CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. HB 2105

    Amendment No.    

                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
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11  Senators Kirkpatrick and Cowin moved the following amendment:


13         Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 

14         On page 1, between lines 22 and 23,


16  insert:

17         Section 2.  Paragraph (f) of subsection (1) of section

18  229.551, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

19         229.551  Educational management.--

20         (1)  The department is directed to identify all

21  functions which under the provisions of this act contribute

22  to, or comprise a part of, the state system of educational

23  accountability and to establish within the department the

24  necessary organizational structure, policies, and procedures

25  for effectively coordinating such functions. Such policies and

26  procedures shall clearly fix and delineate responsibilities

27  for various aspects of the system and for overall coordination

28  of the total system.  The commissioner shall perform the

29  following duties and functions:

30         (f)  Development and coordination of a common course

31  designation and numbering system for postsecondary and dual

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 1  enrollment education in school districts, community colleges,

 2  participating nonpublic postsecondary education institutions,

 3  and the State University System which will improve program

 4  planning, increase communication among all postsecondary

 5  delivery systems, and facilitate student acceleration and the

 6  transfer of students.  The system shall not encourage or

 7  require course content prescription or standardization or

 8  uniform course testing, and the continuing maintenance of the

 9  system shall be accomplished by appropriate faculty committees

10  representing public and participating nonpublic institutions.

11  The Articulation Coordinating Committee, whose membership

12  represents public and nonpublic postsecondary institutions,

13  shall:

14         1.  Identify the highest demand degree programs within

15  the State University System.

16         2.  Conduct a study of courses offered by universities

17  and accepted for credit toward a degree.  The study shall

18  identify courses designated as either general education or

19  required as a prerequisite for a degree.  The study shall also

20  identify these courses as upper-division level or

21  lower-division level.

22         3.  Appoint faculty committees representing both

23  community college and university faculties to recommend a

24  single level for each course included in the common course

25  numbering and designation system.  Any course designated as an

26  upper-division level course must be characterized by a need

27  for advanced academic preparation and skills that a student

28  would be unlikely to achieve without significant prior

29  coursework. A course that is offered as part of an associate

30  in science degree program and as an upper-division course for

31  a baccalaureate degree shall be designated for both the lower

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 1  and upper division. Of the courses required for each

 2  baccalaureate degree, at least half of the credit hours

 3  required for the degree shall be achievable through courses

 4  designated as lower-division courses, except in degree

 5  programs approved by the Board of Regents pursuant to s.

 6  240.209(5)(e).  A course designated as lower-division may be

 7  offered by any community college. The Articulation

 8  Coordinating Committee shall recommend to the State Board of

 9  Education the levels for the courses.  The common course

10  numbering and designation system shall include the courses at

11  the recommended levels, and, by fall semester of 1996, the

12  registration process at each state university and community

13  college shall include the courses at their designated levels

14  and common course numbers.

15         4.  Appoint faculty committees representing both

16  community college and university faculties to recommend those

17  courses identified to meet general education requirements

18  within the subject areas of communication, mathematics, social

19  sciences, humanities, and natural sciences.  The Articulation

20  Coordinating Committee shall recommend to the State Board of

21  Education those courses identified to meet these general

22  education requirements by their common course code number. All

23  community colleges and state universities shall accept these

24  general education courses.

25         5.  Appoint faculty committees representing both

26  community colleges and universities to recommend common

27  prerequisite courses and identify course substitutions when

28  common prerequisites cannot be established for degree programs

29  across all institutions. Faculty work groups shall adopt a

30  strategy for addressing significant differences in

31  prerequisites, including course substitutions.  The Board of

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 1  Regents shall be notified by the Articulation Coordinating

 2  Committee when significant differences remain.  Common degree

 3  program prerequisites shall be offered and accepted by all

 4  state universities and community colleges, except in cases

 5  approved by the Board of Regents pursuant to s. 240.209(5)(f).

 6  The Board of Regents shall work with the State Board of

 7  Community Colleges on the development of a centralized

 8  database containing the list of courses and course

 9  substitutions that meet the prerequisite requirements for each

10  baccalaureate degree program.;

11         6.  Appoint faculty committees representing public

12  school, community college, and university faculties to

13  identify postsecondary courses that meet the high school

14  graduation requirements of s. 232.246, and to establish the

15  number of postsecondary semester credit hours of instruction

16  and equivalent high school credits earned through dual

17  enrollment pursuant to s. 240.116 that are necessary to meet

18  high school graduation requirements. Such equivalencies shall

19  be determined solely on comparable course content and not on

20  seat time traditionally allocated to such courses in high

21  school. The Articulation Coordinating Committee shall

22  recommend to the State Board of Education those courses

23  identified to meet high school graduation requirements, based

24  on mastery of course outcomes, by their common course code

25  number, and all high schools shall accept these postsecondary

26  education courses toward meeting the requirements of s.

27  232.246.

28         Section 3.  Subsection (1), paragraph (c) of subsection

29  (4), and subsection (9) of section 232.246, Florida Statutes,

30  are amended to read:

31         232.246  General requirements for high school

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 1  graduation.--

 2         (1)  Graduation requires successful completion of

 3  either a minimum of 24 academic credits in grades 9 through 12

 4  or an International Baccalaureate curriculum. The 24 credits

 5  shall be distributed as follows:

 6         (a)  Four credits in English, with major concentration

 7  in composition and literature.

 8         (b)  Three credits in mathematics.  Effective for

 9  students entering the 9th grade in the 1997-1998 school year

10  and thereafter, one of these credits must be Algebra I, a

11  series of courses equivalent to Algebra I, or a higher-level

12  mathematics course.

13         (c)  Three credits in science, two of which must have a

14  laboratory component. The State Board of Education may grant

15  an annual waiver of the laboratory requirement to a school

16  district that certifies that its laboratory facilities are

17  inadequate, provided the district submits a capital outlay

18  plan to provide adequate facilities and makes the funding of

19  this plan a priority of the school board.

20         (d)  One credit in American history.

21         (e)  One credit in world history, including a

22  comparative study of the history, doctrines, and objectives of

23  all major political systems.

24         (f)  One-half credit in economics, including a

25  comparative study of the history, doctrines, and objectives of

26  all major economic systems.  The Florida Council on Economic

27  Education shall provide technical assistance to the department

28  and local school boards in developing curriculum materials for

29  the study of economics.

30         (g)  One-half credit in American government, including

31  study of the Constitution of the United States. For students

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 1  entering the 9th grade in the 1997-1998 school year and

 2  thereafter, the study of Florida government, including study

 3  of the State Constitution, the three branches of state

 4  government, and municipal and county government, shall be

 5  included as part of the required study of American government.

 6         (h)1.  One credit in practical arts career education or

 7  exploratory career education.  Any vocational course as

 8  defined in s. 228.041(22) may be taken to satisfy the high

 9  school graduation requirement for one credit in practical arts

10  or exploratory career education provided in this subparagraph;

11         2.  One credit in performing fine arts to be selected

12  from music, dance, drama, painting, or sculpture.  A course in

13  any art form, in addition to painting or sculpture, that

14  requires manual dexterity, or a course in speech and debate,

15  may be taken to satisfy the high school graduation requirement

16  for one credit in performing arts pursuant to this

17  subparagraph; or

18         3.  One-half credit each in practical arts career

19  education or exploratory career education and performing fine

20  arts, as defined in this paragraph.


22  Such credit for practical arts career education or exploratory

23  career education or for performing fine arts shall be made

24  available in the 9th grade, and students shall be scheduled

25  into a 9th grade course as a priority.

26         (i)  One-half credit in life management skills to

27  include consumer education, positive emotional development,

28  marriage and relationship skill-based education, nutrition,

29  prevention of human immunodeficiency virus infection and

30  acquired immune deficiency syndrome and other sexually

31  transmissible diseases, benefits of sexual abstinence and

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 1  consequences of teenage pregnancy, information and instruction

 2  on breast cancer detection and breast self-examination,

 3  cardiopulmonary resuscitation, drug education, and the hazards

 4  of smoking.  Such credit shall be given for a course to be

 5  taken by all students in either the 9th or 10th grade.

 6         (j)  One credit in physical education to include

 7  assessment, improvement, and maintenance of personal fitness.

 8  Participation in an interscholastic sport at the junior

 9  varsity or varsity level, for two full seasons, shall satisfy

10  the one-credit requirement in physical education if the

11  student passes a competency test on personal fitness with a

12  score of "C" or better. The competency test on personal

13  fitness must be developed by the Department of Education. A

14  school board may not require that the one credit in physical

15  education be taken during the 9th grade year.

16         (k)  Eight and one-half elective credits.


18  School boards may award a maximum of one-half credit in social

19  studies and one-half elective credit for student completion of

20  nonpaid voluntary community or school service work.  Students

21  choosing this option must complete a minimum of 75 hours of

22  service in order to earn the one-half credit in either

23  category of instruction.  Credit may not be earned for service

24  provided as a result of court action.  School boards that

25  approve the award of credit for student volunteer service

26  shall develop guidelines regarding the award of the credit,

27  and school principals are responsible for approving specific

28  volunteer activities. A course designated in the Course Code

29  Directory as grade 9 through grade 12 which is taken below the

30  9th grade may be used to satisfy high school graduation

31  requirements or Florida Academic Scholars award requirements

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 1  as specified in a district's pupil progression plan. A student

 2  shall be granted credit toward meeting the requirements of

 3  this subsection for equivalent courses, as identified pursuant

 4  to s. 229.551(1)(f)6., taken through dual enrollment.

 5         (4)

 6         (c)  District school boards are authorized and

 7  encouraged to establish requirements for high school

 8  graduation in excess of the minimum requirements; however, an

 9  increase in academic credit or minimum grade point average

10  requirements shall not apply to those students enrolled in

11  grades 9 through 12 at the time the district school board

12  increases the requirements.  In addition, any increase in

13  academic credit or minimum grade point average requirements

14  shall not apply to a student who earns credit toward the

15  graduation requirements of this section for equivalent courses

16  taken through dual enrollment.

17         (9)  A student who meets all requirements prescribed in

18  subsections (1), (4), and (5) shall be awarded a standard

19  diploma in a form prescribed by the state board.  A school

20  board may attach the Florida gold seal vocational endorsement

21  to a standard diploma or, instead of the standard diploma,

22  award differentiated diplomas to those exceeding the

23  prescribed minimums. A student who completes the minimum

24  number of credits and other requirements prescribed by

25  subsections (1) and (4), but who is unable to meet the

26  standards of paragraph (5)(a), paragraph (5)(b), or paragraph

27  (5)(c), shall be awarded a certificate of completion in a form

28  prescribed by the state board. However, any student who is

29  otherwise entitled to a certificate of completion may elect to

30  remain in the secondary school either as a full-time student

31  or a part-time student for up to 1 additional year and receive

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 1  special instruction designed to remedy his or her identified

 2  deficiencies.  This special instruction shall be funded from

 3  the state compensatory education funds of the district.

 4         Section 4.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section

 5  232.2462, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

 6         232.2462  Definition of "credit".--

 7         (1)(a)  For the purposes of requirements for high

 8  school graduation, one full credit means a minimum of 135 150

 9  hours of bona fide instruction in a designated course of study

10  which contains student performance standards as provided for

11  in s. 232.2454.  The Articulation Coordinating Committee shall

12  determine the number of postsecondary Six semester credit

13  hours of instruction which are earned through dual enrollment

14  pursuant to s. 240.116 and which satisfy the requirements of a

15  district's interinstitutional articulation agreement according

16  to s. 240.1161 that also equal one full credit of the

17  equivalent high school course identified pursuant to s.

18  229.551(1)(f)6.

19         Section 5.  Paragraphs (h) and (i) of subsection (1) of

20  section 236.081, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

21         236.081  Funds for operation of schools.--If the annual

22  allocation from the Florida Education Finance Program to each

23  district for operation of schools is not determined in the

24  annual appropriations act or the substantive bill implementing

25  the annual appropriations act, it shall be determined as

26  follows:


28  OPERATION.--The following procedure shall be followed in

29  determining the annual allocation to each district for

30  operation:

31         (h)  Coenrollment Instruction outside required number

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 1  of school days.--Students in grades 9 through 12 may be

 2  counted as full-time equivalent students for instruction

 3  provided outside the required school days or year if such

 4  instruction counts as credit toward high school graduation.

 5  However, If a high school student wishes to earn high school

 6  credits from a community college and enrolls in one or more

 7  adult secondary education courses at the community college,

 8  the community college shall be reimbursed for the costs

 9  incurred because of the high school student's coenrollment as

10  provided in the General Appropriations Act.

11         (i)  Instruction in family and consumer

12  sciences.--Students in grades K through 12 who are enrolled

13  for more than six semesters in practical arts family and

14  consumer sciences courses as defined in s. 228.041(22)(a)4.

15  may not be counted as full-time equivalent students for this

16  instruction.

17         Section 6.  Subsections (1), (2), and (3), and

18  paragraph (a) of subsection (7) of section 240.116, Florida

19  Statutes, are amended, and subsection (8) is added to that

20  section, to read:

21         240.116  Articulated acceleration.--

22         (1)  It is the intent of the Legislature that a variety

23  of articulated acceleration mechanisms be available for

24  secondary and postsecondary students attending public

25  educational institutions.  It is intended that articulated

26  acceleration serve to shorten the time necessary for a student

27  to complete the requirements associated with the conference of

28  a high school diploma and a postsecondary degree, broaden the

29  scope of curricular options available to students, or increase

30  the depth of study available for a particular subject.  It is

31  the intent of the Legislature that students who meet the

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 1  eligibility requirements of this subsection and who choose to

 2  participate in dual enrollment programs be exempt from the

 3  payment of registration, matriculation, and laboratory fees.

 4  Such fees for dually enrolled students shall be reimbursed to

 5  participating postsecondary institutions as provided annually

 6  in the General Appropriations Act; however, a postsecondary

 7  institution that earns dual enrollment FTE funds from the

 8  Florida Education Finance Program as a charter school shall

 9  not be eligible for the tuition reimbursement. Articulated

10  acceleration mechanisms shall include, but not be limited to,

11  dual enrollment, early admission, advanced placement, credit

12  by examination, and the International Baccalaureate Program.

13  The State Board of Education shall adopt rules for any dual

14  enrollment programs involving requirements for high school

15  graduation.

16         (2)(a)1.  The dual enrollment program is the enrollment

17  of an eligible secondary student in a postsecondary course

18  creditable toward a vocational certificate or an associate or

19  baccalaureate degree.  For the purpose of this subparagraph,

20  an eligible secondary student is a student who is enrolled in

21  a Florida public secondary school or in a Florida nonpublic

22  secondary school which is in compliance with s. 229.808 and

23  conducts a secondary curriculum pursuant to s. 232.246.

24  Students enrolled in postsecondary instruction that is not

25  creditable toward the high school diploma shall not be

26  classified as dual enrollments. Students who are eligible for

27  dual enrollment pursuant to this section shall be permitted to

28  enroll in dual enrollment courses may take courses conducted

29  during school hours, after school hours, and during the summer

30  term. Instructional time for such enrollment may exceed 900

31  hours; however, the school district may only report the

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 1  student for a maximum of 1.0 FTE, as provided in s.

 2  236.013(5). Any student so enrolled is exempt from the payment

 3  of registration, matriculation, and laboratory fees.  With the

 4  exception of vocational-preparatory instruction,

 5  college-preparatory instruction and other forms of

 6  precollegiate instruction, as well as physical education

 7  courses that focus on the physical execution of a skill rather

 8  than the intellectual attributes of the activity, are

 9  ineligible for inclusion in the dual enrollment program.

10  Recreation and leisure studies courses shall be evaluated

11  individually in the same manner as physical education courses

12  for potential inclusion in the program.

13         2.  The Department of Education shall adopt guidelines

14  designed to achieve comparability across school districts of

15  both student qualifications and teacher qualifications for

16  dual enrollment courses.  Student qualifications must

17  demonstrate readiness for college-level coursework if the

18  student is to be enrolled in college courses. Student

19  qualifications must demonstrate readiness for vocational-level

20  coursework if the student is to be enrolled in vocational

21  courses.  In addition to the common placement examination,

22  student qualifications for enrollment in college credit dual

23  enrollment courses must include a 3.0 unweighted grade point

24  average, and student qualifications for enrollment in

25  vocational certificate dual enrollment courses must include a

26  2.0 unweighted grade point average. Exceptions to the required

27  grade point averages may be granted if the educational

28  entities agree and the terms of the agreement are contained

29  within the dual enrollment interinstitutional articulation

30  agreement. Community college boards of trustees may establish

31  additional admissions criteria, which shall be included in the

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 1  district interinstitutional articulation agreement developed

 2  according to s. 240.1161, to ensure student readiness for

 3  postsecondary instruction. Additional requirements included in

 4  the agreement shall not arbitrarily prohibit students who have

 5  demonstrated the ability to master advanced courses from

 6  participating in dual enrollment courses. School districts may

 7  not refuse to enter into an agreement with a local community

 8  college if that community college has the capacity to offer

 9  dual enrollment courses.

10         (b)  Vocational dual enrollment shall be provided as a

11  curricular option for secondary students to pursue in order to

12  earn a series of elective credits toward the high school

13  diploma. However, vocational dual enrollment shall not

14  supplant student acquisition of the diploma.  Vocational dual

15  enrollment shall be available for secondary students seeking a

16  degree or certificate from a complete job-preparatory program,

17  but shall not sustain student enrollment in isolated

18  vocational courses.  It is the intent of the Legislature that

19  vocational dual enrollment be implemented as a positive

20  measure.  The provision of a comprehensive academic and

21  vocational dual enrollment program within the

22  vocational-technical center or community college is supportive

23  of legislative intent; however, such provision is not

24  mandatory.

25         (c)1.  Each school district shall inform all secondary

26  students of dual enrollment as an educational option and

27  mechanism for acceleration.  Students shall be informed of

28  eligibility criteria, the option for taking dual enrollment

29  courses beyond the regular school year, and the 24 minimum

30  academic credits required for graduation. School districts

31  shall annually assess the demand for dual enrollment and other

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 1  advanced courses and the district school board shall consider

 2  strategies and programs to meet that demand.

 3         2.  The Articulation Coordinating Committee shall

 4  develop a statement on transfer guarantees which will inform

 5  students, prior to enrollment in a dual enrollment course, of

 6  the potential for the dual enrollment course to articulate as

 7  an elective or a general education course into a postsecondary

 8  education certificate or degree program. The statement shall

 9  be provided to each district superintendent of schools, who

10  shall include the statement in the information provided to all

11  secondary students as required pursuant to this paragraph. The

12  statement may also include additional information including,

13  but not limited to, dual enrollment options, guarantees,

14  privileges, and responsibilities.

15         (3)  Early admission shall be a form of dual enrollment

16  through which eligible secondary students enroll in a

17  postsecondary institution on a full-time basis in courses that

18  are creditable toward the high school diploma and the

19  associate or baccalaureate degree. Participation in the early

20  admission program shall be limited to students who have

21  completed a minimum of 6 semesters of full-time secondary

22  enrollment, including studies undertaken in the ninth grade.

23  Students enrolled pursuant to this subsection shall be exempt

24  from the payment of registration, matriculation, and

25  laboratory fees.

26         (7)(a)  It is the intent of the Legislature to provide

27  articulated acceleration mechanisms for students who are in

28  home education programs, as defined in s. 228.041(34),

29  consistent with the educational opportunities available to

30  public and private secondary school students. Home education

31  students may participate in dual enrollment, vocational dual

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 1  enrollment, early admission, and credit by examination. Credit

 2  earned by home education students through dual enrollment

 3  shall apply toward the completion of a home education program

 4  that meets the requirements of s. 232.0201.

 5         (8)  The State Board of Education may adopt rules

 6  necessary to implement the provisions of this section pursuant

 7  to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54.

 8         Section 7.  Subsections (1), (4), and (6), and

 9  paragraph (b) of subsection (2) of section 240.1161, Florida

10  Statutes, are amended, and subsections (7) and (8) are added

11  to said section, to read:

12         240.1161  District interinstitutional articulation

13  agreements.--

14         (1)  Superintendents of schools and community college

15  presidents shall jointly develop and implement are responsible

16  for the development and implementation of a comprehensive

17  articulated acceleration program for the students enrolled in

18  their respective school districts and service areas.  Within

19  this general responsibility, each superintendent and president

20  shall develop a comprehensive interinstitutional articulation

21  agreement for the school district and community college that

22  serves the school district.  The superintendent and president

23  shall establish an articulation committee for the purpose of

24  developing this agreement.  Each state university president is

25  encouraged to designate a university representative to

26  participate in the development of the interinstitutional

27  articulation agreements for each school district within the

28  university service area.

29         (2)  The district interinstitutional articulation

30  agreement for each school year must be completed before high

31  school registration for the fall term of the following school

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 1  year. The agreement must include, but is not limited to, the

 2  following components:

 3         (b)1.  A delineation of courses and programs available

 4  to students eligible to participate in composed of dual

 5  enrollment. This delineation must include a plan for the

 6  community college to provide guidance services to

 7  participating students on the selection of courses in the dual

 8  enrollment program. The process of community college guidance

 9  should make maximum use of the automated advisement system for

10  community colleges. The plan must assure that each dual

11  enrollment student is encouraged to identify a postsecondary

12  education objective with which to guide the course selection.

13  At a minimum, each student's plan should include a list of

14  courses that will result in an Applied Technology Diploma, an

15  Associate in Science degree, or an Associate in Arts degree.

16  If the student identifies a baccalaureate degree as the

17  objective, the plan must include courses that will meet the

18  general education requirements and any prerequisite

19  requirements for entrance into a selected baccalaureate-degree

20  program.

21         2.  A delineation of the process by which students and

22  their parents are informed about opportunities to participate

23  in articulated acceleration programs.

24         3.  A delineation of the process by which students and

25  their parents exercise their option to participate in an

26  articulated acceleration program.

27         4.  A delineation of high school credits earned for

28  completion of each dual enrollment course.

29         5.  Provision for postsecondary courses that meet the

30  criteria for inclusion in a district articulated acceleration

31  program to be counted toward meeting the graduation

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 1  requirements of s. 232.246.

 2         6.2.  An identification of eligibility criteria for

 3  student participation in dual enrollment courses and programs.

 4         7.3.  A delineation of institutional responsibilities

 5  regarding student screening prior to enrollment and monitoring

 6  student performance subsequent to enrollment in dual

 7  enrollment courses and programs.

 8         8.4.  An identification of the criteria by which the

 9  quality of dual enrollment courses and programs are to be

10  judged and a delineation of institutional responsibilities for

11  the maintenance of instructional quality.

12         9.5.  A delineation of institutional responsibilities

13  for assuming the cost of dual enrollment courses and programs

14  that includes such responsibilities for student instructional

15  materials.

16         10.6.  An identification of responsibility for

17  providing student transportation if the dual enrollment

18  instruction is conducted at a facility other than the high

19  school campus.

20         11.7.  A delineation of the process for converting

21  college credit hours earned through dual enrollment and early

22  admission programs to high school credit based on mastery of

23  course outcomes as determined by the Articulation Coordinating

24  Committee in accordance with s. 229.551(1)(f)6.

25         (4)  The Articulation Coordinating Committee shall

26  review each articulation agreement and certify the common

27  course code number of postsecondary courses that meet each

28  district's graduation requirements. Courses and programs may

29  be added to or deleted from the district interinstitutional

30  articulation agreement at any time.  Such additions and

31  deletions must be mutually approved by the superintendent of

    4:27 PM   05/01/00                                h2105c-0529s

                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. HB 2105

    Amendment No.    

 1  schools and community college president before incorporation

 2  into the agreement.

 3         (6)  The Articulation Coordinating Committee Department

 4  of Education shall approve any course for inclusion in the

 5  dual enrollment program that is contained within the common

 6  course designation and numbering system.  However,

 7  college-preparatory and other forms of precollegiate

 8  instruction, and physical education and other courses that

 9  focus on the physical execution of a skill rather than the

10  intellectual attributes of the activity, may not be so

11  approved, but must be evaluated individually for potential

12  inclusion in the dual enrollment program.

13         (7)  The Department of Education shall provide the

14  Articulation Coordinating Committee with the staff support and

15  resources necessary to implement the provisions of this

16  section.

17         (8)  The State Board of Education may adopt rules

18  necessary to implement the provisions of this section pursuant

19  to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54.


21  (Redesignate subsequent sections.)



24  ================ T I T L E   A M E N D M E N T ===============

25  And the title is amended as follows:

26         On page 1, line 5, after the semicolon


28  insert:

29         amending s. 229.551, F.S.; clarifying the duty

30         of the Commissioner of Education regarding the

31         common course designation and numbering system

    4:27 PM   05/01/00                                h2105c-0529s

                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. HB 2105

    Amendment No.    

 1         for postsecondary education in school

 2         districts; revising the membership of the

 3         Articulation Coordinating Committee; requiring

 4         the Articulation Coordinating Committee to

 5         identify and recommend to the State Board of

 6         Education postsecondary courses that meet high

 7         school graduation requirements; amending s.

 8         232.246, F.S.; providing for the award of

 9         credit toward graduation requirements for

10         equivalent courses taken through dual

11         enrollment; prohibiting increased graduation

12         requirements from applying to dual enrollment

13         students; deleting the requirement that certain

14         special instruction be funded from the state

15         compensatory education funds of the district;

16         amending s. 232.2462, F.S.; requiring the

17         Articulation Coordinating Committee to define

18         credit for purposes of articulated acceleration

19         programs; amending s. 236.081, F.S.; providing

20         community college reimbursement for high school

21         student coenrollment, regardless of whether the

22         instruction counts as credit toward high school

23         graduation; removing an obsolete cross

24         reference; amending s. 240.116, F.S.;

25         clarifying the intent of articulated

26         acceleration programs; clarifying funding for

27         dual enrollment; authorizing community college

28         boards of trustees to adopt additional

29         admissions criteria for dual enrollment

30         programs; requiring that certain information be

31         provided to students regarding dual enrollment

    4:27 PM   05/01/00                                h2105c-0529s

                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. HB 2105

    Amendment No.    

 1         programs; requiring an annual assessment and

 2         planning to meet the demand for dual

 3         enrollment; deleting the requirement that

 4         participating in the early admission program be

 5         limited to students who have completed a

 6         certain number of semesters in secondary

 7         school; providing for credit earned by home

 8         education students through dual enrollment

 9         courses to apply toward the completion of a

10         home education program; authorizing the

11         adoption of rules; amending s. 240.1161, F.S.;

12         requiring superintendents of schools and

13         community college presidents to jointly develop

14         and implement comprehensive articulated

15         acceleration programs; requiring a plan by

16         which a community college will provide guidance

17         services to dually enrolled students;

18         encouraging a postsecondary education objective

19         to be identified by the students; requiring the

20         advisement process to identify specific courses

21         to meet the student objective; requiring use of

22         a certain automated system; requiring district

23         interinstitutional articulation agreements to

24         include additional provisions regarding dual

25         enrollment programs; requiring the Articulation

26         Coordinating Committee to review articulation

27         agreements and certify common course code

28         numbers of postsecondary courses that meet high

29         school graduation requirements; requiring the

30         Articulation Coordinating Committee, rather

31         than the Department of Education, to approve

    4:27 PM   05/01/00                                h2105c-0529s

                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. HB 2105

    Amendment No.    

 1         courses for inclusion in the dual enrollment

 2         program that are contained within the common

 3         course designation and numbering system;

 4         requiring the Department of Education to

 5         provide the Articulation Coordinating Committee

 6         with staff support and resources; authorizing

 7         the adoption of rules;

























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