Senate Bill 2198
CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
Florida Senate - 2000 (NP) SR 2198
By Senator Carlton
1 Senate Resolution No.
2 A resolution commending Mote Marine Laboratory
3 on 45 years of public service and recognizing
4 March 28, 2000, as Mote Day.
6 WHEREAS, Mote Marine Laboratory, an independent
7 nonprofit organization, has served the State of Florida and
8 its residents well for 45 years, and
9 WHEREAS, Mote Marine Laboratory is recognized
10 throughout the world for its excellence in marine research and
11 education, and
12 WHEREAS, Mote Marine Laboratory has continuously
13 performed public service in this state through marine and
14 environmental research and education, and
15 WHEREAS, Mote Marine Laboratory operates an aquarium
16 that is a world-class education facility in the environmental
17 and marine sciences, and
18 WHEREAS, Mote Marine Laboratory is celebrating its 45th
19 anniversary with a year-long celebration that began on January
20 3, 2000, NOW, THEREFORE,
22 Be It Resolved by the Senate of the State of Florida:
24 That Mote Marine Laboratory is commended for its
25 outstanding accomplishments and public service in marine and
26 environmental research and education.
27 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Senate recognizes March
28 28, 2000, as "Mote Day" in honor of Mote Marine Laboratory's
29 services to the residents of Florida.