research and development, market promotion, trade missions,
13 e-commerce, and mentoring and matchmaking services relative to
14 the expansion of trade between Florida and the Caribbean
15 Basin. The initiative shall also form alliances with
16 multilateral, international, and domestic funding programs
17 from Florida, the United States, and the Caribbean Basin to
18 coordinate systems and programs for fundamental assistance in
19 facilitating trade and investment.
20 (3) STEP shall administer the Florida-Caribbean Basin
21 Trade Initiative pursuant to a performance-based contract with
22 the Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development. The
23 Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development shall
24 develop performance measures, standards, and sanctions for the
25 initiative. Performance measures must include, but are not
26 limited to, the number of businesses assisted; the number of
27 urban businesses assisted; and the increase in value of
28 exports to the Caribbean which is attributable to the
29 initiative.
30 Section 3. This act shall take effect upon becoming
31 law.
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Florida Senate - 2000 CS for SB 2064
2 SB 2064
4 This committee substitute requires Enterprise Florida, Inc.,
to establish the Florida-Africa Market Expansion Program. The
5 purpose of this program is to expand trade opportunities
between Florida and Africa, through the use of a strategic
6 alliance, Team Florida Mission, a Certified Trade Events
Program, support of local business development programs,
7 export counseling, and representation in South Africa.
8 The committee substitute creates the Florida-Caribbean Basin
Trade Initiative under the Seaport Employment Training Grant
9 Program, rather than Enterprise Florida, Inc., the Florida
Export Finance Corporation, and the Florida Seaport
10 Transportation and Economic Development Council, to assist
small and medium-sized businesses to become involved in
11 international trade activities in the Caribbean Basin. The
program must coordinate with, and not duplicate, services
12 offered by Enterprise Florida, Inc.
13 The establishment of the program and initiative is contingent
upon the legislative appropriation of funds.