CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
Bill No. Cs for SB 2074
Amendment No.
Senate House
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11 Senators Thomas and Laurent moved the following amendment:
13 Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
14 On page 15, between lines 11 and 12,
16 insert:
17 Section 5. The Department of Agriculture and Consumer
18 Services is authorized to negotiate agreements with landowners
19 for water supply in rural areas, provided that:
20 (1) The water to be supplied is currently available to
21 property owned or controlled by the department; and
22 (2) The intended use and quantity are not inconsistent
23 with any permit required under part II of chapter 373, Florida
24 Statutes, for the source of supply in effect at the time of
25 the agreement.
26 Section 6. Section 570.249, Florida Statutes, is
27 created to read:
28 570.249 Agricultural Economic Development Program
29 Disaster Loans.--
30 (1) USE OF LOAN FUNDS.--Loan funds to agricultural
31 producers who have experienced crop losses from a natural
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Bill No. Cs for SB 2074
Amendment No.
1 disaster or a socio-economic condition or event may be used to
2 restore or replace essential physical property, such as
3 animals, fences, equipment, structural production facilities,
4 or orchard trees; pay all or part of production costs
5 associated with the disaster year; pay essential family living
6 expenses; and restructure farm debts. Funds may be issued as
7 direct loans, or as loan guarantees for up to 90 percent of
8 the total loan, in amounts not less than $30,000 nor more than
9 $250,000. Applicants must provide at least 10 percent equity.
10 (2) ELIGIBLE CROPS.--Crops eligible for the emergency
11 loan program include:
12 (a) Crops grown for human consumption;
13 (b) Crops planted and grown for livestock consumption,
14 including, but not limited to, grain, seed, and forage crops;
15 (c) Crops grown for fiber, except for trees; and
16 (d) Speciality crops, such as aquacultural,
17 floricultural, or ornamental nursery crops; Christmas trees;
18 turf for sod; industrial crops; and seed crops used to produce
19 eligible crops.
20 (3) FARMING INFORMATION.--A borrower must keep
21 complete and acceptable farm records and present them as proof
22 of production levels. A borrower must operate in accordance
23 with a farm plan that he or she develops and that is approved
24 by the commissioner. A borrower may be required to participate
25 in a financial management training program and obtain crop
26 insurance.
27 (4) LOAN APPLICATION.--In order to qualify for a loan
28 under this section an applicant must submit an application to
29 the committee within 30 days after the natural disaster or
30 socio-economic condition or event occurs or the date the crop
31 damage becomes apparent. An applicant must be a citizen of the
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Bill No. Cs for SB 2074
Amendment No.
1 United States, a bona fide resident of the state, and,
2 together with the applicant's spouse and their dependents,
3 have a total net worth of less than the $100,000. The value of
4 any residental homestead owned by the applicant must not be
5 included in determining the applicant's net worth. An
6 applicant must also demonstrate the need for economic
7 assistance, be worthy of credit according to standards
8 established by the commissioner, prove that he or she cannot
9 obtain commercial credit, and demonstrate that he or she has
10 the ability to repay the loan.
11 (5) LOAN SECURITY REQUIREMENTS.--All loans must be
12 fully collateralized. A first lien is required on all property
13 or product acquired, produced, or refinanced with loan funds.
14 The specific type of collateral required may vary depending
15 upon the loan purpose, repayment ability, and the particular
16 circumstances of the applicant.
17 (6) LOAN REPAYMENT.--Repayment of loans for crops,
18 livestock, and non-real-estate losses shall normally be repaid
19 within 7 years, or, in special circumstances within 20 years.
20 Loans for physical losses to real estate and buildings shall
21 not exceed 30 years. Borrowers are expected to return to
22 conventional credit sources when they are financially able.
23 Loans are a temporary source of credit and borrowers must be
24 reviewed periodically to determine whether they can return to
25 conventional credit.
26 Section 7. Section 570.911, Florida Statutes, is
27 created to read:
28 570.911 Equestrian educational sports program.--The
29 Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services shall
30 establish an equestrian educational sports program with one or
31 more accredited 4-year state universities designed to give
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Bill No. Cs for SB 2074
Amendment No.
1 student riders the opportunity to learn, compete, and succeed
2 at the collegiate level, while at the same time promoting the
3 state's multi-billion dollar equine industry.
5 (Redesignate subsequent sections.)
8 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ===============
9 And the title is amended as follows:
10 On page 2, line 11, after the semcolon,
12 insert:
13 providing authority to the Department of
14 Agriculture and Consumer Services to negotiate
15 agreements with certain land owners for water
16 use in rural areas; creating s. 570.249, F.S.;
17 creating the Agricultural Economic Development
18 Program Disaster Loans; creating s. 570.911,
19 F.S.; providing for an equestrian educational
20 sports program at 4-year state universities;
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