House Bill 2077

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                HB 2077

        By Representative R. Diaz de la Portilla

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the Bay of Pigs and

  3         Operation Mongoose Historical Site and

  4         Memorial; designating the site; establishing an

  5         oversight board and providing for membership on

  6         the board; providing an effective date.


  8         WHEREAS, the Bay of Pigs invasion was launched on April

  9  17, 1961, from a jetty located at the present location of the

10  Molasses Reef Marina at Mile Marker 99.5 On The Ocean at Key

11  Largo, and

12         WHEREAS, the 2506 Brigade invasion force was composed

13  of 1,500 Cuban expatriates, of which 300 were killed and 1,179

14  were captured by the Castro forces, and

15         WHEREAS, after the failure of the Bay of Pigs invasion,

16  the United States commenced Operation Mongoose, which was a

17  clandestine plan designed to subvert the Cuban government

18  through sabotage, propaganda, and infiltration, and

19         WHEREAS, it is fitting that a memorial be created to

20  recognize the members of the 2506 Brigade who were involved in

21  the Bay of Pigs invasion, NOW, THEREFORE,


23  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


25         Section 1.  (1)  The following described area of the

26  jetty at Molasses Reef Marina, is designated as the Bay of

27  Pigs and Operation Mongoose Historical Site and Memorial:

28         A 600 foot +/- spit (jetty) extending into Hawk

29         Channel in the Atlantic Ocean lying East of and

30         parallel to the following described channel

31         easement:


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                HB 2077


  1         An easement along a portion of an existing

  2         channel connecting the Kawama marina basin in

  3         Monroe County, Florida to Hawk Channel, which

  4         channel lies in Section 5, Township 62 South,

  5         Range 39 East, Tallahassee Meridian and which

  6         easement lies Southeasterly of Trustees for the

  7         Internal Improvement Fund Deed (TIITF) #22835,

  8         being 50 feet in width, lying 25 feet as

  9         measured at right angles, on either side of the

10         following described centerline, the boundaries

11         of such being shortened or lengthened as

12         necessary to form a contiguous parcel of land:

13         Commencing at the Northeast corner of that

14         Section 5, thence S 89°30'20"W along the

15         Northerly line of Section 5 for a distance of

16         659.94 feet to the Northwest corner of the East

17          1/2  of Government Lot 1 of that Section 5;

18         thence South along the Westerly line of the

19         East  1/2  of Government Lot 1 and the Westerly

20         line of the East  1/2  of Government Lot 3 for

21         a distance of 2174.18 feet to the most Westerly

22         corner of the lands described in TIITF Deed

23         #22835; thence S31°00'00"E along the

24         Southwesterly boundary line of TIITF parcel

25         #22835 for a distance of 300.00 feet to the

26         most Southerly corner of TIITF parcel #22835;

27         thence N59°00'00"E along the Southeasterly

28         boundary of TIITF parcel #22835 for a distance

29         of 127.41 feet to the Point of Beginning of

30         following described centerline of the 50.00

31         foot parcel of submerged land; thence


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                HB 2077


  1         S29°11'16"E for a distance of 390.00 feet to

  2         the Point of Termination of the centerline.

  3         (2)  There is created the Bay of Pigs and Operation

  4  Mongoose Historical Site and Memorial Oversight Board,

  5  composed of one representative each from the John Pennekamp

  6  Coral Reef State Park, the Molasses Reef Condominium

  7  Association, the Molasses Reef Marina Corporation, and the Bay

  8  of Pigs and Operation Mongoose Historical Site and Memorial

  9  Non-Profit Corporation, which shall oversee the development

10  and operation of the site.

11         Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2000.


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14                          SENATE SUMMARY

15    Creates the Bay of Pigs and Operation Mongoose Historical
      Site and Memorial and creates an oversight board.















