CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 2115

    Amendment No. 01 (for drafter's use only)

                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                                 .
 2                                 .
 3                                 .

 5                                           ORIGINAL STAMP BELOW






11  Representative(s) Ogles offered the following:


13         Substitute Amendment for Amendment (245047) 

14         On page 7, line 14 through

15         page 8, line 9

16  remove from the bill:  all of said lines


18  and insert in lieu thereof:

19         (j)(h)  Provide for an annual financial and compliance

20  audit of its financial accounts and records by an independent

21  certified public accountant in accordance with generally

22  accepted auditing standards conjunction with the Auditor

23  General. The annual audit report shall include a detailed

24  supplemental schedule of expenditures for each expenditure

25  category and a management letter. The annual audit report must

26  be submitted to the board, and the department, and the Auditor

27  General for review and approval. Copies of the audit must be

28  submitted to the secretary and the Legislature together with

29  any other information requested by the secretary, the board,

30  or the Legislature. The Auditor General may, pursuant to his

31  or her own authority or at the direction of the Legislative


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 2115

    Amendment No. 01 (for drafter's use only)

 1  Auditing Committee, conduct an audit of the corporation.

 2         (k)  Provide for persons charged with the

 3  responsibility of receiving and depositing fee and fine

 4  revenues to have a faithful performance bond in such an amount

 5  and according to such terms as shall be determined in the

 6  contract.

 7         l(i)  Submit to the secretary, the board, and the

 8  Legislature, on or before January 1 of each year, a report on

 9  the status of the corporation which includes, but is not

10  limited to, information concerning the programs and funds that

11  have been transferred to the corporation. The report must

12  include: the number of license applications received; the

13  number approved and denied and the number of licenses issued;

14  the number of examinations administered and the number of

15  applicants who passed or failed the examination; the number of

16  complaints received; the number determined to be legally

17  sufficient; the number dismissed; the number determined to

18  have probable cause; the number of administrative complaints

19  issued and the status of the complaints; and the number and

20  nature of disciplinary actions taken by the board.

21         (m)  Develop, with the department, performance

22  standards and measurable outcomes for the board to adopt by

23  rule in order to facilitate efficient and cost-effective

24  regulation.









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