CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 2113

    Amendment No. 003 (for drafter's use only)

                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                                 .
 2                                 .
 3                                 .

 5                                           ORIGINAL STAMP BELOW






11  Representative(s) Roberts offered the following:


13         Amendment (with title amendment) 

14  Remove from the bill:  Everything after the enacting clause


16  and insert in lieu thereof:

17         Section 1.  Florida-Africa Market Expansion Program.--

18         (1)  There is created within Enterprise Florida, Inc.,

19  the Florida-Africa Market Expansion Program to increase trade

20  between Florida and the nations of Africa. To accomplish such

21  increased trade activity, Enterprise Florida, Inc., may assist

22  small and medium-sized Florida businesses and manufacturers in

23  exporting their products to African nation or importing

24  products from African nations.

25         (2)  Enterprise Florida, Inc., may coordinate with

26  appropriate organizations and education institutions, and

27  shall contract with entities to expand trade between Florida

28  and Africa. The coordination may encompass market development,

29  market promotion and research, and educational and information

30  services to maximize the resources and information services

31  for the expansion of trade between Florida and the Africa


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 2113

    Amendment No. 003 (for drafter's use only)

 1  nations. Enterprise Florida, Inc., may provide support for

 2  local business-development programs that provide business

 3  information on Africa and promote bilateral business

 4  opportunities. Enterprise Florida, Inc., may establish Florida

 5  international representation in Africa for the purpose of

 6  expanding business and cultural and infrastructure ties

 7  between Florida and Africa.

 8         (3)  To accomplish these activities, Enterprise

 9  Florida, Inc., shall, contingent upon a specific

10  appropriation, contract with a Florida based not-for-profit

11  organization which is tax exempt under s. 501(c)(3) of the

12  Internal Revenue Code, and which is involved in international

13  trade activities and has cultural ties with ambassadors,

14  presidents, and other officials and entities in West Africa.

15  Enterprise Florida, Inc., shall give priority for such

16  contract to an organization currently under contract or

17  otherwise associated with Enterprise Florida, Inc., relating

18  to international trade activities in West Africa.

19         Section 2.  Florida-Caribbean Basin Trade Initiative.--

20         (1)  Contingent upon a specific appropriation, the

21  Seaport Employment Training Grant Program (STEP) shall

22  establish and administer the Florida-Caribbean Basin Trade

23  Initiative for the purpose of assisting small and medium-sized

24  businesses to become involved in international activities and

25  helping them to identify markets with product demand, identify

26  strategic alliances in those markets, and obtain the financing

27  to effectuate trade opportunities in the Caribbean Basin. The

28  initiative must focus assistance to businesses located in

29  urban communities. The initiative shall offer export

30  readiness, assistance and referral services, internships,

31  seminars, workshops, conferences, and e-commerce plus


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    hbt0004                     05:36 pm         02113-0108-564147

                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 2113

    Amendment No. 003 (for drafter's use only)

 1  mentoring and matchmaking services, but shall coordinate with

 2  and not duplicate those services provided by Enterprise

 3  Florida, Inc.

 4         (2)  To enhance initiative effectiveness and leverage

 5  resources, STEP shall coordinate initiative activities with

 6  Enterprise Florida, Inc., U.S. Export Assistance Centers,

 7  Florida Export Finance Corporation, Florida Trade Data Center,

 8  Small Business Development Centers, and any other

 9  organizations STEP deems appropriate. The coordination may

10  encompass export assistance and referral services, export

11  financing, job-training programs, educational programs, market

12  research and development, market promotion, trade missions,

13  e-commerce, and mentoring and matchmaking services relative to

14  the expansion of trade between Florida and the Caribbean

15  Basin. The initiative shall also form alliances with

16  multilateral, international, and domestic funding programs

17  from Florida, the United States, and the Caribbean Basin to

18  coordinate systems and programs for fundamental assistance in

19  facilitating trade and investment.

20         (3)  STEP shall administer the Florida-Caribbean Basin

21  Trade Initiative pursuant to a performance-based contract with

22  the Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development. The

23  Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development shall

24  develop performance measures, standards, and sanctions for the

25  initiative. Performance measures must include, but are not

26  limited to, the number of businesses assisted; the number of

27  urban businesses assisted; and the increase in value of

28  exports to the Caribbean which is attributable to the

29  initiative.




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    hbt0004                     05:36 pm         02113-0108-564147

                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 2113

    Amendment No. 003 (for drafter's use only)

 1  ================ T I T L E   A M E N D M E N T ===============

 2  And the title is amended as follows:

 3         On page 1, lines 2-10,

 4  remove from the title of the bill:  all of said lines


 6  and insert in lieu thereof:

 7         An act relating to international trade;

 8         providing for the establishment of the

 9         Florida-Africa Market Expansion Program by

10         Enterprise Florida, Inc., contingent upon a

11         specific appropriation; providing the purpose

12         of the program; describing program; providing

13         authority; requiring Enterprise Florida, Inc.,

14         to contract with a not-for-profit organization;

15         providing criteria; providing for the

16         establishment of the Florida-Caribbean Basin

17         Trade Initiative by the Seaport Employment

18         Training Grant Program contingent upon a

19         specific appropriation; providing purpose of

20         the initiative; providing responsibilities of

21         the Seaport Employment Training Grant Program;

22         providing for a performance-based contract with

23         the Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic

24         Development; providing an effective date.









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